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1、中考英语B卷专项训练不含作文Teachers(一)一、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.杰姆对自己不够有信心,咱们鼓励他去干这项工作吧。 Jim doesnt feel confident enough in himself . Lets encourage him to do the work .2.科学家们正在忙于研究改进这项工作的软件,使它更加有用。 The scientists are busy studying the software to improve the work so _that_ its more useful .3.他千方百计和我们过不去。 He went out of h

2、is way to make things hard for us .4.一个老师应该做的就是教会学生怎样学习。 All a teacher should do is to give students advice on how to study .5.看!那位老人躺在地上不能动,一定发生严重的事情。Look ! The old man is lying on the ground and cant move . There must be something serious happening .二、完成对话1.family2.move3.weeks4.busy5.kind6.idea7.s

3、ize8.small9.cost10.enoughA : Hello , Linda . Ive just bought a new house .B : Really ? Congratulations(祝贺你).A : Thank you .B : When will your _1_ _2_ into the new house ?A : In a _3_ time . My wife and I are now getting ready for it .B : Im not _4_ next week and I can help you .A : Many thanks .B :

4、Where are you going now ?A : Im going to buy a new television .B : What _5_ of television do you want to buy ?A : A color TV , of course . But Ive no _6_ about the _7_ .B : Youd better buy a big one . If you buy a _8_ one , youll have to buy a bigger one in a few years . That would _9_ you much more

5、 money . And I think your sitting room is big _10_ to put in a big television .A : I agree with you .三、短文填空Another , difference , around , enjoy , see , please , look , high , top , more , travel , rich Climbing a mountain is hard work . But one step after another finally brings a person to the _1_

6、. Along the way , he can stop and look _2_ . And the _3_ he climbs , the more wonderful his view(视野)is . If he keeps climbing , he will have a new way of _4_ everything .Now learning _5_ language is something like climbing a mountain . This new language can give you a new view of life . And it is mo

7、re than a look at the surface(表面)of things . It can open the way into peoples minds and hearts , into a culture(文化)very _6_ from the one of your own . This will make you _7_ in things that money cant buy . Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane , you can be an armchair _8_ through books

8、 .Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to _9_ the scenery around him , everyone who is interested in reading will find _10_ in books .1.top2.around3.higher4.seeing5.another6.different7.richer8.traveler9.enjoy10.pleasure四、阅读理解。A阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。Hong Kong Disneyland opened last ye

9、ar . You are welcome there !When you enter the park , youll be walking back in time . In Main Street USA , you will see old-time taxis and yellow street lamps . This is a small US town in the early 1900s . If you go into the shops or restaurants , you can enjoy delicious food !A train may take you t

10、o a beautiful place high in the air . Its Sleeping Beauty Castle(城堡). Now you are in Fantasyland ! Its the home of your favorite Disney stories . Why not talk to Donald Duck ? You can sit on a flying elephant , take a spin(旋转)in the teacup , or go under the sea !In Adventure land(冒险地区), youll go int

11、o a dark jungle . Follow the river . Surprises wait for you at every corner . In the middle of the river is an island with a tree house . You can also watch the dacing and music from the Disney classic(经典)”The Lion King”.Science-fiction(科幻小说)fans will get excited in Tomorrow land . You can join a ca

12、rton character to save the world . Its also cool to rocket(乘火箭)through outer space in your own spaceship !Here , youll find surprises that are not in other Disneyland parks . Mickey even wears a red-sand-gold Chinese suit . Mulan has her own pavilion(亭子). The fireworks at night even go with music .C

13、heng Ping来到了香港迪士尼乐园,假设你是当地导游,请你根据材料相关信息带Cheng Ping去能满足她愿望的地方。Cheng Ping wants toYou can take her toTake pictures with Mulan1. Mulan PavilionGet some information on space2. TomorrowlandSee old cars 3. Main Street USASee the whole park 4. Fantasyland(Sleeping Beauty Castle)Have a picnic5. Adventurelan

14、dB根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的编号依次填入下面的表格内。Last Sunday the elephant keeper at London Zoo , Jim Robson , was killed by one of the elephants he loved . _6_ and it could be a big problem for the future of London Zooand maybe for all of Britains city zoos .London Zoo said that it would move its thre

15、e elephants to a wild animal park outside London . Its director-general , Michael Dixon , said , “We are sorry that the elephants are leaving . _7_”One British newspaper said that though many small animals were very interesting , most people wanted to see big animals-and most of all elephants .Londo

16、n Zoo is not only losing its elephants . _8_ Outside the elephant house at London Zoo , a woman called Mary said she hoped the zoo could keep big animals . “This is the only way the young people can see animals without traveling to other countries ,”she said .Zoos are not very good places for animal

17、s , but they can help to keep them well . _9_ Another visitor , a man called Alan , was very angry . “If we send them back to the wild , they will die . If you take away big animals , people will stop visiting London Zoo . _10_”However , Mary Rosevear , director of the Federation(联合会)of Zoos , belie

18、ves that city zoos can survive without keeping large animals .A. The tigers will also leave soon and most of the bears have already gone . B. It can survive(继续生存)at the moment , but it wont survive in the future .C. This was terrible ,D. There have been elephants at London Zoo since 1831.E. Children

19、 also learn a lot about the animals when visit zoos .6. _C_ 7. _D_ 8. _A_ 9. _E_ 10. _B_(二)一、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我们应该献出我们的爱心,让贫困家庭的孩子的生活充满快乐。We should give our loves to fill the childrens lives in poor families with pleasure .2.全世界人民都应该保护自然环境不受污染。Environment should be protected from pollution by all the pe

20、ople in the world .3.他学习非常努力。他正期盼着考入北京大学。He studies very hard . Hes looking forward to entering Beijing University .4.在人生中总要发生些意想不到的事,所以我们应该学会怎样去对待。Theres always something unexpected happening in our life , so we should learn how to deal with it .5.父母不应该太强求子女去做它们不愿做的事。Parents shouldnt push their chi

21、ldren a lot more to do what they wouldnt like to .二、完成对话。M: Wow , your coats very dirty . Did you fall ?W: Yes , I had a terrible experience on the underground train when I was on the _1_ to work . I tell you , a man came up to me and pulled out a _2_ . He pointed it right at me .1.way2.knife3.hurt4

22、.happened5.me6.dangerous7.think8.help9.policeman10.policeM: Oh , no . Are you all right ? Did he _3_ you ?W: No , he didnt , but he took my handbag .M: Then what _4_ ? What did you do ?W: I caught hold of his knife and he pushed _5_ to the floor .M: Oh , no . Why did you catch hold of his knife ? Th

23、ats _6_ .W: I dont know . I didnt _7_ .M: What did the other passengers do ? Did they _8_ you ?W: Yes . Two men ran after the robber(强盗)and held him .M: Did the police come ?W: Yes , the police was called and two _9_ came and took the robber to the _10_ station .M: What a story ! Thank God you are a

24、ll right .三、短文填空。Dead , robot , guess , it , miss , story , write , somebody , try , make , people , realCan a robot run away from people by _1_ ? Some believe Robot Phil might .Phil is a robot _2_ by American scientists . In January , it was _3_ on an airplane on the way to California . _4_ knows w

25、here it is .Phil is one of the cleverest _5_ in the world . People named it after American sci-fi(科幻小说)_6_ Philip Dick .Phil looks like Philip Dick . Its skin(皮肤)looks real . It can remember people and understand their body language . It even talks to people . The voice sounds like a real _7_ .Phili

26、p Dick _8_ more than 20 years ago . He wrote _9_ of how smart robots became clever and ran away . Could Phil have “run away” too ? Some say yes .But Phils makers dont agree . They say the robot isnt that smart .“Were still _10_ hard to find Phil ,” they said .1.itself2.made3.missing4.Nobody5.robots6

27、.writer7.person8.died9.stories10.trying四、阅读理解。A. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺信息。Not many years ago , some farmers were worried because hawks(鹰)were taking many of their chickens . The farmers did not know what to do . Finally they decided to kill the hawks . The farmers killed many hawks . They no longer h

28、ad to worry about their chickens . But they now had a new worry . Field mice were eating up a lot of the farmers grain(庄稼).How did this happen ? Hawks ate not only chickens but also field mice . They ate more field mice than chickens . But the farmers did not know this . When they killed a lot of ha

29、wks , they changed the balance of nature .When people move into a new place , they often destroy(破坏)many wild plants . Often these plants are food for the animals . If the animals cant find enough plants to eat , they will go hungry or have to leave the place .In one part of the United States , for

30、example , the deer(驴)there like to eat a kind of wild roses (small plants). The mountain lions there eat the deer . The number of deer , mountain lions and roses does not change much . But people killed many lions to protect the deer . Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses . Then the deer began to eat the green leaves of young trees . Now the deer had nothing to eat , and many of them died . This was another lesson for nature .To keep the balance of nature is important for us to remember .B.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的编号依次填入下面的表格内。When talking ab

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