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1、最新PEP人教版小学英语六年级上册课堂同步试题及答案全册最新PEP人教版小学英语六年级上册Unit 1同步试题课时 1Lets try Lets talk一、根据下面图片所属的位置,选择正确的词汇写在下面。 1. 2. 3. _ _ _4. 5. _ _二、选出每组中不同类的一项。【分类记忆法】() 1. A. park B. zoo C. robot() 2. A. near B. buy C. behind() 3. A. I B. me C. us() 4. A. where B. what C. want() 5. A. send B. today C. ask三、选择填空。() 1.

2、 I want_ home . 【联想记忆法】A. to go to B. go C. to go () 2. _is the post office? Its next to the museum . A. What B. Where C. How() 3. _ nice watch!A. How B. What C. What a() 4. Is there a talking robot in the museum? A. Yes, it is. B. No, there i. C. Yes, there is. () 5. My school is_ the park. A. next

3、 B. next to C. of 四、按要求写句子。1. This is a great park. (改为感叹句)_2. My home is near the school. (改为同义句)_3. The school is behind the shop. (对画线部分提问)_4. There is a new bed in my house. (改为一般疑问句)_五、选择正确的句子补全对话。Wu Yifan:Robin, 1. _Robin: They are in the post office . Wu Yifan:2. _Robin:Yes, there are . Wu Yi

4、fan:3. _Robin:No, he isnt . Hes in the library . He reads books there . Wu Yifan:4. _Robin:Its next to the post office . Wu Yifan:Thanks . Robin:5. _A. Is my grandpa there?B. Where are my parents?C. Where is the library?D. Are there any postcards?E. Youre welcome . 答案:一、1. library2. zoo3. museum4. p

5、ost office5. park二、1. C2. B3. A4. C5. B方法点拨:此题型用分类记忆法解答。根据单词不同分类作为做题依据。三、1. C点拨:wantto动词原形,可用联想记忆法想到课文原句“I want to buy a postcard. ”。2. B3. C4. C5. B四、1. What a great park!2. My home is next to the school. 3. Where is the school?4. Is there a new bed in your house?五、1. B2. D3. A4. C5. E课时 2 Lets lea

6、rn Make a map and talk一、读一读,判断句中画线部分单词是否属于同一类,是写“T”,不是写“F”。() 1. The park is next to the museum. () 2. There is a pet hospital in the city. () 3. Where is the cinema? Its near our school. () 4. We can see many doctors and nurses in the hospital. () 5. There are two new libraries in the city. 二、根据句意及

7、图片,完成下列各题。1. I need a book . I should go to the_. 2. My grandmother feels sick . I will go to the_ with her. 3. I want to post a letter . I should go to the_. 4. I want to see a film . I should go to the_. 5. I want to borrow(借)books . I should go to the_. 【细节理解法】三、选择填空。() 1. _,wheres the science mu

8、seum? Its near the post office . A. Sorry B. Thank you C. Excuse me () 2. Its_ to the post office . A. next B. behind C. on() 3. There_ a book and some pencils on the desk . A. is B. are C. am() 4. Where is the_?I want to see some robots . A. museum B. zoo C. bookstore () 5. Is your home near the sc

9、hool?_ A. No, its near . B. No, it isnt . C. Yes, its far . 四、根据所给图片提示,补全对话。1. A:Is there a library in your school? B:_2. A:Where is the cinema? B:_ 3. A:Where are Amy and Chen Jie? B:_ 五、阅读对话,将场所名称填入图中。A:Wheres the museum?B:Its in front of the park . A:Where is the bookstore?B:Its behind the hospit

10、al . A:Where is the library?B:Its near the hospital, and in front of the museum . 答案:一、1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F二、1. bookstore2. hospital3. post office4. cinema 5. library方法点拨:此题用细节理解法。本题中出现borrow(借),所以只能去图书馆,而不是书店。三、1. C2. A3. A4. A5. B四、1. Yes, there is. 2. Its next to the science museum. 3. They are i

11、n the pet hospital. 五、1. library2. museum3. bookstore课时 3Lets try Lets talk一、根据句意写出画线部分的反义词。【反义词记忆法】1. Im full. I eat too many bananas. _2. The cinema is on the right. _3. What a big museum!_4. Is your home next to your school?_5. The hospital is in front of the bookstore. _二、用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。1. _(whe

12、re) is the_ (China) restaurant?2. Lets_ (take) a bus to school . 3. How can he_ (go) home?4. What an_ (interest) storybook!5. I want_ (go) to the nature park . 三、单项选择。() 1. The post office is next to the park_ Wuyue Street . A. from B. on C. at () 2. Turn right_ the pet hospital . A. at B. in C. wit

13、h() 3. How can I_?A. get to home B. get home C. gets to home() 4. I know_ Italian restaurant . A. a B. an C. / () 5. _beautiful flowers! A. What a B. How a C. What四、给下列句子选择相对应的图片,将其序号填入题前括号里。A. B. C. D. () 1. Lets go to the cinema . () 2. I like pizza very much . () 3. My parents have lunch in the r

14、estaurant . () 4. John is very hungry . 五、看图,将下列句子补充完整。1. How can I_ _ _ _?2. Im hungry . Lets go to_ _ _. 3. _ _at the post office . 4. The school is_ _ the_. 答案:一、1. hungry2. left3. small4. far from5. behind方法点拨:此题型用反义词记忆法解答。二、1. Where; Chinese2. take点拨:Lets动词原形。3. go点拨:can情态动词后跟动词原形。4. interestin

15、g点拨:本题修饰故事书,用形容词interesting。5. to go三、1. B2. A3. B点拨:get to名词,home是副词,故为get home。4. B5. C点拨:感叹句结构为:“What形容词可数名词复数!”。四、1. B2. C3. A4. D五、1. get to the bookstore2. an Italian restaurant3. Turn right 4. next to; museum课时 4Lets learn Be a tour guide一、选出每组中不同类的一项。() 1. A. turn left B. turn right C. libra

16、ry() 2. A. in front of B. crossing C. next to() 3. A. behind B. restaurant C. park() 4. A. here B. there C. zoo() 5. A. at B. on C. who二、看图选择合适的选项。A. Beihai Park B. Tiananmen C. Palace MuseumD. Italian restaurant E. Xinhua Bookstore () () () () ()三、读句子,选出与句意相符的图片。() 1. The cinema is on the left . A.

17、 B. () 2. The library is in the north of the school . A. B. () 3. The cinema is next to the hospital . A. B. () 4. Go straight ahead . A. B. 四、看图补全对话。1. How can I get to the park? _ 2. Where is the cinema? _3. _ Go straight and turn right at the hospital, and then you can see it .4. _ Its in front o

18、f the restaurant . 五、阅读短文,完成街景地图。【图文结合法】Look, this is my toy city . There is a Xinhua Bookstore . Its next to the cinema . How can you get to the cinema? Turn right at the zoo . Go straight . And turn left at the bank . Youll see the cinema . Its opposite(在对面) the bank. 1. _2. _3. _答案:一、1. C点拨:A、B属于

19、动词短语,C属于地点名词。2. B点拨:A、C 属于方位介词(短语),故选B。3. A点拨:B、C 属于地点名词,故选A。4. C5. C二、BADCE三、1. A2. B3. B4. A四、1. Turn left at the bookstore. 2. Its next to the post office. 3. How can I get to the science museum?4. Where is my school?五、1. zoo 2. bank 3. Xinhua Bookstore方法点拨:此题型要用图文结合法作答。可以一边读文章,一边在图中确定相应位置。课时 5 R

20、ead and write Lets wrap it up一、圈出下列每组中不同类的单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、根据图片选择正确的介词(词组)填空。underbehindnear next to in in front of 1. There is a window_ the wall . 2. The shoes are_ the bed . 3. The ball is_ the bed . 4. The picture is_ the window . 5. I can see a dog_ the door . 6. The chair is_ the door .

21、三、单项选择。() 1. Scientists_ the computer a new feature . A. gives B. gave C. giving () 2. Lily has a robot . It has many new_. A. feature B. features C. featuring() 3. Why are you late today, Tina?Because my bike doesnt_. A. use B. work C. have() 4. Lets_ straight and turn left . A. go B. goes C. go to

22、 () 5. There_ Tom . A. come B. comes C. coming() 6. He can help the boys_ the Italian restaurant . A. find B. finds C. finding四、根据情景选择正确答案。1. 当你想知道电影院的位置时,你应该问:_A. What is the cinema? B. Where is the museum?C. Where is the cinema? 2. 对方问你去商店怎么走,你告诉他可以在公园向右转,你应该说:_A. Turn right at the park . B. Turn

23、left at the crossing . C. Go straight at the hospital . 3. 你想告诉同伴意大利餐馆在博物馆后面,应说:_A. The zoo is behind the museum . B. The cinema is next to the museum . C. The Italian restaurant is behind the museum . 4. 你想说动物园就在那里,应说:_A. There is the zoo! B. Is there the zoo?C. There is a park . 5. 你想问Tom今天来上学时路过了

24、多少地方,应说:_A. How much places did you pass by? B. How many places did you pass by?C. How many place did you pass by?五、选择合适的句子补全对话。Oliver:Excuse me . 1. _Policeman:Yes, there is . Oliver: 2. _Policeman:Turn left here and go straight . Then turn right at the zoo. 3. _Oliver:Is it far?Policeman:4. _Olive

25、r:Thank you . Policeman:5. _A. How can I get there? B. No . You can go there on foot . C. Is there a cinema near here? D. Its on the right . E. You are welcome. 六、阅读对话,回答问题。Amy: What are you going to do after school?Mike: Im going to the bookstore. I want to buy a comic book. Amy: Where is the books

26、tore?Mike: Its next to the supermarket. Amy: How can you get to the supermarket?Mike: I can go by bus. Get off at the bank. The supermarket is on the right. Amy: Can I go with you?Mike: Of course. 1. Where is Mike going after school?_2. What does Mike want to buy?_3. How can Mike get to the supermarket?_

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