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版高考英语 课标词汇与写作素材天天背.docx

1、版高考英语 课标词汇与写作素材天天背附录:来源:高考命题中心对十年高考试卷词汇大数据分析分类:按照词汇在十年高考试卷中出现的频率进行分类,出现频率最高的为五级词汇,出现频率最低的为一级词汇。用法:分两轮记忆,每一轮记忆三遍,每一轮95天;第一遍,一天记50个,即一天的内容,60天完成;第二遍,一天记两天的内容,30天完成;第三遍,一天记三天的内容,15天完成;190天完成五级词汇记忆6遍。课标词汇与写作素材天天背Day 1【五级课标词汇】1million n. 百万2excite v. 使兴奋;激发3government n. 政府;政体4health n. 卫生;保健5change v&n.

2、 改变6follow v. 跟随,接着7passage n. 文章的一段;经过8try v. 试图,努力9attention n. 注意,注意力10being n. 存在;生物;人11start v. 开始;动身12interest n. 兴趣,爱好13used adj. 用过的,用旧了的14pay v. 付款;偿还15paragraph n. 段落16experience n. 经验;经历17begin v. 开始;着手18following adj. 后面的,其次的19different adj. 不同的20probably adv. 大概;或许21author n. 著作家;作者22sp

3、end v. 用钱,花钱23offer v&n. 提供,给予24thought n. 思想;想法25computer n. 计算机,电脑26information n. 信息27grow v. 种植;扩大28company n. 公司29chance n. 机会,机遇30program n. 程序;节目31stay v&n. 停留;停止32understand v. 懂,理解33drive v. 强迫;驾车行驶34bring v. 带来,引来35enjoy v. 享有,享受;欣赏36business n. 商业,交易;生意37believe v. 相信;以为,认为38university n.

4、 综合性大学39however adv. 无论如何;然而40travel n. 旅行;进行41plan v&n. 计划;打算42wait v. 等候;等待43watch v. 注视,注意44seem v. 好像,仿佛45teach v. 教;教导46win v. 获胜,赢47pass v. 走过;通过48energy n. 能量;活力49matter n. 事件50explain v. 讲解,解释【常考话题句式】学校生活1Tom worked hard and set an example to his classmates.汤姆学习很努力,为全班同学树立了一个榜样。2Even the bes

5、t graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习。3When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。4He feels sleepy in classes because he studies deep into the night.因为熬夜学习,

6、课堂上他觉得昏昏欲睡。5Some people hold the view that studying abroad may benefit us a lot,while others argue that it may have many negative impacts on our life.一些人认为国外留学令我们受益匪浅,而另一些人认为对我们有很多负面影响。Day 2【五级课标词汇】1service n. 服务,任职2happen v. 发生;碰巧3question v. 问题;疑问;怀疑4stand n. 看台;立场5decide v. 决定;决心6develop v. 开发;发展

7、7produce v. 生产;产生8outdoor pron. 在外部;户外9area n. 地区;区域10cause n. 原因;动机11special adj. 特殊的;专门的12increase v&n. 增加,增大13group n. 组,团体14mind n. 关心,留意15research v&n. 研究,追究16order n. 命令;秩序17expect v. 期望;预料18improve v. 提高19realize v. 实现;了解20example n. 例子;榜样21care v. 关心;担心22language n. 语言,语言文字23design v. 设计;绘制2

8、4receive v. 收到;接25share v&n. 分享,分担;份26worry v. 烦恼,忧虑27science n. 科学;技术28scientist n. 科学家;科学工作者29state n. 国家;州30save v. 节省;保存31surprise v. 使惊奇32mainly adv. 大部分地;主要地33answer v. 回答;答案34cost v. 代价;花费35return v. 回转,返回36learning n. 学术,知识37sense n. 感觉,官能;意识38choose v. 挑选39customer n. 顾客,客户40product n. 产品;结

9、果41public adj. 公众的,公共的42underline v. 在下画线;加强43fall v. 掉下,落下;下降44form n. 形状,形式45activity n. 活动;活跃46close adj.&v. 紧密的;结束47reach v. 到达,走到;够48space n. 空间,太空49present adj. 现在的;出席的50thinking n. 思考;想法【常考话题句式】个人情况1Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。2As usual, I worked until midnight last night.和平时

10、一样,昨晚我又工作到午夜。3Famous as she is, she cares little for money and fame.虽然很出名,但她却不计名利。4With great determination and perseverance, she commits to helping the blind and deaf children, which makes a great contribution to the charity.凭着无比的决心和毅力, 她全身心帮助盲聋儿童,为慈善事业作出了重大贡献。5He put all his heart into the work an

11、d always worked until midnight, having no time to think about himself, but only the Chinese people.他把全部身心投入工作,经常工作到午夜,而没有时间为自己着想,一心只为中国人民着想。Day 3【五级课标词汇】1speaker n. 说话者;演讲者2power n. 力量;政权3education n. 教育;教育学4social adj. 社会的,社会上的5popular adj. 受欢迎的,大众的,流行的6describe v. 描写,形容7lead v. 领导;引导8support v&n.

12、支持;帮助9system n. 体系,系统10wonderful adj. 奇妙的;钦佩的11holiday n. 假日,休息日12mountain n. 山,山岳13continue v. 持续;逗留14member n. 成员;分子15join v. 连接;联结16tire v. 使疲惫;使厌烦17view v. 看;观看18head n. 上端;头脑19success n. 成功,成就20environment n. 环境,外界21title n. 标题;头衔22brain n. 脑;智慧23gift n. 赠品,礼物24sign n. 记号,符号25national adj. 国家的;

13、国有的26complete v&adj. 完成;完成的27discover v. 发现;碰见28likely adj. 可能的;适合的29interested adj. 感兴趣的30law n. 法;法学31rest n. 休息;剩余部分32situation n. 情况;局面,形势33technology n. 科技34trouble v&n. 麻烦;烦恼35modern adj. 现代的;近代的36relationship n. 关系;联系37subject n. 主题,话题;学科38choice n. 选择;选择权39clean adj. 清洁的;整齐的40disease n. 疾病;弊

14、端41local adj. 地方的;当地的42present adj. 现在的;目前的43serious adj. 严重的;认真的44restaurant n. 饭店;餐馆45purpose n. 意志;目的46future adj. 将来的,未来的47closed adj. 关闭着的,封闭着的48feeling n. 感觉;感情49possible adj. 可能的50century n. 百年,一世纪【常考话题句式】计划愿望1We sincerely hope that you can make it.我们真诚地希望你能成功。2A journey of a thousand miles m

15、ust begin with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。3If you always expect the worst, you will never be disappointed.如果你总是期待最坏的,你永远不会失望。4If you dont build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.如果你没有梦想,那么你只能为别人的梦想打工。5In order to prepare for my college life, I will manage my own life during the summer h

16、oliday.Whats more, I will make a lot of good friends and adapt myself to the new environment.为了大学生活做准备,我会在暑假学习自理。此外,我会交很多朋友来适应新的环境。Day 4【五级课标词汇】1strange adj. 陌生的,生疏的2remain n. 剩余物,残骸3ability n. 资格;能耐4appear v. 出现,显现5culture n. 文化6fun n. 乐趣;娱乐活动7instead adv. 代替,顶替8reduce v. 换算;约束9internet n. 互联网10lea

17、st adj. 最小的;最少的11value n. 价格;意义12introduce v. 提出;介绍13dream n&v. 梦想;做梦14record v&n. 记载;唱片15message n. 信息;启示16wear v. 戴着;面露17notice v&n. 注意;布告18researcher n. 研究员,调查者19saying n. 话;说话20check v. 核对;制止21conversation n. 交谈,会话22act v. 行动;做23visitor n. 访问者;参观者24express v. 表达;快递25fill v. (使)充满,(使)装满26mark n.

18、痕迹;记号27quality n. 质量,品德28marker n. 标识,标记29natural adj. 自然的;物质的30tired adj. 疲倦的;困倦的31within pron. 在内,在里面;在屋内32collect v. 收集,收藏33communication n. 通信34coming adj. 下一个的,即将到来的35infer v. 推断;猜想36limit v. 限制;限量37magazine n. 弹药库;杂志38raise v. 引起,抱起39society n. 社会;上流社会40type n. 类型41decision n. 决定;果断42island n.

19、 岛,岛屿43create v. 创造,创作44mention v. 提到,说起45camp n. 营地46knowledge n. 了解,理解47station n. 站;地位;驻扎48suddenly adv. 意外地,忽然地49common adj. 普通的;通俗的50direction n. 指南;指挥,指导【常考话题句式】社会生活1She has received many rewards for her wonderful performance.她因自己出色的表演多次获奖。2While the world is full of suffering, it is also full

20、 of overcoming it.虽然世界充满苦难,但是苦难总是可以战胜的。3The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。4If you have any difficulty in fulfilling the task, you can ask others for help, but remember, never give up.如果你有任何困难完成不了这项任务, 可以向其他人寻求帮助, 但请记住永远也不要放弃。5Luckily, she gained so

21、 much encouragement from her parents and teachers, which made her overcome all the difficulties she met with.幸运的是,她从父母和老师那里得到了许多的鼓励, 这使得她克服了她所遇到的困难。Day 5【五级课标词汇】1development n. 发展,进化2foreign adj. 外国的,外交的3level n. 水平,水准4nature n. 自然;天性5paint n. 颜料,涂料6speech n. 演说,演讲,发言7graduate n. 毕业生8laugh v. 笑9smok

22、e n&v. 烟;吸烟10waste v. 浪费,白费11fight v. 战斗;斗争12damage v&n. 损害,毁坏13difficulty n. 困难,麻烦14habit n. 习惯,习性15bear n&v. 熊;忍受16patient adj. 有耐性的;能容忍的17couple n. 双;配偶18role n. 地位;角色19storm n. 暴风雨20major adj. 主要的21organization n. 组织22race n. 种,种族23serve v. (为)服务24surprised adj. 惊奇的;惊讶的25bill n. 账单;钞票26flight n.

23、 飞行;航班27guide v. 引路;指导28pressure n. 压力29recognize v. 认出;识别;承认30accident n. 意外事件;事故31article n. 文章,论文32blood n. 血,血液33drop v. 落下;投下34finding n. 发现物;研究结果35list n. 清单,目录36dangerous adj. 危险的37practice v&n. 练习;实践38pull v. 拉;扯39exist v. 存在;生存40international adj. 国际的41nearly adv. 几乎,差不多42tour v. 旅行,观光43adv

24、antage n. 有利条件;益处44earn v. 赚得;获得45gain v. 获得;赢得46goods n. 商品,货物47medical adj. 医学的;医药的48physical adj. 身体的;物质的49publish v. 出版,发行50traffic n. 交通【常考话题句式】语言学习1One can not learn a language well unless he works hard.如果不努力是学不好一门语言的。2Peoples views on learning English vary from person to person.不同的人对学习英语有不同的看

25、法。3Learning any language takes a lot of effort.However, dont give up.学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。4The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.学习一门语言的方法就是要尽可能多地讲。5Rome wasnt built in a day.Work harder and practice more.Your hard work will be rewarded one day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。更加努力地

26、学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将会得到回报。Day 6【五级课标词汇】1importance n. 重要性2industry n. 工业;产业3issue n. 问题4safety n. 安全,平安5certainly adv. 无疑地,确定地6except pron. 除外7grade n. 阶级;等级8healthy adj. 健康的;健全的9performance n. 性能;表现10voice n. 嗓音11affect v. 影响;假装12cheap adj. 便宜的,廉价的13owner n. 物主,所有人14position n. 位置,方位15push v. 推,推动16

27、average adj. 平常的;平均的17danger n. 危险;危险物18discussion n. 讨论,谈论19mathematics n. 数学20run n. 跑步;运转21tool n. 器具,工具22wild adj. 野生的;野蛮的23pleasure n. 愉快;娱乐24teenager n. 十几岁的青少年25tourist n. 旅行者26degree n. 度27gather v. 收集;聚集28general adj. 大致的;综合的29guess v. 推测;猜测30immediately adv. 立即,马上31model n. 模型;模特儿32opportu

28、nity n. 机会33similar adj. 类似的;同类的34sort n. 分类;类别35stick v. 粘贴;张贴36blame v. 指责,责怪37fix v. 固定;准备38lack v. 缺乏,缺少39method n. 方法;条理40period n. 时期;(一段)时间41process n. 过程;工序42standard n. 标准,规格43particular adj. 特别的;详细的44regular adj. 有规律的45available adj. 可用的;有空的46hit v. 打,打击47lecture n. 演讲48rush v. 急速行进49sprea

29、d v. 伸开;展开50behavior n. 行为;态度【常考话题句式】节假日活动1Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year.节日就是要庆祝一年中重要的日子。2When walking along the street, you would be much struck at the sight of rich and beautiful decorations.当在街道上行走时,丰富又多彩的装饰会深深地吸引住你。3As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, MidAutumn Festival has been very popular in our country.作为中国传统节日之一,中秋节在我国一直大受欢迎。4Nowadays, some young Chinese are becoming more and more interested in celebrating foreign festivals, especia

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