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1、大学英语课件大学英语课件篇一:大学英语课件 湖北国土资源职业学院 2011 - 2012 课 程 名课程类使用教授 课 班授课教教 研 系(部 教案 学年 第一学期 称 大学英语 型 理论 实验 实训 材 创新大学英语1 级 网络1101 财务1103 信管1101 师 王倩倩 室 英语教研室 ) 公共课部 教 案 首 页 课 堂 组 织篇二:大学英语课件 1) 装在线路中的二极管像一个只允许电流按一个方向流动的阀门. 已知导线中流过的电流, 只要测出导线两端电位差的伏特值, 就能很容易得出任何长度导线的电阻值. 人们习惯上认为, 电流从正极流向负极 抽头增益调节的信息是根据所接收的数据推导出

2、来的. 从这个意义上讲, 整个过程是自适应的. 这种二极管由一根钨丝和一个极板组成.钨丝受热时放出电子, 当电场方向为正时, 电子就移向极板. 晶体管有两大优点: 一是体积小; 二是能密集排布而不至于过热. 电线通常是铜制的 电感器的电阻小得可忽略不计. 在液位控制系统中, 计算机执行一种监控功能. 它根据给定的特性指标来分析各种过程条件, 并决定各过程变量的变化以获得最佳操作. 计量电压的单位是伏特. 某些金属比另一些金属有更好的导电性, 这表明前者所拥有的原子, 其所含自由电子数比后者更多. 在本书中, 我们将以非常实际的态度将自适应控制看做是一类特殊的非线性反馈控制. 在大部分的海域中,

3、 生存着无数的微生物, 用肉眼是看不到的. 电容器是由两块被绝缘介质隔离的金属块组成.多数情况下, 它包括一些不同的部件, 如解调器, 均衡器和显示器等, 它们必须在使用前相互连接好. 如果在控制系统的分析中将系统初始条件一并考虑, 当采用状态变量方法时, 并不会增加任何难度, 不过, 若采用传统的方法就很难做到这一点. Einstein, who worked out the famous theory of Relativity, won the Nobel prize in 1921. 由于爱因斯坦提出了著名的“相对论”理论, 因此他于1921年获得了诺贝尔奖. Matter has c

4、ertain features or properties that enable us to recognize it easily 物质具有一定的特征, 因此我们很容易识别它. Electric computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 虽然电子计算机有很多优点, 但它还是不能进行创造性的工作, 因此替代不了人的作用. The bulb is sometimes filled with an inert gas which permits operation

5、at a higher temperature. 灯泡有时充入惰性气体, 为的是能在更高的温度下工作. For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated. 对于任何机械, 只要其输入力和输出力已知, 就能求出其机械效益. Electrical energy that is supplied to a lamp can be turned into light energy. 给电灯供电时, 电能就变成了光能. The motor did

6、 not stop. 电动机没有停转. The motor stopped not because the electricity was off. 电动机停转并非由于断电. The earth does not move in empty space. 地球不是在空无一物的空间中运动 The computer is not valuable because it is expensive. 计算机不是因为其价格贵才有价值. We do not consider conventional PID control is outdated. 我们认为传统的PID控制并没有过时. All subst

7、ance are not good conductors of electricity. 并非所有的物质都是电的良导体。 We know of no effective way to store solar energy. 我们不知道储藏太阳能的有效方法 Every electric motor here is not old. 此处的电动机并非每台都是旧的. Pure metals have few useful properties. 纯金属很少具有价值的性能. The analysis of three-phase circuits is little more difficult th

8、an that of single-phase circuit. 三相电路的分析比单相电路难不了多少. The flowing of electricity through a wire is not unlike that of water through a pipe. 电流过导线就像水流过水管一样. Bearing should not be unboxed or unwrapped until the moment for fitting has arrived. 不到安装的时候,不应打开轴承的包装箱或包装纸.The importance of understanding this p

9、reliminary transformer work cannot be overemphasized 对变压器这种基本工作原理的理解的重要性,怎么强调都不过分。 The importance of the project can hardly be exaggerated 这项工程的重要性怎么夸大也不过分. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention. 这项发明的价值怎么高估也不能过分.篇三:大学英语课件 illustrate vt.说明; 表明; 给加插图; (用示例、图画等)说明; vi.举例说明; 第三人称单

10、数:illustrates过去分词:illustrated现在进行时:illustrating过去式:illustrated 1.VERB表明;说明;证明If you say that something illustrates a situation that you are drawing attention to, you mean that it shows that the situation exists.语法信息 The example of the United States illustrates this point. 美国的例子证明了这一点。 This change is

11、 neatly illustrated by what has happened to the Arab League. 这种变化鲜明地体现在阿拉伯联盟所发生的事件上。 The incident graphically illustrates how parlous their position is. 这一事件生动地证明了他们目前的地位多么岌岌可危。 The case also illustrates that some women are now trying to fight back. 这一事件也说明现在一些妇女正试图反击。 2.VERB(用例子、故事或图表)说明,阐明If you u

12、se an example, story, or diagram to illustrate a point, you use it show that what you are saying is true or to make your meaning clearer.语法信息 Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point. 我再举个例子来说明这个难点。 3.VERB给(书)加插图(或图表)If you illustrate a book, you put pictures, photographs or di

13、agrams into it.语法信息 She went on to art school and is now illustrating a book. 她后来读了艺术学校,现在正在为一本书画插图。 generate vt.形成,造成; 产生物理反应; 产生(后代); 引起; 第三人称单数:generates过去分词:generated现在进行时:generating过去式:generated 1.VERB造成;引起;导致To generate something means to cause it to begin and develop.语法信息 The Employment Minis

14、ter said the reforms would generate new jobs. 劳工大臣表示,改革将带来新的就业机会。 .the excitement generated by the changes in Eastern Europe. 东欧变革引起的骚动 2.VERB产生(能量);发(电)To generate a form of energy or power means to produce it.语法信息 The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power. 新英格兰电力公司用煤发电。 So I

15、started thinking about how to generate revenue. 于是,我就开始思考如何产生收入。 digestvt.& vi.消化; 整理; vt.吸收; 领悟; 玩味; vi.消化; 吸收食物; 化学加热; n.文摘; 摘要; 法律汇编; 罗马法典; 第三人称单数:digests过去分词:digested复数:digests现在进行时:digesting过去式:digested The verb is pronounced /da?d?est/. The noun is pronounced /da?d?est/. 动词读作/da?d?est/。名词读作/da

16、?d?est/。 1.V-ERG消化When food digests or when you digest it, it passes through your body to your stomach. Your stomach removes the substances that your body needs and gets rid of the rest.语法信息 Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest. 饭后几个小时不要从事剧烈运动,以便食物

17、能够消化。 She couldnt digest food properly. 她无法正常消化食物。 Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood. 消化的食物中的营养成分能够被吸收到血液中去。 2.VERB理解;领会;领悟If you digest information, you think about it carefully so that you understand it.语法信息 They learn well but seem to need time to digest information.

18、 他们学得不错,但似乎还需要一些时间来消化信息。 She read everything, digesting every fragment of news. 她什么都读,新闻中的任何只言片语都要一一揣摩。 3.VERB慢慢接受(令人不快的消息)If you digest some unpleasant news, you think about it until you are able to accept it and know how to deal with it.语法信息 All this has upset me. I need time to digest it all. 所以这

19、些都让我心烦。我需要时间来慢慢接受这一切。 4.N-COUNT文摘;汇编;摘要A digest is a collection of pieces of writing. They are published together in a shorter form than they were originally published. The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics. 该组织定期出版一份环境统计数据摘要 The bodies of animals that digest blood

20、have adapted specialized digestive mechanisms. 能消化血液的动物的身体已经形成了特别的消化机制 Grains and other carbohydrates that have been broken down are easier to digest. 谷物以及其它的碳水化合物都被磨碎,从而更容易被消化。 Have proved powerful stimuli in readers digest advertising. 力的证明了读者文摘广告的促进作用。 The struggle to digest the swollen generatio

21、n of ageing baby-boomers threatens to strangle economic growth. 试图消化膨胀的衰老的婴儿潮一代正在扼杀着经济增长。 A hashing algorithm converts a message into a number called a hash value, or a digest. 哈希算法将信息转换为一个数字称为哈希值,或者信息摘要。 boundary n.分界线; 范围; (球场)边线; 复数:boundaries 1.N-COUNT(土地的)分界线,边界The boundary of an area of land i

22、s an imaginary line that separates it from other areas.语法信息 .the Bow Brook which forms the western boundary of the wood. 构成了这片树林西部边界的鲍溪 Drug traffickers operate across national boundaries. 贩毒分子进行跨国贩毒活动。 2.N-COUNT(学科或活动的)界限,边界The boundaries of something such as a subject or activity are the limits th

23、at people think that it has.语法信息 The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled. 历史和轶闻的分界向来是模糊而混乱的。 .extending the boundaries of press freedom. 扩大新闻自由的界限 例句: They enable us to connect and coalesce across any boundary. 它使我们能够跨越任何边界去进行相互联系和相互凝聚。 Apocryphal informa

24、tion abounds, blurring the boundary between truth and rumor. 未经证实的信息比比皆是,模糊了真相和谣言的边界。 the ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary. 那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了。 Many families have boundary battles. 很多家庭都有隐私界限之争。 Favelas of brazil. The boundary between wealth and poverty. 巴西的贫民区,富豪和贫穷之间的分

25、界线。 dental adj.牙齿的; 牙科的; (辅音)齿音的; n.齿音; 复数:dentals 1.ADJ牙齿的;牙科的Dental is used to describe things that relate to teeth or to the care and treatment of teeth.语法信息 You can get free dental treatment. 你可以得到免费的牙齿治疗。 .the dental profession. 牙医行业 Many dental hygienists work part-time and enjoy flexible hour

26、s.很多牙齿护理不是全日制工作,而且享有灵活机动的时间。 Not with free dental checkups. 也没有免费的牙齿检查。 Some people experience dental problems with a very high fruit intake. 有些人因吃非常多的水果,牙齿不好。 The cost of dental treatment is also an issue for many people. 对于许多人,牙齿治疗的成本也是一个问题。 Your smile depends on simple dental care habits, such as

27、 brushing and flossing. 自信的笑容取决于简单的牙齿护理习惯,如刷牙和使用牙线。 monster adj.巨大的,庞大的; (建筑物)巍峨的; n.怪物; 恶魔,恶人; 庞然大物; 畸形,畸胎; 复数:monsters 1.N-COUNT怪物;妖物A monster is a large imaginary creature that looks very ugly and frightening. 2.N-COUNT庞然大物;棘手的大事情A monster is something which is extremely large, especially somethi

28、ng which is difficult to manage or which is unpleasant. .the monster which is now the London marathon. 目前棘手的大事,即伦敦马拉松赛 .the monster of apartheid. 棘手的种族隔离制 3.ADJ巨大的;庞大的Monster means extremely and surprisingly large.语法信息 .a monster weapon. 巨型武器 The film will be a monster hit. 这部电影将会非常卖座。 4.N-COUNT残忍的人

29、;吓人的人;恶人If you describe someone as a monster, you mean that they are cruel, frightening, or evil. 例句: Perhaps the woman monster would be another murderer. 也许这个女怪物会成为另一个杀人凶手。 Its those daughters that produce californias monster strawberry crop. 正是这些子株生产了加利福尼亚的巨大的草莓产量。 But mr obara remains an inexplic

30、able monster. 但是obara先生仍像一个不可理喻的怪物。 Gfaj-1 is no frankenstein monster. gfaj-1可不是什么科幻怪物。 Now the makers of cut the rope, the fourth most popular paid iphone app, are looking to do the same with om nom, their games little green monster mascot. 现在,割绳子(Cut the Rope)游戏(排名第四的付费iPhone应用程序)的开发商希望也能如法炮制,开发游戏中的绿色小怪物Om Nom所具有的商业价值。大学英语课件出自:干货资源社

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