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1、雅思8分万能作文第四部分Writing Task 2范文临摹及讲解You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success.人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。Charles Chaplin 卓别林 The world can be changed by mans endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better. No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society singly by

2、 averting his eyes. He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them.Franklin Roosevelt, American President 美国总统罗斯福是这样说的。确实,人们通过努力可以改变世界,这种努力可以使人类达到更新的、更美好的境界。没有人仅凭闭上眼睛、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联系。一个人必须保持敏感,随时准备接受新鲜事物;他必须有勇气与能力去面对新

3、事实,解决新问题。对于我们,在模仿范文的过程中,要学会举一反三,以不变应万变,活学活用万能句子和星级词汇,真正使你的写作再上一个台阶! 说明:本部分的星级词汇以粗体字给出,而万能句子加画了横线。每篇范文都先给出“题目分析”,然后是“星级词汇解析”,最后给出雅思作文7分必备的经典句子,也就是我们所称的“万能句子解析”。首先,“题目分析”一项主要是帮助大家读懂题目,并简要地概括一下范文的布局谋篇。这一项可以有效地帮助大家背诵范文,并增强大家对范文结构模式的清晰认识。同时这一项具有帮助大家灵活记忆范文模板的功能!其次,这里给出的星级词汇都是在雅思考试里用来提高分数的“高档次”词汇。最后,万能句子更是

4、大家快速提高雅思作文分数的一个途径。这里的文章是雅思考官Alannah精心写就的;分析部分由张成思根据雅思考点和中国考生存在的实际问题用心注释的;中外教师的完美合作,这是国内的任何一本雅思备考书都无法比拟的。每篇文章都是经典中的经典,大家一定要用心体会,认真背诵。在考试里,定会下笔有神! 另外一点,如果你发现给出的星级词汇对你来说像是在读雅思阅读理解文章的难词,我们建议大家花时间背诵一下本书的姊妹篇雅思同义词词汇必备。这样,词汇和写作功力共同提高,最终达到阅读和写作同步提高的目标!Writing Task 2经典范文30篇示范练习1 Environmental hazards are ofte

5、n too great for particular countries or individuals to tackle. We have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Environmental problems have reached such proportions that people feel internati

6、onal organizations must be set up to intervene in world affairs to resolve these problems. Whether this will resolve the problem is very unlikely as international organizations are just an extension of human behavior. That is, if human conflicts cannot be resolved at home, then they are unlikely to

7、be resolved at the international level. Nevertheless, international organizations do attract attention to the growing problem of pollution and the destruction of the environment. However, although I respect the aims of the international community to resolve the issue of environmental pollution and s

8、upport their cause, I do not believe it is the best or only way to protect the environment; in fact, it is only a small part of what is needed in a global initiative. All world problems, whether it is environmental pollution, war, energy insufficiency, or famine, arise from the abusive behavior of a

9、ll individuals, Therefore, the solution to all these problems is the need for a collective consciousness. What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world. After all, if one is happy with his life, he wil

10、l surely not endeavor to harm the environment or anyone else. His behavior will be that of a responsible individual. What is needed, therefore, is education. Education is the key to all problems and it starts from pregnancy all the way to adulthood and beyond. Furthermore, education means that child

11、ren all over the world should be allowed to go to schools with good teachers and where teaching materials and methods can be adapted to each individual. Education means raising children to be responsible individuals. This may sound like utopia, but it is not: if a country has important problems in i

12、ts educational system, then it should realize that it is contributing to the worlds problems. These are perhaps long term solutions, but they are more realistic solutions than setting up yet another international organization.【题目分析】 “环境问题现在非常严重了,严重到单个的国家或者是个人没法解决的程度。换言之,我们已经到了一个只有在全世界范围内才可以解决这个问题的地步

13、。” 范文首句直接引入谈论的主题内容。“international organizations”是一种避免与原题给出的“international level”重复的技巧。第一段作者用了两句话提出了观点“Whether this will resolve the problem is very unlikely as international organizations are just an extension of human behavior. That is, if human conflicts cannot be resolved at home, then they are u

14、nlikely to be resolved at the international level.”作者 的观点是这个问题的解决单靠international organizations(即international level)是不可能的(unlikely). “Nevertheless”引出的那句话是让步。首段末尾一句再次叙述了一下观点!第2段开始具体论证。第3段进了一步,给出了一个可行的解决方案:education。最后一段总结。【评分】9.观点明确,脉络清楚,层次清晰,用词多变,句式表达丰富。【星级词汇解析】intervene vt. “干预”。unlikely adj. “不可能的

15、”。这个小词很简单,但却常常被遗忘。其实这是一个很有威力的词,一定要记住并使用。nevertheless adv. “但是”。极好的转折连词。aspect vt. “尊敬”。词倒不难,但是能想起用在这里很难。initiative n. “主动性”。famine n. “饥荒”。真正的五星级词汇。abusive adj. “滥用的;破坏性的”。collective consciousness:“集体的意识;集体的觉悟”。注意词性变化后意思的细微差别。endeavor n. “努力”。pregnancy n. “怀孕”。但这里指的是“一开始”之意。furthermore adv. 很好的递进关系词

16、。Utopia n. 本意是“乌托邦”,指的是“理想中的美好境界”。绝对让考官佩服你的星级词。【万能句子解析】(1)I do not believe it is the best or only way to protect the environment.这是陈述作者观点的句子。大家注意这样表达的精确性。(2)What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this worl

17、d. What is meant by this是what引导的一个名词性从句作主语。整个句子是个“复合复杂”句子。雅思中一定要注意这几句的用法。很简单,记住这句话,稍加改装就可以成为百试不爽的万能句子了。(3)What is needed, therefore, is education.注意这句话的逻辑关系性,用了therefore在中间,使文章衔接非常自然通畅。还记得我们讲过的“行文如流水,文章方通畅”的小节吗?示范练习2 What differentiates one country from another is becoming increasingly difficult to

18、define in today, s world. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for people to have the same consumer products and to experience the same media the world over. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Globalization certainly has the potential to bring about great advances for humankind. On

19、 a daily basis, we are eyewitnesses to how borders of time and space that once separated countries and the activities therein appear to be diminishing. In industrialized areas of the developing world we can observe a growing international trend in leisure time pursuits. Chinese youths wearing Nike s

20、neakers in Shanghai hang out in Starbucks over a cup of coffee in much the same way that their American counterparts do in New York. In particular, younger generations the world over who can afford access to media technologies like cable television and the Internet often encounter the same media suc

21、h as advertisements, films, TV channels, popular brands and so on. However, it is not presently guaranteed that these advances are equally shared by all members of the global community. The truth lies somewhere closer to the fact that global market forces often have negative effects on the distribut

22、ion of public goods such as social services, a clean environment, or diverse cultural expression. Many argue that the costs of globalization are too high and that differences between countries and communities need to be maintained before we quickly and completely lose all sense of who we are, where

23、we came from and what choices are still available to us. Therefore, it is necessary for the global community to place greater emphasis on the impact of globalization on human welfare. In order to achieve a just and equal distribution of the benefits of economic globalization, its negative side effec

24、ts need to be counteracted by reforms in government at the international, regional and local levels. Only by further developing the way in which we manage our societies can we make sure that those currently not in control of globalization can make their voices heard in the political processes affect

25、ing the range of their own personal choices.【题目分析】题目中“To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”问的是“全球化(globalization)优点要比缺点好多少”,所以作者在首段就暗示出全球化“显然会带来好处(Globalization certainly has the potential to bring about great advances for humankind.)”由于问题给出的形式很特殊,即题目本身把观点给出来了,考生要做的就是去论证这个给定的

26、观点。从实质上讲这个题目并不是太新的形式,只是省去了大家确定观点的过程。文章开始的这句话是一句非常棒的表达观点用的“万能”句子!首段给出观点,第2段、第3段正面论证,第4段让步分析,最后总结。【评分】9【星级词汇解析】globalization n. “全球化”。我们经常使用“modernzation and globalization”这种“押韵”的表达方式增强效果。比如说:The speaker will illustrate how people in poverty should learn to survive and thrive as well.这里“survive and th

27、rive”就是一个极好的示范例子!eyewitness n. 见证人therein adv. 在那里diminishing逐渐减少的。这个词在许多情况下可以表示“逐渐减弱的”等意思。比如说“the effects of traditional culture are diminishing.”。pursuit n. 追击;追求counterpart n. 副本,极相似的人或物afford vt. 能买得起guarantee 保证 vt. 保证。注意这个词汇的拼写!diverse adj. 不同的,变化多的maintain vt. 维持therefore 虽“小”却实用的承上启下词汇!welfa

28、re n. 福利 adj. 福利的。想过把这样的词汇用在你自己的写作里吗?affect vt. 影响,感动【万能句子解析】(1)“Many argue that the costs of globalization are.”,表示许多人会说“”(2)“Only by further developing the way in which we manage our societies can we make sure that.”倒装句式。雅思作文其中一个要求就是考生能运用不同的句式表达,所以希望大家能记住这样稍微复杂的倒装句式,让你的作文上一个层次!示范练习3 Many old build

29、ings are protected by historic trusts and international organizations such as UNESCO. However, some people think that old buildings stand in the way of progress. How important do you think it is to protect old buildings? Historic buildings provide a physical link to our past. This link allows us to

30、develop a sense of orientation about our place in history. We can learn from the past, and through safeguarding our historic buildings, can continue to benefit from the accomplishments of our ancestors. Of course, most people would be hesitant to knock down a historic building in favor of creating a

31、 new apartment complex or an office block to meet the rising needs of a growing population and a changing economy. This is where the question of what is historic and of value to a particular community comes into play. Age is a decisive factor for a historic resource, but it must be defined in relati

32、ve terms. The definition of old will differ with a persons perspective in time and the resource being considered. A convenience store that is 25 years old might be considered historic, while a university campus might not be considered historic until it is 50 or 75 years old. All too often, we have seen and continue to see neighborhoods being bulldozed in the name of progress. Under gentrification, housing prices rise in the previously poor neighborhoods, so that renters there either have to relocate or absorb elev

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