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1、高二英语第10单元验收题及答案高二英语第10单元验收题及答案笔试部分(120分) I语音、词汇。(10分) A)从A,B,C,D中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。(5分) 1stranger Aequal Bmagazine Cagriculture Dsafety 2blouse Amoustache Bwound Cdouble Dtrousers 3measure Apleasure Bsuitable CRussia Ddesert 4perfect Aaddress Bmoment Cpocket Dhotel 5note Acontainer Bbottom Cpo

2、wer Dnotice B)根据句意和单词首字母或括号内的汉语完成下列句子。(5分) 1I dont think they really take c _ as GodIm often cheated by some sellers 2She has been a shop a _ in Wuhan Department Store for more than 20years 3The young couple looked pleased living in the p _ room 4No matter how p _ the enemy seems,we must fight them

3、to the end 5Itwas f _ of you to park your car in the middle of the road 6There was once a _ (百万富翁)who loved money more than anything else 7Youd better go to the _ (裁缝店)to have your clothes made 8The little girlhas only been studying for a year,but her English is already _ (极好的) 9The dressmade to her

4、 own _ (尺寸)fits her very much 10I have no _ (选择),I must do as he tells me II同步语法。(as if和no matter)(15分) A)单项填空。(10分) 1The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction Aseeing Bhaving seen Cto have seen Dto see 2It looks as if the coat _ properly _ t

5、he instruction Ahasnt washed;following Bwasnt washed;to follow Chasnt been washed;following Dhasnt been washed;to follow 3He talks as if he _ everything in the world Aknew Bknows Cshould know Dhas known 4I entered the room as if he _ me Anot noticed Bdidnt notice Chadnt noticed Dwerent noticing 5She

6、 behaves as if she _ a dancer Ais Bmay be Cwere Dshould be 6The postman must deliver the mail _ bad the weather is Ano matter Bhowever Chow Dwhatever 7Believe me or not,Im always on your side _ you have Awhat great difficulty Bhow great difficulty Cno matter what great difficulty Dhowever great diff

7、iculty 8There _ a big tree in front of the house ten years ago Ahad Bhad been Cseemed to have Dseemed to be 9She no longer sings and dances _ she used to Alike Bas Cas well Das if 10We wont change our minds _ happens Ano matter Bit Chowever Dwhatever B)用括号内动词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1The two strangers talked as

8、 if they _ (be)friends for years 2We act as if we _ (think)that he would never notice amistake unless it was pointed out to him,or correct it unless he was made to 3Light travels so fast that the time in which it travels from the book you are reading to your eyes is so short as if there _ (be)no tim

9、e at all 4She taught the blind boy as if he _ (be)a seeing child 5Many years have passed,but I still remember it as if it _ (be)yesterday III课本要点。(30分) A)单项填空。(10分) 1Would you change the large note for me? Sorry,Im short of _ Achanges Ba change Cthe change Dchange 2Some students insisted that an Eng

10、lish evening _ at weekend;yet others insisted that they _ no interest in it at all Abe held;take Bheld;take Cbe held;took Dshould be held;take 3They went away _ I could say a word Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dwhile 4There _ to be nothing wrong with her sister, _ there? Aseem;dont Bseems;is Cseems;arent Dse

11、ems;doesnt 5Please do _ these books and post them for me Aup Bwith Cfor Dme afavor with 6We cannot judge a person _ his clothes _ he wears Awith;which Bby;which Con;Dby;in which 7I am sorry to have put you _ so much trouble Ato Bin Cinto Don 8You shouldnt have kept _ the matter from me Aback Baway C

12、off Dup 9Strangely,they looked _ they were twins,for they looked so much like each other Aas Blike Cas if Deven if 10The teacher wanted to _ some research about the studentshomework Atake Bget Cdo Dhave B)用正确的介词或副词填空。(10分) 1The student apologized _ the teacher _ what he had done 2Youve done _ your b

13、uttons the wrong way 3If you cant change the blouse _ another oneI want my money _ 4This is just the book Im _ I have been searching _it acouple of days 5Give me a pen to put _ this address so that I can drop in _ him some day 6The shirt was made _ his own measure,but it happened that he didnt have

14、any _ money him 7The little girl couldnt keep _ her tears and told me that the shop assistant didnt give the right change,but keep _ five pounds 8She is going to have her hair done _ for the party 9His family depend _ him for food and clothing 10Get your dirty shoes _ before you get _ the room C)用方框

15、内的词或短语填空,其中有两项是多余的。(10分) whats worse,fit,putdown,getoff,measure,do some research about,try on,or else,run, take place,judging from,depend on 1She is interested in free marketsShe often _ markets in many places 2I _ the shoes;I found that they were tight 3MrZhang is a good tailor,and he always _ his

16、customers carefully 4Lets set off, _ well be late for the meeting 5He took out his pen and notebook and _ my telephone number and address 6The cloth is goodFor its colors will not _ when you wash it 7The beautiful skirt _ me very well but now it is too small 8In America,elections of president _ ever

17、y four years 9He may be late _ ,he may not come at all 10 _ what you say,you ought to be right IV综合能力训练。(65分) A)完形填空。(20分) Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous man in the days of Queen Elizabeth I,when no one smoked in EnglandHe traveled widely and learned to 1Then he returned to England,but he did not2

18、smokingHe used to smoke two pipes(烟斗)every day secretly in his3When anyone came in,he quickly puthispipe4,but one day he was not5enoughA man came in and6 clouds ofsmoke in his roomMore smoke was coming from Raleighs7,sotheman gotsome8 from the kitchen and threw it9RaleighHe believed that Raleigh was

19、10He ran out of the house and told everyone about it After this,smoking wasnota11Raleigh told Queen Elizabeth about itHe said he could even12his smokeShe did not believe this,and asked him to13 “First,”he said,“I shallweigh the tobaccoThen I shall put it in my14 and smoke itThen I shall weigh the as

20、hes which remainI can take them out of the pipe and weigh them on a balanceThere will be a great difference between the two weightsThe tobacco must be heavier than the ashesThe15 between them must be the weight of the smoke” It was a good plan,but Raleigh was16When anything17,it needs oxygenIt usual

21、ly gets oxygen from the airWhen Raleighs tobacco burned,it did this,but the oxygen was not in the tobacco at the beginningIt was18 when Raleigh smoked his pipeSo the smoke was19 than the difference between the two weightsThe weight of oxygen was added Raleigh had a sad life and died in 1618He died b

22、ravely and quietlyHe20 a pipe just before his end 1Acook Bdrink Csmoke Ddrive 2Astop Benjoy Cconsider Dcontinue 3Acar Boffice Cdepartment Droom 4Aon Bdown Cup Daway 5Awell Bquick Cearly Dcarefully 6Ahad Bfound Coffered Dcleaned 7Aroom Bpipe Cmouth Droof 8Awater Bfood Coil Dsoup 9Adown Bover Cabove D

23、across 10Aburning Bbathing Cdrinking Dsmoking 11Adanger Btrouble Cfavorite Dsecret 12Acause Bweigh Ccollect Dcontrol 13Aexplain Bread Cleave Dcopy 14Apocket Bhouse Cmouth Dpipe 15Arecord Bnumber Cdifference Dproblem 16Awrong Blucky Cright Dcruel 17Ahappens Bburns Cstops Dstarts 18Alost Breduced Cadd

24、ed Dchanged 19Amore Bless Cheavier Dlighter 20Adestroyed Bsmoked Cmade Drepaired B)阅读理解。(20分) (A) I know a woman who likes to do grocery(杂货店)shopping,but I also know alot of people who hate itPeople who hate the shopping are likely to like supermarkets, those huge stores where almost everything you

25、need to feed your family or to clean and support your home is able to be got in one place The supermarket saves me both money and timeThe little corner grocery store is often more conveniently(方便地)found, more pleasant and open at late hours when the supermarket is closedBut the grocer must ask you f

26、or more money than the big market because he can only buy a small number of cases of one product,while a supermarket can buy cheaper and can sell cheaper to you However,food is very far from cheap so I always hunt for bargains(便宜货),I check advertisements in newspapers and the markets“sale”papers,and

27、 try to make up a shopping list that includes“sale”items 1The grocer asks you for more money _ Athough his store opens at late hours Bthough he buys a small number of products Cbecause he cant buy cheaper Dbecause he appears to be pleasant 2Which of the following statements is untrue? AThe grocery store is more convenient than the supermarket BThe grocery store opens very early CThe supermarket can buy a great number of cheaper thing

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