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1、雅思听力场景词汇雅思听力场景词汇 雅思听力场景词汇-机场reserve n./v. 预订;预约同 book n./v. 书籍;预订,登记flight n. 航班flight number 航班号雅思听力场景词汇-游乐园娱乐entertainment n. 娱乐recreation n. 消遣,娱乐time n. 时间time-consuming adj. 花费时间的leisure time 业余时间,休闲时间free time 业余时间,休闲时间spare time 业余时间,休闲时间relax v. 放松ground n. 场地pleasure ground 游乐场amusement par

2、k 游乐园karaoke n. 卡拉 OKhow n./v. 演出;表演puppet show 木偶戏string n. 绳子同rope n. 绳子skipping rope 跳绳同 jumping rope 跳绳swing n./v. 秋千;摆动kite n. 风筝flying kites 放风筝chess n. 国际象棋billiards n. 台球parachuting n. 跳伞skating n. 溜冰boarding pass 登机牌first class 头等舱economy class 经济舱vacant seat 空座takeoff n. 起飞land n./v. 陆地;降落

3、,登陆,靠岸lounge n. 休息室departure lounge 候机室passport n. 护照passport-size photograph 护照规格的照片visa n. 签证visa extension 签证延期expire v. ( 驾照 /签证 ) 等到期license n./v. 执照,许可证;许可雅思听力场景词汇-旅游度假charge n./v. 费用;收费extra charge 额外费用lifeboat n. 救生船life buoy 救生圈life jacket 救生衣seasick adj. 晕船的lodge n./v. 旅舍,小木屋;临时住宿同 cabin n

4、. 小屋;船舱同 cottage n. 村舍,小别墅同 inn n./v. 旅馆,客栈;住旅馆brochure n. 小册子route book 路线薄backpack n./v. 背包;挑运同 luggage n. 行李beach n. 沙滩beach towel 沙滩浴巾sunglasses n. 太阳镜tent n. 帐篷compass n. 指南针torch n./v. 手电筒,火炬;用火炬点燃trousers n. 长裤pants n. 短裤同 scantiest n. 短裤boot n. 靴子hiking boot 步行靴walking boot 步行靴ill-equipped a

5、dj. 装备差的cycling n. 骑车兜风go v. 去,走go to the beach/coast 去海边go camping 去野营go hiking 徒步旅行go surfing 去冲浪go diving 去潜水waterfalls n. 瀑布spring n. 泉水hot spring 温泉brook n. 小溪同 creek n. 小溪,小河同 stream n./v. 溪,川;流注picnic n. 野餐take a picnic 野餐scene n. 景色splendid scenery 壮丽景观widen horizons 扩展视野wonders of mankind 人

6、类创造的奇迹雅思听力场景词汇-电视电影show n./v. 表演;展览,展出reality TV show 真人秀talk show 脱口秀soap opera 肥皂剧episode n. 一段情节,插曲sitcom n. 连续剧series n. 连续剧movie n. 电影watch films/movies 看电影great movie star 超级电影明星The 81st Oscar Annual Academy Award 第 81 届奥斯卡颁奖典礼celebrity n. 名人,名流action n. 动作片adventure n./v. 冒险经历;冒险comedy n. 喜剧s

7、uspense n. 悬疑片musical n./adj. 音乐剧;音乐的romance n. 爱情片western n./adj. 西部片;西方的horror n. 恐怖片documentary n./adj. 纪录片;雅思听力场景词汇-环保1.vivisection 活体解剖2.perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验3.test animals 用于实验的动物 subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验5.animal rights 动物权利6.clinical research 临床研究7.cruel 残忍的8.ext

8、remist 极端主义者9.medical research 医学研究10.origin of species 物种起源11.alternative method 替代的方法12.biological diversity 生物多样性13.natural balance 自然平衡14.equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡15.coexistence 共存16.endangered animals 濒危动物17.diversity of species 物种多样性18.shameless 令人羞愧的19.barbaric 野蛮的 and let live 活着就

9、是与万物共存21.meaningless 没有意义的22.dominant species 优势物种23.laboratory 实验室24.vaccine 疫苗25.infringement 践踏26.right to live 生存权27.torture 折磨28.anti-science 反科学的 diseases 危及生命的疾病30.scientific gains 科学成果 ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题32.evolution 进化puter simulation 电脑模拟34.groundless 没有理由的35

10、.humane 人道的36.medical technology 医疗技术37.anatomy 解剖38.equal 公平的39.unreliable 不可信赖的40.valid 有效的、正当的41.usher in a brand-new lifestyle. 带来一种崭新的生活方式42.enrich peoples spiritual life 丰富了人们的精神生活43. Lead to the extinction of some species 导致了一些物种的灭绝44. penetrate every corner of our life and be impressive 渗透到了

11、生活的方方面面并且给我们留下了深刻的印象45. protection of wild animals 野生动物保护46. provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants给野生动植物提供栖息地47.1make an important step 迈出重要一步48. Endangered animals 濒危动物49. Diversity of species 物种多样性50. advocate civilized lifestyle. 倡导文明的生活方式51. intensified competition 激烈的竞争5

12、2. be based on 基于53. Set (present) a bad example to 给某人树立了坏的榜样54. Be a root of all evil 是万恶之源55. maintain a natural balance 维护了自然平衡56. meet the demands of people迎合和满足了人们的需求57. Account for 解释或者占到58. protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment 保护和促进生存环境和生态环境59. seize oppo

13、rtunities 抓住机遇60. devote oneself to 投身于61. be dedicated to 致力于62.mirror human civilization 体现人类文明63. share views similar to 与持有相同的观点64. help each other forward 携手共进65. have cooperative ties with 与有合作关系66. be a direct result of 是的直接结果67.have no apparent connection to 与没有显著关系68. deserve to be mentione

14、d 值得一提69.pattern of life 生活方式70. to ones hearts content 称心如意71. filled with confidence and strength 充满信心和力量72. create the course of 开创了的历程73. enter a new period 进入新时期74.have a far-reaching impact on 对产生了深远的影响75. pursue progress 追求进步76. look forward to the bright future 展望未来77. be accustomed to 习惯于78. give full play to 充分发挥79.emotional comfort 情感慰藉80.rely on 依赖

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