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1、英语口语复习题英语口语复习题一朗读短文:1. 2. 3 . 5. 6. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 30共青团 20篇抽一篇。二 回答问题:I:1. Whats your family name? 你姓什么?_(Its) Ma2. When and where were you born ? 你是什么时侯什么地方出生的?_I was born in Changshu in 1970.3. When is your birthday? 你的生日是多少 ?_May the fifth. 4. How do you u

2、sually go to work? 通常你怎样去上班?_By bike/ On foot.5. How many days do you give lessons in a week? 你一周上几天课?_Five days.6. What do you often do on Sundays? 星期天你经常做些什么?_Watch TV/ Reading/ Shopping.7. Have you read any English stories? 你读过一些英语故事吗?_Yes.8. Can you sing any English songs? 你会唱英语歌吗?_Yes I can.9.

3、Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?_Watch TV.10. How do you like your teaching job? 你喜欢教师工作吗?_I like it very much./ Very interesting.11. Whats your home phone number? 你的家庭电话是多少?_Its five-two-four-six-one-five-nine-five.12. How many years have you taught? 你教了几年了?_Twenty years.13. When did you begin to teach?你

4、什么时候开始教书的?_Twenty years ago.14. How do you spell the word “English”? “ENGLISH”这个单词怎么拼?_E-N-G-L-I-S-H.15. How do you call your fathers sister? 父亲的姐姐怎么称呼?_Aunt.16. Do you have an English name? 你有英文名字吗?_No.17. How long does the summer holiday usually last?暑假通常时续多久?_Two months.18. You come from America,

5、 dont you? 你来自美国,是吗?_No. Im from China.II:1. May I ask you a question,Sir? 我可以问你一个问题吗?_Certainly. /Ok.2. Would you please show me your pass?可以给我看一下你的通行证吗?_Ok3. Shall we go and spend our holidays by the sea?假期我们去海边,好吗?_OK.4. Do you agree with them? 你同意他们吗?_Yes. /No5. Could you come a little earlier?

6、你能早一点来吗?_No problem. /Ok6. Would you like a cup of coffee? 来一杯咖啡,怎么样?_Yes.,please. /No,thanks.7. Which do you prefer, reading or watching TV?读书和看电视,你更喜欢哪一样?_Reading. /Watching TV8. What dou you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?_Its fairly good.9. Well done./ Good work. 干得好!_Thanks you10. May I have you

7、r name,please? 能知道你的名字吗?_Sure,my name is XXX11. Were you able to speak French ten years ago?十年前你会说法语吗?_No12. Im sorry I have kept you waiting so long. 对不起,让你久等了_Thats all right.13. Can you help me hand out these exercise books?你能把这些作业交一下吗?_Yes14. Do you think it an interestint book?你觉得这本书有趣吗?_Yes15.

8、 Are You sure that hell come tomorrow?你肯定他会明天来吗?_Yes16. Must I attend the meeting this afternoon? 我必须得出席今天下午的会议吗?_Yes17. How about taking a walk? 去散步,怎么样?_Thats a good idea. /Ok18. Could I have the change for one dollar,please?能帮我换成一美元的小钞吗?_Sure.19. What about a cup of Chinese tea?来杯茶,怎么样_Yes,please

9、 III:1.Do you like sports?你喜欢运动吗?_Yes.2.When do you have sports every day?你每天什么时候运动?_In the morning.3.How many hours of sports do you have every week?你每周运动几小时?_Four.4.Which sport do you like better, swimming or skating?游泳和滑雪,你更喜欢哪一个?_Swimming.5.Who is the fasted runner in your school?你们学校谁跑得最快?_Mr.

10、Li is.6.Do you have a sports meeting every year?你们每年开一次运动会吗?_Yes.7.Did you go in for the long jump at the last sports meeting?上次运动会上你参加了跳远吗?_Yes.8.Do you often play ball games?你经常玩球类吗?_Yes.9.Where will the 2008 Olympic Games be held? 2008年奥运会将在哪举行?_In Beijing.10.Who is your favorite sport player?谁是你

11、最喜爱的运动员?_Yao Ming.11.How many golden medals did we Chinese get in the 2000 Olympics? 在2000年奥运会上我国得了多少枚金牌?_Twenty eight.12.How often are the Olympic Games held? 奥运会几年一次?_Every four years.IV.1.Where is your hometown? 你的家乡在哪里?_In Changshu.2.What places are you going to visit this summer? 今年暑假你会去哪参观?_Be

12、ijing.3.Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的医院在哪?_Over there.4.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station? 你能告诉我到车站怎么走?_Yes, this way ,please.5.Which is the way to Yushan Park? 去虞山公园走哪条路?_This way ,please.6.Whats the time ? 现在几点了?_Its ten.7.How many minutes are there in an hour ? 一小时有多少分?_Sixty

13、.8.How many hours are there in a day? 一天有几个小时?_twenty-four .9.What day is it today? 今天星期几?_Its Saturday.(Sunday,)10.How many days are there in a week? 一个星期有几天?_Seven days.11. What day comes after Sunday? 星期天后面是星期几?_Monday.12. How many months are there in a year? 一年有几个月?_Twelve.13. What month is this

14、 month? 这个月是几月?_April.14. What day is the first day of the week? 每周第一天是星期几?_Sunday.V.1.It is a fine day,isnt it?今天是晴天,是吗?_Yes.2.Does it often rain here in summer? 这里夏天 经常要下雨吗? _Yes.3.What day is Teachers Day? 教师节是几号?_September 10th.4.What do you think of Bill Gates? 你怎样看比尔盖茨?_He is clever.5.Which is

15、 the longest river in China? 中国最长的河是哪条?_Changjiang.6.Which is the second longest river in China?中国第二长河是什么?_The Yellow River.7.Which language is spoken by the laegest number of the people?哪种语言说得人最多?_Chinese.8.Which language is most widely used in the world?世界上使用最广泛 的语言是什么?_English.9.Which city is the

16、 capital of China? 中国首都是什么?_Beijing.10.When was the last Olympic Games be held?上届奥运会是在哪一年?_In two-o-o-four.11.What will you do if you are hungry? 你饿的时候会怎么样?_Eat something.12.Who is your favorite film star? 你最喜欢的影星是谁?_Chen Long.13.When is Christmas Day? 圣诞节是哪一天?_On December 25th.14.Does Australia hav

17、e White Christmas Day? Why?在澳大利亚会是白色圣诞节吗?为什么?_No, because it is summer there.15. Which country has the largest population in the world?世界观上人口最多的国家是哪一个?_China.16. When do we usually plant trees? 我们通常在什么时候植树?_In spring.17. Is Australia an English-speaking country?澳大利亚是说英语的吗?_Yes.VI.1.When will Beijing

18、 host the 29th Olympic Games? 北京什么时候举办奥运会?_In two-o-o-eight.2.Do you think English is important and useful in our life? 你认为英语是重要的吗_Yes,it is.3.Where would you have your kid learn English? 你的孩子会在哪读英语?_At a good school.三、情境对话:1 Greeting and Introduction: 问候、介绍情境:在校园内遇到新同事,相互问好,你向他介绍:自己的姓名_王涛,所教学科:数学,年

19、级:二年级。并告诉他会议室在305室。B:(My name is) Wang Tao. Maths. Grade 2.Sure, in Room 305. You are Welcome.2. Saying Goodbye: 告别情境;你下星期要外出: 到南京培训 二个月, 请他代你取你所订的报刊杂志,并放在你的办公桌里。 To Nanjing to have a training. Two month . Please get the newspaper and magazines for me every day.In my desk. Thank you.3. Open Class 公开

20、课:情境:你正忙于准备将于下星期五的公开课, 感到有点紧张。 同事安慰你,建议你听音乐放松自己,并祝愿你取得成功。My open class. Next Friday. A little nervous.Good idea. Ill try it. Thank you.4. Requests: 请求情境:你同事请你修电脑,你不会,你的朋友小李会,他是一个计算机工程师,他就在学校附近的一家电脑公司工作,你请他来帮忙。Sorry I cant . My friend Xiao Li. A computer engineerIn a computer Company near our school.

21、 OK.5.An Engagement 约定:情境;你朋友约你本星期天去乡间采草莓,你认为是个好主意。你们约好下午1:30在新华书店门口,乘7路车去,并带好野餐食物。Nothing much. Good idea. By bus.The No.7 bus, Lets meet outside Xinhua Bookshop. No, I Wont.6. A trip to Hangzhou 杭州旅游情境:你告诉你的朋友你前年去过杭州。杭州是个好地方,有美丽的西湖和丝绸。并对你朋友未去过表示遗憾,建议他去。Yes, I have. The year before last. The West L

22、ake and silk, Its very beautiful.Yes, what a pity that you havent been there before! I hope you can visit it oneday.7.Birthday party 生日派对情境:李雷今天下午5:00在家举行生日聚会,要求朋友们准时到,你准备了CD作为礼物,并建议你朋友买几本书作为礼物。At 5 this afternoon. Yes, He asked us to get there on time.Ive bought some CDs. What about some books? OK.

23、8.Shopping 购物情境:你的朋友今天生日,你去花店买花送给她,你告诉营业员要一些百合花,要红色的或白色的。并告诉她地址,要她送去。I want some flowers. Do you have any lilies? Red or white.My friend, today is her birthday, Can you send them to her for me?She lives at No. 1 Renmin Road9.Job 工作情境:你找到了新工作,你告诉你的朋友你很喜欢这份工作,但每天要乘公共汽车去,大约五公里远,要花约20分钟。你每天为了不迟到得早点起床,有时

24、晚了就来不及吃早饭。I like it. By bus. No, About 5 kilometres. Twenty minutes. Never, I get up early, sometimes if I get up late, I dont have breakfast.18. Happy life 生活愉快情境:假设你不是常熟人,你告诉你的朋友你来常熟已三年,生活很愉快,你已经到临近的许多城市旅游过,你最喜欢的是尚湖和虞山。还准备明年去北京。Three years ago . Yes. Yes,Ive been to many cities.The Shang Lake and

25、the Yushan Park.No, but may be next year.19. Fast food 快餐情境:你赴快餐店用餐,你要两份汉堡包和炸薯条,两杯可乐,在店里用餐,付了8.5美元,并到调料台上要了蕃茄酱。Two hamburagers and chips. Two cups of cokeWell eat here. Where is the ketchup?20. At the school 在学校情境:外国代表团到你校参观,你接待并介绍:学校有1800名学生, 138名教师,开设政治、语文、英语、数学、历史、计算机等学科,老师们努力工作,学生们学习认真。Warmly we

26、lcome.One thousand eight hundred students One hundred and thirty- eight Politics, Chinese, English, maths, history, computer and so onThey all work very hard.21. Sports meeting运动会情境:你和同事谈论即将举行的运动会。你说你准备参加1000米长跑。你为此每天早晨早起在操场上锻炼。你说你还擅长打篮球,如果可能的话下次参加篮球赛Yes. The one thousand metre race.Yes, I run on th

27、e playground every morning.Thank you, Im good at basketball ,too.No, next time if possible. 22. The favorite season 喜欢的季节情境:你说你喜欢春天,不喜欢夏天,因为春天不冷也不热,你也喜欢秋天,因为秋天可以吃到许多水果。秋天是旅游的好季节,但你没有时间。Spring. Its neither hot nor cold.No, but I like autumn . Because we can eat lots of fruit.Yes,but I have no time.16

28、.In the library 在图书馆情境:你去图书馆借一本关于美国历史的书,你告诉管理员你忘了书名,只记得书中有许多图画,你的一位朋友来借过,昨天已经来还了。 I want a book about American history. I cant Remember it.It has a lot of pictures.One of my friends borrowed it.Yes, yesterday.23. A telephone call. 打电话情境:你(露西)打电话给格林先生,不巧他不在家,你请玛丽捎口信,告诉你因感冒,医生建议你卧床休息一、二天,故不能参加明天的校会。He

29、llo , May I speak to Mr. Green, please?Lucy, his workmate.Yes, please tell him I have got a cold and the doctor told me to stay in bed for one or two days, so I cant attend the school meeting tomorrow.Thank you.24. the weather 天气情境:介绍常熟的天气,冬天寒冷,春暖有风,夏天7、8月份炎热,秋天凉快,你认为秋天是最好的季节。 It is cold in winterIt

30、s warm but windy.Yes, Its very hot in July and August.Its cool, autumn is the best season, I think.25. Advice And suggestion 劝告、建议情境:你的朋友患心脏病住院20多天,你已快一个月没见到他了。你劝告他肥胖的人多数患心脏病,建议他少吃点,多参加体育锻炼。另外他咳嗽,劝他戒烟。(本题材中实际我们的角色B应该是这个病人,)I was in hostipal for twenty days.There something wrong with my heart, And I coughed.Yes.Ok, thank you.26. Expressing anxiety. 安慰情境;你的钱包丢了,内有一个月的全部工资,你猜想可能是在医院探望你因交通事故住院的儿子时丢失的。你十分难过,朋友安慰你。I lost my wallet and my whole months month was in it.I

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