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1、常见英文面试问题109道及答案常见英文面试问题109道及答案(一)1.How would you describe yourself?Sample excelle nt resp on se: My backgrou nd to date has bee n cen tered arou nd prepari ng myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how Ive prepared myself. I am an un dergraduat

2、e stude nt in finance and accou nting at Uni versity. My past experie nces has bee n in retail and higher educati on. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.2.What specific goals, in clud ing those related to your occupati on, have you established for your life?Sample excelle nt resp on

3、se: I want to be worki ng for an excelle nt compa ny like yours in a job in which I am managing in formati on. I pla n to con tribute my leadership, in terpers on al, and technical skills. My long-range career goal is to be the best information systems technician I can for the compa ny I work for.3.

4、How has your college experie nee prepared you for a bus in ess career?Sample excelle nt resp on se: I have prepared myself to tra nsiti on into the the work force through real-world experie nce in volv ing travel abroad, intern ship, and en trepre neurial opportu nities. While in ter ning with a pri

5、vate orga ni zati on in Ecuador, I developed a 15-page marketi ng pla n composed in Spanish that recomme nded more effective ways the compa ny could promote its services. I also traveled abroad on two other occasi ons in which I researched the in dige nous culture of the Maya n In dia ns in Todos Sa

6、n tos, Guatemala, and participate din a total la nguage immersio n program in Costa Rica. As you can see from my academic, extracurricular, and experie ntial backgrou nd, I have uncon diti on ally committed myself to success as a market ing professi on al.4.Please describe the ideal job for you foll

7、owi ng graduati on.Sample excellent response (equates ideal job with job hes interviewing for): My ideal job is one that in corporates both my educati on and practical work skills to be the best I can be. Namely combining my education in finance with my working knowledge of customer service operatio

8、ns, entrepreneurial abilities, computer skills, and administrative skills. I want to utilize my analyticalexpertise to help people meet their financial goals. This is exactly why I am convinced that I would be a very valuable member of the Merrill Lynch team.5.What in flue need you to choose this ca

9、reer?Sample excelle nt resp on se: My past experie nces have show n me that I enjoy facing and overco ming the challe nge of making a sale. Without a doubt, once I have practiced my prese ntati on and prepared myself for objecti on s, I feel very con fide nt approachi ng people I dont know and convi

10、ncing them that they n eed my product. Lastly, I like sales because my potential for success is limited only by how much of myself I dedicate toward my goal. If any professi on is foun ded on self-determ ini sm, it surely must be sales.6.At what point did you choose this career?Sample excelle nt res

11、p on se: I knew that I wan ted to pursue in formatio n systems tech no logy about my sophomore year in college. It was the n that I realized that my that my hobby (computers) was taking up most of my time. My favorite courses were IT courses. I also realized that I was doing computer-orie nted work-

12、study that I enjo yed so much I would have done it for free.7.What specific goals have you established for your career?Sample excellent response: My goals include becoming a Certified Financial Advisor so I can obtain a better working knowledge of financial research analysis, which would allow me co

13、n tribute to my clie nt base as a better finan cial con sulta nt since I would have that extra in sight into the compa nies they are seek ing to in vest in. Also this is the foun dati on block to adva ncing my career to portfolio man ager or eve n branch office man ager.8.What will it take to attain

14、 your goals, and what steps have you taken toward attai ning them?Sample excellent response: Ive already done some research on other workers at Merrill Lynch to see how they achieved similar goals. I know that Merrill Lynch encourages the pursuit and will reimburse for tuiti on of a graduate degree.

15、 I pla n on pursui ng a MBA to give me an eve n more exte nsive kno wledge of bus in ess and finan cial an alysis.9.What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?Sample excelle nt resp on se: I believe successful salespeople put forth that extra effort that turns potential clients into

16、first-time customers. Salespeople who attend to the details by doing whatever it takes to win over a prospective customer disti nguish themselves from the cou ntless others who dont go to any extra effort. Second, I think that if you label success as anatta in able goal, you will n ever con siste nt

17、ly rema in successful. You can only succeed if you lear n all there is to lear n about your product, your competitors, and pers onal selli ng. Since this learning process is con ti nuous, its an un atta in able goal. With good reas on, salespeople should not con sider success an atta in able ending

18、point but an objective that will always lin ger slightly bey ond their reach.10.How do you determ ine or evaluate success? Give me an example of one of your successful accomplishme nts.Sample excelle nt resp on se:Last semester I was hired by by universitys Council for Student Activities. The group

19、negotiates con tracts of en terta in ers, sets up sou nd equipme nt, markets the en terta iners to stude nts, and gen erally decides what kind of program ming should be done. When I got hired, I did nt know the first thing about how fill any of those resp on sibilities. I decided, however, that I wa

20、s nt going to fail. Four mon ths later, I have become the Webmaster for the group. I also write our campus n ewsletter and created Game Night, a stude nt competiti on of table games. That eve nt yielded the biggest audie nee ever for a non-con cert eve nt.11.Do you have the qualifications and person

21、al characteristics necessary for success in your chose n career?Sample excelle nt resp on se: I believe I have a comb in ati on of qualities to be successful in this career. First, I have a strong interest, backed by a solid, well-rounded, state-of-the-art educati on, especially in a career that is

22、tech ni cally orie nted. This basic in gredie nt, backed by love of learni ng, problem-solvi ng skills, well-rou nded in terests, determ in ati on to succeed and excel, strong communication skills, and the ability to work hard, are the most important qualities that will help me succeed in this caree

23、r. To succeed, you also need a natural curiosity about how systems work - the kind of curiosity I dem on strated whe n I upgraded my two computers rece ntly. Tech no logy is con sta ntly cha nging, so you must a fast lear ner just to keep up or you will be overwhelmed. All of these traits combine to

24、 create a solid team member in the ever-changing field of information systems. I am convinced that I possess these characteristics and am ready to be a successful team member for your firm.12.What has bee n your most reward ing accomplishme nt?Sample excelle nt resp on se: A rece nt satisfy ing acco

25、mplishme nt I was sent to one of our bra nch banks that was no torious for not grow ing their loa n base. The branch had logged $75,000 in new loans in an 18-month period prior to my arrival. Having a reputation as a hired gun when it came to loan production I was successful in the solicitation and

26、booking of $700,000 in my first six mon ths at the bran ch.13.If you could do so, how would you pla n your college career differe ntly?Sample excelle nt resp on se: I would nt cha nge any thi ng. All that I have done was a great learning experie nce that I will carry forward throughout the rest of m

27、y life.14.Are you more energized by working with data or by collaborating with other in dividuals?Sample excellent response: I like the validity of information and also like the energy that comes with work ing with people. The best thing about work ing in a group is comb ining the great minds from d

28、iffere nt perspectives and coming up with someth ing extremely great, compared with whe n youre work ing alone. At the same time, in formati on can gen erate vitality in the project youre worki ng on. No matter how many heads youve got together, without in formati on, you cant go very far. The perfe

29、ct situati on would be a comb in ati on of work ing with in formati on and people, and Im con fide nt of my abilities in both areas. Submitted by Stacey15.How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a member of a team?Sample excelle nt resp on se: I have had many opportu niti

30、es in both athletics and academics to develop my skills as a team player. My ten ure as a rower with my colleges crew team serves as a good example. I lear ned a great deal about teamwork while row ing because all the rowers in the boat must act as one, which meant that we in cessa ntly worked to ke

31、ep each moveme nt in the boat syn chr oni zed. On an in dividual basis, we still worked toward group goals through weightlifting and land-rowing. My experience as a marketing research team leader also helped me to learn the role of team player. I viewed my position as that of group leader and of gro

32、up member. I en sured that every one in the group had equal opportu nity to con tribute, maintained excelle nt commu ni cati on among group members, and coord in ated their en ergies toward reachi ng our teams goal.16.What motivates you to put forth you greatest effort?Sample excellent response: You would think that because I am interested in sales, only finan cial compe nsati on would motivate me to achieve. Although mon etary rewards are importa nt to me, I am drive n to succeed intern ally. More tha n anythin g, I want to be respected by my frie nds and coworkers for being the

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