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1、英语华附三模2015届华南师大附中高三综合测试I语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) Sharks have lived in the oceans for over 450 million years, long before dinosaurs appeared. There are now about 360 1 of sharks, whose size, behavior, and other characteristics differ widely.Every year, we catch and kill over 100 million sharks, 2 for food

2、and for their fins. Dried shark fins are used to make shark fin soup, which sells for as much as $50 a bowl in fine Hong Kong 3 . Other sharks are killed for sport and out of fear. Sharks are vulnerable(脆弱的) to overfishing because it 4 most species 10 to 15 years to begin reproducing and they produc

3、e only a few offspring. 5 by movies and popular novels, most people see sharks as people-eating monsters. This is far from the 6 . Every year, a few types of shark injure about 100 people worldwide and kill about 25. Most 7 are by great white sharks, which often feed on sea lions and other marine ma

4、mmals. They sometimes mistake human swimmers for their normal prey, 8 if they are wearing black wet suits.If you are a typical ocean-goer, your 9 of being killed by an unprovoked (无缘无故的)attack by a shark are about 1 in 100 million. You are more 10 to be killed by a pig than a shark and thousands of

5、times more likely to get killed when you drive a car.Sharks help 11 human lives. In addition to providing people with food, they are helping us learn how to 12 cancer, bacteria, and viruses. Sharks are very healthy and have aging processes similar to ours. Their highly effective immune system 13 wou

6、nds to heal quickly without becoming infected, and their blood is being studied in connection with AIDS research.Sharks are among the few animals in the world that almost 14 get cancer and eye cataracts. Understanding why can help us improve human 15 . Chemicals extracted from shark cartilage have k

7、illed cancerous tumors in laboratory animals.1. A. species B. classes C. groups D. names2. A. greatly B. popularly C. widely D. mostly3. A. supermarkets B. restaurants C. offices D. companies4. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. uses5. A. Impressed B. Moved C. Changed D. Influenced6. A. story B. truth C

8、. movie D. problem7. A. injuries B. deaths C. attacks D. causes8. A. specially B. especially C. mainly D. usually9. A. chances B. fears C. lives D. percentages10. A. likely B. frequent C. possible D. lucky11. A. avoid B. save C. keep D. prevent12. A. damage B. destroy C. fight D. ruin13. A. advises

9、B. allows C. forces D. forbids14. A. never B. seldom C. often D. usually15. A. analysis B. research C. study D. health第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the familys only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he bec

10、ame even more upset 16 on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with 17 (excite), brought the gift box to her father and said, This is for you, Daddy!As he open

11、ed the box, the father 18 (embarrass) by his earlier overreaction.But when he opened it, he found it was empty 19 again he became angry. Dont you know, young lady, he said harshly, when you give someone a present theres supposed to be 20 inside the package!The little girl looked up at him with tears

12、 21 (roll) from her eyes and said: Daddy, its not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full.The father was crushed. He fell 22 his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.An accident took the life of the child only a sho

13、rt time later. It is told 23 the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out 24 imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child 25 had put it there. 阅读(共两节,满分50分)AEVER

14、Y few hundred years, a sleeping giant in southern Italy awakens with a bang, spewing volcanic ash across the countryside. The volcano, called Mount Vesuvius, formed 25,000 years ago. During its most explosive eruptions, the volcano could blanket nearby cities with hot ash, sometimes also burying the

15、m with deadly flows of mud and rocks. One famous eruption occurred nearly 2,000 years ago, in the year AD 79. It lasted 18 hours and destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, killing thousands of people as they tried to escape.Scientists and city officials had supposed that Naples, one

16、of Italys most populous cities, was far enough away that it would be safe from the volcanos wrath. New evidence suggests that this might not be the case.Researchers recently discovered 4000-year-old layers of ash and mud under present-day Naples. Just outside the city, they also uncovered abandoned

17、villages, as well as human and animal skeletons. Most surprising of all, the researchers say, was the discovery of thousands of footprints from the same time period, pressed into layers of wet ash that had rained from the sky. The footprints show that thousands of people were fleeing to the northwes

18、t, away from the volcano, as it erupted.Mount Vesuvius hasnt had a major eruption since 1631, but its still very active. The discovery of the ancient ash layers, skeletons, and footprints is a warning that modern Naples, a city of 3 million people, isnt safe from the volcano, scientists say. So, whe

19、n the volcano begins to rumble again, Naples should have an emergency evacuation plan ready - just in case.26. Which of the following is true with Mount Vesuvius?A. It formed 2,500 years ago.B. Its latest eruption occurred 2,000 years ago.C. It is an active, destructive volcano.D. It is where the ci

20、ty Naples is located.27. What does the word underlined possibly mean?A. Path. B. Heat. C. Fear . D. Eruption.28. The researchers found the new evidence EXCEPT _.A. ancient layers of ash and mud B. animal footprintsC. abandoned villages D. human skeletons29. What can we conclude from the passage?A. C

21、ity Pompeii has been rebuilt now.B. City Naples isnt suitable for living. C. Mount Vesuvius will not erupt in a hundred years.D. Mount Vesuvius is a potential danger to Naples.30. The author of the passage intends to _.A. introduce Mount VesuviusB. describe the city NaplesC. present new discoveries

22、by researchersD. propose a plan for escapeBTragedy struck for brothers Rob and Paul Forkan when they lost their parents in the 2004 Asian tsunami. Now, over ten years later, theyre using their flip flop business to help other orphans.The boys had an unusual childhood. They were just 11 and 13 when t

23、heir parents, Kevin and Sandra, took them out of the UK education system and moved the family to Goa in India. Their parents were of the philosophy that they would receive a healthier and fullereducation by traveling the world and helping others. There they did lots of voluntary work and mixed with

24、the local community. It was when the family were on holiday in Sri Lanka that the tsunami hit. Although the children managed to escape, their parents tragically couldnt. But Paul says their upbringing meant they were able to cope with this tough blow. Our parents gave us this confidence that we coul

25、d do anything, that nothing was hard to achieve, says Paul.What the boys did was to start a business selling ethically-sourced sandals. Theyre called Gandys after the father of Indias independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi. He was in all our schoolbooks as kids; hes on all the money over in India; he

26、s famous for wearing his flip flops, says Paul. The entire project was inspired by their parents philosophy, their globetrotting childhoods and what happened to them in Sri Lanka. Their parents had previously worked in the fashion industry before quitting their jobs and focusing on humanitarian proj

27、ects. Thus, Gandys is a very fitting tribute to their lives. Gandys sells flip-flops and donates 10 percent of the profits from every pair sold to orphans around the globe. In conjunction with Gandys,the Forkans also founded Orphans for Orphans, a charitable organization dedicated to helping orphans

28、. They say they can make a profit and do good at the same time: they give 10% of their profit to charity, and have set up their own foundation through which theyve been able to open a childrens home in Sri Lanka.This year alone, Gandys has sold 250,000 pairs of flip flops, which is only expected to

29、increase. In 2013, the business made around 1.2 million pounds ($1.8 million). With more profits, more orphans will receive assistance. Hence, its safe to say that the Forkan brothers are making their parents very proud.31. The two brothers left the UK for India because _.A. the UK education system

30、is not so good as that of IndiaB. their parents had humanitarian projects in IndiaC. the voluntary work in Goa attracted themD. their parents expected them to grow through travelling32. We can infer from the passage that _. A. the parents had great influence on the two brothersB. the two brothers we

31、re left hopeless after the tsunamiC. their parents died soon after they settled in IndiaD. the two brothers had a troubled childhood33. Why did the brothers name their sandals after Gandhi?A. Because Gandhi wears and sells flip flops.B. Because Gandhi always helps orphans.C. Because Gandhi is influe

32、ntial in India.D. Because Gandhi fits into their lives in India.34. What can best describe the brothers?A. Unlucky. B. Modest. C. Generous. D. Ambitious.35. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Orphans for Orphans B. Making Parents ProudC. Gandys: Making Money and Doing GoodD. Rise Up from Tragedy to SuccessCWould you like to be an actor, but arent the right age o

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