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Can you play the guitar教学设计3 3优秀篇.docx

1、Can you play the guitar教学设计3 3优秀篇Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?语法课 Section A (GF-3c) Teaching goals:一、语言知识1.掌握下列词汇:write, show, or, talk, talk to, kung fu2.掌握情态动词can的基本用法二、语言功能学会运用can谈论自己或他人的能力三、学习策略在运用can的基础上总结它的规律。四、情感态度让学生在交流讨论中了解他人的爱好,也进一步明确自己的爱好和特长。能够将所学知识灵活运用。Teaching and Learning Steps(教学步骤)

2、:Step 1.Preview and testing 预习检测一.Please write down these words. 1.写作_ 2.演出,节目_ 3.或者;也不_ 4.跟说 _ 5.(中国)功夫_二Translate these sentences1. 你想加入什么俱乐部?_2. 你能干什么?_3. 你能游泳吗?_4. 我会中国功夫。_ (设计意图:设置前置性任务,为学生下面的学习扫除障碍。)Step 2.Warming up and leading in热身导入 T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture, who is he?S

3、s: Yao Ming.T: What can he do?Ss: He can play basketball. T: Who is he?Ss: Liu Huan.T: What can he do?Ss: He can sing.T: What can you do? (Point to one student)S1: I can draw. T: What club do you want to join?S1: I want to join the art club.Ask other students the similar questions. Then show them so

4、me clubs. (设计意图:谈论熟悉的人物,激发学生兴趣,引起学生话题,同步倒入新课。)Step3. Look and say, write and finish the sentences, then find out the structures of sentences. 观察发现(一): can 后的动词形式有什么特点?T: Please look at the pictures. There are some clubs. What clubs are they?Ss: They are chess club English club basketball clubmusic c

5、lub art club swimming clubT: What club do you want to join?S1: I want to join the music club.T: What can you do?S1: I can sing.Teacher asks other students the similar questions. Students give different answers like these:观察:I can play chess.I can speak English. I can swim. I can play basketball. I c

6、an draw. I can dance.I can .发现:通过以上例句可以看出,can后跟_ 肯定句:主语can_观察发现(二): can随人称变化而变化吗? T: What can you do? (Point to one student.)S1: I can play the piano.T: You can play the piano. Can you sing?S1: Yes, I can.Teacher asks a few students the similar questions. At the same time, write “I can. and you can.

7、” sentences on the blackboard. T: Now please look at the picture. What can he do?Ss: He can play the guitar.Look at the pictures, then finish the sentences. She can sing They can draw. They can speak English.She can dance. He can swim. They can play soccer.观察:Look at these sentences carefully.发现:通过以

8、上例句可以看出,can 没有_ 观察发现(三): can的否定形式是什么样的?有缩略形式吗? T: Look at the picture. What can the boy do?Ss: He can play the guitar.T: Can he swim?Ss: No, he cant.T: So we can say: He can play the guitar, but he cant swim. cant= can notAsk the students to say the similar sentences.They can play chess, but they ca

9、nt dance.She can sing, she cant dance.观察:He can play the guitar, but he cant swim. cant= can not They can play chess, but they cant dance. She can sing, she cant dance.发现:通过以上例句可以看出,can 的否定形式是_ ,是_ 和 _ 的缩写。 否定句:主语_(_ _) 动原观察发现(四): can的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句需要借助助动词吗? T: We know many clubs. I want to join the ch

10、ess club. I can play chess. ( Point to S1.) Can you play chess?S1: Yes, I can.T: Can you play chess, too? (Point to S2.)S2: No, I cant.T: What can you do?S2: I can play soccer.T: Please look at these pictures. Finish the sentences.A: I want to join the_ club.B: Can you_ or play _?A: Yes, _.A: I_ _ _

11、 the _club. B: _ you_?A: No, _.A: I want to join the_ club.B: Can you_?A: Yes, _.A: I_ _ _ the _club. B: _ you_?A: No, _.观察:-Can you sing?-Yes, I can.-Can you swim?-No, I cant.-Can you speak English?-Yes, I can.-Can you draw?-No, I cant.发现:一般疑问句直接把can_ ,其结构为:_ + 主语 + 动原?肯定回答:Yes, I/he/she/we _.否定回答:

12、No,I/he/she/we_.观察:What can you do? 发现:特殊疑问句:_+ _ (设计意图:在情景中观察发现,有自然的形成效果。引导学生就can的用法作进一步系统化的,清晰的理解和把握。)Step4. Show yourselfT: We have known how to use “can”. Please show yourselves using “can”.The students make sentences like the model. Then ask them to say out the sentences one by one.(设计意图:明确can的

13、用法的基础上做跟进性口头的训练,把理论和实践有效的结合起来。)Step5. PracticeTask1. 3a Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.T: We have used “can” to show ourselves. Now lets have a practice . Please look at your book and do 3a. 1. Wu Jun/speak English/speak ChineseCan Wu Jun speak English?No, he cant, but he can

14、 speak Chinese.2. Mike /play basketball/ play tennis_3. Jane and Jill/dance/sing_4. Grace/play soccer/play volleyball_5. Bill/write stories/tell stories_First ask the students to write the sentences, then check the answers. (设计意图:在初步使用和明确用法的基础上做跟进性的强化训练,把理论和实践有效的结合起来。)Task2. 3b Complete the poster w

15、ith the words in the box.T: Lets look at the words in the box. (Ask one student to read the words.)Please complete the poster with the words in the box. Then check the answers.(设计意图:学生在真实的情景中感知语言的意义,完成相应的任务,从而加深对所学目标语言的理解和巩固。)Task3. 3c Make a survey and report. T: Please read the poster silently and

16、 answer my questions:1.When is the school show?2.Where is the school show?Ss give the answers. (On Sunday 6:00 p.m. In the music room )T: What can you do for the school show? Please discuss with your groupmates and make a list. You can make a survey like this:eg: A: What can you do?B: I can do kung

17、fu. A: Can you sing?B: No, I cant. A: What can you do?C: I can draw. A: Can you dance?C: Yes, I can.A: What can you do? D: I canThen ask some groups to present their results like this:Report like this: For the school show, Li Xin can do kung fu. He cant sing. Wang Lin can (设计意图:学生经历了语言的渐进性输入过程,然后有积累

18、,有准备地输出语言,综合运用所学语言知识和技能。)Step6. The end-of- class test当堂检测一、用单词的正确形式填空1. He can _ (play) the guitar.2. Can your sister _ (draw)?3. I am a Chinese. I _ (can not) speak English.4. -Can you _ (play) chess?-Yes, I _. 5. -Can Jane and Jill _ (swim)? -No, they _ .二、请翻译下列句子。1. 你想参加什么俱乐部? _2. 吉娜会唱歌,跳舞和中国功夫。

19、 _3. 你会做什么,比尔?_4.我会弹钢琴,但我不会下象棋。 _5. 迈克会讲故事吗? _(设计意图:检查学生对知识的掌握和运用情况,及时发现学生的不足,查缺补漏并做出对应的解决措施。)Step7. Homework: 家庭作业1. Finish the exercises on the workbook.2. Plan a family show. Make a list about what each family member can do. Then write a short passage to describe it.(设计意图:此作业是课堂小组活动的课外延伸,主要是落实学生所

20、学的目标语言知识和基本技能以及灵活运用语言的能力。)本课亮点:围绕教学目标,通过布置各种任务对学生进行知识的渗透。教学活动设计,注重培养学生兴趣,教学内容注意知识的难易层次。整堂课,体现了学生的主体地位,采用任务性教学,发挥学生的最大潜能。教和学立足于课本,但又高于课本,实现了学生从理论的积累到生活实践的真正的转变。不足:调查报告环节汇报的少。使用建议:充分利用电脑辅助教学,让学生思维动起来,效果会更好。小组活动后,多让几组学生汇报,多给他们展示的机会。参考答案:Step1. Preview 预习检测一.1.write 2. show 3.or to 5.kung fu二、1.W

21、hat club do you want to join?2.What can you do?3.Can you swim?4.I can do kung fu.Step 3.观察与发现一 动词原形 动词原形观察与发现二 1.She,sing 2.They,draw 3.They,speak 4.She,dance 5.He,swim 6.They,play soccer发现二 没有人称和数的变化观察与发现三 cant, can notcant, can not观察与发现四,sing,the guitar2.want to ,swimming, Can, swim, cant3

22、. English, speak English, I can4.want to, art, Can, draw, cant发现:提前,Can, can, cant特殊疑问词+一般疑问句Step5. PracticeTask1. 3a1. Can Wu Jun speak English?No, he cant, but he can speak Chinese.2. Can Mike play basketball?No, he cant, but he can play tennis.3. Can Jane and Jill dance?No, they cant, but they ca

23、n sing.4. Can Grace play soccer?No, she cant, but she can play volleyball. 5. Can Bill write stories?No, he cant, but he can tell stories.3b. sing/dance dance/sing play tellStep 6 当堂检测一、用单词的正确形式填空1. play 2. draw 3. cant 4. play can 5. swim, cant二、请翻译下列句子。1. What club do you want to join?2. Gina can sing, dance and do kung fu.3. What can you do, Bill?4. I can play the piano, but I cant play chess.5. Can Mike tell stories?

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