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1、浅谈连锁药店营销管理北京理工大学继续教育暨现代远程教育学院毕业设计(论文)类别: 远程专升本专 业: 工商管理班 级: 山西教学站(教学站) 姓 名: 常蕊平毕业设计题目: 浅谈连锁药店营销管理 指导教师姓名: 王成敏 2013 年 9 月 26 日摘 要药店是经营特殊商品的零售场所,因经营商品的特殊性,营销管理、日常经营、及品类管理等相关性规矩及要求相对较多。药品、药品市场和药品营销是组成医药行业的三个因素,药品不同于一般商品,关系着社会上的每一个人,因此也备受关注,尤其药品营销领域,一直是焦点话题,做好药品营销,关系着药品企业、消费者和国家的利益,药品企业要在不断推进的医药市场格局中,寻求


3、性必须建立在实际工作中,切实可行的,能够为企业带来销售业绩的,如此深远的研究意义。更值得我们以理论和实践结合进行分析研究。相信通过理论和实践的结合可以给所在企业带来营业额的稳步提升。关键词:药店,零售连锁,市场营销Abstract Pharmacy is a special commodity business retail establishments, because of special commodity, marketing management, daily management, and category management rules and requirements rel

4、atively high correlation. Drug, drug market and marketing of drugs are the three factors of the pharmaceutical industry, drug is different from the general merchandise, the relationship between each person in society, therefore is also of concern, especially drug marketing field, has been the focus

5、topic, doing drug marketing, relationship with pharmaceutical enterprises, consumers and the interests of the state, pharmaceutical enterprises to constantly push forward the pharmaceutical market, to find the best marketing mode, to ensure that enterprises, retail pharmacies, harmonious development

6、.2001年开始,国家对药品实行限价政策、药品公开招标采购政策、处方药禁止在大众传媒刊播广告等一系列政策,使得药品企业面对着一个全新的政策空间下的市场空间,在传统营销手段终结的同时,规范运作、精细化管理、学术营销势在必行。Beginning in 2001, the national policy, limit the implementation of drug bidding procurement policy, prescription drug is prohibited in the mass media to publish ads and a series of policy,

7、 the pharmaceutical enterprises are facing a new policy space in the market space, at the end of the traditional marketing means at the same time, standardized operation, fine management, academic marketing be imperative.零售药店是一个消费平台,在日益竞争的环境中,企业要想生存或生存的更好一些,必须根据不断变化的市场制定和出台相应的营销方案。调整药品营销思路,促进社会和谐发展。

8、随着医疗体制改革向纵深发展,新医改方案的出台,必然对医疗行业产生巨大的影响。在日益竞争的销售环境下,连锁药店的经营良性化更优异于市场的稳定性,对国民和政府也是很有益处的。 Retail pharmacy is a consumer platform, in the fierce competition, the enterprise needs to want to survive or live better, must according to the development and introduction of marketing solutions corresponding to

9、changing market. Adjustment of drug marketing ideas, and promote the harmonious development of society. With the development of medical system reform, the introduction of new medical reform program, is bound to have an enormous impact on the medical industry. In the increasingly competitive sales en

10、vironment, stability of benign chain drugstore management more outstanding in the market, but also is very beneficial to the people and government.营销的适合性必须建立在实际工作中,切实可行的,能够为企业带来销售业绩的,如此深远的研究意义。更值得我们以理论和实践结合进行分析研究。相信通过理论和实践的结合可以给所在企业带来营业额的稳步提升。 Marketing suitability must be based on the actual work,

11、practical, can bring sales performance for the enterprise, the significance of the research is so profound. More worthy of our theory and practice analysis. Believe steadily through the combination of theory and practice can give the enterprise to bring the turnover. Pharmacy is a special commodity

12、business retail establishments, because of special commodity, marketing management, daily management, and category management rules and requirements relatively high correlation. Drug, drug market and marketing of drugs are the three factors of the pharmaceutical industry, drug is different from the

13、general merchandise, the relationship between each person in society, therefore is also of concern, especially drug marketing field, has been the focus topic, doing drug marketing, relationship with pharmaceutical enterprises, consumers and the interests of the state, pharmaceutical enterprises to c

14、onstantly push forward the pharmaceutical market, to find the best marketing mode, to ensure that enterprises, retail pharmacies, harmonious development.2001年开始,国家对药品实行限价政策、药品公开招标采购政策、处方药禁止在大众传媒刊播广告等一系列政策,使得药品企业面对着一个全新的政策空间下的市场空间,在传统营销手段终结的同时,规范运作、精细化管理、学术营销势在必行。 Beginning in 2001, the national poli

15、cy, limit the implementation of drug bidding procurement policy, prescription drug is prohibited in the mass media to publish ads and a series of policy, the pharmaceutical enterprises are facing a new policy space in the market space, at the end of the traditional marketing means at the same time,

16、standardized operation, fine management, academic marketing be imperative.零售药店是一个消费平台,在日益竞争的环境中,企业要想生存或生存的更好一些,必须根据不断变化的市场制定和出台相应的营销方案。调整药品营销思路,促进社会和谐发展。随着医疗体制改革向纵深发展,新医改方案的出台,必然对医疗行业产生巨大的影响。在日益竞争的销售环境下,连锁药店的经营良性化更优异于市场的稳定性,对国民和政府也是很有益处的。 Retail pharmacy is a consumer platform, in the fierce competi

17、tion, the enterprise needs to want to survive or live better, must according to the development and introduction of marketing solutions corresponding to changing market. Adjustment of drug marketing ideas, and promote the harmonious development of society. With the development of medical system refo

18、rm, the introduction of new medical reform program, is bound to have an enormous impact on the medical industry. In the increasingly competitive sales environment, stability of benign chain drugstore management more outstanding in the market, but also is very beneficial to the people and government.

19、营销的适合性必须建立在实际工作中,切实可行的,能够为企业带来销售业绩的,如此深远的研究意义。更值得我们以理论和实践结合进行分析研究。相信通过理论和实践的结合可以给所在企业带来营业额的稳步提升。 Marketing suitability must be based on the actual work, practical, can bring sales performance for the enterprise, the significance of the research is so profound. More worthy of our theory and practice

20、analysis. Believe steadily through the combination of theory and practice can give the enterprise to bring the turnover.Keywords: retail chain pharmacy, marketing, 目 录摘 要 IAbstract II目 录 1前 言 11商品管理规则及营运策略 3 1.1商品管理规则. 3 1.2商品管理中的入库.3 1.3商品的出库管理.3 1.4门店验收管理. 3 1.5营运策略.32.商品分类.4 2.1商品分类依据. 4 2.2建立商品分

21、类体系的基本方法. 4 2.2.1.线分类法又称层级分类法.4 2.2.2面分类法又称平行分类法. 4 2.3商品分类:坚持“三个有利于”. . 6 3.门店商品结构优化思路.73.1商品渠道的优化. 73.2避免商品的浪费 .7 3.3避免陈列货架的浪费.7 3.4 避免药店空间的浪费 .8 3.5避免人员的浪费. 84.品类管理.94.1品类管理概念.94.2.品类中产品策略.9 4.2.1增加客流量策略.9 4.2.2提高利润策略 .9 4.2.3增加购买量策略.9 4.2.4增强零售药店形象策略 .10 5.商品多元化.115.1商品多元化概念.11 5.2安排多元化商品细分四大品类.12 6.价格策略及调整.13 6.1软硬兼施维药价.13 6.1.1树品牌、差异化定位与经营.13 6.1.2.帮助零售终端差异化定位 .14 7.销售指标监控.15 7.1指标是销售目标量化的一种表示.15 7.2销售指标的制定是企业销售管理体系的重要一环.

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