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人教八上unit 3 课时训练.docx

1、人教八上unit 3 课时训练Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)基础过关一、英汉互译1.爱交际的;友好的;外向的_ 2. 工作努力的;辛勤的_3.极好的;了不起的_ 4. care about _5.bring out_ 二、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.Tina is _ _(更外向)than Tara.2.Do you like the _ _(歌唱比赛)yesterday?3.His brother works as_ _(一样努力)Tom.4.The most important thing is

2、 to learn something and _ _ (玩的开心).5.- _ _(哪一个)is Lisa? - The one with shorter hair. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Sam is_(outgoing)than Tom.2. Peter sings _ (well) than John.3. My sister speaks_(loudly)than Li Hua.4. I am _(thin)than my sister. 5.My mother has_(short)hair than I.四、语音练习 ( )1. Which pair of the wor

3、ds with the underlined letters has the same sound? A. anyone want B. nothing wonderful C. both though( )2. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds? A. out loud B. break reach C. which where( )3. In the following words, which underlined letters has a different sound f

4、rom the others?A. arm B. hard C. share( )4. Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letters of the word “both”? A. than B. though C. thank ( )5. Which of the following words has different sounds from the underlined letters of the word “clear”? A. care B. competition C. nece

5、ssary ( )6.Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others? A. Someone B. Again C. Cabbage能力拓展一、单项选择 ( ) 1 Is Tom a good student?-Yes, he is _, all his teachers like him very much.A. rich B. hard-working C. poor( ) 2. I only have two friends.Try to be an _ person, you will find

6、 many friends.A. serious B. necessary C. outgoing ( ) 3. I will come back to see you soon, dad._ ,please, your father can not hear you.A. loud B. quiet C. louder ( )4.Ill do it again.Its not_, its no use. A. talented B. outgoing C. necessary( )5.I just want to do _work as him.Please dont, or you wil

7、l waste time.A. same B. careful C. the same( )6.-Is James_ than Tom? -Yes, he can do nearly everything.A. talented B. more talented C. talent( )7.-Is Scott really a good student? - _, he is.A. In fact B. true C. real( )8.- Do you think which is the most important, money, work and health?-I think the

8、 most important is health,_ money is very important.A. though B. if C. even ( )9.-I think if youre talented, its not necessary to learn_ new. -No, I think you should learn continuously.!A. anything B. something C. everything ( )10.-Are twins _ each other? -Yes, their parents can tell(区别) it clearly.

9、A. different from B. same C. similar二、汉译英,每空一词。 1.他英语学得和我一样好。 He studied English _as I.2.James 赢了上周的歌唱比赛。 James _the singing _ last week.3.留短发的女孩比那个男孩唱得更清晰。The girl_ short hair sang _clearly than that boy.4.李莉和吉娜一样勤奋。Lily is as _ _ Gina.5.最重要的事是学到新东西。The _ important thing is to _ something new.三、交际应

10、用 (A)从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的)AWhats she like?BWhat does she look like?Cit was fantastic!D.I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.Eeveryone wants to win.Fwhich one was Lisa?GI think she sang more clearly than Nelly.A:Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna?B: Oh, _1_ Nelly sang

11、so well!A: Yes ,but _2_B: Oh, 3 A: The one with shorter hair. _4_B: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa.A: You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.B: Well, 5 But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.(B)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。 A: Tina, do you think you are differe

12、nt 1 your sister Tara? B: Oh, sure. We look 2 but were very different. A: Really? In what ways are you different? B: Well , Im 3 outgoing than Tara. Im friendly and funnier, too, and I love sports. A: Yes, she can run faster and jump higher than me.B: Whos more hard-working at school?A: Tina thinks

13、she works 4 than me, but I work as 5 as Tina . But shes smarter than me.B: Not really. I think Im lazier than Tara. She always gets up earlier than me.四、完形填空 I have a twin sister, Anna. She has 1 hair than me. I dont like long hair. Many people think we 2 have lots of things in common. Im afraid thi

14、s is not true. When my parents friends come to my home, Anna often sits there and says 3 , but I like to talk with them. So she is 4 than me. Anna likes reading , drawing and cooking. I just like swimming and playing basketball. She has 5 hobbies than me, but she is not as athletic 6 me. As Anna doe

15、s 7 than me at school, my parents say to me, “ 8 Anna is younger than you, you should learn 9 her.” We do have some similarities(相似), however. For example, we 10 like eating fast food, going shopping and listening to pop music.根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( ) 1. A. long B. longer C. short ( ) 2. A. can B. should C.

16、 must ( ) 3. A. nothing B. something C. anything ( ) 4. A. Younger B. quieter C. wilder ( ) 5. A. few B. less C. more ( ) 6. A. than B. like C. as ( ) 7. A. worse B. better C. bad ( ) 8. A. But B. Because C. Although ( ) 9. A. from B. with C. as ( ) 10. A. all B. both C. either 第二课时 Section A(Gramma

17、r focus 3c)基础过关语法精讲 形容词、副词比较级形式的构成及运用1、形容词和副词在句中运用的区别与联系(1). 形容词和副词在句中运用的区别:形容词主要表示人或事物的特征或性质等,在句中一般用作句子的定语,放在名词代词之前(修复复合不定代词时放在不定代词之后)。形容词还可用作句子的表语,放在连系动词之后。简言之,“名前系后”。(2)副词是表行为或状态特征的一类词。一般用于句首(表时间副词或修饰整个句子的副词)、句尾(表时间或地点的副词)、形容词或副词前(表程度的副词)、句中助动词/be动词/情态动词后实意动词前(表频率、否定及部分程度的副词),不及物动词后或及物动词宾语后,充当状语。

18、简言之,“句首、句尾、形副动前、动词动宾后”。如:Mr. Wus daughter is careful .She often does everything carefully. 吴先生的女儿很细心。 她做任何事都很细心。The boy isnt good at English, so he doesnt do well in the English exam. 这个男孩不擅长英语,所以考试没考好。Mr. Liu has a beautiful daughter, and the daughter danced very beautifully. 刘先生有一个漂亮的女儿, 她跳舞很美。(3)

19、形容词变副词通常加后缀“ly”,其变化有规律可循。具体规则如下:一般形容词加上后缀“ly”转变为副词。如:useful-usefully; wide-widely; strong-strongly一般辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为“i”后加“ly”变为副词如:noisy-noisily; happy-happily; lucky-luckily一般以le结尾的,将“le”变为“ly”即可变为副词。如:terrible-terribly; probable-probably少部分单词既可以作形容词,也可以作副词。如:enough; late; early另注: good-well2.形容词和副词比较

20、级形式的构成在英语中,形容词和副词通常可分为原级形式(直接用该形容词或副词的原形表示)、比较级形式(由形容词或副词后加“er”等或前加“more”构成)和最高级形式(由形容词或副词后加“est”等或前加“most”构成)三种形式。其中形容词和副词的比较级形式构成规则相同。具体如下:形容词、副词比较级构成方法单音节及部分双音节形容词、副词一般在词尾加“er”构成比较级calm-calmerhard-harder以“e”结尾单词加“r”构成比较级brave-braverlarge-larger辅+y 结尾单词将y变为i后加er 构成比较级dirty-dirtierbusy-busier重读闭音节结

21、尾单词双写辅音字母后加er构成比较级big-biggerhot-hotter部分双音节、多音节形容词、副词,大多数双音节和多音节形容词、副词构成比较级,在前加more如:interestingmore interesting ; outgoing-more outgoing不规则形容词、副词、少数几个形容词、副词的比较级构成是不规则的如:good/well-better; much/many-more; little-less; bad/badly-worse3.形容词和副词比较级形式的运用比较级形式的形容词或副词含有“更,较”之意,用于两者之间进行比较的时候,即表示两者中其中一者在某方面比另

22、一者“更,较”时。(1)句中用到“than”时。其基本句型为:主语+谓语(系动词)+形容词/副词比较级+than+被比较对象。如: Her coat is more beautiful than mine. 她的大衣比我的漂亮。It is hotter today than it was yesterday. 今天天气比昨天热。(2)句中明显地出现两个比较对象、或表示有比较的“含两个人或物的短语结构”出现于句中时,句子中形容词或副词用比较级。如:Which boys bag is heavier , Mikes or Jims? 哪一个男孩的书包要重些,迈克的还是吉姆的?My father i

23、s more easygoing of my parents. 在我父母中我的父亲更随和。(3)比较级也可表示同一个人或物在两个不同时间或两个不同地点等两种不同情况下的比较。如: The student was ill last night, but he felt better this morning. 这个学生昨晚病了,但他今早感觉好些了。If you do more exercise, you will become more athletic soon. 如果你多做运动,你将来变得更强健。(4)使用比较级的时候注意:比较的对象要一致;very, quite不能用来修饰比较级;但是mu

24、ch, a little ;a lot; a bit ;even等词可以用来修饰比较级,表示两者间比较差距的大或小。一、写出下列单词的比较级 _ 4.heavy_5.lazy_6.hard_7.outgoing _ 8.early_9.clearly_10.friendly_11.talented_12.fantastic_13.loudly_14.loud_15.quiet _二、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.I think Sally did as_(better)as Lucy in the math competition.2. Lind

25、a is much_(hard-working) than Anna.3.Who has _(many) books, Zhang Li or Li Yang?4.It was cold yesterday, but it is _(cold)today.5.This box is much _(heavy), isnt it?能力拓展一、单项选择( ) 1. - Are you taller? - Yes, I am. Im taller now than I was .A. two years ago B. next year C. two years ( ) 2. -Im worried

26、. Im getting fatter. What shall I do? I think you should eat food and do more exercise.A. more B. less C. much ( ) 3. Tom, Jimmy run faster than you? I dont think so.A. does B. is C. do ( ) 4. -What is Judy like?-She thinks only of herself, and she doesnt other people. A. care for B. care about C. c

27、are of( ) 5. - Lesson Ten isnt as as Lesson Nine. -Well, its hard to read. A. easy B. difficult C. new ( ) 6. -Which apples do you like?- I dont like green apples, I like red . A. this B. that C. ones( ) 7. - _Julie as tall as you? - No, she isnt. A. Is B. Does C. Did ( ) 8.- Whats the change about

28、your school? -This year our school is much more beautiful than it last year. A. was B. does C. were ( ) 9. Yummy! The coffee is good. Thats right. It will taste with some milk.A. good B. better C. best ( )10. -Whos at school, Tara or Tina? - That must be Tara. A. hard-working B. more hard-working C.

29、 much hard-working二、按要求完成句子1. The girl in a red coat is Betty.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is Betty?2. Sam is heavier than John.(改为同义句) John is _ _ Sam.3. Paul jumps high. Carl jumps high, too. (合并为一句) _ Paul _Carl jump high.4. Tina is as friendly as Tara.(改为否定句) Tina_ _ friendly as Tara.5. Is Mike smarter than Jack?(改为同义句) _is _, Mike or Jack?三、汉译英,每空一词。 1.你能更大点声说吗? 我听不见。 Can you speak_ _? I cant hear you. 2.史密斯先生和格林先生对我们一样友好。 Mr. Smith is_ friendly to us _Mr. Green. 3.我的

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