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1、雅思写作小作文模版小作文模板内部素材雅思小作文诸多人不要模板,回绝套用雅思作文模板。但是对于初试者,或者目的分是雅思6分学生而言,作文模板是必要并且也的确有效。核心是要有逻辑性。只要具备一定逻辑性,模板同样会非常出彩!雅思小作文总体分为两种:线状图/饼状图/柱状图/柱状图/表格题/地图题/流程图万能开头与结尾模板:(6.0分如下均可合用,6.5分以上参照使用)开头1.This graph/pie chart/table/bar chart reflects the (rate/percentage/proportion/number ) of (对象) in(place/country) fr

2、om to2.According to the figure ,it is not spurring findings that there was/were 总体趋势描述(the overall trend tended to indicate/the general trend is/其她)结尾1.In conclude ,the overall trend tended to illustrate during this XX year period2.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that这些数据资料令咱们得

3、出结论按题型类别:(提供诸多句式请自选)线状图1.先(上升/下降)后(下降/上升),之后便平稳(1)According to the data ,the years from tosaw/witness a rise/climb/drop in the number/rate/percentage/proportion of 对象 from数据to数据,which was followed by a rapid decrease/reduce/increase over the * years.(2)The number/ratedropped/went up again fromin * y

4、ear toin * year and then went up gradually until * year ,when there was a leveling off/leveling out at 数据 for 一段时间。(3) this is a cure graph which describes the trend of这个曲线图描述了趋势。2.对峰值和低谷描述(1)Also it can be noticed that in * year ,the number/percentage reached the bottom . However/on the contrary,*y

5、ear saw the peak during this period.(2)时间点 ,when the number/percentage reached(amounted to)to a peak of / a high point at (3)时间点,when the number/percentage bottomed out (at)3.趋势相似描述(1)The proportion/number of 对象 in the xx and xx are similar and follow the same trend.In * the figures were xx% and xx%

6、 respectively,rising to xx% and xx% respectively in *,after dipping to xx% and xx% respectively in *.(总体趋势简介)Thereafter,分开简介即可(2)the number ofremained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year).月(年)至月(年)数量基本不变。4.对将来表述以及转换词(1)is projected to as to(2)is expected to as for(3)is forcasted to is est

7、imated to5. 对波动描述(1)as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the fluctuation of如图所示,两条曲线描述了波动状况。(2)fluctuated dramatically between xx% and xx% during period .此外,在描述过程中尚有诸多conjunctive words/sentences,最惯用固定搭配如下:并列: as well as(句首/中),also,as well(句尾),either,neither,moreover,furthermore,addition

8、ally,besides,whats more,apart from 举例: to illustrate,as an illustration,in particular ,especially事实: as a matter of fact,actually,as long as,so long as 雷同/近似:similarly,likewise(句首/尾),at the same time,equally 转折: whereas,nevertheless,nonetheless,though,although,while,yet,on the contrary,conversely,on

9、 the other hand,unlikely,instead (of),in spite of,饼状图1.描述(1)It is clear that the most (adj.) xx is A,which accounts for m% of all x . B is the next largest(adj.)xx ,n% lower than A of all x and followed closely by C . The above three items of xx take uo about o% of the x%(2)By contrast D E andF make

10、 uo the smallest percentage of total x ,which are p% q% and r% ,respectively.(3)The regions can be divided into two groups-one where and the other where the reverse is the case.(4) the graph provides some interesting data regarding该图为咱们提供了关于有趣数据。2.比较,占据,百分数(1)Form,comprise,make up,occupy(2)Constitut

11、e,cover,represent,account for(3)Be shared by(4)In 1950,the urban population represented less than 13% of the total. It is now about 40% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030. (摘自BBC)3.比例,倍数(1)A quarter of (2)Half of(3)A majority of(4) A has something in common with b (5) A shares some similarity with

12、 b (6) The difference between a and b lies in(7) Double,triple,quadruple (v,n,adj)(8)本来2倍-double, 50100 本来3倍-triple,50150 本来4倍-quadruple,50200(9)The value of the house has increased fourfold (=it is now worth four times as much as before).(10)be twice as adj. as .(11)more than xx times as adj. as .柱

13、状图 can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in从图中可以看出,发生了巨大变化。2.from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly thator it is clear/apparent from the chart that从图表咱们可以很清晰(明显)看到)和线型图写法一致,并且结合饼状图来写!表格题1. 找出最大值,最小值,以及普通值2. 进行分析比较,找出近似值和相差很大数值惯用句式1.a is nearly /more thantime

14、s as much/many/large as b.(a是b倍。) / the table shows the changes in the number ofover the period fromto该表格描述了在年之年间数量变化。be the same as(与相似)3. 表因素句子(1). cause-effect (较惯用) :XXX lead to / bring about / result in/ account for (一种句子/shared the same tendency),therefore / thus / hence / as a result / conseq

15、uently / (and) so (2). effect-cause (较惯用)XXX be caused by / result from / be the result of / be the effect of / be the consequence of (一种句子/shared the same tendency),because it is adj. that it is unimaginable that it is undeniable that it is interesting to discover that 地图题1.时态如果地图题反映是一种地方在过去一段时间变化,

16、文章用普通过去时。如果地图题反映是一种地方在将来一段时间变化趋势,文章用普通将来时或表“预计”词汇。如果地图题反映是一种地方从过去到当前变化,可用现完毕时。如:当前停车场改成了一种剧院。The car park has been removed and replaced by a theatre.城乡A家庭数量从1937年到将翻一番。The number of homes in Town A is likely to double(is likely to= is predicted to /is estimated to/is projected to/is expected to )又可为

17、:It is likely that the number of homes in Town A will double.(it is likely that = it is predicted/estimated/projected/ expected that.)2.细节变化地图每个细节变化都要提到,不要忽视一种细节3.语态地图题用被动语态如: 在城乡A 新建了一种医院:A new hospital was established in Town A in .4.地图题书写顺序:时间顺序和空间顺序如9月A 类TASK 1The map shows the development of th

18、e village of Kelsbey between 1780 and .合用句式A 在B 东方/西方/南方/北方A is/ lies/ is located/ is situated in/on / to the east/west/south/north of B(in 表A 在B 内部, ON 表A 和B接壤,TO 表A 和B 分开)A 在B 内部某个部位A is in the eastern/ southern/ western/ northern part of B.A在B 西北部120 千米处A lies 120 km to the northwest of B.A 在B.角落

19、A is at/in the south-eastern corner of B ( at 表达A 在B 外部, in表A 在B 内部)在河流或道路南边/北边等On the south/southern side of the riverOn both sides of the roadOn the other side临近马路地区The area adjacent to/ near /next to/ just off the road在道路或河流最南端At the southern end of the riverA 在B 对面A is on the opposite side of BA

20、 is opposite BA 在B 东部边界上(A 在B外部)A is on the eastern border of BA 在B 东部边沿上 (A 在B 内部)A is on/ along the eastern edge of B5.“变化”词汇地图题描述是一种地区变化,那么“变化”词汇必要过关。雅思中华人民共和国网海外考试研究中心分析发现,变化涉及两种:图形原有事物变化,图形新添事物。咱们先看图形原有事物变化:原有事物可说成:The original/previous/former garden原有事物尺寸上变大/变小:The size of the library has been

21、 enlarged/extended/halved/reduced by half原有事物在数量上增多或减少:The number of homes has increased/risen/grown/reduced /decreased/dropped/fallen/doubled/ tripled/ quadrupled to 500.原有事物没了:The farms completely disappeared/were removed.原有事物被改为:A becomes BA is transformed/reconstructed/redeveloped/converted/chan

22、ged/turned over to/ into BA is replaced /substituted by B = A gives way to B图形新添事物A newly-built roadA new car park was built/established/set up/constructed/completed and opened in the middle of BA new IT centre has been added to the libraryThe year saw two additions to the land: a pond in the northe

23、rn part and a vegetable garden on the opposite side.地图题6个惯用句式(前三个句子为主,背面句子为连接和点缀) 句式1:located/situated/sited/built/constructed+地点 1. 一块湿地(wetland)在湖西南面。 A wetland is located to the southeast of the lack. 句式2:地点+with+地点+方位 2. 这个地区有一种很大树林,在南面有一种农场。 This region has large woodland with a farm to the sou

24、th. 句式3:there be 句型 3. 东南角有两个学校。 There are two schools on the south-eastern corner of the area.句式4:使用while,but 和and连接句子 4. 都市北面有一种山, 而南面有一种湖 A mountain is located to the north of the city,while there is a river to the south. 句式5: 倒装句 5. 河南面有个博物馆。 To the south of the river was a library. 句式6:使用名词性从句(

25、譬如说it should be noted that,it is worth noting that,it is noticeable that,we can see that,it is clear that,one significant change is that) 6. 值得注意是这个图书馆在东侧有一长列会议室。 It is noticeable that the library has a row of meeting rooms on the eastern side.流程图流程图5个惯用句式 巧克力会转移到烤箱(oven),被加热和变成液体。 惯用句式1:用where或者in

26、which引导定语从句 1:Chocolate is sent to the oven,where it is heated and turned into liquid. 惯用句式2:使用before或者after+分词构造 2:Chocolate is sent to the oven,before being heated and turned into liquid. 惯用句式3:使用after which 引导定语从句3:Chocolate is sent to the oven at the first stage,after which it is heated and turned into liquid. 惯用句式4:使用until,once引导状语语从句 4:Chocolate is placed in the oven,until it is heated and turned into liquid. 惯用句式5:使用and连接两个环节 5:Chocolate is heated in the oven and turned into liquid.

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