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1、英语一阅读真题重难点词组短语汇总近五年英语一阅读真题重难点词汇汇总 2015 英语一阅读理解 text1 . 3 2015 英语一阅读理解 text2 . 4 2015 英语一阅读理解 text3 . 5 2015 英语一阅读理解 text4 . 6 2016 英语一阅读理解 text1 . 7 2016 英语一阅读理解 text2 . 9 2016 英语一阅读理解 text3 . 10 2016 英语一阅读理解 text4 . 12 2017 英语一阅读理解 text1 . 14 2017 英语一阅读理解 text2 . 15 2017 英语一阅读理解 text3 . 16 2017 英语一

2、阅读理解 text4. . 17 2018 英语一阅读理解 text1 . 18 2018 英语一阅读理解 text2 . 19 2018 英语一阅读理解 text3 . 20 2018 英语一阅读理解 text4 . 21 2019 英语一阅读理解 text1 . 22 2019 英语一阅读理解 text2 . 23 2019 英语一阅读理解 text3 . 24 2019 英语一阅读理解 text4 . 25 2015 英语一阅读理解 text1 1.abdicate,step/stand down 2.embarrassing scandal ones words 4.the

3、 writing is on the wall 5.magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyles 6.public opinion is polarised 7.embody a spirit of national unity 8.the most monarchinfested region 9.counterpart 10.a respected public figure 11.sth have a downside 12.wealthy aristocratic families intrusiveness e

4、xpensive taste of lifestyle and a pretty hierarchical view of the world 15.noncontroversial and nonpolitical heads of state 2015 英语一阅读理解 text2 does the Constitution protect your digital data? 2.the Supreme Court 3.warrant 4.discernable and obvious 5.discard 6.a vast storehouse of digital infor

5、mation 7.arrestee 8.citizens have a right to expect private documents to remain private 9.Americans should take steps to protect their digital privacy so often is the case 11.stating that doesnt ease the challenge of linedrawing 12.invalidate 13.they could take reasonable measures to ensure th

6、at phone date are not erased or altered 14.they are entitled to more freedom 15.the justices had to specify novel rules 16.sort out 17.the Fourth Admendment 2015 英语一阅读理解 text3 1. the journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peerreview process 2.the journal has appointed

7、seven experts to sth 3.manuscripts will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by sb. 4.impel increase reproducibility 6.want to model sth. 7.methodology 8.statistical review is more essential than expert review 9.the majority of scientific papers 2015 英语一阅读理解 text4 1.a collective acceptance 2.d

8、riving her point home, she continued: 3.the absence of purpose 4.hack hacking 6.wellpaid executives should not be accountable for sth 7.the collective doctrine 8.the sorting mechanism of society should be profit 2016 英语一阅读理解 text1 1.pride oneself as industry employ ultrathin o

9、n runways ban website 5.uplifting motive 6.impinge on=do harm to 7.take responsibility for 8.look intangible qualities like intellect and character 9. a culture that still regards beauty as skindeep and boneshowing the governmentdefined index of body mass has an inherent problem i

10、n doing sth 12.peer pressure 13.relying on sthA rather than sthB to address may be the best step 14.even better would be to do sth 对应之中文翻译 1.自诩为,以为傲 2.时尚界 3.聘用过于瘦弱的模特走 T 台 4.取缔网站 5.具有进步意义的动机,令人振奋的动机 6.损害 7.对负责 8.关注诸如智力和性格之类的无形的品质 9.仍然认为美是表面的、皮包骨的文化 10.符合征服所规定的体重指标 11.在存在固有问题(老毛病) 12.同行压力 13.依靠而不是,可能

11、是最佳手段 14.更好的方法是 2016 英语一阅读理解 text2 1.sth has a curious result 2.this has limited political support save the beauty of natural places for everyone forever 4.national parks and green belts endorse this sentiment 6.give rural development priority over conservation 7.offplan building disc

12、ontinue local planning 9.sth strike terror into sb. 10.what is true of London is even truer of the provinces 11.he favors outof town shopping sites against high streets. 12.development should be planned,not let rip. 13.doing sth should unite the left and right of the political spectrum. 对应之中文翻译 1.有一

13、个奇怪的结果 2.得到的政治支持非常有限 3.永远为大家保存自然美景 4.国家公园和绿化带 5.支持这种观点 6.优先考虑乡村开发而不是乡村保护 7.规划之外的建筑(xjbz 的建筑) 8.中断地方规划 9.使某人慌得一批 10.这种情况在伦敦都可以,在其他地方就更不必说了 11.他支持城外购物场所而不是商业街。 12.开发应该有规划地进行,而不是任由其自由发展。 13.做应该做到政治党派中的左派和右派联合起来,劲往一处使。 2016 英语一阅读理解 text3 responsibility 2.regard CSR policies as a waste of shareh

14、olders money 3.clearcut 4.CSR may create monetary value for companies 5.halo effect 6.differentiate 7.bribery prosecution get more lenient penalties 9.account for 10.their study does not answer the question of 11.reveal,demonstrate 12.dogooding policies 对应之中文翻译 1.社会责任 2.将企业的社会责任政策视为浪费股东的钱 3.泾渭分

15、明的 4.企业的社会责任可能会为公司创造价值 5.光环效应 6.区分 7.行贿诉讼案 8.得到宽大处理 9.解释 10.他们的研究不能回答问题 11.揭示 12.行善事的政策 2016 英语一阅读理解 text4 1.sth is a matter of debate 2.nostalgia for sth 3.print and sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts 4.overhead may be high and circulation lower eliminate its print edition

16、6.figure out a way to accelerate that transition focus on streaming was seen as a blunder generate additional revenue obsessed with sth. 11.its a tremendous luxury 对应之中文翻译 1.尚存争议 2.对.的怀旧 3.印刷品广告销量远远高于同类的在线和移动广告销量 4.纸质版的印刷费用高昂,发行量很小 5.取消印刷的纸质版 6.寻求加速向非纸质版报纸过度的方法 7.重点布局流媒体 8.这是

17、个愚蠢的错误 9.产生额外的收入 10.某人对着迷 11.这简直是无比奢侈 2017 英语一阅读理解 text1 advance 2.recommend up to catch a domestic flight 3.timeconsuming,energyconsuming,moneyconsuming return for 5.undermine 6.undercover investigator 7.part of the issue is that, another fact may be that overpack their carry

18、on bags eligible to use expedited screening lines 10.sticker shock 11.bring the price to a more reasonable level is long past time to make the program work 2017 英语一阅读理解 text2 1.monarch 2.the most esteemed members revolutionize humanitys view of the cosmos 4.a dormant volcano 5.the wo

19、rlds most powerful telescope obtain images of unsurpassed clarity 7.view sth as disrespect for sacred land 8.the dawn of civilization 9.make compromise to do sth avoid archaeological and environmental impact embrace their cultural heritage 2017 英语一阅读理解 text3 is now a timely mom

20、ent to assess sth 2.GDP is a flawed concept 3.low unemployment and high growth figures for Brexit 5.shed some light on that question get a more rounded assessment of sth 7.consistent themes 8.contribute to a persons sense of wellbeing 9.the sharp hit to growth 10.focus efforts on improvi

21、ng wellbeing 2017 英语一阅读理解 text4. 1.overturn the corruption conviction of sb. 2.hold ones. nose at sth 3.official acts 4.accept favors in return for doing sth 5.antibribery laws 6.a kind of favoritism that is not criminal with bureaucratic problems 8.assume 9.reinforce 10.a campaign donation 1

22、1.government transparency12.lobby2018 英语一阅读理解 text1 1.the annoying challenges facing the middle class 2.presidential campaign3.dismiss4.lowerincome jobs5.middleclass occupations6.technological upheaval 7.mechanized looms8.grammar will be able to do so without going into debt10.underline11.drastic technological change12.the best uses of 3D printers.and virtual reality havent been invented yet 13.taxes on lowwage labor need to be cut 14.doing sth w

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