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1、飞机维修手册持续适航维修方案设计持续适航维修方案1.概述 GENERALA.本持续适航维修方案对按时限规定进行的飞机各系统,结构和动力装置的全部例行检查或维护工作以及附件控制给予概括性规定,以便检测或预防可能对飞机适航性有影响的任何故障。This Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP)gives a summary of all checks or tasks to be periodically performed on airframe systems, structure and power plants in order

2、to detect or to prevent any fault which could affect the airworthiness of the aircraft.B.中国国际航空公司的737300持续适航维修方案包括全部机身系统,动力装置,结构和区域例行的维修要求,这些要求编成工卡按照具体的维修间隔时间在飞机上完成。The 737-300 Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP)of AIR CHINA includes all airframe systems, power plant, structural and

3、zonal routine maintenance requirements which result in tasks to be performed on the aircraft at specific maintenance intervals.C.持续适航维修方案是制订工卡的基础文件,项目均按ATA-100规范安排。This Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program shall be the fundamental document for Job-Card preparation. The items included in the

4、Maintenance Schedule are arranged per ATA 100 specification. D.本持续适航维修方案分为四大部分,第一部分为系统维护,第二部分为结构区域检查,第三部分为腐蚀预防与控制,第四部分为部件控制。每部分页号分别为1-,2-,3-,4-。|The Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program have four parts. CAMP-I is systems maintenance. CAMP-II is configuration zone check. CAMPIII is corrosion

5、prevention and control. CAMP-IV is component control. Each part page is l,2-,3-,4-.2.编写依据 BASELINE中国国际航空公司B737-300持续适航维修方案,是根据FAA批准的该机型的维护审查委员会报告MRB和波音公司MPD文件(D6-38278B版)最新版编订的。MPD文件中的CMR项目由FAA航空器审查办公室批准,航空公司必须遵循其所规定的维修工作要求,不允许超过其规定的时限。|The B737-300 Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP

6、)of AIR CHINA is based on the “Maintenance Review Board Report(MRB)-Boeing Model 737-300 Maintenance Program by FAA and Boeing document (D6-38278B版)B737-300 Maintenance P1anning Data (MPD latest rev).And the Certification Maintenance Requirement (CRM)” covered in MPD are approved by FAA aircraft cer

7、tification office, with which the maintenance task specified are mandatory and not allowed to exceed the defined limit.3.修改 REVISION持续适航维修方案将根据中国国际航空公司飞机维护经验、波音公司MPD和维护手册、适航当局要求、波音公司或协作厂颁发的服务通告等文件资料进行修改。每3个月进行一次正式修改,不满3个月的为临时修改。This Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) will be revised

8、 every 3 months/less than 3 months is the temporary revision, in order to include Air China Aircraft Maintenance experience and Boeing MPD, Maintenance Manual and other related Document Revisions, Airworthiness Authority requirement and Boeing or Vendor Service Bulletin information.4.责任 RESPONSIBILI

9、TY国航机务工程部工程管理部门负责持续适航维修方案(CAMP)的编写,报批,修改和出版。系统工程师负责ATA章节中的具体内容。The CCA-Engineering Department is responsible for the preparation of the Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP).The system Engineer shall prepare the ATA chapter of CAMP.5.批准 APPROVAL持续适航维修方案原版及其修改版在作为中国国际航空公司的法定性文件之前,必须得到中国

10、民航华北管理局适航处(RAD)的批准。The original CAMP. and major revision thereof must be approved by the Airworthiness Division, North China Administration,(RAD)prior to becoming the legal AIR CHINA document.6.有效性 VALIDITY本CAMP适用于中国国际航空公司的下列波音B737-300飞机。The CAMP is valid for the following AIR CHINA Boeing B737-300

11、aircraft.7维修间隔 Maintenance Interval在CAMP中大多数例行检查工作的执行间隔按照“字母检查”给定,例如:1A,2A,4A,8A,1C等。“字母检查”和其它检查的定义如下:The majority of scheduled maintenance tasks listed in this CAMP identify the check-Interval of accomplishment in terms of a letter check,e.g.1A,2A,4A,8A,1C,etc.The letter checks and the other checks

12、 are defined as follows:A.航线维护:Line Maintenance a.航前/过站检查(PF/T)pre-flight/Transit-check(PF/T)在每日的第一次飞行前和所有航站航线上应该执行航前/过站检查。航前/过站检查的基本工作是“绕飞机一周”检查。目视检查飞机内外是否有明显的损坏,渗漏,缺件,各种设备是否工作正常,按需做勤务工作,机内清洁工作,排除机组和地勤人员反映的影响放飞的故障。这些工作是在客机坪和停机坪上执行。The pre-flight/transit-check(PF/T)shall be performed before the firs

13、t flight of each day and at all eroute stops. It is basically a walk-around inspection of the aircraft interior and exterior for obvious damage leaks, missing parts, proper operating equipment and security of attachment, servicing as required, cleaning of cabin, rectification of NO-GO flight/ground

14、complaints. Work to be performed at ramp position.b.航后检查(AF)After-flight check(AF)对营运中的飞机,每24小时之内必须执行一次航后检查,即使在特别的情况下,检查间隔也不能超过48小时。在航后检查中,排除空/地勤人员反映的故障及保留故障,按需进行机内外清洁工作,这些工作是在指定航站执行。After-flight check shall be performed at least once every 24 hours while aircraft is in service. However, if exceptio

15、nd circumstances arise the in-service time between a check item shall not exceed 48 elapsed hours. During AF check, rectify flight/ground complaints and deferred defects, clean the interior and exterior if required. Work to be performed at an assigned station.说明: B737-300 MPD中所规定的DAILY CHECK项目在CAMP中

16、规定为航后检查项目。Note: The daily check item in B737-300 MPD is defined as After-flight item in the CAMP.B.低级维修 Light Maintenance a. A检: 250飞行小时A Check: 250FH B737-300飞机持续适航维修方案采用lA,2A,4A,8A维修间隔,在每一次A检中完成所规定的A检项目,这些工作是在指定的维修基地完成。!Them are four “A” check intervals specified for B737-300 Continuous Airworthin

17、ess maintenance Program maintenance (1A,2A,4A,8A).During an “A” check ,accomplish all applicable A check items. Work to be performed at an assigned maintenance base.b. C检: 4,000飞行小时C Check: 400OFHB737-300飞机持续适航维修方案维采用lC,2C,3C,4C维修间隔,每次C检,完成所有A检项目,和规定的C检项目,这些工作在指定维修基地完成。There are Four C check interva

18、ls specified for B737-300 continuous Airworthiness maintenance Program (1C, 2C, 3C, 4C).During a “C” check, accomplish all A items and applicable C items. Work to be performed at an assigned maintenance base.说明:B737-3OOMPD中所规定的6C项目在本CAMP中规定为D检项目,并且在本CAMP中时间间隔规定为24,000飞行小时的结构检查项目,应按D检项目执行。Note: The 6

19、C item in B737-3OO MPD is defined as D-Check item in the CAMP. And the structural inspection item with the interval defined as 24,000FH in the CAMP shall be performed as a D-CHECK item.C.高级维修 Heavy MaintenanceD检: 24,000飞行小时 D-Check:2400OFHD检包括:结构检查腐蚀预防和控制机身及系统扩大范围的检查及测试客舱更新改装外部喷漆|所有A检和C检项目|一按需翻修起落架|

20、D-check contains: structural inspections corrosion inspection and protection extensive inspections and tests of airframe and systems cabin refurbishment(per modification exterior paint all A and C check items landing gear overhaul as required8.飞机称重和平衡: Aircraft Weight & Balance根据制造厂的技术说明书,所有飞机都应称重,以

21、确定其空机重量和空机重心。通常在下列情况下进行称重:All aircraft shall be weighed to determine the Empty Weight and Empty CG. Per the manufacturer s instructions. In general, aircraft shall be weighed:a).不超过4年,进行一次称重。At intervals not exceeding 4years.b).在实施大范围的改装和/或修理后,中国国际航空公司/飞机维修单位从安全方面考虑,认为应当重新称重时应重新称重。(除非重量和重心的变化可以被计算出)

22、After extensive modification and /or repair, Air China /Aircraft Maintenance Unit considers it should be reweigh in the interest safety.(unless the weight and C.G. Change could be calculated)c)签发合格证 Issue of Certification 飞机每次称重后,飞机维修单位工程部门应当填写一份飞机重量与平衡报告,该报告由持有该机型维修执照的责任工程师签署,并送国航有关部门。Each time an

23、aircraft is weighted, an aircraft weight and balance report shall be completed and certified by a responsible engineer with a maintenance license for the aircraft type in Aircraft Maintenance Unit Engineering. The report shall be distributed to Air China associated department.9.标准飞行时间的定义 Definition

24、of Standard Flight Time针对定期维护检查的计划而言“标准飞行时间”一词的定义如下:with reference to the planning procedures for scheduled maintenance checks the term standard Flight Time is defined as follows:维修间隔时限规定的维修检查不得超过计划飞行(1)终了的时限。The maintenance checks specified in interval limitation must not exceed the end of a schedu

25、led flight program (1).但是,如飞行计划要超出正常的飞行时间(2), 相应地,维修时间就会因一些特殊情况超出飞机航行部门的控制(如:备降遇到强逆风,等待(空中),延误,航班取消而顺延)。维护检查计划(以飞行小时或日历时间计算)就会超出时限,以使飞机能完成飞行计划直至到达此特定飞行计划规定的维修航站(3)。If, however, a flight program should exceed the normal standard flight time (2), respectively the scheduled layover time due to events t

26、hat are beyond the control of the Aircraft Routing Dept. (e.g. alternate landings, strong head-winds, holdings delays, cancellations), then the maintenance checks (flight hours or calendar time) may be exceeded as far as is necessary for the aircraft to complete its flight program until reaching the

27、 maintenance station (3) determined for this particular flight program.解释: Explanations:(1).飞行计划: 是指飞机由事先规定的维修场站起飞,经沿途各航站,再飞回该维修场站,或飞到另一个予定维修场站。. Flight Program: Is a flight of a certain aircraft from a certain predetermined maintenance station, via several line stations, back to that maintenance st

28、ation, or to another predetermined maintenance station.(2).正常标准飞行时间: 是指提前计算好的飞行时间,以其作为控制飞机航行及使用的基准。. Normal Standard Flight Time: Is the time which has been calculated beforehand and will serve as a basis for aircraft routing and operational control. (3).维修航站: 本文所指的航站是指可以进行勤务维护和更高级别检查的航站。. Maintenan

29、ce Station: In this context is a station where service checks and higher checks are performed.10.表格栏目解释 Explanation of the Format Layout(1).项次栏 Item Number在CAMP中每一个项目有一个项目号,所有项目均以ATA章节来分类,项目号是指该项目在CAMP中的参考位置。Each item in the CAMP has a number. Together with the ATA chapter, it is the reference for t

30、he location within the CAMP.删除的项目号不应再作新的项目号,并应在内容说明栏内前面注明“此项目取消”。Number for items which are deleted shall never be used for a new subject and the word Deleted shall be carried forward.新项目可以使用顺延的空白项目号。For the new items nest free number can be used.(2).内容说明栏 Description用简明的句子说明要执行的工作内容。A short descrip

31、tion of the work to be performed.(3).区域栏. Zone这一栏目注明执行该项目工作所设涉及的区域,这些区域按照波音B737-300飞机的区域体制划分。The zones concerned with the task, using the Boeing zoning system for the Boeing737-300.(4).接近栏 Access这一栏目注明执行该项目的工作,要求打开的接近门盖板的编号。The Access Panel/Door Number required to be opened to perform the task are i

32、ndicated.(5).参考资料栏 Reference这一栏目指明在任一执行的检查中,所参考的提供给国航专用的(最新修改版)维护手册。对各项专门检查注明参考的ATA章号,分章号和章节页次号(如需要还注明项目号码)。对由机组执行的项目,参考资料栏章节仅选自专门提供给国航,经最新改版插页的“波音飞机使用手册”。为阐明问题还注明参考其它规定的有效文件。其中包括MRB、MPD、CMR和CAD/AD等文件。飞机称重按照“飞机载重与平衡手册”执行。任何修理按波音737-300“结构修理手册”,“大修手册”或工程指令执行。腐蚀的防护和控制措施按照“防腐手册”(CPM)执行。Defined reference to the 737 Maintenance Manual which is CCA customized (last revision) is provided for my check t

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