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1、英语校本课程序言1序 言 王明霞 本教材以PEP小学英语教材为基础,结合小学生的学习生活实际,采用任务型语言教学(Task-Based language Teaching)模式,融汇话题、交际用语和故事欣赏与演讲表演形成的由易到难的学习程序策划、编写的。从严格意义上讲,这本教材还不能称之为一本“书”,而更象一本校本课程纲要。因为书中没有具体的语言项目和语法功能,只有一个个由易到难的教学程序,这程序我将它视为“资源包”。没有了具体内容教师更容易放开自己的手脚,不必拘泥于形式。因为校本课程本身就是有弹性的,用来弥补我们现形教材设计的不足,课堂教学的不足,满足“个性化”的教学需求,更有利于教师在教学

2、中不断探索教学方法。由于校本课程的开发在我校才刚刚起步,一切还都在摸索之中,加之我知识和能力有限,在策划、编写之中难免有很多不足和疏漏之处。敬请各位同仁提出意见和建议,我会诚恳接受,并将此教材不断完善和更新,使之逐步完善。 本教材包括两大部分内容A、B两部分。A部分为“会话与口语交际”;B部分为“英语故事欣赏与演讲”A部分:会话与口语交际第一章:问候与介绍 第一节: 与朋友家人以及陌生人见面如何打招呼问候。 第二节:介绍 自我介绍、介绍他人包括姓名、年龄、职业和国籍等。第二章:日常生活起居 第一节: 1.谈论自己的作息时间。 2.谈论父母同学等。 第二节:饮食习惯 谈论自己对食物的喜欢等第三章

3、:节日 第一节:谈论学生知道西方节日。 第二节:谈论中国的节日第四章:社交礼节与交际用语 第一节:邀请 第二节:预订(机票、房间、餐厅等) B部分:故事欣赏与演讲Part A: Conversation and Conversational English The First Period : How to ask and greet with your friends , family, and strangers when you face to face. A: Hi, how is it going?/ How are you getting on?/ How are things w

4、ith you?/ Hows everything with you? B: Fine, thank you. And how are you?/ Quite well, thank you./ Well, pretty good./ Were just the same as usual./ Same as usual./ Just so so. A:Its been so nice seeing you./ Its a pleasure to have you. Thanks. B:I do enjoy these little chats with you. Youll never ou

5、tstay(or:overstay) your welcome.The Second Period: Making Introductions Introduce yourself or himself, include name, age, by profession and A:Im a stranger here. Will you please introduce me to some of your friends? B:OK,You dont know how happy I am to see you.A:Its really a pleasure to know you.B:I

6、ve heard such a lot about you and Ive been wanting to meet you.The First Period Talk about your timeA:Excuse me, could you tell me what the time is?B:Its 8 oclock sharp.A:Does your watch keep good time?B:Yes, it keeps very good time. And I set it by the radio this morning.A:Whats the date today?B:It

7、s be March 2nd. As it happens itll my thirtieth birthday.A:Happy birthday to you!B:Thanks a lot.A:What day is it today?B:Its Thursday, I think.A:Tomorrow is Friday. Its going to be the weekend.B: Have a good time on weekend.A:Thanks.The Second Period Diet Habits Talk about your favorite food. A:Do y

8、ou like carrots?B:Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.A:How about broccoli? Do you like broccoli?B:Yes, I do. Its great! Do you like vegetables?A:No, I dont like vegetables. Well, only salad. I like salad. But I like fruit. I like bananas, orangesB:How about apples? I dont like apples!A:Yes, I like app

9、les. And you know what I really like?B:What?A:Ice cream!The First Period Talk about western festivals theyve knownThe Second Period Talk about Chinese festivalsThe First Period InvitationThe Second Period Book Talk about how to book Room, HotelPart B Stories and speechBig Feet Two sister came home f

10、rom school, crying. “Whats wrong?” asked their mother. The younger sister stared complaining, “The kids at school are making fun of my big feet.” The mother said , “Your feet arent so big.” She turned to the older sister, “Now, why are you crying?” “Because Ive been invited to a skiing party and I c

11、ant find my skis.” “Thats okay, ” said her mother. “You can borrow your sisters shoes.” Ask and answer1. Whats wrong with the younger sister?2. How doer their mother explain their demand?3. If you were the two sisters, what would you do? Fashion Piggy The third “Fashion Piggy” swimming championship

12、was held in Chitre, Panama. 16 piggy athletes took part in the competition. Each piggy wore a bikini and sunglasses or a big Panama hat. They needed to not only swim, but also perform on stage. The 16 beautiful piggies got into a boat and started their journey. When they got about 300 meters away fr

13、om the bank, they were put into the sea. The first one to swim back to the shore would be the winner. In fact, before the swimming competition, the piggies must compete for the “Fashion Award”. Their owners were very creative. They spent a lot of time dressing their piggies Each one really looked fa

14、shionable. This year, the pig in the red bikini and sunglasses won. For a while, this activity had not been held, but this year it had many piggies took part . The championship has now become very popular. It may become a national event next year. All the piggies in Panama can take part in the conte

15、st.时尚小猪:第三届“时尚小猪”游泳比赛在巴拿马奇特雷市举行, 参赛的小猪身穿比基尼泳衣,头戴墨镜或草帽,不仅要在大海中比赛游泳,还要在T型台上比赛走“猫步”。Ask and answer: 1.Where was the third “Fashion Piggy” swimming championship held? 2.What did Fashion Piggy do when they perform? 3.Master some phrases: 1. swimming championship 2. took part in the competition 3. not onl

16、ybut also 4. get into a boat 5. the first one to do 6.spent a lot of time doing The Candle Was Not Lighted 从前,一个男人有一个小女儿,那是他唯一的孩子,他深深地爱着她。然而有一天,小女儿生病去世了,这个父亲从此陷入悲伤,直到有一天 A man had a little daughter _ an only and much-loved child. He lived for her-she was his life. So when she became ill, he became l

17、ike a crazy man. He tried everything to bring her health back. His efforts didnt work and the child died. The father was really sad, shutting himself away from his friends and refusing to do any activity. He didnt want anything to bring him back to his normal self until one night he had a dream. He

18、was in heaven and saw a big party of all the little children angles. They were walking in a line. All the angles were wearing white clothes and each child carried a candle. He noticed that one childs candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child was his own little girl. So he rushed to her righ

19、t away and put her into his arms. He missed her and then asked, “Why is your candle alone unlighted, daring?”“Daddy, they often light it again, but your tears always put it out.”Just then he woke up from his dream. The lesson was clear, and its effects were quick. From that hour on he was not a sad

20、father. He became cheerful with his friends. His darings candle would no longer be put out by his useless tears.Ask and answer:1. Why does girls father deep love her?2. Why wasnt the Candle Lighted?3. What was her fathers dream? The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig Mother wolf has three sons.

21、 When her sons are old enough, she asks them to go out and build a house. She tells them to stay away from the big bad pig. The three little wolves get some res bricks. And they build a nice house with them. The house is very beautiful. They are so happy. They play games near the house. But the big

22、pig comes. The three little wolfs see the big bad pig. They run into the house. They are afraid. The big bad pig cant get in. He is angry. The three little wolves run out of the house. They are afraid. Where can they live now? The big bad pig is very strong. He takes his hammer and knocks the house

23、down.The three little wolves get some concrete now. They can build a stronger house. They are happy. After the house is finished, the three little wolves play badminton in the yard. The big bad pig comes again. The three little wolves are afraid. They run into the house. But the big bad pig has a dr

24、ill. He makes holes on the house. The three little wolves climb out of the house. They must make a better house next time.Ask and answer:1. How many buildings did the Three Little Wolves build?2.Do you think why the Big Bad Pig is so bad?3.Why are the Three Little Wolves afraid of the Big Bad Pig?It

25、 Is as You Will由你决定 从前,有一位博学的老妇人,住在后山。孩子们经常来找她问问题,而她总是有求必应。有一天,有个小男孩为了一个非常刁钻的问题 There was once a wise old woman who lived behind some hills. All the children used to visit her and ask her questions.She would always give the right answers. There was a naughty little boy among the children. One day he

26、 caught a tiny bird and held it in his cupped hands. Then he gathered his friends around and said, “Lets trick the old woman. Ill ask her what Im holding in my hands. Of course, shell answer that I have a bird . Then I will ask her whether the bird is living or dead. If she says the bird is dead, Il

27、l open my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive, Ill quickly kill it and show her the dead bird. Either way, shell be wrong.”The children agreed that this was a clever plan. So they went to the old womans house.“Granny, we have a question for you.” they all shouted. “Whats i

28、n my hands?” asked the little boy.“Well, it must be a bird,” replied the old woman. “But is it living or dead?” asked the excited boy.The old woman thought for a moment and then replied, “It is as you will, my child.”Ask and answer:1. Is the old woman really wise?2. What did the boy make a trick?3.

29、Why did they trick the old woman? A Private Conversation(私人谈话)Last week I went to the theater. I had a good seat The play was very interesting I did not enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me .They were talking loudly. I got very angry I could not hear the actors. I turned rou

30、nd .I looked at the man and woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end ,I could not bear it .I turned round again I can not hear a word ! I said angrily. It is none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation!Answer these questions :1. Where did the wri

31、ter go last week?2. Did he enjoy the play or not ?3. Who was sitting behind him?4. Were they talking loudly, or were they talking quietly?5. Could the writer hear the actors or not?6. Did he turn round or not?7. What did he say?8. Did the young man say, The play is not interesting,or did he say This is a private conversation! Story appreciation Snow WhiteMany years ago, a bad queen asked someone to kill Snow White in the forest. But that man didnt do it. So Snow White quickly ran away. In the late afternoon, Snow White came to a small house. Since she was so sleepy and tired, she fell aslee

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