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拓展模块unit3 完整导学案.docx

1、拓展模块unit3 完整导学案unit3 fashion 第一课时 warming up主备人:_ 审核人: 执教人: _ 使用时间_教师寄语:A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲学习目标1.学习并识记教学目标中的key words 和useful expressions的基本用法 2.能灵活运用单词及短语学习重点学习并掌握新单词,学会用音标识记单词学习难点灵活运用单词及短语,看着音标默写单词学习过程:一、快乐自学1、打开课本P28,自学并试读单词和短语。(5分钟)2、根据音标试读单词并记忆(20分钟)二、合作共赢 1、小组长检测单词记忆情况,并相互提问。

2、 2、老师补充课文以外知识,牛仔裤的历史。组内讨论下列问题,并写出答案。 How were blue jeans invented? Here is a simple story. Levi Strauss came to San Francisco in 1853 to open a store. His business became very successful. He made a name for himself not only as a well-respected businessman, but as a kind man as well. One of Levis man

3、y customers was a tailor named Jacob Davis. He often bought a lot of cloth from Levis store. At that time Jacob was thinking of a way to strengthen mans trousers. One day he had an idea. He put metal rivets on the trousers. Jacobs new style of trousers was indeed much stronger and quickly became pop

4、ular with miners and others who worked outdoors. When Jacob needed money to expand his production of the new trousers, he thought of Levi Strauss. Levi agreed to cooperate with him. On May 20, 1873, the two men received their trademark from the authority. That day is now considered to be the officia

5、l birthday of blue jeans.1) Do you know how blue jeans became popular? _2) Do you like to know blue jeans?_3) What is the present fashion in your town ?_三、当堂检测 1、把下面短语翻译成英语 1) step into_ 2) put on_ 3) wear out_ 4) a piece of _ 5) 注意,理会_ 6) 时新的 _ 7) 流行歌手_ 8)牛仔裤 9) 在当时._ 10)加利福尼亚淘金潮 四、 教(学)后记Unit3 The

6、 Birth of Blue Jeans” 第二课时 Reading A 主备人: 审核人:执教人: _ 使用时间_教师寄语:A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 学习目标:学习并识记下列短语Wear out step into put on a piece of make A into B make A out of B at that time take notice of in (the) fashion 学习重点:学会用音标识记单词,掌握教学目标中的key words ,useful expressions的基本用法。学习难点:能在规定时间内快速完

7、成阅读,基本理解文章大意。学习过程:一 快乐自学1.让学生先预习单词,并找出不会读的单词。2.教学较难的新单词并小组合作互相学习。manufacture, order, load, strengthen, outdoors, official,first-hand, remove,3.展示环节,让学生齐读,分小组读,单独读。二、合作共赢1、分小组展示“略读”结果,口头回答。2、小组讨论“精读”环节中问题的答案。小组长归纳总结各组的讨论结果。 3、 分小组讨论问题结果,组与组之间共同解决问题。总结出规范答案,并展示到黑板上。掌握文章的主题和每一段的中心句。(略读)老师给予必要的指导。4 、 合作

8、完成课文中的重要句子,必要时点拨讲解课文。1.Each time you step into your old jeans, you are putting on a piece of history.每当你双腿伸入你的老式牛仔裤时,你便把一段历史穿上身了。step into“踩入”、“踏进”,例如:He stepped into the boat and said goodbye to us.他登上船向我们道别。The boy stepped into his shoes and ran out of the room.那个孩子穿上鞋从屋里跑出去。区别put on,have on,wear,

9、dress的用法:put on是“穿”、“戴”的意思,可用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽子等,着重于穿戴的动作。例如:Put on more clothes,or youll be cold.我穿点衣服否则你会感冒的。He put on his hat and went out of the room.他戴上帽子,走出了房间。have on 与wear相同,表示穿戴的状态,意思是“穿着”、“戴着”,但have on一般不用于进行时,而wear可以。Lili is wearing a yellow dress today.李莉今天穿着一件黄色连衣裙。She always has her red shoes

10、 on.(wears her red shoes)她总是穿着一双红鞋. dress用于“穿着”、“打扮”,表示动作。可作及物动词和不及物动词,作“穿着”解时,只用于穿衣服,不用于穿鞋,戴帽子,戴手套等。作及物动词时,它的宾语是人,不是衣服,即dress sb意思是“给穿衣服”、“打扮”。例如:She is old enough to dress herself. 她长大了,可以自己穿衣服了。The mother hurriedly dressed her son and went out. 这位妈妈匆匆忙忙给她儿子穿上衣服就出去了。另外be dressed in 表示状态,“穿着衣服”She

11、was dressed in white.她穿着白色的衣服。The two foreigners were both dressed in Chinese style clothes.这两个外国人穿着中式衣服。2.The first jeans were made in 1850, in the California gold rush.第一批牛仔裤在1850年制成,那是在加利福尼亚淘金潮中。the California gold rush 加利福尼亚淘金潮,句中的the California gold rush 指的是1848年1月24日在加利福尼亚的萨特磨房发现了黄金,次年就有8万名梦想发

12、财致富的冒险家迅速涌往西海岸,加入淘金热潮。3.A man named Levi Strauss realized that the gold miners normal trousers wore out too quickly.一个名叫李施特劳斯的人了解到淘金者穿的普通裤子很快就穿坏了。a man named Levi Strauss一个名叫“李施特劳斯的人”。named Levi Strauss是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰man,相当于who was named Levi Strauss。又如:Do you know a girl named Yang Mei?你认识一个名叫杨梅的女孩

13、吗?再哪本课第四自然段中:the rivet used to strengthen the jeans in the crouch got too hot and made them very uncomfortable.其中used to strengthen the jeans in the crouch也是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰the rivet。wear out作“穿坏”、“穿旧”、“用坏”解,又如:Children wear out their shoes very quickly.小孩子很快就把鞋穿坏了。I have worn my suit out.I must get a

14、nother.我已经把衣服穿坏了,必须买一件。My socks have worn out.我的袜子穿坏了。The old clock finally wore out.最后这只旧钟用坏了。4.Strauss had bought some strong canvas, intending to make it into tents and wagon covers.施特劳斯买了一些结实的帆布,打算用来做帐篷和车篷。intend to do sth 意思是“打算做某事”、“要做某事”,又如:-What do you intend to do today? 你今天打算做什么?-I intend

15、to visit your school.我打算去参观你们学校Ive make a mistake,though I didnt intend to.我犯了一个错误,尽管不是存心要犯的。make A into B“用原材料A制成B”,又如:We make the wood into a table. 我们把这些木料制成了一张桌子。She make the material into a dress.她把那块料子做成了一件女外衣。注意make A out of B的意思是“用B原料制成A”,其被动结构 A is made out of B表示“A是用B为原料制成的”。如本课中的:he made

16、some trousers out of it 他用这些帆布制成裤子。又如The boy make a boat out of wood.(The boat was made out of wood.) 那个男孩用木头做了一只小船。上述make out of 短语动词也可用make of 来代替,其意思相同。被动式是A is made of B。例如:The table is made of wood. 桌子是用木头做的。Little toys were made of pieces of color paper.小玩具是由彩纸做的。另外还有make from “用制成”,be made fr

17、om“是由制成的”。例如:Children made little toys form piexes of colour paper.孩子们用彩纸做玩具。Butter is made from milk.奶油是用牛奶制成的。 三,当堂检测 1.提出reading comprehension 中的2个问题,1). Which people like to wear blue jeans ?2) Do you know who made jeans first? 2). And why did he make this kind of trousers? 2.判断对错: () 1. Blue je

18、ans were popular because they were not easily worn out. () 2. The design was changed because it was ugly. () 3. The nineteen fifties saw very tight jeans. () 4. The style of jeans changes with time. 四 教(学)后记Unit3 fashion Reading A 第三课时 The Birth of Blue Jeans”主备人: 审核人:职高二同年级英语教师 执教人: _ 使用时间_教师寄语:A l

19、azy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 学习重点:Wear out step into put on a piece of make A into B make A out of B at that time take notice of in (the) fashion manufacture, order, load, strengthen, outdoors, official,first-hand, remove,学习重点:学会用音标识记单词,掌握教学目标中的key words ,useful expressions的基本用法。学习难点:能在规定时间内快速

20、完成阅读,基本理解文章大意。学习过程:一、快乐自学:1、听录音读课文。1)教师播放录音,学生边听边读。2)逐句跟读录音。3)再读课文并画出文章中不懂的句子。二、合作共赢讨论自学时画出的不懂句子。并记忆本文中出现的主要语言点,5.Strauss ordered boat-loads of that material and to keep color consistent, had it all dyed dark blue.施特劳斯定购了几船这种布料,为了保持颜色一致,就把它们染成了深蓝色。order在句中的意思是“定购”、“定货”,用作动词,也可用作名词。例如:I ordered some

21、new clothes a month ago. Are you ready now?一个月前我定做了几件新衣服。现在做好了吗?We are coming to clooect our order.我们就来取我们定做的东西。order还可作“点菜”、“叫菜”解,例如:He ordered a glass of beer.他要了一杯啤酒。Shall we order our dinner now? 我们现在就定饭菜,好吗?have sth done结构在本句中表示“使某事完成”的意思。通常是“请别人来完成(做)某事”,有时也可能“本人也参与了”。例如:We must have the work

22、finished before10:00.我们必须使这项工作在10点钟之前完成。She told me she had her house repaired.她告诉我她打人把房子修理了。I must have my hair cut 我得理发了。6.When cowboys crouched too close to the campfire, the rivet used to strengthen the jeans in the crotch got too hot and made them very uncomfortable.当牛仔们蹲下来太靠近篝火的时候,裤裆处加固用的铆钉就太烫

23、了,让他们感到很不舒服7.Strauss didnt take much notice of this until the 1940s, when a company official experienced the problem first-hand.施特劳斯对此没怎么在意,直到40年代一位公司的经理人员亲自体验了这一问题。till/until 在本句中用作介词。也可用作连词,用于肯定句时,主句的动词一般是延续性的,它所表示的动作一直延续到until/till所表示的时间。例如:I waited until he came.我一直等到他来。在否定句中,主句的动词一般是终止性的,即“notu

24、ntil/till”,意思是“直到时才”,如本句中until的用法。又如:Last night we didnt get home until eleven oclock.昨夜我们十一点才到家。He didnt leave school until he had finished the composition.他直到写完作文才离开学校。He didnt go to sleep till midnight.一直到半夜他才睡觉。take notice of 意思是“注意”、“理会”,又如:Dont take any notice of what he said.不要在意他所说的话。We took

25、 no notice of his success.我们并没有注意到他的成功。1940s 是20世纪40年代;1880s是19世纪80年代;1760s是18世纪60年代依此类推。1940s也可写作1940s8.Film stars like John Wayne and Marilyn Monroe wore them, and so did pop stars like the Rolling Stones.像约翰感恩和玛丽莲梦露这们的电影明星穿这种牛仔裤,你滚石乐队这样的流行歌星也穿。John wayne 约翰感恩美国著名男电影演员。Marilyn Monroe 马丽莲梦露美国著名女影星。

26、the Rolling Stones滚石乐队。so did pop stars是倒装句,此结构中的助动词和情态动词一般与上句中的助动词和情态动词保持一致。如果上句谓语是be动词或have,则so后面也用be或have的适当形式。如果上句的谓语是行为动词,则so后面用助动词do的适当形式。例如:You are a student.So am I.(=I am also a student.) 你是学生,我也是。You can speak English,and so can I.(=I can also speak English.) 你会说英语,我也会说。-I have lost the ad

27、dress.我把地址弄丢了。-So have I. 我也弄丢了。-I went to the farm yesterday.我昨天去农场了。-So did I. 我也去了。9.You had to lie down on the bed to do them up.你必须躺在床上才能把袜子系上。do up 作“扣”、“系”(fasten)解,例如:Youve done up your buttons the wrong way.你把钮扣系错了。He stopped to do up his shoes. 他停下来把鞋带系好。do up 还可以作“收拾”、“整理”、“梳妆打扮三、当堂检测 翻译下

28、面的句子1)Strauss ordered boat-loads of material and, to keep color consistent, had it all dyed dark blue._2)when cowboys crouched too close to the campfire, the river used to strengthen the jeans in the crotch got too hot and made them very uncomfortable._3)strauss had bought some strong canvas, intend

29、ing to make it into tents and wagon convers._四 教(学)后记_ Unit3 Fashion Reading A 第四课时The Birth of Blue Jeans”主备人: 审核人:执教人: _ 使用时间_教师寄语:A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 Learning aimsGet the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions.Important and difficult pointsTo analyze the whole text and know about the structures and the main idea of the textLearning guideComparing and practicingKnowledge linksThe California gold rush 加开福尼亚淘金热潮。是1848年1月24日在加利福尼亚的萨特磨房发现了黄金,次年就有8万名梦想发财致富的冒险

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