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1、小鼠解剖实验报告小鼠解剖实验报告篇一:实验动物学实验报告实验动物学实验报告一、实验动物:小鼠二、操作流程:抓取,固定,编号,给药,取血,麻醉,绝育,解剖。三、具体操作一、抓取:抓取小鼠时,右手抓住小鼠尾巴,不要过于使劲,以避免惊吓小鼠。左手从小鼠身体后部向前抓(以避免小鼠向后缩咬伤自己),抓住小鼠颈部。固定住小鼠后,将小鼠皮肤往上抓,尽可能将小鼠背部皮肤抓住。左手将小鼠腹部朝向自己,把小鼠尾巴用左手无名指和小指夹住,这时小鼠腹部皮肤紧绷,不能动弹。二、固定: 通常利用固定器进行固定。将固定器拧开后,抓住小鼠尾巴,使其钻入固定器中,再将拧下的固定器部份装好,使小鼠尾部露出,再将可旋转的铁片固定住





6、完的小鼠放入尸身袋中。篇二:小鼠解剖实验小鼠的腹腔解剖实验 一、实验小鼠处死 二、小鼠体腔整体解剖三、小鼠腹腔Shiny surface of the organs is the visceral peritoneum; shiny lining the abdominal wall is theparietal peritoneum 四、小鼠横膈 The diaphragm is the thin muscular membrane below the heart and above the liver (second square from the top)五、小鼠腹腔重要脏器一览Igno

7、re the top square (lung in thorax). From there down are the liver, stomach, spleen, left kidney,left seminal vesicle and the urinary bladderFrom the left: liver, small intestine, large intestine, spleen, urinary bladder, left testis From the top: heart, diaphragm, gall bladder (between the right lat

8、eral and medial lobes of the liver), left medial lobe of liver), spleen, large intestine From the left: coiled oviduct, left uterine horn, left ovary above the left oviduct; note that the uterus is bicornuate(Female reproductive organs)六、小鼠心脏和肺Heart (ventricles) and left lungLungs inflated by blowin

9、g into nostrils七、小鼠腹腔脏器彼此关系简图图一图二篇三:南方科技大学生物小鼠解剖英文实验报告生物系实验报告姓名班级 学号 实验日期 XX.5.21科目 实验名称Mouse Dissection 合作者指导教师成绩 LAB 10: Mouse DissectionIntroduction: In biomedical research, animal models are always regarded as indispensable tools. They contribute to the scientific discovery in biology and our un

10、derstanding of the functions of individual genes, even the mechanism of different diseases. Typically, although mice are different from humankind in size and appearance, they have a distinct genetic similarity. At the same time, mice have an efficient ability to reproduce, so they are important rese

11、arch tools for experiments in the lab. In this experiment, we will exercise to dissect a mouse, so that we can observe the inside of a mammalian body to identify the female and male mice. Learning and recognizing the anatomical structure of mice, including. Materials and Methods: Materials: Operatio

12、n plate, Scissor, Forceps, Alcohol cotton, Mouse. Methods: we get a male mouse Part 1: Observations of external features. Make a table T-1.1 Having an overhead view, identify the mouses head, neck, truck, and tail; observe the dorsal and ventral surfaces. Roughly record what is seen.2 Observe the th

13、orax which is supported by the rib cage, and the abdomen, and the details of appendages attached to the abdomen.3 Find the mouth, two external nostrils, two external auditory canals, and anus, which are on the body surface.4 Have a simply look at the surface of reproductive organ, prepuce, urethral

14、and penis including. And locate the saclike scrotum; feel for the paired testes in the scrotum. Note the rough features. Part 2: Observation of organs and structures inside the mouse. Open the Ventral Body Cavities, Thoracic Cavity, and Abdominopelvic Cavity in order. We must break the ribs near the

15、 attachment to the vertebral column to fold back the upper flaps. Make a table T-2.1. Ventral Body Cavities.a. Make a longitudinal incision through the skin with a dissecting scissor, from the neck to the preputial opening. Pierce the body wall below the ribs, with the blades angled upward, so that

16、it wont damage the internal organs.b. Pull the sides of the longitudinal incision, and look for the diaphragm. Then make two perpendicular cuts through the body wall below the diaphragm. After this, cut the diaphragm 2. Thoracic Cavity. a. After opening, observe the heart and cut the thymus away so

17、that we can observe the heartclearly.b. Make sure the location of lung, find the trachea and bronchus. Note the features in table T-2.3. Abdominopelvic Cavity.a. Observe the liver which is posterior to the diaphragm, look for the gallbladder.b. Locate the stomach, and then examine the spleen. Note w

18、here the small intestine is, and look for the pancreas (can secrete insulin). Take photos and record the features.c. Find the place where small intestine empties into large intestine. Observe the short rectum which is near to anus, and cecum.d. Separate the esophagus, dorsal mesentery, and the desce

19、nding portion of the large intestine. Give the urinary bladder.e. Find two kidneys, and the urethra connected to them, the ureter start from the central of kidney.f. Examine the organs of the reproductive system. Use scissors to open the scrotum to expose the testis, and then find the coiled epididy

20、mis and vas deferens.g. Roughly observe a mouse of the opposite sex. Results: Part 1: table T-1 As we can see, the blood vessels on the ear are apparent, and the penis is wrapped in prepuce. The saclike scrotum is outside the body, and is near to anus at the same time. Part 2: table T-2 The thymus i

21、s important in the development of the immune defenses.The bronchi can carry air from the trachea toward the lungs, during the process of inspiration. The small intestine is longest organ in the body, filling most of the Abdominopelvic cavity.Pancreas produces enzymes for the digestion of food and, a

22、s a part of the endocrine system, it secretes insulin into the blood. The system of female mouse is similar to male we observe, except the reproductive organs. Discussions: Question 1: How to distinguish female and male mouse? From the appearance of external genital organs, we can recognize them, th

23、e difference of penisand vagina mouth is apparent. Besides, the female mouse has many visible nipples and the internal structures are also easy to distinguish.Question 2: List some organs you are able to recognize in systems including circulatory, respiratory,Respiratory system: lungs, trachea, bron

24、chus.Digestive system: stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, gallbladder.Urinary system: kidney, ureter, urinary bladder.Reproductive system: penis, prepuce, saclike scrotum. References: Contribution statements: % is responsible for recording the phenomena, when % operates the mouse, and % prepares the

25、materials needed. Figures: Mouth Head Thorax NeckSaclikescrotum EarAnusFootTailFigure 1-1 Figure 1-2 The view of the ventral surface the view of the dorsal surface (belly)(back)Diaphragm Figure 2-1Figure 2-2Figure 2-3 The view of mouse after being The mouse after being openSome organs cut through th

26、e skin. the ventral body cavity. Lung,4 pieces.ThymusHeart StomachTrachea.Figure 2-4 Figure 2-4Figure 2-5 The view of Thoracic Cavity. The inside view of abdomen. The inside view of thorax.LargeIntestineCecum Pancreas.Spleen.SmallFigure 2-6.intestine Figure 2-7Intestines. Some organs of digestive system.

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