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1、名词性从句翻译练习名词性从句翻译练习:1. 关键的是你有没有尽力去完成这个任务。 16. 请把奖品给先来的人。 _ _ 17. 令我惊异的是通过努力有这么多人打破了世界纪录。 孩子长大后,要鼓励他们做力所能及的家务。 2._ _ 18. 3. 令我高兴的是我一直梦想的学校,复旦大学录取了我。 越来越多的大学生面临着这样一个事实,:找一份合适的工作实属不易。(face) _ _ 19. 他近视眼的原因是连续四五个小时不停地看书。 4. 他曾经来过中国使所有在场的人都激动不已。_ _ 20. 毫无疑问政府会采取措施来阻止疾病的蔓延。( 他是否抢劫了银行有待于进一步调查。doubt) 5._ _ 2

2、1.6. 明天会不会举行运动会取决于明天的天气如何。 会议是否会如期举行还没有被最后决定。(decide) _ _ 22. 7.他没有准时出席会议的原因是他遇到交通堵塞了。 她迟到的原因是要照顾她生病的妹妹。(take care of) _ _ 23. 8. 我妈妈伤心的原因是丢了一个包,这个包里装了很多重要文件。 中国参加了世贸组织不仅是个巨大的挑战,而且是个很好的机遇。(not only but also) _ _ 9.他在会议上解释的这次事故的原因是有人玩忽职守。It)到目前为止,已经有91个孩子在洪水中失去了生命。(24. 据报道, _ _ )全球气候正在变暖。(because of

3、这就是他如何处理这件事的,这使我很担心。10. 25. 人类不得不接受这样一个事实:由于温室效应,_ _ 11.医生慢慢意识到了医院的环境对病情恢复是很重要的。)(conduct 26.金属为什么能导电是个有趣的问题。_ _ 12.form) 27.这一理论最初是什么时候形成的,现在还不知道。(他感到艺术家在现代社会中失去了地位和艺术应该为更多的观众所喜欢。 _ _ )人类不可能受机器人的控制。( 13.作为学生,我们应该对老师所说的多加注意而且好好利用我们所有的一切。There is no possibility 28._ _ develop) 29.关于我们开发本地区自然资源的建议已经被讨

4、论过了。( 我们是否开始试验取决于我们是否获得足够的钱。 14._ _ ) 困难在于这个事实,国与国对人口增长的态度不同。 15.( 30.现在我们要做的最重要的事是保护那些正受到灭绝威胁的野生动物。threaten_ 1 / 5 investigated further. 1. 关键的是你有没有尽力去完成这个任务。 天会不会举行运动会取决于明天的天气6.明to What matters have tried is whether you finish the task. 如何。令我惊异的是通过努力有这么多人打破了 2 held sports Whether the meeting will

5、be tomorrow depends on what the weather is 世界纪录。 like. many that so What makes me surprised is 没有准时出席会议的原因是他遇到交通 他7.people broke the world record with efforts 堵塞了。令我高兴的是我一直梦想的学校,复旦大学3.The reason why he didnt attend the meeting 录取了我。 was that he had been caught in a traffic jam. What makes me happy i

6、s that I was admitted 这个包里妈妈伤心的原因是丢了一个包,8. 我to Fudan University, which I dreamed of. 他曾经来过中国使所有在场的人都激动不装了很多重要文件。4. The reason why my mother was sad was that 已。 important containing many she lost a bag, the all came to China made That he once files. people present very excited. 在会议上解释的这次事故的原因是有人9. 他

7、是否抢劫了银行有待于进一步调查。 5.他 玩忽职守。be robbed Whether he the remains bank to 2 / 5 The reason he explained at the meeting was As students, we should pay more attention to that someone neglected his duty. what teachers said and make full use of what we have. 这就是他如何处理这件事的,这使我很担10. 14. 我们是否开始试验取决于我们是否获得足心。 够的钱。

8、That is how he deals with it, which made me worried. Whether we begin the experiment depends on whether we have enough money. 医生慢慢意识到了医院的环境对病情恢复 11.15. 困难在于这个事实,国与国对人口增长的是很重要的。 态度不同。 the realized that Doctors gradually environment in the hospital is important to The difficulty lies in the fact that

9、attitudes the recovery of diseases. towards the population growth vary from country to country. 他感到艺术家在现代社会中失去了地位和12. 16. 请把奖品给先来的人。 艺术应该为更多的观众所喜欢。 Please give the prize to whoever comes first. He felt that artists had lost his place in 17. 孩子长大后,要鼓励他们做力所能及的家be and that art should modern society enj

10、oyed by a larger audience. 务。 13. 作为学生,我们应该对老师所说的多加注When children grow up, they should be encouraged to do whatever housework they 意而且好好利用我们所有的一切。 3 / 5 can do. Whether the meeting will be held as planned hasnt been decided yet. ,:18. 越来越多的大学生面临着这样一个事实22. 她迟到的原因是要照顾她生病的妹妹。找一份合适的工作实属不易。(face) (take c

11、are of) faced students are college More and more with the fact that it is very hard to find a The reason why she was late was that she had suitable job. to take care of her sick sister. 19. 他近视眼的原因是连续四五个小时不停地23. 中国参加了世贸组织不仅诗歌巨大的挑看书。 战,而且是个很好的机遇。(not only but The reason why he became short-sighted wa

12、s also) that he often kept reading books for 4 to 5 That China joined WTO is not only a great hours. challenge but also a good opportunity. 20. 毫无疑问政府会采取措施来阻止疾病的蔓24. 据报道, 到目前为止,已经有91个孩子延。(doubt) 在洪水中失去了生命。(It) There is no doubt that the government will It is reported that so far 91 children have die

13、d take measures to prevent the disease form in the flood. spreading. 25. 人类不得不接受这样一个事实,:由于温室21. 会议是否会如期举行还没有被最后决定。效应, 全球气候正在变暖。(because of) (decide) 4 / 5 Human beings have to accept the fact that possibility) because of the green house effect, the climate There is no possibility that human beings w

14、ill and warmer over the earth is becoming ever be controlled by robots warmer. 29. 关于我们开发本地区自然资源的建议已经。题是什么能导电个有趣的问金26. 属为被讨论过了。(develop) )(conductThe suggestion that we should develop the Why metals can conduct electricity is an natural resources in this region has been interesting problem. discussed. 27. 这一理论最初是什么时候形成的,现在还30.现在我们要做的最重要的事是保护那些正不知道。(form) 受到灭绝威胁的野生动物。(threaten) When this theory was originally formed is not What is the most important thing for us to do known. is to protect the wild animals which are being 28. 人类不可能受机器人的控制。(There is no threatened with extinction. 5 / 5

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