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1、八年级下英语易错题及答案 集团企业公司编码:(LL3698-KKI1269-TM2483-LUI12689-ITT289-DQS58-MG198)八年级下英语易错题及答案八年级下册英语易错题答案1、选择题1、Did you go to Zhou Jieluns concert last night Yes . The concert was wonderful and it A a beautiful song. (end wiht 以结尾,且本题应使用一般过去时)A. ended with B. ends with C. ends of D. ended of 2、When we feel

2、disappointed, Mr. Ye can always B . Yeah, hes really cool!A. cheers us up B. cheer us up C. cheers up us D. cheer up us(cheer up 使振作起来,代词作宾语时,置于cheer up中间,且情态动词can后接动词原形)3、Kangkang failed B last math exam because he was careless.A. pass B. to pass C. finish D. to finish(fail to do sth. 没能做某事;pass th

3、e exam 考试及格)4、The girl is still crying A her father gives her lots of toys and chocolate.A. even though (即使) B. because C. but also D. if5、Is that your best friend SallyNo, it B be her. She flew to Hong Kong yesterday.A. mustnt B. cant (表示否定的推测) C. may not D. must6、I will never forget the accident C

4、 it happened five years ago.A. only if B. only when C. even though (even if 即使的意思,即使那个可怕的事故发生在很久以前了,我仍然忘不掉它)7、People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems D this month.A. On B. At D. During (只有during可跟时间段)8、How many people are there in the school C .They all went to the theater

5、.A、Nobody B、No one C、None (nobldy“没有人”,相当于no one,可回答who引导的问句。none“没有人或物”,指三个或三个以上数量的人或物,可回答how many/how much引导的问句。由句意和all可推断选none。)9、It rang and rang. Her mother heard the C . “Why dont you answer the telephone, Sue” she asked. A、voice(嗓音) B、cry(哭声) C、sound (声音,电话声音用sound) 10、What is happiness ( A )

6、(幸福是什么B是答非所问) A、Your parents care for your life and health B、Happiness is for everyone C、The rich have cars but they walk in their free time. 11、Why did the teacher C John to the teachers office after classBecause he our teacher angry in class.A、make, got B、let, made C、get, made D、got, make (第一空用动词原

7、形并且后接不定式只能用get, 第二空应该用过去时)12、We cant make C before we think it over carefully. A、decide B、decision C、a decision D、deciding (make a decision“做决定”,为固定短语)13、You cant do all things C than anyone else.(比较级所以选better) A、well B、good C、better D、best 14、Helens mother is C Helens study because she missed some

8、classes. A、bored with B、pleased with C、worried about (be bored with“对厌烦”;be pleased with“对满意”;be worried about“对担心”。由句意“Helen落下很多功课”可知,母亲为此担心。)15、Then he went to sleep without B . A、something worried B、anything worried C、worried anything (形容词修饰不定代词要后置,且without含否定含义,代词应用anything)16、Our hotel (单数) A t

9、he sea. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery here. A、faces B、face to C、face D、faces toward 17、I noticed Liao Chen B a book when I passed by the library. A、read B、reading C、watch D、watching (notice+宾语+doing表示看到动作正在进行,notice +宾语+do强调看到动作全过程;read a book读书) 18、What are you going to be when you grow up My

10、 wish is B a doctor. A、becoming B、to become(动词不定式作表语) C、become 19、 A we were in a boat on Kunming Lake, we heard someone Beijing Opera on the bank. A、While; singing B、Since; sing C、Until; sings (hear sb. do / doing sth.“听见某人做某事”,因强调“瞬间”而非过程,故用singing.)20、There they saw a A of warning: No Climbing Ar

11、ea.A 、sign (a sign of warning 警示标志) B、name C、note D、map 21、 Cycling can help us save energy. Youre right. It can help us keep healthy C . A 、too B、also C、as well D、either 22、Look. Here comes our school bus. No hurry. Dont get on it A it has stopped. A 、until B、after C、since D、when (not Until“直到才”;af

12、ter“在之后”;since“自从”;when“当时候”。)23、If it C rain tomorrow. I will ride bicycle to school with you. A 、wont B、dont C、doesnt D、isnt (if引导的条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时表将来,主句用一般将来时。)24、 He did his best to make them B what he meant, but it didnt help. A 、understood B、understand C、to understand D、understanding(make sb. D

13、o sth.“使某人做某事”,因make 是使役动词,故不能在do前加to)25、We must always B a seat belt(安全带)。 A 、take B、wear a seat belt(系上安全带) C、carry D、bring 26、The country road here is very smooth. It must be comfortable D . A 、to drive B、driving C、for driving D、to drive on 27、There are a lot of people along the B of every small

14、town and village along the way. A 、ways B、streets C、roads D、paths (小城镇里两侧有建筑物的路称为street)28、 Our class won the first place in the school basketball game. C(表示惊奇) .A、Youre great! B、Thank you very much C、What a surprise! D、What a pity! 29、Everyone had the same idea A that man. (the same as 与一样)A、as B、l

15、ike C、to D、with 30、There is a special B of doing it. First, they wash their right hands in a A、reason(原因) B、way(方式) C、idea(主意) D、result(结果)31、Jenny goes to school B than any other student in her class.A、early B、earlier C、earliest D、the earliest 32、Who runs D , Jim, Tom or Sam Tom does, of course.A、f

16、ast B、faster C、most fast D、fastest (三者或三者以上的比较,用形容词或副词的最高级,run是动词,用副词来修饰) 33、Believe yourself. Youre better than A . youre the best. Wish you success!A、anyone else B、someone else C、else anyone D、else someone (形容词修饰不定代词时要置后。anyone任何人;someone某人,故选A) 34、What do you your birthday party Much food and fru

17、it, B cakes, apples, bananas and watermelons.A、be ready for; for example B、prepare for; such as C、be ready for; such as D、prepare for; for example(prepare for为做准备;such as用于列举;for example则用于举例句,常用逗号和后面隔开。)35、Excuse me, where can we buy shoes Come this way. They are D the Shoes and Hats Section the fi

18、fth floor. A、on;in B、in;in C、on;on D、in;on (表示“在鞋帽间”用介词in;表示“在第几层”用介词on)36、There is A iron on the desk. You can use it to iron clothes high heat right now. A、an;on B、an;with C、a;on D、a;with (iron作名词时,表示熨斗,前加冠词an;on high heat 在高温下) 37、Could you tell me B Yes, He is wearing a blue suit and a red tie.

19、A、what is Mr. Brown wearing today B、what Mr. Brown is wearing today C、where Mr. Brown is D、who Mr. Brown is (宾语从句应用陈述句,根据下句的回答可知问的是布朗先生穿什么衣服) 38、Milk is a kind of natural food A its safe bodies. A、so;for B、so;with C、because;for D、because;with(be safe for sb.对某人是安全的。前句为原因,后句为结果,故用so)39、We hope B a go

20、od time on the trip. Thank you. A、you to have B、you have C、you having D、you to enjoy (hope 希望,后接动词不定式或宾语从句作宾语)40、Youd better advise her A clothes in dark colors. It can make her slimmer. A、to wear;look B、wearing;look C、to wear;looks D、wear;look (advise sb. to do sth,建议某人做某事;make sb. do sth. 使(让)某人做某

21、事)41、A reporter goes to work B old blue jeans,a work shirt and sneakers. A、on B、in (表示穿衣服用介词in) C、of D、without 42、Do you know about Gong Li Yes,she is known C young people. A、as B、by C、to D、for (be known to为所知;be known as作为而知名;be known for因而知名;)43、 Sun Fei, it is cold B the room. Youd better put on

22、your sweater when you go out to play. OK, I will.A、inside B、outside C、out D、in2、填空题:(take out拿出 take away拿走 take off脱下 take back收回)(become的过去时是became)A)根据句意从下列选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式 cry, upset1、Helen lost her pet dog and she cried 。2、Im always upset before the exams.Interest,finish,try,even,read,underst

23、and,stop,feeling,wonderful,watchDear Mom, I have many ideas to share with you. I dont think you understand my life. You hope Im studying all the time. You never think about my feelings. I study hard at school all day. When I get home at night, you still ask me to study, even on the weekends. You kno

24、w, everyone has his own interests and sometimes he should relax himself, like watching TV, listening to music or taking exercise. But you asked dont allow me to do so. Two days ago ,When I was watching a football game on TV, you asked me to stop to do my homework. After finishing my homework, you st

25、ill dont allow me to read any story books. You said I had to go to bed early. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up, but Id like to have a wonderful time, too. I promise I will try my best, but I hope you can leave me a relaxed mood.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。1、Who hung (hang) the map on the wall

26、Michael did.2、Who will give the speech (speak) next Its me.3、She will go to bed after she finishes (finish) her homework.4、In some African countries, there are still not enough food supplies (supply).5、Its said (say) that Mr. Chen is a good cook. Really Yes, he cooks very well.6、When I was a little

27、child, I walked more quickly (quick) than any other child.7、When they got home, Susans husband was waiting for (wait for) them in the lining room. (过去进行时)8、Mr. Wang advised / advices (advice) us to read English aloud every morning. It is good for our study.3、根据汉语意思完成句子。1、Its normal (正常的)to feel sad

28、if you cant pass the exam。1、I felt so comfortable (舒服的)and warm in bed that I didnt want to get up yesday morning.3、Please make a decision(决定)on which subject you will choose.4、The teachers words make me feel a sense(感觉)of happiness all the time.5、How much is the T-shirt Fifty dollars(美元)。6、We worry

29、 about dealing with (处理)such feeling problems.(worry about doing sth.是固定短语)7、Im glad to receive / get (收到)a letter from my pen-pal.8、Look! The students are having a class meeting to decide on (决定)the way to travel.9、His parents are on vacation (度假)in Canada now.10、At last, we got off (下车)our bus to

30、get something to eat.11、Could you tell me some advantages(优点)robots12、We have all kinds of cookers(炊具)in Chinese food culture.13、Dont eat too many sweet biscuits(饼干)。They are bad for your teeth.14、Because of our effort (努力),we raised some money to help those people in trouble.15、I heard from (收到来信)h

31、im yesterday. I must write back him soon.16、The good news from Lily cheerde Jim up (使振作、高兴)17、What people wear depends on (取决于)their likes and dislikes.18、After a few minutes, the fisherman pulled (拉)his line out.19、Maria, someone is waiting for you outside(在外面)the school gate.20、In our daily life, some peoples marriages(婚姻)are happy and others are unhappy.4、按要求完成下列句子。1、He looks worried. (对划线部分提问) How does he look 2、Miss Wang is talking to Helen。(同义句转换) Miss Wang is

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