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1、研究生期末考试单词语法1. How the world failed to stop the Ebola epidemicLanguage Points1. wipe out: mark for deletion, rub off, or eraseExamples:With a little genetic tinkering, fast growing fish and freeze resistant fruits will help feed an overpopulated planet, but such hybrids could unwittingly wipe out the

2、 food chain.有了稍经基因修复、快速养殖的鱼和防冻水果,人口过多的星球将获得足够的食物,不过,这些合成物可能不知不觉地彻底摧毁食物链。It is hoped the procedure will trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed.希望这一治疗会激发免疫反应,清除感染了艾滋病病毒的细胞,同时又不损伤未感染细胞。2. free oneself ofExamples:Another thing that this

3、 paper reveals is the close relationship between the ability to free oneself from the control of visual information and fast reading.本文同时还揭示了摆脱语言视觉信息禁锢的能力与速读之间的密切联系。3. outrun: run faster thanExamples:In contrast, the Goldman case demonstrates a more effective way to police bankers, because Wall Stre

4、et cannot outrun a judge.相反,高盛案件展现出一种监管银行家的更有效方式,因为华尔街不可能超越法官。4. oversee: watch and directExamples:And they re feeling worried Afghan police would not be able to oversee security once foreign troops leave.他们对外国军队一旦离开阿富汗警方将无法监督安全感到担心。5. throttle: place limits on (extent or access)Examples:The region

5、was still raising rates as recently as mid-2008, as central bankers tried to throttle rising inflation.就在2008年年中,当各央行试图遏制不断恶化的通胀时,该地区还在加息。6. a handful of:a few, several Examples:A handful of Tech startups are competing for a foothold in the emerging market for personal data control products.几家高科技初创企

6、业正在为立足于个人数据控制产品这一新兴市场领域展开角逐。But even a handful of cases of Ebola could also bring economic disruption to a region that is heavily dependent on trade.但即使只有少数几例埃博拉个案,也会在这个严重依赖贸易的地区引发经济动荡。7. gear:equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc. Examples:A s

7、pokesman for American Airlines says part of the planes landing gear collapsed, and one engine on the right side fell off the wing from the impact.美国航空公司发言人说,飞机降落装置的某些部分损毁,右侧的一个发动机在撞击下从机翼上脱落。The kits will include protective gear for family members, gloves and masks, disinfectants, and fever-reducing

8、drugs.每套包括供家庭成员使用的防护用具、手套和口罩、消毒剂,以及退烧药。8. take on:accept as a challengeExamples:To take on the competition, Nokia and Microsoft will have to prove that their partnership can result in a truly different - and better - mobile experience for consumers. 诺基亚和微软要想在竞争中立于不败之地,就必须证明双方的合作可以为消费者带来全然不同的、更好的移动体验

9、。9. even as:即使; at the same time asExamples:Chinese GDP rose 8.9% during the fourth quarter, even as Europe s unfolding debt crisis unnerved investors.尽管欧债务危机持续发展让投资者失去信心,去年第四季度中国的GDP增速仍达到了8.9%。Over the years, Walmart has made headlines for behaving badly even as executives work tirelessly to mainta

10、in its All-American image.尽管沃尔玛的高管们多年来一直不遗余力地维系其美国精神典型代表的形象,但这家公司的不良表现却多次见诸报端。10. deploy: to distribute systematically or strategicallyExamples:Similarly, both solutions might deploy in a simple centralized infrastructure, or in a more sophisticated, distributed manner.同样,这两个解决方案可能部署在简单的集中式基础架构中,也可能

11、采用更复杂的分布式方式进行部署。Dream jobs: College students make their picksLanguage Points1. personality: n. characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a wholeExamples:Parents have great influences on the development of a childs personality.你的个性和才华给我留下了深刻的印象。Im deeply impressed both by your personality and

12、 talent.2. genuine: adj. authentic; sincereExamples:I was shocked to know that such an expensive painting was not genuine.在这里工作了20年后,我真的很喜欢这所校园。Having been working here for 20 years, I do have a genuine love for the campus.3. arm candy: (informal) a sexually attractive person who accompanies another

13、 at social events臂弯花瓶(陪伴异性参加舞会或活动的俊男美女)Examples:Shed already had mini-roles in eight movies when she turned up as George Sanders arm candy in the party scenes of this film.托尼通常有两个漂亮的女孩陪他参加社交排队。Tony usually had two pretty girls accompany him to parties as arm candy.4. identify: recognize or distingui

14、sh (as being the specified person or thing)Examples:This is a course that teaches us to identify plants and flowers.你能在这些伞中认出你自己的那一把吗?Can you identify your umbrella among this lot?5. characteristic: distinguishing featureExamples:A person of your characteristic is sure to be popular with young peopl

15、e like college students.慷慨是他最好的特点之一。Generosity is one of his nicest characteristics.6. associate: connect in thought, memory or imaginationExamples:Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.人们总是把史蒂夫乔布斯的名字与苹果联系在一起。People will always associate the name of Steve Jobs with Apple.7. break (something ) d

16、own (into): be divided or divide into partsExamples:Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: raw materials $1m, equipment $2m, wages $2m.水可以分解为氢和氧。Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.8. prestigious: having or bringing prestige; having high statusExamples:Only the most prestigious

17、 scholars deserve such a title.耶鲁大学是世界上最负盛名的大学之一。Yale University is one of the worlds most prestigious universities.9. recruit: enroll (someone) as a member or worker in an organization; enlistExamples:Our university recruited more staff this year than last year.教练两天内为棒球队招募了九个男孩。The coach recruited

18、nine boys for the baseball team in two days.10. prospect: picture in the mind or imagination, especially of a future event; the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurringExamples:He is so excited by the prospect of having his own house in such a big city.当他想到国外度假的景象时,他觉得自己很有一股努力工作的动力。W

19、hen he thinks of the prospect of a holiday abroad, he feels motivated to work hard.11. ethical: of morals or moral questions; morally correctExamples:His behavior is not ethical.这是一个道德问题,我们不应该忽视。This is an ethical issue that we should never neglect.12. designate: mark or point out clearly; choose (s

20、omeone / something ) for a special purposeExamples:The boundaries between the two countries are designated on the map.该市东部地区已被划定为开发区。The eastern part of the city has been designated as a development zone.13. overall: total; generalExamples:My overall impression of him is that he is very talkative.你能

21、告诉我这个项目的总费用吗?Can you tell me the overall cost of the project?14. diversity: varietyExamples:There was a diversity of opinions on whether a nuclear plant should be built near the city.承认多样化是全世界在21世纪生存的关键。The tolerance of diversity is the key to the survival of the world in the 21st century.15. critic

22、al: of or at a crisis; decisive; crucialExamples:The unemployment problem in that country is very critical at present.在危急关头,他跳进河里救了那个男孩。At the critical moment he jumped into the river and saved the boy.16. ethnicity: state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural traditi

23、onExamples:We welcome all talent, regardless of their background, gender and ethnicity.在这所大学,你必须学会与不同民族的人相处。In this university you must learn to get along with people of different ethnicities.17. for starters: first of all, to start withExamples:He is not suitable for the task. For starters, he hasn

24、t got any experience in dealing with emergency.首先,我们没有足够的时间。For starters, we dont have enough time.18. luster: soft brightness of a smooth or shining surface; glory, distinctionExamples:She couldnt eat, and her hair lost its luster.勇敢的事迹为你的名字增添光彩。Brave deeds add luster to ones name.19. account for:

25、make up (a specified amount or proportion)Examples:The local people just account for 1/3 of the workers in the factory.衣食占了这个家庭每月开支的很大一部分。Food and clothing account for a large portion of the familys monthly expenditure.20. category: a class or division of people or things regarded as having particul

26、ar shared characteristicsExamples:The books fall into two categories: those of social sciences and those of natural sciences.我们可以把该公司的产品分为三类。We can divide the products of the company into three categories.21. appealing: attractive, charming, interestingExamples:The actors voice makes him very appeal

27、ing to his fans.这部电影对我没有吸引力。The film is not appealing to me.22. achievement: something successfully finished or gained, especially through skill or hard workExamples:The scientist was rewarded by the government for his great achievement in rice hybrids research.我们一定不能小瞧了她所取得的杰出成就。We mustnt belittle

28、her outstanding achievement.23. significant: of noticeable importanceExamples:The annual report of the company is significant for the public.你在这个职位上的成功将对你的未来很有意义。Your success in this position will be significant for your future.24. come in: finish in the stated place in a race or competitionExamples

29、:Where did our team come in second or third?在100米比赛中乔治得了第三名。George came in third in the 100-meter race.25. reputation: the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or somethingExamples:The expert has lost his good reputation because he often speaks for the privileged.这位医生因为有耐心而出了名。T

30、he doctor has a reputation for being very patient.26. executive: a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business organizationExamples:As the chief executive he spends much time on decision making.他是公司的高级管理人员之一。He is one of the companys senior executives.27. build (something) on (somethi

31、ng): base (something) on (something); use something as a foundation for making further progressExamples:Your accusation is not built on evidence.公司通过自己的调查得出结论。The company drew the conclusion by building on its own survey.Is getting a PhD worth it? 1. provocative: serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate, stimulating discussion or exciting controversye.g. a provocative remark a provocative smileExamples:These grave acts are part of a series of provocative and continuing Israeli violations of Lebanese maritime territory and airspace.这些严重行为是以色列不断挑衅地侵犯黎巴嫩领海和领空的一系列行为的一部分。

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