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人教版新目标九年级英语教案Unit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.docx

1、人教版新目标九年级英语教案Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesPeriod 2教学目标1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary:earring, instead of (2) Target Language2. Ability Objects (1)Train students listening skill. (2)Train students

2、communicative competence.3. Moral Object You should have the courage of your opinions.教材分析1. Teaching Key PointTarget language2. Teaching Difficult PointAgreement and disagreement实施教学过程设计Step RevisionPlay a game to review the structure be used to do.Write sentence starters on separate pieces of pape

3、r as follows:Im allowed to;My brother isnt allowed to;Students should not allowed to;Put the papers in a paper bag. Put students into teams. Each team chooses a slip from the bag. Set a time limit of five minutes. Each team writes as many sentences and reasons as they can. When time is up, collect t

4、heir answers. Each team gets one point for each correct sentence and one point for each correct reason. The team which gets the most points wins the game.Step 2aThis activity provides practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the picture and ask students what is happ

5、ening. Elicit answers from students.T: Whats the boy doing?Ss: He is working part-time.T: What are the girls doing?Ss: They are talking.Point to the statements in the chart. Have students look them through. Answer any questions students raise to make sure they comprehend each sentence.Point to the l

6、ists of responses. Say, You are to hear Kathy and Molly having a conversation. Kathy will make some statements. Listen and check what Kathy thinks and circle Agrees, Disagrees or Doesnt know to show what Molly thinks. Point out the sample answers,Play the recording for the first time. Students only

7、listen.Play the recording again. This time students listen and check what Kathy thinks and circle if Molly Agrees, Disagrees or Doesnt know.Check the answers.AnswersKathy The following sentences should be checked:1,2,3,4,5Molly 1. Disagrees 2. Agrees 3. Doesnt know 4. Disagrees 5. Doesnt knowStep 2b

8、This activity provides practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the list of reasons in the box. Invite a student to read them to the class.Say, You are to hear the same conversation again. This time number their reasons in the correct order as you hear on the rec

9、ording. Point out the sample answers.Play the recording again. Students listen and number the reasons.Check the answers.AnswersThe correct order should be:4,1,5,2,3Step 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Ask students for suggestions t

10、hat teenagers should and should not be allowed to do.Remind them to look back at Activities 1a and 2a. For example, students might say,Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions. Teenagers above seventeen should be allowed to join the army. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to stay uppoint

11、to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to say it to the class,completing the sentences. SA: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work part-time?SB: Yes, I think they should learn to be independence.Ask another pair to demonstrate a new conversation.SA: Do you think teenagers sh

12、ould be allowed to drive?SB: No, I dont think they are old enough to drive.Have students work in pairs. Move around the room listening in on various pairs and offering any help they may need.Check the answers by asking different pairs to say their conversations to the class. Note: Answers will vary.

13、Step Grammar FocusAsk different pairs of students to say the statements and questions. Write them on the blackboard. Check how well students understand each sentence by asking a student to repeat it in his/her own words. Point out I disagree, I agree and Do you think ? If necessary, give students mo

14、re practice.Grammar noteDont explain the structure “be allowed to” to students. Its too complex for students to understand at this point. So it can be studied almost as if it were a vocabulary item at this level.Step Summary and HomeworkSay, In this class, weve done a lot of listening and speaking p

15、ractice using the target language. And weve also talk about agreement and disagreement. Review the grammar box to get a further understanding of the target language.课题 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Period 3教学目标1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:stay up(2) Target

16、Language2. Ability Object Train students integrating skills.3. Moral Object Students may think parents should allow them more freedom. In fact, they are weak in telling the right from wrong. So accept parents advice.教材分析1.Teaching Key PointsTalk about what oneself is or isnt allowed to do using the

17、target language.Ask for what someone is or isnt allowed to do using the target language.2. Teaching Difficult PointTrain students integrating skills by task-based activities.实施教学过程设计Step RevisionPlay a game to review the structure be or be not allowed to.Divide the class into groups. Each group is a

18、sked to make a list of school rules.The group which writes down the most rules within five minutes wins the game.Step 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Point to the picture and ask students to describe it.Invite a pair of students to read the conversatio

19、n to the class.Call students attention to the chart. Say, You are to read the conversation again and write Sun Feis and Wu Yus rules in the chart. Ask a student to read the sample answers to the class.Get students to complete the chart individually. Remind them to use Dont and You can.As they are wo

20、rking this, move around the room answering any questions students raise about the conversation and offering language support as needed. Check the answers.AnswersSun Fei: You have to be home by 10:00 p.m.Wu Yu: You have to stay at home on school nights.You can go to the movies with friends on Friday

21、nights.You can go shopping with friends on Saturday afternoon.You can choose your own clothes.Dont get your ears pierced.Step 3bThis activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language. Focus attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class, compl

22、eting the last sentence. SA: What rules do you have at home?SB: Well, Im not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?SA: Im not allowed to go out on school nights, either. But I can study at a friends house.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Say, Please cover the conversation in Acti

23、vity 3a. Using the information in the chart, make new conversations in pairs.Get students to complete the work in pairs. Move around the room checking progress and offering any help students need.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step 3bThis activity provides listening an

24、d speaking practice using the target language. Focus attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class, completing the last sentence. SA: What rules do you have at home?SB: Well, Im not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?SA: Im not allowed to go out on scho

25、ol nights, either. But I can study at a friends house.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Say, Please cover the conversation in Activity 3a. Using the information in the chart, make new conversations in pairs.Get students to complete the work in pairs. Move around the room checking progress and

26、 offering any help students need.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Call students attention to the chart. Set a time limit of on

27、e minute.Students read the headlines at the top and at the sides.Demonstrate how to fill in the chart with a student.T: Do you have to go home after school, Wei Ming?W: Yes,I do.T: Are you allowed to stay up until 11 : 00 p.m.?W: No, Im not.T: Tell students where to write Wei Ming in the chart.Say,

28、You are to ask different students in the class and find three people who have to follow each of the rules in the chart.Ask students to complete the chart. Allow them to stand up and move around the room. Walk around the room checking progress and offering help with pronunciation and writing.Ask seve

29、ral students to tell the class what they learned. For example, a student might say, Wei Ming has to go home after school. Liu Chang is allowed to stay up until 11:00 p.m. and so forth.Review the task. Ask, who has to go home after school? Count the hands and let students keep a record. Do the same a

30、pproach with the other items. Discuss the results with the class.Optional activityAsk students to create a chart similar to the one in Activity 4. Then make a different list of rules from the ones in the book. Get them to complete the activity by going around the class and filling in the chart.Step

31、Summary and HomeworkSay, In this class, weve learned to talk about oneself is or isnt allowed to do and ask for someone is or isnt allowed to do. 教学反思课题 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Period 4教学目标1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary:be strict with, take a test, pass a test, fail a test (2)Target Language2. Ability Objects (1) Train students listening skill. (2) Train students ability to talk about agreement and disagreement.3. Moral Object Its good manners to be on time.教材分析1. Tea

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