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外研版英语九年级上册期末单元练习Module 5.docx

1、外研版英语九年级上册期末单元练习Module 5Module 5 一、单项选择(每题1.5分,共15分)1.This is the second museum in our city. A. popular B. more popularC. most popular D. the most popular2.Jim, _ in the hallway!You may fall down and hurt yourself.Arun Bdont runCrunning Druns3 The robot can help me sweep the floor. _smart invention

2、it is!AWhat BWhat aCWhat an DHow4. What can you usually see in the meeting room? _ 5When your friend is _,you must give him a hand.Aget into trouble Bget into the troubleCin trouble Din the trouble6. There are floors in the Science Museum and you can do physics experiments on floor.A. five;three B.

3、five;the thirdC. the fifth;the third D. the fifth;three7Mum, the summer holiday is coming. I wonder _How about Qinling Wild Zoo?Awhere can we go Bwhere we can go Chow we can go Dhow can we go8 Marys father rarely smokes in public places,_?Adoes he Bdoesnt heCis he Disnt he9. Im planning to climb Mou

4、nt Huang this summer. Would you like to come along?Wow! That would be exciting _ challenging. Im in!A. as well as B. as good as C. as long as D. as far as10You look really tired. _?I didnt sleep well last night. I had a headache.AHow about you BWhat should I doCWhats the matter DHow are you feeling

5、now二、完形填空(每空1分,共15分)Today our class visited the Museum of Natural History.We went to see the _1_ show.At first I wasnt _2_ in seeing dinosaur skeletons(骨骼)Why would anyone want _3_ about something thats not around any more?First we walked _4_ a big room.I saw the skeleton of a large animal.It almost

6、 _5_ the room.Two huge,dark holes _6_ its head looked at me.It was Dinosaur Sue.Our guide told _7_ all about Sue.He told us to look at her _8_Sue had 60 teeth.Her teeth were long and sharp.One tooth looked as _9_ as my school ruler.The guide said the dinosaurs teeth showed that she was a meat eater.

7、As I looked at it,I _10_ what the dinosaur had looked like when it was _21_No one knows what _12_ dinosaurs were,but I pictured it as brownish grey.I could see it going through the grass and trees searching for food.Suddenly I realized that the skeleton had _13_ belonged(属于)to a living animal that u

8、sed to live on Earth.It made me think about other _14_Now I _15_ why people want to learn about these animals.It would be very exciting to find a dinosaur skeleton.()1.A.elephant Bpanda Cdinosaur Dmonkey()2.A.surprised Bexcited Cinterested Dbored() learn Bto hear Cto talk Dto think() Bou

9、t of Cfrom Dinto()5.A.filled Bfull Cfill Dfulled() Bby Cin Dwith() Bthem Cher Dus()8.A.legs Bteeth Cnose Dfeet()9.A.good Blong Cbad Dcolourful()10.A.wondered Bthought Cadvised Dagreed ()11.A.old Basleep Calive Dyoung() Bsize Ccolour Dage()13.A.never Bonce Cseldom Dalways ()14.A

10、.grass Banimals Cpeople Dtrees()15.A.question Bask Cunderstand Dstudy三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)AThe Museum of LondonThe museum opened in 1976. It shows all about the history and culture of London. If you want to discover how the city has changed, come here. And if you want to find what special things the cit

11、y has, come here too. You can spend the whole afternoon here enjoying the collection.Opening Times:Open:10:00 to 18:00 dailylast admission(入馆): 17:30 Closed : 24th26th DecemberTicket Price:FreeAddress:150 London Wall, London EC2Y 5HNTelephone:44 (0)20 7001

12、 http: / transport: By underground: The nearest stations are Barbican,St. Pauls. By bus : 4,8,25,56,100,172,242,521Museum of London shop:The shop at the Museum of London provides gifts and books about London. We also sell postcards and posters about London. You can buy

13、 some of them for yourselves or your relatives(亲戚).( )1. The Museum of London opened to the public years ago.A. 43B. 76C. 100D. 150( )2. Tom can enter the Museum of London at if he wants to visit it.A. 9:30 a.m. B. 11:00 a.m. C. 5:45 p.m. D. 6:00 p.m.( )3. Which information about the Museum of Londo

14、n is NOT provided in the material?A. Its address. B. Its email. C. Its collection.D. Its telephone number.( )4. Visitors can buy in the Museum of London shop.books gifts posters drinks postcards foodA. B. C. D. ( )5. We can learn from the material that.A. many buses can take visitors to the Museum o

15、f LondonB. the ticket price of the Museum of London is very highC. the Museum of London is open every day of the yearD. the Museum of London shows visitors all about its historyBThe British Museum is a museum of human history and culture in London. It has a collection of more than 13 million objects

16、. It is a great building in London, not far from London University. Thousands of visitors go there every year to see the valuable, strange and beautiful things it has. What interests many people most is the large library. There are millions of books. You can find any English book you want there, and

17、 many books in foreign languages or translated into English. The library is also a reading room. If you want to borrow books to read there, you must first get a readers ticket from the office. One cannot take the books away. In other parts of the museum, there are rooms and halls. They contain thing

18、s which have been brought from other countries all over the world. They help us to understand the history of foreign lands and the people who live in them. Some of the things were worn out or used by men and women thousands of years ago. On the way out, you can buy pictures of the most interesting t

19、hings that are shown in the museum.根据短文内容,完成下列表格。The number of the objects in the British Museum6. _ The university near the British Museum7. _ The thing that interests people most8. _ The first thing you should do if you want to borrow books to read there9. _ The things which have been brought from

20、 other countries all over the world help us to understand10. _ 四、词汇运用(每空1分,共10分)Arule, tail, downstairs, no entry, in trouble1. Stop! Dont cross that rope! Cant you see the sign “_”?2. The nice little dog waved its _ happily, welcoming the owner back home.3. A true friend will never run away from yo

21、u when youre _.4. The traffic policeman took away Jims license because he broke the traffic _ of drunk driving.5. When going upstairs or _, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for the people who hurry up.B1. I could hardly _ my feelings at the moment. The song brought back so many c

22、hildhood memories.2. We carefully _ the first report with the second one.3. These new types of _ cost very little and will never run out.4. Is the bridge strong enough to support two heavy _ at the same time?5. The artist is so creative. He can make different changing pictures with _.五、短文填空(每空1分,共10

23、分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。San Francisco has many 1. _(博物馆)You can visit one and learn something new.We have art, 2. _(科学), history and other 3. _(专门的) museums. Some museums are open every day. Some are only open on 4. _(某些) days. Some museums are expensive, and others are 5. _(免费的). But some o

24、f the expensive ones have free days. Many museums have websites.The websites usually have 6. _(信息) about the things you can see in the museums.On a museums website you can get information about ticket 7. _(价格) and free days. You can also know where the museum is and when it is open.Sometimes the inf

25、ormation is on the first 8. _(页), and its very easy for you to find. But sometimes you have to 9. _(点击) on the words like Visit, Information, or About to 10. _(寻找) the information. That will be hard work for you.六、按要求完成句子(每题2分,共10分)1.看!一个妇女带着三个孩子正在过马路。Look! A woman with three children _ _ the street

26、.2.正如习总书记所说:“只要我们撸起袖子加油干, 中国梦就一定会实现。”As President Xi says, “If we are _ _ energies to do everything, China Dream is sure to come true.”3.如果你总是拿你自己和别人比较, 你可能会有巨大的压力。If you always _ yourself _ others, you may have tons of pressure.4.难怪他宁愿修理这辆旧的自行车也不想买一辆新的。_ _ he would rather repair the old bike than b

27、uy a new one.5.如果不下雨的话, 人和动物都将遭难。Humans will suffer _ _ _ animals if the rain doesnt come.七、书面表达(15分)根据下面提示,请写一篇词数不少于80的短文,向大家介绍一下中国军事博物馆(the Military Museum of China)。提示:它位于北京天安门西面,馆内有不同时期、不同地方的武器;每年有成千上万的来自世界各地的人来这里参观;馆内禁止大声喧哗,严禁触摸展品;在馆内可以购买明信片。 参考答案一、单选1-5 CBBDC 6-10 BBAAC二、完型1-5CCADA 6-10CDBBA 1

28、1-15CCBBC三、阅读1-5ABCDA6. More than 13 million7. London University8. The large library9. To get a readers ticket(from the office)10. The history of foreign lands and the people who live in them四、词汇运用A:1. No entry2. tail3. in trouble4. rules5. downstairsB:1. control2. compared3. energy4. trucks5. sand五

29、、短文填空1. museums2. science3. special4. certain5. free6. information7. prices8. page9. click10. find六、按要求完成句子 crossing2.full of/filled withpare with4.No well as七、书面表达The Military Museum of China, to the west of Tiananmen Square, is one_of_the_most_popular_museums in Beijing.Thousands of people all over the world visit it every year.They can see lots of interesting weapons from different times and places.The Military Museum of China is very serious, so it is quiet there.People mustnt make a noise, and they mustnt touch the

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