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1、毕业论文参考模板写论文的同学打印附件4:毕业论文参考模板 毕 业 论 文Linguistic Features of Business English Correspondence (英语论文只使用英文题目,Times New Roman 字体,一号字,居中,加粗)系别:外国语系专业名称:英 语(此处均为4号楷体)学生姓名:许学号:23040011018指导教师姓名、职称: 讲师(教师职称,不加括号,尚无职称者只写姓名)完成日期 年 月 日FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENTZhongshan College UESTCDeclaration of Academic Int

2、egrity 学术诚信声明I promise that the thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutes of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, e

3、xcept when due reference is made in the text of the thesis. I understand that to do so would mean that I had committed plagiarism, and that it is my responsibility to be aware of the Colleges regulations on plagiarism and their importance.Signed: (亲笔签上中文名和日期) Date: 电子科技大学中山学院毕业论文任务书系 别:外国语系(此处均为4号宋体

4、)专 业:英语学 生 姓 名:许学 号:23040011018设计(论文)题目:Linguistic Features of Business English Correspondence(4号New Times Roman)起 迄 日 期:2008年10月15日2009年5月10日设计(论文)地点:电子科技大学中山学院指 导 教 师:专业教研室负责人:发任务书日期: 2009 年 11月 15 日毕 业 论 文 任 务 书1本毕业论文课题应达到的目的:通过搜索并查阅资料,提取有用信息,结合外贸英语函电实例,探索外贸英语函电在国际商务往来当中的使用,分析外贸英语函电的语言特点,这对外贸英语函电

5、的写作和学习,以及如何达到有效的商业交流具有一定的借鉴意义。同时通过论文写作,提高英语的综合利用能力和培养规范论文写作的能力。(此页均为小4号宋体,1.25倍行距)2本毕业论文课题任务的内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等):(1) 本文以外贸英语函电为例,运用所学的英语知识,商务知识等, 结合举例对比的手法,从文体、语言、语用等方面对外贸函电英语的特点进行全面的分析.(2)通过图书馆,互联网和报纸期刊杂志等多种途径大量搜集并阅读国内外相关文献和资料,以实际的例子来支撑论点,做到论据充足合理,阐述清晰,使论文更有说服力和影响力。(3)(4)(此页均为小4号宋体,1.25倍行距)毕 业

6、 论 文 任 务 书3对本毕业论文课题成果的要求包括毕业论文、图表、实物样品等: 通过阅读相关的文献和文章,上网查阅资料,做笔记,撰写结构合理,条理清楚,文字通顺的约5000字的英语论文。4主要参考文献:1 Arvani, Mansour. A Discourse Analysis of Business Letters Written by Iranians & Native SpeakersJ. The Asian ESP Journal, 2006 (1)2 Baugh, L.Sue, Maridell Fryar and David Thomas. Handbook for Busin

7、ess Writing M. IIIinois: National Textbook Company, 1986: 125-127.3 Lewis, M. Implementing the Lexical ApproachM. Hove: Language Teaching Publications, 1997: 23-35.4 Brown, Kenneth G. & David J. Barton. Brief Guide to Business Writing. http:/ 2007-4-8. (网

8、上文章必须注明详细网页及查询日期,期刊网文章除外) 9 曹玲. 英语商务信函M. 北京:外语教育与研究出版社,,2000:12-25.10 朱建翔. 外贸英语措辞的特点J. 平顶山工学院学报,2006 (15).(中文用宋体,英文用Times New Roman, 五号,1.25倍行距,论文题目和著作名称使用英文斜体,特别注意标点符号。)毕 业 论 文 任 务 书5本毕业论文课题工作进度计划:起 迄 日 期工 作 内 容(用阿拉伯数字) 如:2007-11-12007-11-12 选定论文题目,收集资料,筛选资料。(这里所填内容仅供参考,各位同学根据各自具体情况填写) 根据收集的资料,着手写论

9、文,初步定下第一稿。 根据导师的批改,从内容,格式上进行第二次修改。 根据导师意见进行第二稿修改,并严格按照学院对毕业生论文格式的要求,重新排版论文,仔细检查句子的拼写和语法、标点符号、句子衔接。指导教师审查意见:(指导教师审查意见不能迟于 2009年 11月 20日,审查意见必须手写,不要打印)指导教师(签名): 年 月 日外贸英语函电的语言特点(宋体 二号 居中 加粗 空一行)摘 要(空两格 小四 黑体 加粗 1.5倍行距):作为当今经济主流的国际贸易在过去20年里发展迅速。正如Arvani所说:“参与世界贸易,就必然需要一种国际认同的语言在国际贸易领域,诸如货物、服务、技术规格、财政报告

10、或者其他方面,全球有千千万万本土和非本土的使用者运用英语。”换言之,国际贸易迫切需要贸易英语,同时外贸英语函电则成了国际商业交流不可或缺的部分。 外贸函电英语是一门特殊用途英语,有着自身的语言特色。外贸英语函电写作通常有七大原则:体谅、完整、正确、具体、简洁、清楚和礼貌。这七大原则其实就是经典语用原则(其中的合作原则和礼貌原则)在写作中的体现。具体表现在:“正确”体现了“质”的准则;“完整”体现了“量”的准则。同时,外贸英语函电中大量使用的礼貌表达方法、虚拟语气和 you-attitude 句子都是礼貌原则的体现。 因此,本文以外贸英语函电为例,结合举例对比的手法,从文体、语言、语用等方面对外

11、贸函电英语的特点进行全面的分析。这对外贸英语函电的写作和学习,以及如何达到有效的商业交流具有一定的借鉴意义。(宋体 小四,1.5倍行距;篇幅在1015 行)关键词(空两格 小四 黑体 加粗):外贸英语函电;文体分析;语言分析;语用分析 (宋体 小四;三五个词)Linguistic Features of Business English Correspondence(Times New Roam 二号 居中 加粗)(首行空2格)Abstract: International business, as a mainstream of economy today, has grown consid

12、erably in the past two decades. According to Arvani, “to be involved in the world business, there is always a need for an internationally accepted languageEnglish is used in global business for transactions in goods and services, technical specifications, financial reports, and other purposes among

13、non-native and native speakers throughout the world.” In other words, the international commercial affairs demand business English greatly, and business English correspondence became an indispensable part of international business communication. English in business correspondence is an ESP with its

14、unique linguistic features. It is acknowledged by almost all business people that there are seven writing principles in business correspondence: Consideration, Completeness, Correctness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Clarity and Courtesy. They are in fact the reflection and demonstration of the classic

15、al pragmatic principles, mainly of CP and PP. The “correctness” of 7cs is the requirement of the quality maxim; the “completeness” reflects the quantity maxim. Meanwhile, the polite expression, the subjunctive mood, and the you-attitude sentence, which are widely used in business English corresponde

16、nce, embody the Politeness Principle. Therefore, taking authentic business English correspondence as example and adopting illustrations and comparisons, this thesis makes a careful analysis on the linguistic features of business English correspondence from stylistics, linguistics, and pragmatics. Th

17、is is to offer people some references for drafting business English correspondence and learning business English, and for achieving effective business communication. (Times New Roman 12,1.5倍行距)(首行空2格)Key words: business English correspondence; stylistics analysis; linguistic analysis(Times New Roman

18、 12; 3-5words) CONTENTS(Times New Roman 16加粗)(空一行,1.5倍行距)1 Introduction(Times New Roman 14). .11.1 Definition of business English correspondence(Times New Roman 12). 22 Literature review. 22.1 Introduction to the research background. 33 Analysis of linguistic features in business English corresponde

19、nce . 4 3.1 Stylistic analysis of business English correspondence . 42.2 Linguistic analysis of business English correspondence . 5 2.2.1 Lexical level. 82.2.2 Syntactical level.12.5 Conclusions. 15References. 16Acknowledgements . 17(注意:只有一级标题加粗,其余级别的标题均不加粗。所有标题均为首字母大写,其余小写,专有名词除外。目录中的页码必须靠右对齐,且必须与正

20、文页码相符合。)1 Introduction(Times New Roman 14 加粗)(正文内容Body部分,1.25倍行距,两端对齐,段落首行缩进2字符。段前、段后间距选择自动;左边距为2.50,右边距为2.0,上下边距为2.50)The advent of the 21st century has accompanied globalization in scientific, technical, and economic activities on an international scale, which has magnified the role of English lan

21、guage in international communications. Hence, in order to achieve better and more effective results in international trade, the relevant authorities in non-native companies should be proficient in using business English.(Times New Roman 12)International business as a mainstream of economy today has

22、grown considerably in the past two decades. Moreover, since Chinas entry to the WTO, business activities and information exchange across borders have been increasingly popular. Therefore, almost all the business communities have realized the significance of essential communicating skills. Among busi

23、ness communication tools, “the Internet has brought new tools for communicating quickly, such as e-mail, instant messaging, and text messaging, but a carefully written letter still has its place.”That is to say, business English correspondence remains an indispensable part of business communication

24、and it is closely related to the development of business relationships. Without them, many of the ordinary activities of business would be impossible. Business English correspondences are used to sell products or services, request 2 Literature review(Times New Roman 14 加粗)2.1 Introduction to the res

25、earch background(Times New Roman 12 加粗) (注:页码编排从正文开始,使用阿拉伯数字。正文之前的非论文内容使用小写罗马数字)5 Conclusions(Times New Roman 14 加粗)From the above analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:Business English correspondence is a bridge built for international trade and is the main means of connecting a business

26、firm and its customers together. It plays more and more important role in nowadays business world. With the development of modern society, the outdated style of business English correspondence is superseded by the modern style. In other words, business language tends to be informal. However, stylist

27、ics, linguistics, and pragmatics are still concerned with the language as a purposeful phenomenon. So this thesis investigates the language in business English correspondence from the three main perspectives under a general view of effective communication. In general, 4 kinds of words are often used

28、 in business letters: common words, business terms, professional terms, and abbreviations. And the sentences in business tend to be in positive form and passive voice.Furthermore, the language in business English correspondence is in strict accordance with the 7Cs principles (consideration, complete

29、ness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy), which are in fact the reflection of the classical pragmatic principles, mainly of CP and PP. CP is vital in guiding the writing of business English correspondence, and PP is especially useful in achieving effective business communi

30、cation.References(Times New Roman 14 加粗)1 Arvani, Mansour. A Discourse Analysis of Business Letters Written by Iranians & Native SpeakersJ. The Asian ESP Journal, 2006 (1)2 Baugh, L.Sue, Maridell Fryar and David Thomas. Handbook for Business Writing M. IIIinois: National Textbook Company, 1986: 125-127.3 Le

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