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1、高中英语外研版选修8同步练习1单元综合检测Module 1综合检测时间100分钟满分120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWho wants to live in the coldest,windiest,driest place on Earth?Penguins,seals,whales,and some sea birds,of course.Fish,especially cod and icefish,also swim the surrounding seas

2、.Hard to believe,but Antarctica is full of wildlife.These animals are specially adapted to Antarcticas severe environment.Plant life in the Antarctic region mostly consists of bryophytes (苔藓类植物),lichens,algae and fungi (菌类),with a rare species or two of flowering plants.Because there isnt enough pla

3、nt life to sustain the planteating animals,they mostly eat each other.The Antarctic food chain is fairly simple.The Antarctic krill (a tiny shrimplike creature)is the keystone species of the ecosystem,which means that nearly everyone else eats it.Whales,penguins,seals,fish and many sea birds all eat

4、 krill,and krill eats even smaller phytoplankton (浮游生物)Want more shocking details?Leopard seals feed on penguins and other seals.Who eats the leopard seals?Killer whales,if theyre around.How do they survive the Antarctic cold?First,blubber(海兽脂)and feathers are extremely important.The longer answer i

5、s that warmblooded animals (birds and mammals)in Antarctica maintain constant (恒定的)internal body temperatures,just like warmblooded animals do in other climate zones.If they let their internal temperatures drop below freezing,theyd bee penguin popsicles(冰棒)Second,size matters.Technically speaking,a

6、bigger bird has a smaller surface area to volume ratio,which means it has less relative area through which it loses heat.Most of the warmblooded animals in Antarctica are oversized because big animals of the same shape stay warmer.Apart from the methods mentioned above,penguins have their own specia

7、l social adaptation.They gather together with friends and family while constantly moving,so that the warm guys in the middle move to the outside and the colder folks take a turn in the center.1What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?AThe food chain in the Antarctic ecosystem.BThe distribution

8、of the Antarctic vegetation.CMany kinds of Antarctic animals.DThe diversity of the Antarctic plants and animals.答案:A段意理解题。由第二段第三句“The Antarctic food chain is fairly simple”知,第二段主要讲述南极生物链。2Why do animals in the Antarctic often eat each other?APlants there cant be found by animals.BAnimals there are m

9、eateating animals.CThere is not enough plant life to provide food for animals.DAnimals in the Antarctic need a great deal of fat to keep them warm.答案:C细节理解题。由第二段第二句知,因为没有足够的植物吃,动物为生存往往相互残杀。3The ways most animals in Antarctica survive the cold are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT_.Afat and feathersBov

10、ersized body typeCmigration and winter sleepDing together and forming a group答案:C细节理解题。由文章第三段知,为了适应在极冷的气候下生存,大多数动物采用三种方式:一靠海兽脂和羽毛;二靠硕大的体魄;三靠聚居。4What would be the best title for the passage?AProtection of the Antarctic creaturesBHow can animals live in the Antarctic?CThe Antarctic wildlifeDThe life u

11、nder ice and snow答案:C主旨大意题。文章三段层次分明,首段概述南极动物适应极地环境;第二段南极生物链;第三段介绍动物如何在极冷的环境中生存,所以南极野生动植物为佳。BWhen parents consider what school to send their child to,they often first decide whether they should send their child to a coeducational school or to a singlesex one.Coeducation is a modern concept and was fi

12、rst introduced in Switzerland.Now it has bee popular almost everywhere in the world.The supporters of coeducation favor it mainly on three grounds.The economic benefits gained from joint classes and the need to secure equality for women have influenced the spread of coeducation.Moreover ,it creates

13、a spirit of petition in studies.Those who oppose say that boys and girls are different physically,emotionally and mentally.They have to play different roles in life.Again,the presence of opposite sex is likely to distract the attention.Singlesex education is the practice of conducting education wher

14、e boys and girls attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools.The practice was popular before the midtwentieth century.It is often advocated on the basis of tradition,as well as religious values.It is practiced in many parts of the world.There is plenty of proof for the positive effec

15、ts of girls for study in maths and science.There is also proof that girls benefit their leadership and creative skill development.Studies found that boys can also benefit from a singlesex environment.They develop emotionally and bee more cooperative.Teachers at singlesex schools also understand bett

16、er how their students learn.They adapt their teaching styles to those specific needs.When making the decision of sending your child to a school,consider the reputation of the school,the activities it offers and the quality of education.In fact,whether or not it is coeducational should be last on you

17、r list of consideration.5Coeducation means the education of_.Asinglesex students in the same schoolsBthe same student learning in different schoolsCboys and girls in the same schoolsDstudents cooperating with each other in schools答案:C细节理解题。文章把coeducation和singlesex education进行了对比,说明coeducation是有别于sin

18、glesex education的一种教育形式,即男女学生在同一所学校学习。6The supporters of singlesex education favor it mainly on the following grounds EXCEPT_.Athe need to secure equality for womenBthe different roles between boys and girls play in lifeCtradition as well as religious valuesDbenefit from a singlesex environment答案:A细

19、节理解题。单性别教育的支持者认为,男女生理和心理有别,社会角色不同(B项),应该分开接受教育,这样既符合社会传统和宗教价值(C项),又有利于学生的发展(D项)。而A项是主张男女合校的人士的观点,因此答案选A项。7It can be inferred from the passage that_.Acoeducation developed earlier than a singlesex educationBa coeducational school has more advantages than a singlesex oneCsinglesex schools are being fe

20、wer in the worldDparents shouldnt care whether or not their childrens school is coeducational too much答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一句可知,作者认为家长在为孩子择校时,应该把学校是否男女合校放在最后考虑。因此答案选D项。CWilderness“In wilderness (荒野)is the preservation of the world.”This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of e

21、nvironmentalism.The frequency with which it is borrowed mirrors a heated debate on environmental protection:whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out,there is a strong appeal in images of the wild,the untouched;more than anything e

22、lse,they speak of the nature that many people value most dearly.The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong,and the danger exploitation (开发)brings to such landscapes(景观)is real.Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans needthe rainforests,for example,store ca

23、rbon in vast quantities.To Mr.Sauven,these “ecosystem services”far outweigh the gains from exploitation.Lee Lane,a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute,takes the opposing view.He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services,such as water conservation.But that is not,he argues,a reaso

24、n to avoid all human presence,or indeed mercial and industrial exploitation.There are ever more people on the Earth,and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives,rather than merely struggle for survival.While the ways of using resources have improved,there is still a growing need for

25、raw materials,and some wildernesses contain them in abundance.If they can be tapped without reducing the services those wildernesses provide,the argument goes,there is no further reason not to do so.Being untouched is not,in itself,a characteristic worth valuing above all others.I look forward to se

26、eing these views taken further,and to their being challenged by the other participants.One challenge that suggests itself to me is that both cases need to take on the question of spiritual value a little more directly.And there is a practical question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited with

27、out harm.This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings,but also the guidance of reason.What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously deserves much more serious thinking.8John Sauven holds that_.Amany people value nature too muchBexploitation o

28、f wildernesses is harmfulCwildernesses provide humans with necessitiesDthe urge to develop the ecosystem services is strong答案:B推理判断题。第二段的最后一句提到John Sauven认为“生态系统服务”远比开发的利益重要,由引可推断他的观点是开发荒野有害。9What is the main idea of Para.3?AThe exploitation is necessary for the poor people.BWildernesses cannot guar

29、antee better use of raw materials.CUseful services of wildernesses are not the reason for no exploitation.DAll the characteristics concerning the exploitation should be treated equally.答案:C段落大意题。本段第二、三句是对另外一种观点的概括,意思是荒野的有益服务不能作为不开发的理由。10What is the authors attitude towards this debate?AObjective. BD

30、isapproving.CSceptical. DOptimistic.答案:A作者态度题。作者在最后两段中并没有直接表明自己的观点,只是“客观”地进行叙述。11Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?CP:Central PointP:PointSp:Subpoint(次要点)C:Conclusion答案:D文章结构题。文章第一段提出中心论点;第二、三两段分别阐述了两种不同的观点;第四段是作者自己的观点;最后一段是文章的结论。DDiana Jacobs thought her family had a workabl

31、e plan to pay for college for her 21yearold twin sons:a bination of savings,ine,scholarships,and a modest amount of borrowing.Then her husband lost his job,and the plan fell apart.“I have two kids in college,and I want to saye home,but at the same time I want to provide them with a good education,”s

32、ays Jacobs.The Jacobs family did work out a solution:They asked and received more aid from the schools,and each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan (贷款)program.They will each graduate with $ 20,000 of debt,but at least they will be able to finish school.With unemployment rising,financial aid administrators expect to hear from more famil

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