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1、国际结算复习提纲国际结算期末复习要点、选择题 SWIFT is B the Uni ted StatesB.a ki nd of com muni cati ons bel onging to TT system for in terba nk s fundtran in stituti on of the Un ited Nati onsD.a gover nmen tal orga ni zati on(2)Fund tran sfers are processed and settleme nt through C_A.banks B. SWIFT C. Cl

2、eari ng system D. telecom mun icatio n systems(3)An additional risk borne by the seller when granting a credit to thebuyer is that the later will not D A. accept the billB. take up the docume ntsC. take deliveryD. make payme nt at maturity(4) To the importer,the fastest and safest method of settleme

3、ntis CA. letter of creditB. cash in adva neeC. ope n acco untD. banker s draft(5)A refers to an excha nge of services or assets betwee ncoun tries.A. I nvisible tradeB. visible tradeC. Intern ati onal tradeD. Bala nee of trade(6)From the point of view of a Chinese bank, B is our bank s accountin the

4、 books of an overseas bank , denomin ated in foreig n curre ncy.A. a vostro acco untB. a no stro acco untC. a mirror acco untD. a record acco unt(7)The exporter can receive the payme nt only when CA.he has shipped the goodsB.he has prese nted the docume ntsC.the docume nts prese nted comply with he

5、credit termsD.the importer has taken delivery of the goods(8) The pers on pay ing the money is ais a finan cial docume nt.A.bill of lad ing B. bill of excha ngeC. in sura nee policy D. commercial inv oice(11)to pay for imports.Each country has to B. foreig n excha nge C. cash D. curre nc

6、y(12)A time bill may be accepted by(13) is draw n by the exporter and sent to the buyer.A. Draft B. Promissory n ote C. I. O. U D. Check(14)Large payme nts should be made by A. TT B. SWIFT C. MT D. A or B(15)Mail tran sfer are sent to the corresp ondent bank , uni essother wise in structed by clie n

7、ts.A. by courier service B. by ordinary mail C. by airmail D. by seamail(16)The only means of authenticating a cable transfer is the .A. SWIFT authe ntic key B. payme nt orderkey D. authorized sig natures(17)Which type of collection offers the greatest security to the exporterA. Documentsagainst acc

8、eptanee B. Documentsagainst paymentC. Clea n collecti on D. Accepta nee D/P(18)Con firmati on of a credit may be give n by .A.the ben eficiary at the request of the importerB.the issu ing bank after the receipt of correct docume ntati onC.the advising bank after the receipt of correct documentationD

9、.the advis ing bank at the request of the issu ing bank(19)gives the ben eficiary double assura nee of payme nt.A. The irrevocable credit B. The revocablecreditC.The con firmed credit D. The irrevocablecon firmed credit(20)The red clause credit is ofte n used as a method of .A.providing the buyer wi

10、th funds prior to shipmentB.providing the seller with funds prior to shipmentC.providing the buyer with funds after shipmentD.providing the seller with funds after shipment(21)All the parties to a collection are bound by 500 C(22)To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlementis A. lett

11、er of credit B. advanee payment C. collection D. banker sdraft(23)All guarantees should include the principle debtor, the and the guara ntor.A. ben eficiary B. creditor C. mortgagee D. le nder(24)The docume nts will not be delivered to the buyer until A. the goods have arrived B. the bill is paid or

12、 acceptedC. the buyer has cleared the goods D. both A and B(25)When is a bill of lad ing issued A.Whe n the shipper makes up the orderB.Whe n the carrier received the goodsC.Whe n the producer manu factures the goodsD.When the carrier delivers the goods to the con sig nee(26)When a customer ask its

13、bank to make a telegraphic tran sfer to aben eficiary abroad, the charges may paid either the remitter or the debited aga inst the no stro acco credited to the vostro acco paid by the remitt ing bank(27)It will be more convenient if the collect ing bank appo in ted

14、by theseller A. is a large bankB. is the remitting banks correspondent in the place of the importerC. is in the exporters countryD. acts on the importers instructions(28) If it is stated as D/P, the documents can be releasedA. aga inst payme ntB. aga inst accepta neeC. in either wayD. aga inst accep

15、ta nee pour aval(29) Before ope ning a credit, the issu ing bank should.A. go through the con tract termsB.fill in the application formC.sign an agreement with the customerD.inquire into the customer s credit standing(30) The bond should state that claims must be received tha n theexpiry date.A. a l

16、itter earlier B. a little later C. not earlier D. notlater二、操作题(一)汇票BILL OF EXCHANGENo.(汇票号码) Exchange for 汇票金额(小写) , At 票期 sight of this FIRST of exchange (second of exchange BeingUn paid) pay to the order of 收款人 the sum of SAY: 汇票金额(大写) (出票人)To:受票人(付款人) For andon behalf of(二)电汇(cable格式的)FM汇出行TO汇入行

17、DATE发电日期TEST密押OUR REF NO汇款编号NO ANY CHARGES FOR US行不负担费用PAY金额 VALUE起息日TO收款人MESSAG附言FOR CREDITING ACCOUNT N 收款账号ORDER:款人COVE头寸拨付(三)电汇(SWIFT格式)EXPLANATIONFORMATSender汇出行Message Type报文格式Receiver 汇入行Message Text:15/test key 密押:20/tra nsaction reference nu mber 交易编码:32A/value date, curre ncy code, amount汇

18、款日期,金额,币种:50/orderi ng customer 汇款人:57/ acco unt with ba nk 账户行:59/be neficiary 收款人:70/details of payme nt 支付的依据合同:71A/ details of charges 汇款费用:72/ bank to bank in formati on 银行拨头寸指令(四)托收申请书BANK OF CHINADocume ntary Collect ion In struct ion1) TO:托收行 2) DATE_ 日期 We en close the follow ing3) Collecti

19、ng Bank(Full name & address)draft(s)/docume nts代收行As specified herun der which pleasecollect in accorda nee with thein struct ions in dicated here in.This collection is subject to URC5224) Drawer ( Full name & address )6) Ten or 票期委托人7) Draft/Inv. No.8) Amou nt汇票/发票号码金额5) Drawee ( Full name & addres



22、Date and place of expiry到期日和到期地点 Issue by teletra nsmissi on( which shall be the operative in strume nt)Applica nt(Full n ame and address) 开证申请人Ben eficiary(Full n ame and address) 受益人Advis ing BANK 通知行Amou nt金额小写和大写 Partial shipment 分批装运 allowed notallowedTranshipment 转运 allowed notallowedCredit av

23、ailable with议付行By付款方式sight payme nt accepta nee n egotiati ondeferred paye mnt atAga inst the docume nts detailed here inand beneficiary s draft(s) for 发票金额的百分比 % of in voice valueAt 票期 sightDrawn on付款人Load ing on board/dispatch/tak ing in chargeat/from装运港Not later tha n 最迟装运日For transportation to :

24、目的港FOB CFR CIFor other terms 贸易术语Docume nts required: (marked with X) 单据要求1.( ) Signed commercial in voice in copies in dicati ng L/C No. and Con tract No.2.( ) Full set of clea n on board Bills of Ladi ng made out to order and bla nk en dorsed, marked“ freight to collect/ prepaid show ing freight a

25、mount ” notify ing( )Airway bills/cargo receipt/copy of railway bills issued by showingshow ing freight amount ” and con sig ned to3.( ) In sura nee Policy/Certificate incopies for % of the in voice value show ingclaims payable in_ in curre ncy of the draft, bla nk en dorsed, coveri ng4.( )Pack ing

26、List/Weight Memo in copies in dicati ng qua ntity, gross and weights of eachpackage5.( ) Certificate of Quan tity/Weight in copies issued by 6.( ) Certificate of Quality in copies issued by manufacturer/ public recognizedsurveyor 7.( ) Certificate of Origi n in copies issued by 8.( ) Ben eficiary s

27、certified copy of fax/telex dispatched to the applica nt with in hours after shipme nt advis ing L/C No., n ame of vessel, date of shipme nt, n ame, qua ntity, weight and valueof goods.Other docume nts, if anyDescripti on of goods: 货物描述名称、规格数量单价包装Additi onal in struct ions: 1241.( ) All banking char

28、ges outside the opening bank are for beneficiary s account2.( ) Docume nts must be prese nted withi n days after date of issua nee of the tran sportdocume nts but with in the validity of this credit.3.( ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable, Short Form/Bla nk B/L is not acceptable.4.( ) Both qua ntity and credit amount % more or less are allowed.5.( ) All docume nts must be forwarded in ()Other terms, if any

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