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本文(高邮市初中英语单元课时当堂训练材料汇编8下Unit 7送桥初中.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高邮市初中英语单元课时当堂训练材料汇编8下Unit 7送桥初中.docx

1、高邮市初中英语单元课时当堂训练材料汇编8下Unit 7送桥初中八年级下册单元课时当堂训练Unit 7 International charitiesPeriod 1 Comic strip and welcome to the unit一、 词组翻译1. 国际慈善组织 2. 吃饭时间到了 3. 剩余的一些零花钱 4. 太虚弱,走不动了 5. 吃丰盛的午餐 6. 创造一个更好的世界 7. 一个叫联合国儿童基金会的慈善机构 8. 提供基础教育_ _9.阻止一些严重疾病的蔓延_ _ 10.妇女们的平等权利_ _二、词形转换1. We want to know more about different

2、 (慈善机构) in the world.2. This disabled person has lost his _(基本的) life skill.3. Werein badneedofmedicalworkers,_(尤其)surgeons4. ORBIS is an _(国际)charity which helps poor people all over the world .5. Who can provide the poor children with good (教育).6. He found that all his (口袋) were filled with money.

3、7.Can you divide the apple into two _parts (相等的).8. They havent made a (决定) about when to start their job yet.9. You can lose your weight by _(take) exercise. 10. Many people were _ (grate) for our help because we helped them in trouble.三、翻译下列句子1. 快点!只剩下一分钟了。 2.在我国妇女享有与男子平等的权利。 3.多可惜啊,昨天大雨阻止了我们去常州旅行

4、。 4.在5个小时的徒步后,我们实在是太累了而走不动了。 5. 当地政府必须采取措施来阻止这种疾病的传播。 四、首字母填空Dear Sir, I would like to make a comment(评价) on the plastic bags which we use in our daily life. I thought that the b 1 effect(影响) from all these bags on our environment was well known and that most people know they should not keep t 2 the

5、m but collect them in the dustbin(垃圾箱). However, one of the s 3 near my home seems to use m 4 of these bags than ever before. Red ones, white ones and blue ones - it m 5 no difference. They dont c 6 about the problems of environment. They still use plastic bags to wrap(包装) most of the things every d

6、ay. When I went shopping the other day, I bought two things, and I was g 7 three bags to wrap t 8 . Is it necessary to u 9 so many bags? Everyone should realize h 10 important it is to clean our environment.Unit 7 International charitiesPeriod 2 Reading1一、 词组翻译:1.一个对奥比斯医生的采访_2. 告诉我有关失明的事情_ _3. 主要在平困

7、地区_4.能够被阻止或治愈_ _5. 一个飞行眼科医院_6.药物治疗_ 7. 做手术_8. 当地的医生和护士_9. 提高他们的生活_10.继续我们的工作_二、根据所给中文完成句子1.We carried on _(讨论) the plan late into the night.2. Tomorrow the doctors will _(手术)on the man.3. How many_(手术)do you perform during a visit?4. We are all _ (自豪)that we are the students of Shuren Secondary Scho

8、ol. 5 I write to my mother every week, _ (主要)on Sundays. 6. The heavy work _(影响)his health, so he looked much older. 7. By _ (训练)local doctors and nurses, we can help more people. 8.Reading and writing are different _ (技能).9.If I have five million dollars, I will donate it to _ (医学的) research.10.Man

9、y of these _ (病例) of illness have been cured.三、翻译句子1.一些平困国家的人们很平穷,以至于他们承担不起去医院治疗的费用。_ _2.还有别的东西你想要对我们读者说的吗?。_ _3.我们希望人们能通过向奥比斯组织捐款来支持我们的工作。_ _4.当地的医生和护士受邀登机学习了解眼科手术。 _ _四、缺词填空Health, wealth(财富)and h_1_ are the three things people frequently (频繁地) talk about. To these three topics different people ma

10、y have different v_2_. Some people think that wealth is the most important part in their lives for it can bring them happiness. O_3_ think health is the most important. It is true that b_4_ wealth and health can bring happiness to people, but they do not always go hand in hand with happiness. To get

11、 wealth, some people may become pickpockets to steal money or robbers to grab (夺取)others belongings , which will hurt themselves instead of b_5_ them happiness. On the other hand, it does not mean that a person with a strong body would surely enjoy happiness because of being h_6_ along . H_7_, happi

12、ness is a feeling of pleasure. This feeling e_8_ people to work hard and make success. It also makes people happier. W_9_ this feeling, a person in poor health may get over his illness with the help of doctors. As happiness always brings hope to people, lets developa healthy outlook and keep a p_10_

13、 heart.1. h_ 2. v_ 3. O_ 4. b_ 5. b_6. h_ 7. H_ 8. e_ 9. W_ 10. p_Unit 7 International charitiesPeriod 3 Reading 2一、词组翻译1.大约这些病例的80%_ 2.干某事自豪_ _3.被用作一个培训中心_ 4.承担不起去医院的费用_ _5.通过培训他们_6.在一次拜访中_ _7.现代医学_8.一份真正重要的工作_ _二、用所给词的适当形式填空(每空一词) 1. We have a little time _(leave). Lets read English. 2. Are you us

14、ed to _(do) your homework at night ? 3. He used to _(visit)the Great Wall. 4. After the accident many people sent _ (donate )to help the victims. 5. The doctor told us the old man need an _(operate ), or he would die. 6. The people with eye problems can get free _ (treat) from ORBIS. 7. Some _ (medi

15、cine) teams went to Southeast Asia to help people there. 8.Many people are_. Most cases of _ can be cured or prevented. (blind)9.Do you know that a plane can be used as a _(train) centre.10.In hospital, Doctors should treat their _(病人)_(耐心地).三、单项选择1. Every one of us _ a simple life. A. needs live B.

16、 need live C. needs to live D. need living2.Americans use their cars _ when going to work, because they always live very far from their workplace.A. finally B. properly C. correctly D. mostly3. You cant _ me from _there. A. to prevent, going B. prevent, go C. prevent, to go D. prevent, going4. I hav

17、e tried to phone her six times today. What _ can I do? A. other B. else C. more D. others5. The man is very ill and he has_. A. operate on B. to be operated on C. operating D. being operated on 6. Joans pronunciation is much better than _ in his class. A. anyone elses B. else anyones C. anybody D. e

18、lse anybody7. It is _ to work out this problem, you dont need to ask the teacher for help. A. enough easy B. enough easily C. easy enough D. easily enough8. The man was badly ill, so we must _ him to the hospital. A. take B. carry C. bring D. keep9. I think high school students should _ pocket money

19、. A. be giving B. have given C. give D. be given10.I heard that the bad milk powder (奶粉) _ the deaths of more than 30 babies. A. made B. put C. caused D. gave四、缺词填空Leeda lives in Lpeach, a small v 1 in Prey Veng, Cambodia. She was b 2 in 1993. When Leeda was eight, her father died and the life becam

20、e worse and worse. Her mother had no job and could not s 3 the family. In the end, she l 4 her children, looking for work in big cities. Since her mother left, Leeda, the 14-year-old girl, had to look after the house. Every day she cooked, cleaned the house, and took care of her y 5 brothers. A phon

21、e number to call her mother was w 6 on one of the houses wooden beams (横梁).Leeda is now in the third grade w 7 the help of her school, the Dey Thoy School. T 8 her family is very poor and she has to take care of her brothers, she d 9 of going to college and then becoming a worker. For Leeda, educati

22、on is the only hope to make a better life for h 10 and her family.1. v_ 2.b_ 3. s_ 4. l_ 5. y_6. w_ 7.w_ 8. t_ 9. d_ 10. h_Unit 7 International charitiesPeriod 4 Grammar一、将下列短语译成英文1. 在它的帮助下_ _2. 分发传单_3. 通过买玩具筹钱_ _4. 一个慈善表演_ 5 一本关于乐施会的书_6. 建立、创立_ _7. 希望工程_ _ _8. 数百万贫困儿童_ _ 二、词汇运用1. The long bridge _(

23、build)two months ago. 2. Which language _the most widely_(speak)in the world? 3. Last year a large number of trees_(cut)down. 4. The students _ often _ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.5. The room _ (clean) by me every day.6. This kind of shoes _ (sell) well. 7. This piece of music _ (l

24、ove) by people all over the world.8. The little girl is often seen _ (read) in the library.三、单项选择1. I feel very happy that I _ to be the host. Congratulations. A. choose B. was chosen C. have chosen D. chose2. Did you go to Jacks birthday party? No, I _. A. am not invited B. wasnt invited C. havent

25、invited D. didnt invite3. The government will _ more colleges to provide education for students. A. set up B. send up C. set out D. use up4. Where _ the trousers _ ? A. are; made in B. are; made C. is; made in D. is; made5. I bought a book yesterday. Really? Who _ this book _? A. did; written by B.

26、do; written C. was; written by D. was; written6. Each year quite a lot of food _ around the world. Its really time for us to do something. A. was wasted B. is wasted C. wasted D. will be wasted7. Is there a sports meeting in your school? Yes. It _ in November every year. A. holds B. held C. will be held D. is held四、缺词填空Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31,2007. O_1_ two million homes and businesses

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