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1、高中英语单词天天记skin素材skinv.skn( skins; skinned; skinning )双解释义vt.剥皮 take the skin offvt.欺骗 cheat基本要点1.skin用作名词时意思是“皮”“皮肤”,转化为动词意为给某(动)物“剥皮”,引申可表示“剥削”,还有“欺骗”的意思,指骗取金钱或财产。2.skin一般用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。词汇搭配+名词skin a rabbit剥兔皮skin an onion剥洋葱皮skin fox剥狐狸皮skin the deer剥鹿皮+副词skin alive严厉斥责,彻底打败skin off脱下skin

2、 off sbs gloves脱下手套skin over长皮,愈合+介词skin of骗取skin through勉强挤通过常用短语skin alive(v.+adv.)skin sb alive1.非正严厉斥责 scold sb severelyYour mother will skin you alive if she sees this.如果你母亲看到这种事,她会狠狠骂你一顿的。Hell skin you alive if he finds out what youve done.他若发现你干的事,会活剥你的皮。2.彻底打败 defeat sb thoroughly 用于be ed结构T

3、he home team was skinned alive this afternoon.今天下午主队输得惨极了。skin of(v.+prep.)骗取某人的(钱财等) cheat sb of (usually money)skin sb of sthShe skinned him of all his money.她骗取了他的全部钱财。 用于be ed结构Cage was skinned of all her money by confidence tricksters.凯奇所有的钱都被专骗老实人的骗子骗去了。skin over(v.+adv.)为皮所覆盖,愈合 become covere

4、d with skin; healskin overThe snake is skinning over.蛇在蜕皮。The wound skinned over.伤口愈合了。skin through(v.+prep.)skin through sth1.美勉强挤过 be only just able to pass through (sth narrow)The big ship barely skinned through the open draw.那艘大船勉勉强强通过了开合式吊桥的缺口。2.美勉强通过(考试等) be only just able to pass (sth such as

5、 an examination)Some of you passed well, but most of you only skinned through the examination.你们当中有的人成绩还不错,但大部分人仅仅勉强通过了考试。skin up(v.+prep.)贴着向上爬 climb up keeping close to sthskin up sthWhen you leave you skin up the rope.当你离开时,从这根绳子爬上去。The children are so skilled at climbing trees that they skin up

6、them like little monkeys.孩子们非常善于爬树,灵巧得和小猴子一样。句型例句用作及物动词S+n./pron.The cook is skinning the onions.厨师正在剥洋葱皮。The game-keeper began to skin the rabbit.猎场看守人开始剥兔皮。It is cruel to skin a snake.剥蛇皮很残忍。Facer fell off the ladder and skinned his knees.费塞从梯子上跌下来,膝盖破皮了。I skinned my knee when I fell.我跌倒时,擦破了膝盖。I

7、skinned my elbow against the wall.我的肘部撞在墙上擦破了皮。Are you trying to skin the old lady?你想骗老太太的钱吗? 用于be ed结构Huge catfish are skinned and dressed by hand.用手剥去巨鲇的皮,并剖洗干净。The little boys elbows were quite badly skinned.那小男孩两只胳膊肘上的皮肤严重擦伤了。During the war years this stretch of farms was horribly skinned.大战期间这一

8、带的各个农场受到残酷剥削。Be careful not to be skinned when you go to town.进城时要当心别让人骗了。词语辨异 skin, flay, pare, peel这组词都可表示“剥皮”。其区别是:skin最常用,可指剥削去动物或植物的皮; pare和peel指去掉果皮或蔬菜皮时常可互换使用,但peel常指剥去撕去外皮,而pare则指削去外皮和皮下相连的一部分肉质,引申可指修掉边角或削减费用等; flay通常用于指剥动物皮或用剥人皮来吓人。例如:The hunter skinned the deer.猎人剥下了鹿皮。He peeled away the o

9、uter layers of the onion.他把洋葱头外面的皮剥了下来。We must pare down costs to improve our profitability.我们必须压缩成本以使利润增加。They flayed the dead horse.他们剥这匹死马的皮。补充资料派生词 skinnyadj.极瘦的,皮包骨的同义词n. bark, covering, hide, outside, peel, pelt, rind, shell词源 古英语scinn古挪威语skinn(果皮)skinn.skn( skins )双解释义皮(肤) the natural outer c

10、overing of an animal or human body, from which hair may grow兽皮,毛皮 the skin of an animal for use as leather, fur, etc.(蔬菜,水果等)外皮,外壳 a natural outer covering of some fruits and vegetables基本要点1.skin的基本意思是“皮”,既可指人或动物身体外层可长毛发的“皮肤”(此时是不可数名词),也可指某些水果、蔬菜的外皮,还可指做成皮衣的“皮,皮革”(此时是可数名词)。skin前如有描述性定语修饰时,可加不定冠词。2.s

11、kin也可指液体冷却时或置于空气中上面形成的表层或薄层。3.skin用于科技术语时,可表示机器的“外壳,蒙皮”。词汇搭配动词+bear a white skin长着白皮肤break skin划破皮cast skin蜕皮change sbs skin改变本性crack skin使皮肤皱裂expose skin露出外皮feel skin抚摸皮肤harden skin使皮革硬化,使皮肤硬化improve skin使皮肤变得更好injure skin损伤皮肤polish skin润饰皮革皮肤slice off the skin from the meat把肉皮片下来slip sbs skin蜕皮sof

12、ten skin使皮革软化,使皮肤柔软strip the skin剥皮take the skin off去皮touch skin触及皮肤transplant skin植皮形容词+attractive skin迷人的肤色beautiful skin美丽的皮肤black skin黑皮,黑色皮肤clear skin光亮的皮革,光亮的皮肤dark skin黝黑的皮肤dry skin干皮,干燥的皮肤fair skin白皙的皮肤fine skin漂亮的皮肤green skin生皮loose skin松弛的皮肤marble skin光滑洁白的皮肤olive skin橄榄色的皮肤raw skin生皮red s

13、kin红色皮革,红润的皮肤rough skin粗糙的皮革,粗糙的皮肤smooth skin光滑的毛皮,光滑的皮肤soft skin软皮革,柔软的皮肤sun-tanned skin晒黑的皮肤thick skin感受迟钝,不敏感thin skin脸皮薄,敏感ugly skin难看的皮革,难看的皮肤undressed skin生皮white skin白色毛皮,洁白的皮肤yellow skin黄色的毛皮,黄色的皮肤名词+banana skin香蕉皮capsules skin胶囊的囊壳fruit skin水果皮grape skin葡萄皮human skin人的皮肤lions skin假勇气metal s

14、kin金属外壳onions skin洋葱皮potato skin土豆皮rabbit skin兔皮waterproof plastic skin防水塑料外层wine skins酒囊+名词skin disease皮肤病skin treatment皮肤治疗介词+in a bad skin发着脾气in sbs skin处于某人的地位wet to the skin全身湿透under the skin皮下,处在背后,在心里面come off with a whole skin安然无恙+介词skin of animals兽皮the skin on a milk pudding牛奶布丁上的乳皮常用短语a sk

15、in search搜身 searching the person; making a body searchEvery prisoner had to undergo a skin search to make sure nothing had been given to him.每个犯人都得搜身,以防身上藏有东西。in a bad skin在发脾气 lose ones temper; get angryDont disturb him for he is in a bad skin.别去打搅他,他在发脾气。Dont mention your pay rise when the manager

16、 is in a bad skin.经理发脾气时你别提要长工资的事。save ones (own) skin非正脱身,脱险 escape from a serious dangerThey always saved their own skins in their mind.他们时时不忘保命。When trouble broke out, everyone was intent on saving his own skin.惹出麻烦时,人人都一心想安然脱身。He surrendered to save his own skin.为了活命他投降了。He lied in court to save

17、 his skin.他为了保命在法庭上说了谎。They are fighting desperately to save their skins.为了保住自己他们正在拼搏。The fighter plane saved our skins while the army was landing from the ships.当部队离船登陆时,战斗机救了我们的命。under the skin在内心,在本质上 beneath the outside appearance; at heartThey are alike under the skin.他们在本质上差不多。He laughed under

18、 the skin.他在心里暗笑。We may be of different races but were sisters under the skin.我们的种族可能不同,但本质上我们都是姊妹。句型例句Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.很多人要求为那个严重烧伤的工人献血献皮。The external layer of skin is called the epidermis.皮的外层叫表皮。She is only skin and bone.她只剩皮包骨了。The poison m

19、ay be absorbed through the skin.毒物可能通过皮肤被吸收。He wears his sweater next to the skin.他贴身穿着球衣。The rain had penetrated right through to his skin.他被雨水淋得湿透衣服,触及皮肤。She has a white skin.她皮肤白。Black hair is a sharp contrast to a fair skin.黑色的头发与白皙的皮肤形成鲜明对比。They have a light skin and blue eyes.他们有白皙的皮肤和蓝色的眼睛。Ba

20、bies have a soft skin.婴儿有细嫩的皮肤。He wont worry about the criticism, hes got a pretty thick skin.他不会因为受到批评而烦恼,他的脸皮很厚。Most Africans have darker skins than Europeans.多数非洲人的皮肤比欧洲人黑些。Cats are covered with soft skin.猫身上长着柔软的毛。Bears have thick skin.熊有厚厚的毛。The puppies havent got much skin yet.这些小狗还没有长出毛呢。Tom

21、wore a hat made of the skin.汤姆戴着一顶毛皮帽子。The rug was made of the skin of a tiger.这地毯是虎皮做成的。It took 40 skins to make the coat.这件大衣用了40张毛皮。Take the skin off before you eat it.吃之前先把皮去掉。The little girl is stripping the skin from a banana.那小姑娘在剥香蕉皮。I slipped on a banana skin.我踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。Please cook the pota

22、toes quickly with their skins on.请把土豆连皮快速煮一下。Some fruits have thick skins.有些水果长有厚皮。Do you like skin on your rice pudding?你喜欢大米布丁上面的薄皮吗?Aircraft wings have metal or cloth skins.飞机机翼有金属面的或蒙布面的。词语辨异 skin, fur, hair参见hair条。 下面两个句子的意思不同:I would not be in your skin.我无论如何不愿意处于你的地位。He stood in his skin for

23、health checkup.他赤条条地站着接受体格检查。正误解析1.男孩子们已开始留长发,甚至将头发染黄,不管这个颜色是否与他们皮肤的颜色相配。误 Boys have begun to wear their hair long and even dye it yellow, not caring whether the colour matches their skin.正 Boys have begun to wear their hair long and even dye it yellow, not caring whether the colour matches their co

24、mplexion.析 skin 是“皮,皮肤”的意思,表示“肤色”应该用complexion。2.她的皮肤白皙而光滑。误 Her skins were fair and satin-smooth.正 Her skin was fair and satin-smooth.他收集了大量的兽皮。误 He collected a lot of animal skin.正 He collected a lot of animal skins.析 skin 作“人或动物的皮肤”解时多作单数使用,不用复数形式; 但 skin 作“动物的皮毛”或“皮子”解时为可数名词,可用作复数。3.他被雨淋得浑身湿透了。误 The rain soaked him in the skin.正 The rain soaked him to the skin.析 soak sb to the skin是习惯用法,表示“(雨)使衣服湿透”,其中介词为to,不用in。另外也不可说be soaked to the skin。4.我可不想处在他那个地位。误 I shouldnt wish to be on his skin.正 I shouldnt wish to be in his skin.析 be in sbs skin是固定短语,意思是“处于某人的地位”,其中的in不可换用on。

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