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上海N 7B七年级下英语知识点整理.docx

1、上海N 7B七年级下英语知识点整理Unit 1 Writing a travel guide【知识点梳理】1. guide n. 指南;手册 Youd better buy a travel guide when you are travelling in a foreign country. 当你在外国旅行 时,你最好买一本旅游指南。 Design a travel guide. 设计一份旅游指南。 【提示】guide 还可以表示“导游”。如:The guide showed them around Paris. 导游带领他 们参观了巴黎。 【拓展】guide 作动词时,可以表示“为领路,带

2、领”。如:Jack guided the old man to the information desk. 杰克把老人领到问讯处。2. tour n. 旅行;旅游 Can you give us some tour suggestions? 你能给我们一些旅行建议吗? 【联想】tourist n. 游客,旅游者3. take part in 参加(活动) 如:Well take part in the sports meeting this Friday. 本周五我们要参加运动会。 They have decided to take part in a competition. 他们决定参加一

3、个竞赛。 【比较】take part in与join 都有“参加”的意思。take part in 表示参加某项活动;join表 示参加或加入某个团体或组织。 如:He joined the Party ten years ago.他十年前入党。 Ill join the Youth League next month. 下个月我要入团。 【提示】take part in = join in4. sightseeing n. 观光;游览 Tourists usually go there for sightseeing and fun.游客们通常会去那儿观光游玩。 【记忆】go sightse

4、eing去观光 【联想】go shopping去购物;go swimming去游泳;go fishing去钓鱼;go travelling去旅游; go camping去野营; go cycling去骑车;go boating去划船;go hiking去徒步旅行 go skating去溜冰;go windsurfing去风帆冲浪;go hunting去打猎 【拓展】a sightseeing bus观光旅游车 a sightseeing tour观光旅游5. in the centre of 位于的中部 【比较】in the centre of 强调与四周距离相等的中心位置,常用来指空间;in

5、 the middle of 强调两端之间的位置,并不强调中心,既可用于指空间,也可用于指时间。 如:There is a beautiful fountain in the centre of Peoples Square. 人民广场中央有一个美丽的 喷泉。(指中心位置) They usually have noodles in the middle of the day. 他们通常在中午吃面。(指时间) She saw a big dog running in the middle of the street. 她看见有只狗在街道中间跑。(指空 间)6. in the south of 位

6、于的南部 【联想】类似的表达:in the north of位于的北部, in the west of位于的西部, in the east of位于的东部 【注意】用英语表达方位时, north和south 通常放在east和west之前。 如:northeast东北,northwest西北,southeast东南, southwest西南 【拓展】in the south of 位于的南部,强调在某一个范围之内;如两地接壤用on the south of; 两地不相邻用 (to the) south of,如: A is in the south of B. (B包含A) A is on t

7、he south of B. (A和B接壤) A is (to the) south of B. (A和B不相邻)7. on Chongming Island 位于崇明岛上 【注意】表示在岛屿上时,介词要用on8. get on with 进展 如:How are you getting on with your project? 你们的项目进展如何? 【联想】get on with相当于get along with 还可以表示“与相处”的意思。 如:How are you getting on with you new classmates? 你和你的新同学们相处得怎样? get on we

8、ll with sb.表示“与相处融洽”。 如:Does he get on well with his cousins?他和他的表兄弟们相处得好吗? 9. be famous for以而著名,介词for表示原因。 如:Shanghai is famous for its night views.上海以它的夜景而著名。 Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.杭州以西湖而著名。10. be known as被认为;被誉为,介词as表示“作为”。 如:Shanghai is known as a “Shopping Paradise”. 上海被誉为购物天堂。 V

9、enice is known as the City of Water. 威尼斯被誉为水城。11. one of the largest cities 最大的城市之一 【记忆】one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最之一” 如:one of the greatest inventors 最伟大的发明家之一 one of the most beautiful countries 最美丽的国家之一 on of the biggest animals 最大的动物之一12. betweenand 在和之间,可用于表示位置和时间关系。 如:There are many bridges and tu

10、nnels between Pudong and Puxi. 浦东和浦西之间有许多 桥梁和隧道。 Hell free between five oclock and six oclock. 他五点到六点之间有空。13. surprising adj.令人惊奇的 It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop.每年有那么多 的游客来上海也就不足为奇了。 【联想】surprised adj. 感到惊奇的,如:I was very surprised to see him here.

11、在这儿见到他 我很惊讶。 【拓展】surprise v. 使吃惊;使感到意外,如:The news surprised us all. 这消息使我们 所有人都吃了一惊。surprise n. 惊奇,如: to ones surprise令某人惊讶; What a big surprise he gave us! 他给了我们一个大大的惊奇!14. in about eight minutes 在大约八分钟内 【提示】 “in+一段时间”的结构有以下两种含义: (1)表示“在一段时间之内”,常用一般现在时或过去时。 如:The Maglev takes you to the internation

12、al airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在八分钟之内把你带到国际机场。The No. 2 bus takes you to the Peoples Park in about half an hour. 二路车可以在半小时 内将你带到人民公园。 The artist could drew a beautiful horse in five minutes. 画家可以在五分钟内画出一匹骏 马。 (2)表示“在一段时间之后”,常用一般将来时。 如:My father will be back from America in two days. 我爸爸将在

13、两天后从美国回来。15. therefore adv. 因此,所以【比较】therefore与so 意思相同,但词性不同。therefore是副词,so是连词。如: I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。 It rained. Therefore, we didnt have the football match. = It rained, so we didnt have the football match. 下雨了。因此我们没有举行足球赛。16. floating adj. 浮动的 【记忆】floating restaura

14、nts 水上餐厅【联想】float v. 漂浮,浮起17. think of想出Can you think of more interesting places? 你能想出更多有趣的地方吗? 【提示】think of还有“考虑”的意思,此时也可以用think about来表示。 如:What do you think of/about my new job? 你如何看我的新工作?18. 重点句型:(1)If you go to, you will see/find/eat.【记忆】在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句使用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,我们把这种规则简称为“主将从现”。如:If

15、it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们将去公园。 此外,主句也可以是祈使句或是含有情态动词的句子。如:Please tell him the news if he comes back. 如果他回来,告诉他这个消息。 Have a good rest if you are tired. 如果你累的话,好好休息。 You can see many tall trees if you go to the Forest Park. 如果你去森林公园,你能看见许多大树。 She must go to see the doc

16、tor if she is ill. 如果她病了,必须去看医生。(2)Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop! There are many bridges and tunnels, so it is convenient to travel between Pudong andPuxi.【提示】我们常用“It is + 形容词+to do sth.”或 “It is +形容词+that从句”的结构表达对某事的看法。在这两个句型中,it是形式主语,真

17、正的主语是to do sth.和that引导的从句部分。如:It is very important to learn English well. 学好英语很重要。 It isnt difficult for him to work out the problem. 对他来说做出这题不难。 It is wonderful that we can have a barbecue in the park. 我们能在公园烧烤太棒了。(3)Where can tourists go in Shanghai? They can go to _ (place).【注意】本单元中出现的上海地名:People

18、s Square 人民广场Yu Garden 豫园Suzhou Creek 苏州河the Huangpu River 黄浦江the Bund 外滩Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海大剧院Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆Shanghai Zoo 上海动物园Shanghai Botanical Gardens 上海植物园Shanghai Wild Animal Park 上海野生动物园Shanghai Science and Technology Museum 上海科技馆Century Park 世纪公园Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔Pud

19、ong New District 浦东新区Grand Gateway Plaza 港汇广场Sheshan State Resort 佘山国家旅游度假区Dongping National Forest Park 东平国家森林公园Changfeng Park 长风公园Luxun Park 鲁迅公园Longhua Temple 龙华寺Yangpu Bridge 杨浦大桥Nanpu Bridge 南浦大桥Lupu Bridge 卢浦大桥Module 1 Garden City and its neighboursUnit 2 Going to see a film【知识点输理】1. want to d

20、o 同义词组 would like to do 想要做某事2. read a film guide 阅读电影指南3. discuss which film to see 讨论看哪部电影4. take a look at 看一看= have a look at 5. fumy films 滑稽电影6. an action film 动作片7. films about adventures/clowns/policemen and robbers 冒险片/小丑片/警匪片 robber 抢劫犯 要注意rob、robbery8. a love story about一个关于的爱情故事full of l

21、aughter and fun 充满笑声和趣事 laugh 笑 (V.)laughter 笑声(n.) be full of 充满 full 是个形容词,表示满的,饱的 be full of 与 be filled with 是近义词,同时要注意 fillwith的用法(用。装满。)e.g. The room is full of people.这间屋里挤满了人-The room is filled with people.9. a film with a lot of action 一部充满动作的电影10. the most exciting film of the year 本年度最激动人

22、心的电影11. miss the cartoon 错过那部卡通片12. walk along沿着走13. get there from my home 从我家到哪儿14. on the left/right 在左边/右边15. get to from 从到16. the way to the cinema到电影院的路17. turn left/ rightinto_(street/road) 向左/右拐进路/街道 【重点句型】 1. like the film about adventures So do I .(Me too) I dont like the film about adven

23、tures Neither do I .so+助动词/情态动词/系动词/+主语,表示“也”,具体时态要跟上句一致neither+助动词/情态动词/系动词/+主语 表示“与他人做法一致,也不”具体时态也要跟上句一致e.g. They ate a lot of food. So did we. They didnt eat a lot of food. Neither did we. I can reach the shelf. So can I. I cant reach the shelf. Neither can I.2. Which film would you like to see t

24、his Saturday? 本周六你想看哪部电影? Id like to see . 我想看。3. How much are they going to pay for the tickets altogether? 他们总共要花多少钱买这些票?altogetherin all 总共pay for花。钱买。e.g. I need to pay 40 yuan for the film ticket. 4. 问路和一些回答: -How can I get there from my home ?/ which is the way to? -Turn right(left)into .Walk

25、along Green Street . You will see on your left5. What about Police Story? 去看警察故事这部电影怎么样?What about + 名词/动名词?= How about + 名词/动名词? 表示“做什么事情如何?”e.g. What about going to the cinema?6. Shall we see “Swan Lake” then? 我们去看天鹅湖好吗?shall 是情态动词,表示建议。 e.g. Shall we go shopping tomorrow?表示建议的句型还有:Lets go to see

26、“Swan Lake”, shall we? Why not go to see “Swan Lake”?Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 3 A visit to Garden City【知识点梳理】1. a visit to Garden City 参观花园市 这里的 visit 是名词 visit Garden City 参观花园市 这里的 visit 是动词 They paid a visit to Shanghai Museum last week. 他上周参观了上海博物馆。 They visited Shanghai Muse

27、um last week. 2. the Li family 李家3. teach maths in a school 在一个学校教数学 The person who teaches maths in our school is Miss Guo.那个在我们学校教数学的是郭小姐。 Miss Guo teaches us maths in our school 郭小姐教我们数学。 4. be an architect( an engineer )work as an architect (an engineer )担任(建筑师)工程师一职He has been an architect for

28、4 years. 他担任建筑师已经4年了。 He has worked as an architect for 4 years. 5. quite a few (years) 好几(年) 跟可数名词 He has made quite a few friends since he came here.自从他来到这里已经交了好几个朋友了。 quite a little (news ) 好些新闻 跟不可数名词 He has collected quite a little useful news since he surfed the net. 自从他上网以来,已经收集了好多有用的信息了。6. f

29、or 12 years 12年 for several years 好几年 since 12 years ago 自从12年起 since several years ago 好几年前起7. draw plans of buildings 画建筑图8. design machines 设计机器 9deliver letters 送信 10. train someone in sport 在体育方面训练某人11. drive a bus 开车12. be in charge of a school 负责主管一个学校be in the charge of a school 由。负责主管一个学校 例

30、: Mr Gu is in charge of our class. 谷老师负责管理我们班级。 Our class is in the charge of Mr Gu. 我们班级由谷老师负责管理。 13. shop with sb. 跟某人一起购物 这里的 是个动词。I usually shop with my mum at the shopping mall on Sundays. 我经常在周日和妈妈去购物中心买东西。I usually do some shopping with my mum at the shopping mall on Sundays. 14. tell the time 告知时间The child is old enough to tell the time. 这个小孩已经能认识钟了。 15. hold the keys 拴住钥匙16. take the cable car 乘缆车17. on the top of the hill 在小山顶上We enjoy the nice views on the top of the hill. 我们从山顶欣赏美丽的景色。 18. carry people up a hill 把人带到山上19

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