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外研社英语七年级下册Module11知识点 语法点 练习试题含答案.docx

1、外研社英语七年级下册Module11知识点 语法点 练习试题含答案知识图谱Module 11 Body language知识精讲一、必背词汇bowba v. 鞠躬; 弯腰kiss ks v. & n. 吻; 亲吻shake ek v. ( shook ) 摇晃smile smal v. & n.微笑British brt adj. 英国的; 英国人的Germandmn n. 德国人; 德语 adj. 德国的; 德国人的Japanese ,dpni:z n. 日本人; 日语 adj. 日本的;日本人的Russian r()n n. 俄罗斯人; 俄语 adj. 俄罗斯的; 俄罗斯人的visitor

2、 vzt n. 游客; 观光者Russia r n.俄罗斯what wt int. 什么(表示惊奇)nodnd v. 点(头)head hed n. 头; 头部hug hg v. 拥抱; 紧抱each it pron.各个; 每个India nd n.印度together tge adv. 一起; 共同touchtt v. 触摸; 接触nose nz n. 鼻子finger fg n. 手指foot ft n. (pl. feet) 脚; 足kneeni n. 膝盖legleg n. 腿mouth ma n. 嘴; 口body bd n. 身体; 躯干foreignfrn adj. 外国的pe

3、rsonalps()n()l adj. 个人的arm m n. 臂; 手臂hold hld v. ( held ) 握着; 使不动move muv v. 移动Britain brt()n n. 不列颠; 英国polite plat adj. 礼貌的somewhere smwe adv. 某处; 某个地方wave wev v. 挥(手); 招(手); 摆(手)fact fkt n. 事实; 细节ruderud adj. 粗鲁的; 无礼的bring br v. ( brought ) 带来二、重点词汇1. shake verb & noun /ek/1). v. to move backwards

4、 and forwards or up and down in quick, short movements, or to make something or someone do this 摇动;抖动;使颤动例句:A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so that the fruit fell down.一个男孩爬上苹果树,用力摇着枝条好让苹果掉下来。Babies like toys that make a noise when theyre shaken.婴儿喜欢摇晃时能发出声响的玩具。2). n.

5、an act of shaking something摇动;抖动;震动例句:She gave the box a shake to see if there was anything inside it.她摇了摇盒子,看里面有没有东西。No, no, no, he said with a shake of his head.“不,不,不,”他摇着头说。2. touch verb /tt/1). to put your hand or another part of your body lightly onto and off something or someone碰,触摸例句:That pa

6、int is wet - dont touch (it).那块油漆没干别碰(它)。He touched the girl on the arm to get her attention.他碰了碰女孩的胳膊以引起她的注意。2). to influence someone or something emotionally, or cause feelings of sympathy in someone触动,感动例句:He was deeply touched by the movie.他被这部电影深深打动。The TV report about the childrens work for ch

7、arity touched thousands of peoples hearts.电视上报道的孩子们为慈善团体所做的事令成千上万的人深受触动。3. foreign adjective /frn/belonging or connected to a country that is not your own 外国的例句:Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.西班牙是她访问过的第1个海外国家。His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign travel

8、.他的工作给他提供了很多出国旅行的机会。4. polite adjective /plat/behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other peoples feelings 有礼貌的例句:Im afraid I wasnt very polite to her.恐怕那时我对她有点不礼貌。She sent me a polite letter thanking me for my invitation.她给我写了一封客气的信,感谢我的邀请。5. personal ad

9、jective /psnl/1). relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization个人的,私人的例句:My personal opinion/view is that the students should be doing more work outside the classroom.我个人认为学生应该多做一些课外作业。Her uncle takes a personal interest in her progress.她叔叔个人很关心她的进步

10、。2). private or relating to someones private life私人的;涉及隐私的例句:The letter was marked Personal. Strictly confidential.信上标着:“私函,绝对保密”。Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?介意我问你一个私人问题吗?三、必背短语1. shake hands 握手 2. nod ones head 点头3. each other 互相 4. arm in arm 手挽手5. like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 6. n

11、ot. at all 一点也不7. say goodbye 说再见 8. in fact 事实上四、经典句型1. We Chinese often shake hands and smile when we meet visitors, and sometimes we nod our heads.我们中国人在见到来访者时,经常握手和微笑,有时也会点头致意。2. Thats because people do different things in different countries.那时因为不同国家的人做法不同。3. And do you know what Maori people i

12、n New Zealand do when they meet?你知道新西兰的毛利人在见面的时候做什么吗?4. But in Britain many people dont like other people to touch them at all.但在英国,很多人完全不喜欢别人触碰自己。5. In some places, it isnt polite to look at people when you talk, but in other countries it isnt polite to look somewhere else.在一些地方,谈话时看着对方是很不礼貌的,但是在其他

13、国家,看着别处讲话反而是不礼貌的。三点剖析一、考点1. 掌握本课核心词汇和固定搭配。2. 能够听,说,读,写与各国礼仪有关的文章材料,并能介绍各国的不同礼仪。3. 祈使句的用法和结构本模块的语法重点是祈使句的使用。祈使句表达说话人对对方的叮嘱,劝告,请求或命令等语气,用法如下:1). 祈使句一般没有主语,是因为省略了第二人称you,句末用感叹号,肯定句用动词原形开始,如:Go and ask your teacher. 去问问你的老师。例题:-_ dressed now! We have to go in ten minutes.-OK, Mom.A. Getting B. GetC. To

14、get D. Gets【答案】A【解析】考查其实句结构。根据语境课判断为祈使句,祈使句省略主语,用动词原形开头,故选A。2). 祈使句的否定,用dont否定在动词前,如:Dont go there, please. 请不要去那儿。Dont be late for the meeting tomorrow. 明天会议不要迟到。例题:Tommy, _ play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car.A. do B. dontC. must D. mustnt【答案】B【解析】考查祈使句的否定。根据句意:Tommy下

15、次不要在街上打篮球了,你会被汽车撞倒的。祈使句的否定,直接用dont,故选B。二、易错点1. smile,laughsmile一般表示微笑,可做名词,也可做动词;而laugh则表示“大笑”,laugh at“嘲笑”。例句:She smiled at him. 她冲他微笑。There is a big smile on her face. 她笑容满面。John told a funny joke. We all laughed. 约翰讲了一个滑稽的笑话。我们都笑了2. each,every侧重点each强调个体,而every则指整体中的每一个。适用范围each可指两个及以上的每个;而every则

16、只用于三者以上。词性each可用作代词和副词,而every只能用作形容词,作定语例句:Each student in this class gave a different answer. 这个班的学生所给答案一个人一个样。Every student/All students in this class passed the exam.这个班的所有同学都考试及格了。题模精选题模一:Module11 词汇应用例1.1.1 Dont forget _ thanks when other people help you.A acceptB to acceptC sayD to say例1.1.2 根

17、据首字母和括号提示填空1). People think red can b_ them good luck.2). The boy is _ (有礼貌的) and we all like him very much.题模二:祈使句例1.2.1 Hey, boys! _ leave your soccer balls in the sports club.A DoesntB CantC DontD No例1.2.2 根据中文提示完成句子1). 请按时到我家。Please _ to my home _ _.2). 上课不要和同学说话!_ _ _ your classmates in class.随

18、堂练习随练1.1 You should shake hands _ them because you are the host.A forB ofC asD with随练1.2 They are _ about the weather.A talkingB sayingC speakingD telling随练1.3 Its difficult for me _ English. Please give me some advice.A learnB learningC to learnD learns随练1.4 根据首字母和括号提示完成句子1. She stood up and s_ han

19、ds with the visitors.2. The girl is from Tokyo and she can speak J_.3. The teacher asked us to help e_ other.4. The boy opened his m_ and show me his white teeth.5. My mother is _ (微笑) at me.6. Lets go to the zoo _ (一起).7. Dont _ (触摸) the exhibitions.8. I have ten _ (手指).随练1.5 选词填空(词汇运用)(1)I played

20、basketball with several_ at that time(2)Look ! They are walking on the street_.(3)The soup is_ warmIts even cold(4)_, he is from a town along the coast(5)Miss Yang is_ her students in the classroom随练1.6 -_ late for class next time.-Im sorry.A BeB NotC DonD Dont be随练1.7 句型转换(1)You cant open the door(

21、改为祈使句)_(2)It is important to study hard(改为祈使句)_ _ please(3)Stand in line, please!(改为否定句)_ _ _ line, please !(4)No smoking(改为同义句)_ _ 随练1.8 补全对话A:Are you in a hurry?B:YesIm going to see Mr GreenA:_B:A teacher from RussiaA:_B:NoIm going on holiday in RussiaA:_B:NoI only want to ask him some questionsA:

22、What are they about?B:_A:Good luckB:_能力拓展拓展1 They are walking to the park arm _ arm.A haveB hasC areD by拓展2 -The dress looks so nice on you! It must be expensive. Where did you buy it?-_, it is only 100 yuan. I bought it on Taobao.A In factB In additionC In needD In general拓展3 -Daniel is a boy of fe

23、w words.-But _, he is warm-hearted.A in a hurryB in factC in the endD above all拓展4 单词拼写(词汇运用)(1)Im the guide of these_(日本的)touristsMy name is Li Zhuang(2)He_(拥抱)his son and then got on the bus(3)Why not try on the shoes?No, My_(脚)are too big(4)Something is_(移动)in the forestWhats it?(5)She may look f

24、or her lost watch_(某处) in the playground拓展5 填空题(1)Here_(be)some ways to welcome foreign actors.(2)_(not walk)in the forest. Its dangerous.(3)_(Russia)kiss each other when they meet.(4)They shake their heads_(say) no.(5)Many_(visit)come to the Great Wall every day.拓展6 根据中文提示完成句子1. 人们遇到来访者通常都是握手。Peopl

25、e usually _ _ when they meet visitors.2. 他一点礼貌都没有。He is _ polite _ _.3. 事实上,我们每个人都需要朋友。_ _, we all need friends.4. 同学们正在站队。The students are _ _ _.5. 给他们更多的私人空间。_ _ more personal space.拓展7 Lets _ computer games.A playingB to playC playD dont play拓展8 -_ up, Anna. Its seven thirty.-One more minute, Mum

26、.A GetB GetsC GettingD Got拓展9 Please _ your exam papers once again before handing them in.A going overB went overC go overD to go over拓展10 完形填空 Henry comes from AmericaHe likes_1_ a lotHes visited many_2_. Last summer, he went to India, a county_3_ a long history. During the trip there, he met something_4_ from his culture(文化) One day, he wanted to visit a palaceHe went

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