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1、高考核心动词及搭配附录一:常见动词词组搭配一、add(1) If you add 5 to 5,you get 10.(把加到上面)(2) Five added to five is/makes 10.(3) This will add to our trouble.(增加)(4) The balloons added to the festival atmosphere.(增加)(5) His whole school education added up to no more than one year.(加起来总共)(6) Add up the numbers,and you will

2、get 1155.(加)二、agree(1) agree on(就达成共识)(2) agree to do sth.(同意做(某事))(3) agree to the plan/decision/arrangement(同意)(4) I dont agree with you/what you said/your advice.(同意)(5) The climate here doesnt agree with me.(指食物、天气等适合某人)(6) Your story agrees with what I have already beard.(和一致) 三、break例析:(1) I a

3、m sorry that I broke my promise(违背,违反)(2) break ones word/break the law/break the rule(3) His health broke.((身体或精神)垮了)down.(4) He broke away from all his old friends.(断绝来往,脱离)(5) I should break away from such habits.(改掉(习惯))(6) All our plans broke down. The peace talks have broken down. ((计划、谈判等)失败)

4、(7) The telephone system has broken down.((机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉)(8) The thieves planned to break into a bank.(闯入,破门进入)(9) The Second World War broke out in September 1939.(爆发)(10) After midnight,the party broke up.(散(会))(11) I broke up the candy and gave each child a small piece.(分开)(12) The police broke up

5、 the crowd.(分开,分散)(13) broken English(鳖脚的英语)(14) Our troops had little difficulty in breaking through the lines of the police. 四、bring例析:(1) He brought about a quarrel between his parents.(引起,造成)(2) She made every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem.(实现)(3) Electricity lines as

6、well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches.(倒下)(4) bring down prices(降低价格)(5) The sale brought in over200.(赚得)(6) Dirt often brings on disease.(引起)(7) The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.(使成长更快,使提高)(8) Can you make a sentence to bring out the meaning of the p

7、hrase.(讲解清楚)(9) Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma.(抚养)(10) He was so ill that he brought up everything.(呕吐)(11) This brought me into touch with various kinds of workers. ((和各种名词连用)进入某种状态)(12) Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.(提出)(13) They have brought the meeting fo

8、rward to next Monday.(把提前,提早)五、call(1) The trouble calls for quick action by the government. (要求)(2) I will call for you at five oclock.(来找某人)(3) We called for the packages at the post office.(来取某物)(4) I formed the habit of calling in on him in the evenings.(顺便拜访)(5) Your father is ill,you should ca

9、ll in a doctor at once.(找来,请来)(6) People dont like being called names.(骂人)(7) Theyve called off the game because of the thick fog.(取消)(8) He called upon me to speak immediately after him(请叫(某人做某事))(9) I called on the people of this country to work hard for national unity.(号召)(10) A notice displayed

10、in the shop window called attention to the recent increase in prices.(11) The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths.(召集)(12) call in at some place/call in on sb. /call back/call up/give sb. a call/make a call 六、carry例析:(1) He had learned enough German t

11、o carry on a conversation.(进行)(2) One person should carry on where the other had left off.(进行下去)(3) I was chosen to carry out our experiment.(执行,开展)(4) He did not carry out his promise to us.(履行)(5) After destroying the village,the enemy carried off all the cattle(抢走)(6) The work is tough,but it is

12、the person to carry it through. (顺利完成,顺利实现) 七、come例析:(1) How come that you didnt get here in time?((用于引申意义)发生某情况)(2) He came to realize that he was mistaken.(渐渐地(表示动作逐渐变化的过程))(3) My dream has come true,(变成现实)(4) He talked about his coming trip to the United States.(即将到来的)(5) How did the accident com

13、e about?(发生,造成)(6) I came across(came upon/ran across)this book in an old bookstore.(无意中碰到,找到) (7) He came suddenly across an idea.((无意中)想到)(8) He just asked me to come round for supper.(到这儿来)(9) Come along!Arthur,we cant wait all day!(快点)(10) Come along!Someone must know the answer to my question.(

14、快说)(11) This paper comes out every Friday.(出版)(12) I think the roses will come out next week.(开花,发芽)(13) I came out first in the examination.(考试结果;考第一名)(14) The bill comes to $5.(总计)(15) When it comes to mathematics,I know nothing about it.(谈到,涉及)(16) The robbery did not come to light until the next

15、 day.(被发现,被大家知道)(17) The question hasnt come up yet.(被提出)(18) He came up with an idea.(提出)(19) come to oneself(苏醒过来)(20) come to an end(结束)(21) come into effect(force)(生效)(22) come to a conclusion(decision)(作出结论(决定))(23) come into being(existence)(开始存在、建立、产生)(24) come into power(开始执政) 八、care (1) I d

16、ont care what they say. I shall go on just the same.(在乎,在意)(2) If you care to hear it,I will tell it to you.(愿意)(3) Albert Einstein cared little for money. He was seen using a cheque for1500 as a bookmark.(4) Would you care for a cup of coffee? (Would you like.?)(5) He cared about money.(喜欢)(6) The

17、mother card for the sick child day and night(照顾,照料)(7) The professor said he was interested only in research:he didnt care about his students.(关心)(8) In this way we could give them timely medical care.(医疗护理)九、catch(1) catch fire(to start burning)(着火)(2) catch ones breath(缓口气,歇口气)(3) That car caught

18、his eyes/attention.(引起注意)(4) The police caught him stealing a car. (撞见,突然发现)(5) That style has never caught on in China.(become popular)(流行)(6) He was caught in the rain.(be stuck)(被困扰)(7) Her skirt got caught in the door.(be hooked)(被钩住)(8) I suddenly caught sight of him in the crowd.(看见)十、clear(1)

19、 She made it clear that she would support Australia.(2) (弄清楚,查明白,明确)(3) After the storm the sky cleared.(晴朗起来)(4) The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.(收走)(5) How can we clear away,these doubts?(消除,清除)(6) The weather has cleared up;we can go out.(晴朗起来,开朗起来)(7) Youll have to clear up

20、 the things on the table before we have tea.(整理,收拾)十一、compare(1) Car production rose by 25,compared to/with the first 3 months of this year.(和相比)(2) We know it was a small place,comparing to what it is now.(和相比)(3) Compare this with that,and you will see which is better. (把和相比)(4) Shakespeare compar

21、ed the world to a stage.(把比作)十二、cover(1) They covered 12 miles yesterday.(走完(一段路程))(2) How many pages have you covered?(看完(多少页书))(3) The city covered ten square miles.(占据(多大面积))(4) The professors talk covered the subject.(谈到,涉及)(5) The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.(覆盖着)(6) The b

22、est reporters were sent to cover the 27th Olympic Games. (报道,采访) 十三、cut(1) cut off(切断;切下来)(2) cut out(戒掉,不吃,剪出)(3) cut in(插嘴)(4) cut up(切碎)(5) a short cut(捷径)(6) They want to cut down a large forest in this area.(砍倒)(7) George is trying to cut his weight down.(消减,减少)(8) The army was called in to cut

23、 through the fallen trees on the road.(锯断,剪断,凿穿)十四、deal(1) Id rather deal with a man than a woman. Women are sharp.(和打交道)(2) Im used to dealing with matters of this sort.(处理)(3) This book deals with questions on politics.(论述,谈)(4) What shop do you deal with?(和做买卖)十五、die(1) die of(死于(情感、饥寒、年老等原因)),如:

24、(2) die of illness/a fever/hunger/sadness(3) As a result,many westerners die at an early age of heart disease.(4) die from(死于(间接原因)),如:(5) die from an accident/the polluted air/a bad habit(6) Ronnys steps had died away/down,and there was a moment of silence. ((指风、声、光)消逝)(7) The wind has died away/do

25、wn again.(平息)(8) It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 an average of one kind of living thing died out each year.(灭绝,不复存在)(9) Im dying for something to eat.(have a strong desire for sth.)(渴望) 十六、 do(1) I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.(2) No,youre doing

26、 fine.((工作、学习、生活、生长等)情况(好))(3) Im happy in my work in the garden. Im doing well.(4) Will it do if we let you have an answer by Friday?(5) (行,够,合适,可以,凑合)(6) Lets do up this room first.(整理,收拾)(7) They tried to do away with slavery.(废除)(8) Mary has done herself up for the party.(梳妆打扮)(9) Please do up t

27、hese books and post them for Mr. Smith.(包,扎,系,捆)(10) do ones hair(做头发)(11) do the room(打扫房间)(12) do the bed(铺床) (13) do wrong to sb.(使某人受委屈)(14) do business(做生意),(做买卖)(15) do right(做得好)(16) do wrong(做错事,做坏事)(17) have something/nothing/anything/a lot to do with(与有些没有有什么有很大关系) 十七、end(1) The meeting en

28、ded up with a song. (以告终)(2) If you drive your car like that,youll end up in hospital. (最后(有某种结局),最后(成了))(3) The politician finally ended up his speech.(结束)(4) We ended up the dinner with fruit and coffee.(以而结束)(5) The match ended in a win for us.(以告终,结果)(6) It rained for three days on end.(=continu

29、ously)(连续地)(7) We must put an end to this foolish behavior.(结束,制止)(8) The meeting came to an end at last.(结束) 十八、fall(1) We cant afford to fall behind our competitors in using the new technology.(2) She has fallen in love with him/the dress.(3) Where does the plan fall down?(=fail or to be ineffecti

30、ve)(4) This topic falls naturally into three sections.(=be divided into)(被分成)(5) I am quite happy to fail in with you/your suggestions.(6) (=agree with or to)(赞同)十九、fix(1) fix(on) a time for sth.(约定时间干某事),如:(2) Lets fix a time for discussion. (3) Theyve fixed the time and date for the party.(4) fix

31、ones eyes on(注视),如:(5) He fixed his eyes on the clock.(6) fix ones attention on(注意)(7) fix supper(做饭)(8) fix tea(沏茶)(9) fix the broken machine(修理,整理)二十、follow(1) You should follow the rules of the lab when youre doing experiments.(遵循,听从,依照行事)(2) The child follows her mother about all day long.(跟随)(3) Follow this road until you get to the church.(沿着(走))(4) May follows April.(接着发生,跟着到来)(5) Do you follow what Im saying?(听懂,理解)二十一、get(1) The operator finally got me through.(

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