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7B Unit 1词组句型及语法复习提纲.docx

1、7B Unit 1词组句型及语法复习提纲7B Unit 1词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1住在宫殿里live in a palace2住在餐馆旁live next to a restaurant3最大的一个the biggest/smallest/longest/best one4the words meaning=the meaning of the word5和朋友聊天chat with friends6不同国家的的家homes in different countries7朝外面看look out at.8与某人待/住在一起stay with sb

2、.9在河上方over a river10我自己的卧室my own bedroom11颐和园the Summer Palace故宫博物院the Palace Museum12做晚饭make dinner13与.不同be different from.与.相同the same as14在莫斯科市中心in the centre of Moscow15在一条繁华的街道上on a busy /quiet streetwalk into the classroom quietly16到达arrive in (大地方) / arrive at (小地方)= get to= reach17与某人分享某物sha

3、re sth. with sb.18位于第一名come first19on the ninth floorin most homes20在四月七日on the 7th of April21休假/息一天have a free day22长城the Great Wall23带某人去某地take sb to sw.24从某地打电话来call from sw.25some furniture / chalk26最多/至少at most /leastmore / less than27在底楼/一楼/二楼on the ground/first/second floor28洗淋浴/洗澡have a show

4、er/bath29起居室、客厅sitting room餐厅dining room / dinner table30五十米长50 metres long31在同时at the same time32在。(外面的)前面、后面in front of / behind the classroom在。(内部的)前面、后面in the front of/at the back of the bus33对某人友好be friendly/kind to sb.34opposite(to/ of) the door35迫不及待做某事cant wait to do sth36叫某人做某事ask/tell sb t

5、o do sth叫某人不要做某事ask/tell sb not to do sth37其它的地方where else38想要做某事woud like to do sth = want to do sth想要某人做某事would like sb to do sth= want sb to do sth39在A与B之间between A and B (若A和B是代词用宾格)40two hundred / thousand/ millionhundreds of/ thousands of/ millions often thousand 一万one hundred thousand十万41请某人接

6、电话好吗?(电话用语)May I speak to sb.?42听起来很棒sound great43游泳池swimming pool44足球场football field45住在某人楼上2层live two floors above sb.住在某人楼下2层live two floors below sb.46the capital of the USA/the UK/ France/Japan/Russia/ ThailandWashington DCLondonParisTokyoMoscowBangkok47全世界around the world =all over the world48

7、透过。看。seefrom/through49live in a small townlive with my family50in a wooden house51over a river 52climb a ladder to get into my house53the second child of my family54雨下得多。it rains / snows a lot=there is a lot of rain/ snow55live in a small house in a town near London56my family and I 57in the evening

8、s=every evening58its birthday / name / neck/ body59on the fifth of June60in the centre of Moscow61the centre ofthe capital of62on the teachers deskTeachers Day63worry about 64in Britain/ England / the UKexchange students of Britain=British exchange students65on the ground and first floors66a room wi

9、th four baths二、重点句子1. Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie?=Do you want to live in a palace, Eddie? 2. Whats your favourite?3. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. 4. I climb a ladder to get into my house.5. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.6. I live with my famil

10、y in a flat on a busy street. 7. A garden is the best place to grow flowers.8. Stephen is lying on the couch. 9. Sandy sits between Kitty and me.10. The window is opposite the door. 11. I cant wait to see you.12. I think youll be tired after a long plane journey.13. Where else are we going?14. Ill t

11、ake you to the Space Museum and well visit the Palace Museum on Saturday.15. That sounds great.听起来很棒。16. Amy get eighty-points . She came fifth.得第五17. Its really different from the flats in Beijing. 18. Ill ask him to call you back.19. What kind of home do you live in? 20. Wilson lives two floors ab

12、ove/ below Wendy.21. Where would you like to live? Where does everyone live?Which place would you like to live in?Which floor do you live on?22. The shelf is above the bed.23. Thank sb for sth/ doingThank you for the video of your house.24. Its +adj.(nice/ important/ interesting)+ for sb to do sthIt

13、s +adj.(kind/ helpful/ nice/ selfish)+ of sb. to do sth同义句=To do/doing sth is adj=sth is adj. to do1. Its nice to sit in it and watch TV.=To sit in it and watch TV are nice.=Sitting in it and watching TV are nice.2. Its important to take good care of the goldfish.=The goldfish is important to take g

14、ood care of.= To take good care of the goldfish is important.=Taking good care of the goldfish is important.25. How do you like the palace?-Its big.What do you think of the palace?26. Ill call you when Im free.My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.27. It is fifty metr

15、es long. =It is a fifty metre long swimming pool. 三、语法1. 介词的用法 区别 in front of , in the front of above/ on / over2. 基数词、序数词的用法 (特别注意基数词、序数词的读法和写法)6,425,200= six million, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundredfirst, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first7B Un

16、it 2词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1点一些食物order some food2犯了一个错误make a mistake3用钱买buywith money4比少lessthan5告诉某人关于某事tell sb. about sth.6京剧Beijing Opera7这样的一幢高楼such a tall building = so tall a building8去散步go walking = go for a walk9我们中的大多数most of us10与靠近be close to11乘地铁by underground (介词短语)take an

17、underground (动词短语)12空气污染air pollution13玩得开心have a good/great/nice time = enjoy oneself=have (lots of) fun14国画Chinese paintings15某人在作业方面需要帮助want/need help with ones homework16体育运动中心sports centre青少年活动中心youth centre17举行一场晚会hold a party = have a party18一组;一群a group of19给某人发一封电子邮件send an e-mail to sb.20英

18、国学生中的一个one of the British students21艺术品works of art22制定计划make a plan23骑自行车ride a bike (动词短语)24on a/the/ones bike = by bike(介词短语)25进行球类运动play ball games26没关系;不要紧。Never mind. = It doesnt matter.= Thats OK.=Thats all right.27别的什么what else = what other things28让我猜猜let me guess29向某人道谢say thank you to sb.

19、向某人问好say hello to sb.30乐一整天/享受一整天enjoy a full day31世界上最好的游戏the best game in the world32带某人参观某地show sb. around sw.33到达最近的城镇get to the nearest town34带某人去某地take sb. to sw.35想起、考虑think of36许多要做的事lots of things to do37住在像这样的地方live in places like this38不必dont have to = neednt39直到晚十点until ten oclock at nig

20、ht40在北京市中心in the centre of Beijing41(来)对了地方(be) in the right place42选择任何你喜欢的食物choose any food you like43许多西方的餐馆lots of western restaurants44教某人某事teach sb. sth.教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.45当地剧院local theatre46一个给人们看戏或表演的地方a place for people to watch plays and shows47将A与B匹配match A with B48说普通话speak Puto

21、nghua49种蔬菜和花grow vegetables and flowers二、重点句子及句型1Theres no dog food.There isnt any dog food.没有狗食了。2How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?我们可以用它来买多少罐狗食呢?3. Maybe we can order a pizza.也许我们可以去订个比萨饼。4Lets take them to the sports center.让我们把他们带到运动中心去吧。5Theres less air pollution in Sunshine Town

22、than in other areas of Beijing.6Most of us live in places like this.Most of us live in such a place.7You can shop until 10 oclock at night.你可以购物到晚上十点。8If so, you are in the right place! 如果这样的话,你就来对地方啦!9You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.10That is because you think football is the best

23、 game in the world!11Dont miss the great exhibitions. 可别错过这些精彩的展览。12Would you like to go to the Palace Museum tomorrow?你想明天去故宫吗?13What time shall we meet in the morning?我们上午什么时候见面?14We shall be there at 9 a.m. to enjoy a full day there. 15Im going to show you around my hometown.我将带你四处看看我的家乡。16It tak

24、es about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.17Im going into town on my bicycle. 我将骑自行车进城。18I think it is a wonderful place to live . 我认为它是个很好的居住的地方。19The party was really great, wasnt it? 这次晚会真的很棒,不是吗?20I really like the boy in the red T-shirt. 我真的喜欢那个穿红色T恤衫的男孩。21Im afraid to be late. 我怕迟到。22

25、I sometimes go swimming in summer when its warm and sunny.23How much does a bottle of orange juice cost? 一瓶橘子汁多少钱啊?24Lets take the exchange students to the Congqing restaurant instead!25. I sent an e-mail to Mr Wu to say thank you because he helped us a lot.26. That sounds great.27. Why dont you go

26、visit our local theatre with us? = Why not go visit our local theatre with us? = What about going our local theatre with us?28. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see and to do.29. I think thirty of each will be enough.30. There is nothing_(=not anything) on the table now.三、语法。1) 熟练掌握ho

27、w much 与 how many 的区别及用法2) 熟练掌握 no 和 none 的用法与区别3)进一步理解与掌握可数与不可数名词4)掌握冠词a, an, the及零冠词的用法。5)对反意疑问句有初步了解。7B Unit 3词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1跟我来follow me =come with me2沿着/顺着.走walk/go along/ up/down3在某地的北面be north of sw.4立刻;马上at once = right away5最后in the end =at last=finally6乘公共汽车去.go (to)by

28、 bus = take a bus (to).7接/收 到一个电话get a call = receive a call8住在附近live nearby9将某人推进一个货车的后部push sb. into the back of a van10向左拐进路turn left into . Road11进入小汽车 / 从小汽车里出来get into/ out of the car跳进小汽车 / 从小汽车里跳出来jump into/ out of the car12三个穿着警服的男人three men in police uniform13开车去/ 跑去.drive/run to 开车离开/ 跑走d

29、rive/run away14跑进楼房 / 从楼房里跑出来run into/ out of the building15全世界all over the world16害怕be afraid (+that宾从)害怕某人/某物be afraid of sb./sth.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth./ be afraid of doing sth.17加入某人一起做某事join sb (in sth)18穿过隧道go through the tunnel19在第二个路口向左/右拐take the second turning on the left/ right= turn left/right at the second t

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