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1、月自考综合英语模拟试题及答案10月自考综合英语(2)模拟试题及答案Part One (60 Points)I.语法词汇。用适当的词填空。从ABCD四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer (25points.)1.When summing up our experience in socialist construction,_ on the lessons drawn from our fail

2、ures and mistakes.A. stress should be laidB. we should lay stress C. stress should layD. we should be laying stress2.Mary had just arrived, but she talked as if she_ about our plan.A. had knownB. knowC. knewD. has known3._is often the case in nature, the commonest things are the most complicated.A.

3、ThatB. ItC. AsD. What4.Neither the teacher nor Bobs parents_ satisfied with his school work.A. isB. was C. areD. have5.You will have to pay a fine_ you return the books to the library in time.A. untilB. providedC. ifD. unless6._a writer of considerable distinction, people flocked to her public lectu

4、res.A. BeingB. To beC. She isD. Because she is7._at close quarters, she looked even more dreadful.A. SeeingB. SeenC. To be seenD. Being seen8. They kept on sailing on the vast ocean,_ where the voyage was to end.A. not knowing B. knowing notC. not knownD. known not9. That was a busy and immensely sa

5、tisfying year for me,_ hard work paid off in a big way.A. at whichB. during that timeC. of which timeD. during which10.Alice is the tallest of_ in the Smith family.A. all the members B. any members C. any of the membersD. any other member11.Waterloo was_ Napoleon was finally defeated.A. whoB. whenC.

6、 whereD. how12. In the corner of the dorm_ a trash can filled with crumpled and torn pages of his term paper.A. was sitB. satC. sit D. is sit 13.She is too shy to ask a stranger the time,_ speak to a room full of people.A. let aloneB. much less C. not to mention D. not to say14. Im afraid that you w

7、ont be able to talk this problem _you have to do something.A. offB. downC. aroundD. away15. It was_ of my mother to wait until we were all together before she told us about her latest plan to do something.A. normalB. typicalC. representativeD. special16. If you can keep our community pollutionfree w

8、hile developing your project,_. If not, I would like to suggest you give up your idea.A. well and goodB. better and betterC. good and better D. good and well17.Jules was startled to see him and_ out the first thing that came into his mind. “Have you had your dinner, sir?” he asked.A. spokeB. brokeC.

9、 blurtedD. burst18. I can still see_ the green grassy slope where the sheep grazed peacefully in the sun.A. on my mindB. in my minds eyeC. on my minds eye D. in my mind19. The boy was_ by what his mother said and felt at a loss.A. distortedB. pleasedC. bewilderedD. amazed20.Drivers are constantly ad

10、vised not to drive when tired, for tiredness can_ a persons judgment.A. impairB. misleadC. effectD. distract21.Even though everyone_ the incident has been questioned, the police were still at a loss as to who was the real murderer.A. informed ofB. involved inC. hearing fromD. inferred to22. The Wrig

11、ht brothers_ the design of the first successful motorpowered plane.A. conceivedB. conformedC. concealedD. converted23. Eventually, Brecht moved to the United States, but neither he nor American_ one another.A. get onB. took to C. went alongD. fond of24.It still remains a big problem to the world how

12、 to dispose_ nuclear waste.A. withB. aboutC. ofD. up 25. The plane is_ in 5 minutes.A. dueB. justC. fairD. fittingII. 完形填空。 从四个选项中,选择一个正确答案, 并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)Dont always take the “rebellion” of your childre

13、n personally. A “rebellion” that seems_26_at you at first may turn out to be_27_of the sort. I know of a family that_28_attend 9 a.m. Sunday mass before breakfast. One day their 16yearold_29_he was sleeping late. The parents could have_30_this as typical teenager_31_of a family and religion. Instead

14、 they_32_asked him why. It turned out the boy was tired_33_working late on his secondaryschool newspaper the night_34_. For his sake, the family shifted their_35_to 11 a. m. Parents also often serve as handy scapegoats for kids disappointments: “If youd let me_36_out like other kids, Id be more popu

15、lar.” In answering such_37_, focus on the issue” I love you, and I dont think someone at your age_38_stay out past midnight.” Examine your own reaction. Its a human nature to_39_for the days when you could cuddle a little child_40_your arms. Lets face it: after 12 years of being the center of that c

16、hilds universe, you may now feel relegated to the sidelines. The teen years signal the gradual closing of one chapter of your parentchild relationship and the start of another. As you watch your “baby” flower into an adult, youll discover the new phase is equally fulfilling.26. A. channeled B. direc

17、ted C. meant D. thrown27. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing28. A consequently B. frequently C. historically D. traditionally29. A. announced B. claimed C. declared D. noticed30. A. explained B. interpreted C. looked D. proved31. A. anger B. betrayal C. criticism D. rejection32. A. an

18、grily B. violently C. happily D. silently33. A. at B. from C. in D. with34. A. ahead B. ago C. before D. over35. A. action B. task C. work D. worship36. A. hang B. move C. walk D. wander37. A. complaints B. conditions C. questions D. requirements38. A. could B. might C. would D. should39. A. dread B

19、. dream C. want D. yearn40. A. around B. in C. round D. within III.难句释义。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并在答案纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共10个小题,共10分)Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts. (10 points)41.The crisis stage in which the shine wears off and dayto day realities si

20、nk in.A. the crisis stage in which the early favourable impression is gradually forgotten and difficulties and problems appear.B. the crisis stage in which the early good impression is gradually is conformed, and you come to understand there are difficulties and problems in everyday life.C. the cris

21、is stage in which the early good impression is gradually confirmed, and you came to understand that difficulties and problems in everyday life will finally disappear.D. the crisis stage in which the early good impression is gradually being removed, and you come to understand there are difficulties a

22、nd problems in everyday life.42. Our passion to understand the universe and our compassion for others jointly provide the chief hope for the human race.A. Peoples enthusiasm about the universe and their profound sympathy for others are considered the two major hopes of the human race.B. The hope for

23、 the human race lies mainly in our enthusiasm about the universe and our profound sympathy for others.C. The hope for the human race refers to either peoples enthusiasm about the universe or peoples profound sympathy for others.D. People hope that they can understand the universe and sympathize with

24、 each other.43. “It was pleasant to believe,” she wrote later, “that much of Nature was forever beyond the tampering reach of man.”A. Man would never be able to do whatever they want to with much of Nature. B. It was simply beyond mans power to keep much of Nature from changing.C. Man should not and

25、 could not change much of his environment the way he desires.D. Man mustnt interfere with Nature, for it was pleasant to see it as it had always been.44. Every year were selling more than a 1000 million worth of cars abroad. If we spend a few million greasing the palms of some of the buyers, whos hu

26、rt?A. It is worthwhile to bribe some of our buyers with a few million so as to secure contracts worth 1000 million.B. Putting a lot of money on the palms of those who buy our cars will make things easy for us, and we wont be hurt.C. Compared with 1000 million, a few million is nothing. If we give a

27、few buyers this discount, we wont suffer much loss.D. No harm will be done to us as long as we secretly squeeze money into the hands of some of our buyers.45. I think this makes a man out of a boy sooner than almost anything else.A. I believe that this quickens the growth of a little boy than almost

28、 anything else.B. I think this, more than anything else, makes a boy shoulder the burden of a man.C. Probably nothing else can make a little boy understand the hardships of his parents.D. This perhaps is the best way to enable a boy to become mature more quickly.46. I bowed to superior will and ente

29、red journalism with a heavy heart.A. I listened to my mothers advice and began working as a newspaper report with a strong sense of responsibilityB. I showed my respect to my mothers decision and began my work in journalism in high spirits.C. I gave in to mothers will and began selling newspapers un

30、willingly.D. I said goodbye to my mother and began to work as journalist with the ambition to succeed in my career.47. Those young man would not go far in this world.A. Those young men would not leave us far in this world.B. Those young men would not attain achievements in this world.C. Those young men would not grow up as good men in this world.D. Those young men would be nearby in this world.48.In my youth the lonely inventor who could not obtain a hearing was still the stock figure of the imagination.A. In my youth the stock figure of the imagination was the

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