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1、高考英语二轮复习增分篇专题巧突破专题一语法专题限时检测九情景交际2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习增分篇专题巧突破专题一语法专题限时检测九情景交际1(2017南京、盐城高三一模) Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys?You never _. Alearn your lesson Bbite your tongueCeat your words Dcross your fingers解析:选A句意:“哦,真烦人,我到底把钥匙放哪里去了?”“你从来都不吸取教训。”learn your lesson“吸取教训”,符合语

2、境。bite your tongue“忍住不说”;eat your words“收回你说的话”;cross your fingers“祈求好运”。2(2017南京、淮安高三一模)I will be a vice president in a year or two.You cant be serious! _. AI cant make it BI cant help itCI wont tell a soul DI wouldnt bet on it解析:选D句意:“一两年后我将是副总统。”“你开玩笑的吧!我看不靠谱。” I wouldnt bet on it “我看不靠谱”,符合语境。I

3、cant make it“我做不到”;I cant help it“我情不自禁”;I wont tell a soul“我不会告诉其他人”。3(2017南通、泰州高三一模)Will Mr Black allow us to bring mobile phones to school?He is _and I dont think hell give us permission. Aa tough nut Bour great rockCthe best fish Dan early bird解析:选 A句意:“布莱克先生会允许我们带手机去学校吗?”“他很难应付,我认为他不会允许的。”a tou

4、gh nut“难对付的人,棘手的问题”,符合语境。an early bird“早起的人,早到者”。4(2017南通市高三一模)I cant tolerate the air pollution here anymore._! Weve never had so many chemical factories before. AYou made it BCome off itCCheer up DYou said it解析:选D句意:“我再也受不了这里的空气污染了。”“你说对了! 以前我们从未有过如此多的化工厂。”You said it在口语中意为“你说对了;我完全同意”。You made it

5、“你成功了”;Come off it“住口;别吹牛了”;Cheer up“高兴起来,振作起来”。5(2017南京、盐城高三一模)Wont Terry be upset?_? He never thinks about anyone but himself. AGuess what BNow whatCWho cares DWho knows解析:选C句意:“特里会不会不高兴?”“谁在乎。他除了自己,从不关心任何人。”Who cares“谁在乎”,符合语境。Guess what“猜猜怎么了”;Now what“又怎么了”; Who knows“天晓得”。6(2017通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿高三一模

6、)Jack should have calmed down at the party!But the kids made so much noise that he couldnt help but _. Aface the music Beat like a birdCmend his ways Dfly off the handle解析:选D句意:“杰克在聚会上本来应该冷静一些。”“但是孩子们发出了如此大的声音,他忍不住勃然大怒。”fly off the handle“勃然大怒”,符合语境。face the music“面对现实”;eat like a bird“饭量小,胃口小”;mend

7、 ones ways“改恶从善”。7(2017无锡高三一模) Finding recipes in America is _, for most good cooks have a shelf full of cookbooks ranging from locally published recipe collections to national bestsellers like the Betty Crocker Cookbook. Aas easy as pie Bas clear as mudCas large as life Das light as feather解析:选A根据语

8、境在美国找食谱很容易可知,as easy as pie “易如反掌”,符合语境。as clear as mud“不清晰”;as large as life“像实物一样大,确确实实”;as light as feather“轻如鸿毛”。8(2017镇江高三一模) I will go on a diet tomorrow._. Youve said that over a million times. ATake your time BI dont enjoy myselfCBeg your pardon DI dont buy it解析:选D句意:“我明天开始节食。”“我才不信。你已经说了无数次

9、了。”I dont buy it “我才不信”,符合语境。Take your time“慢慢来”;I dont enjoy myself“我玩得不开心”;Beg your pardon“请再说一遍”。9(2017无锡高三一模)This is the first time that those children have been abroad._. Look! They are so excited now.ANo doubt BNo wonderCNever mind DDont mention it解析:选B句意:“这是那些孩子们第一次出国。”“难怪。看,他们现在兴奋极了。”根据语境可知,

10、第二个人明白了孩子们兴奋的原因。故选B项,no wonder意为“难怪,怪不得”。no doubt“毫无疑问”;never mind“没关系”;dont mention it“不客气”。10(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三一模) I am worn out.Me too, all work and no play. So its time to _. Aburn the midnight oil Bpush the limitsCgo with the flow Dcall it a day解析:选D句意:“我筋疲力尽了。”“我也是,总是学习,没有玩耍。所以是时候收工了。”call it a da

11、y“收工”,符合语境。burn the midnight oil“熬夜苦干”;push the limits“挑战极限”;go with the flow“随波逐流”。11(2017苏州高三一模) When a police officer or firefighter puts on their uniform, it gives them a sense of responsibility and authority._. Just as the saying goes, clothes make the man. AIm all yours BIm inCIm all ears DIm

12、with you解析:选D句意:“当一名警察或消防员穿上制服时会感到一种责任感和权威感。”“我赞同你的观点。正如谚语所说,人靠衣装马靠鞍。”Im with you“我支持你的观点”,符合语境。Im all ears“我洗耳恭听”。12(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三一模) I know it is really a lot to ask, but can I use your apartment during the summer?_. I happen to be out of town.ABehave yourself BBe my guestCHave fun DTake care解析:

13、选B句意:“我有点不好意思开口,但是,我能在暑假里借住你的公寓么?”“随便用,我刚好有事外出不在家。”Be my guest“请便,别客气”,符合语境。Behave yourself“行为规矩些”;Have fun“玩得开心”;Take care“注意,小心”。13(2017苏州高三一模) We know Mrs Jones is always the first to help anyone in trouble.Yes, definitely. She is _and respected by all of us. Athe salt of the earth Ba wet blanket

14、Ca big potato Dthe apple of our eye解析:选A句意:“我们知道琼斯夫人总是第一个去帮助处于困境中的人。”“是的,确实如此。她是一个高尚的人,受到我们所有人的尊敬。”the salt of the earth“高尚的人”,符合语境。a wet blanket“扫兴的人或物”;a big potato“烫手山芋(棘手的问题)”;the apple of our eye“掌上明珠”。14(2017南通、泰州、扬州高三一模) Amazingly, Ive managed to start my own shop online!_ I told you it was e

15、asy. AThere you are! BBelieve it or not.CHow come? DYou got me there!解析:选A句意:“太好了,我成功开了自己的网店。”“你瞧,我告诉过你这很容易的。”There you are“你瞧”,符合语境。Believe it or not“信不信由你”;How come“怎么会这样”;You got me there“你难倒我了”。15(2017镇江高三一模)How come Joan hasnt typed the report yet?Oh, my dear lady, take it easy. She is _in comp

16、uter operation. Aa green hand Ba black sheepCa dark horse Da blue stocking解析:选A句意:“为什么约翰还没有把报告打出来?”“哦,亲爱的女士,别急。约翰在电脑操作方面是个新手。”a green hand“新手”;a black sheep“害群之马”;a dark horse“出人意料的获胜者”;a blue stocking“才女”。1(2017扬州高三二模)How I am eager to see your new car! May I have a look now, Peter?_. Its great to

17、share. AThats all right BCouldnt agree moreCYou must be kidding DBy all means解析:选D句意:“我多么想看看你的新车!彼得,我现在可以看看吗?”“当然可以,我很乐意分享。”Thats all right“没关系”;Couldnt agree more“完全同意”;You must be kidding“你一定是在开玩笑”;By all means“当然可以,当然行”。2(2017常州高三二模)It annoys me when a persons cellphone goes off during a movie!Ye

18、ah, me too. It _. Areally bites my tongueBreally gets on my nervesCmakes me see the handwriting on the wallDgets me to kill the fatted calf解析:选B句意:“看电影时,有人手机响,真让我生气。”“是的,我也一样。那会让我心烦不已。”bite ones tongue“忍着不开口,装哑巴”;get on ones nerves“让某人心烦不已,令某人神经紧张”;see the handwriting on the wall“可以看到即将发生的一切”;kill t

19、he fatted calf“准备设宴庆祝或欢迎”。3(2017苏北四市高三三模)Andrey really brightens up when he sees his girl. She looks so cute.Yeah. The girl is _. Fortunately, the girl resembles her mother! Athe apple of his eye Bthe salt of the earthCa dark horse Da feet of clay解析:选A句意:“安德烈看到女儿的时候面露喜色。他女儿看起来特别可爱。”“是的,女儿是他的掌上明珠。幸运的

20、是,女儿像妈妈!”the apple of ones eye“掌上明珠”;the salt of the earth“高尚的人”;a dark horse“出乎意外的获胜者”;a feet of clay“内在缺陷,致命的弱点”。4(2017扬州高三二模)This policy, which used to be very successful, is a _, though it no longer meets the needs of the current situation. Asacred cow BPandoras boxCMickey Mouse course Dgood Sam

21、aritan解析:选A句意:这项过去非常成功的政策,尽管不再满足现状的需求,但是是不可动摇的。sacred cow“圣牛(印度教等的),不可侵犯的人(思想或事物)”,符合语境。Pandoras box“潘多拉盒子,灾难之源”;Mickey Mouse course“容易的课程”;good Samaritan“心地慈善的人,乐善好施的人”。5(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三二模)We had wanted to surprise Father with a birthday gift, but my sister _by asking him what he would like. Alicke

22、d her lips Bate her wordsCspilt the beans Dpulled his leg解析:选C句意:我们原本打算给父亲一个惊喜,送他一份生日礼物,但是姐姐问父亲喜欢什么,说漏了嘴。lick ones lips “馋涎欲滴,咂咂嘴”;eat ones words “食言,收回(前言)”;spill the beans “泄密,说漏嘴”;pull ones leg “开某人的玩笑”。6(2017江苏省六校联考)Can I ask for a leave tomorrow, Mrs. Harmon?_. Youve missed half of your work al

23、ready.AThat all depends BForget itCNever mind DDont worry解析:选B句意:“哈蒙夫人,我明天能请假吗?”“算了吧,你已经错过了半天的班了。”That all depends“看情况而定”;Forget it“算了吧”;Never mind“没关系”;Dont worry“别着急”。根据句意,可知B项正确。7(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三二模)Why didnt you come back last night? I waited long!_. You were playing games the whole night. ADont

24、give me thatBDont lose your headCDont trust to chanceDDont dream away your time解析:选A句意:“你昨天晚上为什么没有回来?我等了很久!”“少来这一套,你整个晚上都在玩游戏。”Dont give me that “少来这一套”;Dont lose your head “别忘乎所以”;Dont trust to chance “不要碰运气”;Dont dream away your time “不要虚度光阴”。8(2017盐城市高三三模)He refused all his classmates invitations

25、. I really couldnt understand him.He is surely_. Nobody likes approaching him. Aa black sheep Ba fat catCa bad apple Da hard nut解析:选D句意:“他拒绝了所有同学的邀请,我真的搞不懂他。”“他就是个难缠(对付)的人,没人想接近他。”a black sheep“害群之马”;a fat cat“有钱有势的人”;a bad apple“坏人”;a hard nut“难对付的人”。9(2017宿迁市三校高三调研)Ive studied watching birds as on

26、e of my interests. Could I make some suggestions?_.AYou will make it BIt doesnt matterCGo right ahead DTake it easy解析:选C句意:“我把研究观察鸟儿作为我的兴趣之一。我能给出一些建议吗?”“你说吧。”You will make it“你会成功的”;It doesnt matter“没关系”;Go right ahead“请说吧”;Take it easy“别紧张”。根据句意可知选C项。10(2017南通、淮安高三二模)Why so many people at the stree

27、t corner?_Oh, a traffic accident has just happened.AWhats going on?BSo what?CHow is it going?DWhats wrong with them?解析:选A句意:“为什么街道的拐角有这么多人?发生什么事情了?”“噢,刚刚发生了一场交通事故。”A项“发生什么事情了?”;B项“那又怎么样?”;C项“进展如何?”;D项“他们怎么了?”。11(2017苏北四市高三期中考试)Can you believe Kims got fired from work?_. She was always late or callin

28、g in sick. But I hope she will find a new job.AGod bless her BIt cant hurtCIt serves her right DNo worries解析:选C句意:“你认为Kim会被解雇吗?”“她罪有应得,她总是迟到或请病假。但是我希望她能找到一份新工作。”It serves her right“她罪有应得”,符合语境。God bless her“上帝保佑她”;It cant hurt“不会妨碍”;No worries“不用担心”。12(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三二模) The rising frequency of smoggy

29、 days is making me deeply worried that one day we will have to rely on masks to survive._ The government really should do something. AGood idea! BI got it.CYou bet. DThats all right.解析:选C句意:“雾霾天越来越频繁让我担心有朝一日我们不得不依靠面罩而生存。”“的确如此。政府真的应该采取措施。”Good idea“好主意”;I got it“我懂了”;You bet“的确,没错”;Thats all right“没

30、关系”。13(2017扬中、六合等华罗庚七校高三联考)David is always finding fault with me!_. Its impossible to reason with him.AYou said it BYou betCDont mention it DForget it解析:选D句意:“戴维总是挑我的毛病!”“算了。没办法跟他讲理。”You said it“你说得有理”;You bet“当然”;Dont mention it“没关系,别客气”;Forget it“算了”。14(2017苏北四市高三期中考试)I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left.Why did he give you _? You are good friends, arent you?Aa wet blanket Ba cup of teaCa green fin

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