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1、提取车间室内给排水设计说明第1章 一般说明Chapter one1.1 总述1.1 General specification1.1.1 设计范围:包括提取车间的室内给水、排水和消防给水工程.1.1.1 Design scope: including the water supply and drainage and fire water supply work in the extracting workshop.1.1.2 本说明和设计图纸具有同等效力,两者均应遵守.若其中有矛盾时,施工单位应及时提出,并以设计工程师解释为准.1.1.2 This specification should

2、have the same coequal effective as the drawings, both of them should all be complied with, but if there is something conflicting between them, the construction company should point out on time for the answer of the designers.1.1.3 提取车间消防设计按甲类厂房设计。1.1.3 The extracting workshop should be designed base

3、d on Production Riskful Degree as 1st level (1st level is the most riskful).1.1.4 工厂的最大消防水量40l/s,水压0.4MPa,火灾延续时间2小时。1.1.4 The most fire water consumption is 40 l/s at 0.4MPa, duration of fire is 2 hrs.1.1.5 分别设生产、生活给水系统和室内、室外均为高压的消防给水系统。1.1.5 There are water supply system for production and one for

4、life in the whole plant water supply, as well as the fire water system at high pressure for the indoor and outdoor.1.1.6 除本说明外,其余均应遵照(GB50268-97)(以下简称规范).(CJJ/T29-98)(CECS 164:2004)(CECS41:2004)要求施工1.1.6 Beside this specification, the construction should also conform to the following codes:. Code fo

5、r construction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage pipeline engineering (GB50268-97)Technical specification of PVC-U pipe water for building drainage (CJJ/T29-98)Technical specification for buried PE pipeline of sewer engineering (CECS 164:2004)Specification for design and construction of UP

6、VC for water supply in buildings (CECS41:2004)1.2 设计依据:1.2 Codes for design1.2.1 (GB50015-2003)1.2.2 (GB50016-2006)1.2.3 (GBJ50140-2005)1.2.1 Code for design of outdoor water sewerage (GB50015-2003)1.2.2 Code of design on building fire protection and prevention (GB50016-2006)1.2.3 Code for design on

7、 building hydrant layout (GBJ50140-2005)1.3 一般说明1.3 Normal note1.3.1尺寸单位:管道长度和标高以m计,其余以mm计。1.3.1 Dimension unit: m for the pipe length and its high, mm for the others.1.3.2 本工程室内首层地面0.000同建筑专业.1.3.2 The 0.000 of 1st floor of the buildings is the same as one showed in the architecture drawings.1.3.3

8、管道标高的表示法:所注管道标高,均以室内首层地面0.000作基准推的相对标高.给水管道的标高是指管中心线的标高;排水管道的标高是指管道内顶面的标高.1.3.3 The noted pipe height is relative height based on the 0.000 of 1st floor of the buildings, the height of the supply water pipe is metered from its center line, and the one for drain pipe is metered from the top of the it

9、.1.3.4 除设计图中已有安装大样外,一般卫生设备均参照全国通用给水排水标准图集99S304卫生设备安装进行安装.1.3.4 All sanitation should be installed according to the “nation water supply and drainage standard drawings selection 99S304sanitation installation”1.3.5 室内生活给水管道,其横管安装时宜有0.002-0.005的坡度坡向泄水装置。1.3.5 About the water supply water pipe for life

10、 the horizontal pipe should be inclined to the draining direction.1.3.6 给水管道上各种阀门必须检验合格后才安装,原则上当DN50时用截止阀, DN50时用闸板阀或蝶阀, 但在环状管网上闸门及各种排空泄水阀一律用闸板阀或蝶阀.1.3.6 Before the installation all valves should be checked, normally adopt globe valve while DN50mm and gate valve or butterfly valve while DN50, except

11、 that valve or butterfly valve should be adopted about the vent & drain valves on the circular pipe net.1.3.7 室内排水立管上的检查口,底层和有卫生器具的最高层必须设置,如屋顶为上人平屋顶,能用立管伸顶通气管口清通时,顶层可不设检查口,其它每隔一层(6.0m左右)设置,检查口高出地面一般为1.0m, 且应高出该层卫生器具上边缘150mm。1.3.7 Check holes should be set on the indoor vertical drain pipe especially

12、 in the 1st floor and the highest floor where there are some sanitary wares in it, but in the accessible roof, if check can be done thru the venthole, check hole neednt set there. About the other case check hole should be set for each floor, and it should be 1.0m above the floor surface and 150mm ab

13、ove the highest of the edge of the sanitary wares.1.3.8 排水管道的横管与立管的连接应采用45的三通或45四通和90斜三通或90斜四通,立管底部与排出管连接处,应采用两个45弯头或采取弯曲半径不少于4倍管径的90弯头。1.3.8 The connection joint between the horizontal drainpipe and vertical drainpipe should adopted one of the options: 45 3-way joint, 45 4-way joint, 90 3-way ramp

14、joint, 90 4-way ramp joint, at the joint between the bottom of the vertical drainpipe and the outlet pipe two 45 elbows should be adopted or the bend radius is more than 4 times of the DN.1.3.9 所有卫生器具自带或配置存水弯,其水封深度不得小于50mm。1.3.9 Water lock should be set for all the sanitary wares or the sanitary war

15、es should have been complete with water lock with them, and the depth of the water lock should be more than 50mm.1.3.10 管道支架要求1.3.10 Pipe rack i 衬里镀锌管.钢管水平安装支架间距不得大于下表:i For the horizontal zincing pipe, the distance between pipe racks should less than the length as following list.公称直径DN. mm152025324

16、0507080100125150200Max. distance支架最大间距mmInsulated保温管1. 不保温管2. 金属管材的给水及热水立管管卡安装要求:ii For all metal pipes of water supply and hot water vertical pipes their clips should meet the following demands:a. 层高H5m每层设一个.a 1 pipe c

17、lip should be set for each floor if layer H5m;b. 层高H5m每层设二个.b 2 pipe clips should be set for each floor if layer H5m;iii硬质塑料管,铝塑复合管支架最大间距如下表iii For the hard plastic pipe and AL-plastic pipe, the distance should be less than the length as the following list: 外径Outer dia. (mm)455075100支架最大间距Max. dista

18、nce mm立管Vertical1.201.502.002.00横管Horizontal承插塑料管管材插入管件承口的深度不得小于下表:iv For the socket plastic pipe socket depth should not less than the depth as the following list:外径Outer dia.(mm)405075110160管端插入承口深度Socket depth(mm)2525405060第2章 管道的选材防腐及试压Chapter 2 Material 、antiseptic and pressure

19、 test for the pipeline.2.1生活给水( 水)系统2.1 The water supply system for life2.1.1室内管道采用:提取车间给水管、热水管均采用热镀锌钢管,其余厂房采用PPR管。洁净厂房内暴露在外的管道采用不锈钢管。2.1.1 For the indoor water supply pipe hot zincing pipe should be adopted for the extracting workshop water supply pipes and the hot water supply pipes, the pipes in

20、the other building should adopt PPR pipe. But the pipe exposed in the clean zone should adopt SS (stainless steel) pipe.2.1.2管道接口形式2.1.2 Type of the pipe jointi衬里镀锌钢管用衬里镀锌配件i Lining zincing pipe should adopt lining pipe fittings as the joint;ii PPR塑料管专用粘合剂粘接.ii PPR pipe connection should adopt spec

21、bond.;iii不锈钢管焊接或法兰连接.iii SS pipe connection should adopt welding or flange.2.1.3管道试验水压力:(以首层室内地面作计算基准点)2.1.3 The water pressure test for the pipeline( based on the 0.000 of the 1st floor)管道试验水压力为工作压力的1.5倍,但最小不少于0.6MPa, 本工程采用0.9MPa.The test pressure should be 1.5 times of the working pressure and not

22、 lower than 0.6MPa, it is 0.9MPa in this project.2.1.4 所有管道均暗装于管道井内,吊顶内,墙内或采用建筑局部装修包封处理.2.1.4 All the pipes should be installed in the one space of following options: pipe well, interlayer, in walls, partial space closed packed with PPR sandwich panel.2.1.5 室内给水管及卫生洁具的连接管道在穿过楼板或剪力墙时应配合土建施工预留孔洞.2.1.5

23、 Where the indoor water supply pipe and the pipes connecting the sanitary wares perforate the floor slab prearranged hole should be prepared cooperating with building structure construction.2.2消火栓给水系统2.2 Fire water supply system2.2.1管材. 热镀锌钢管2.2.1 Pipe hot zincing tube2.2.2管道接口形式2.2.1 Type of the pi

24、pe jointi镀锌钢管,衬里镀锌管i zincing pipe, lining zincing pipea管螺纹接口 (DN80mm)b welding ( DN80mm)2.2.3管道试验水压力:2.2.3 Test pressure of the pipe water pressure test消防管道的水压力是以消防水泵的最高压力(即流量为0时的扬程)来计算,当水泵最高压力小于0.6MPa时,试验压力为1.5倍;当水泵最高压力大于0.6MPa时,试验压力为其压力加上0.3MPa; 当室内消火栓系统有消防水泵结合器时,试验压力还必须不小于1.4MPa, 本工程为1.4MPa。The t

25、est pressure is calculated based on the max. pressure of the pump (the pump lift at 0 water flow), when the max. pressure is less than 0.6MPa, the test pressure should be 1.5 times of it; when the max. pressure is more than 0.6MPa, the test pressure should be 0.3MPa plus it; and when there is water

26、pump connector the test pressure should not less 1.4MPa, the test pressure for this project is 1.4MPa.2.2.4 消防箱2.2.4 Hose cabineti 单栓消防箱内的配备及要求:i Single-hydrant hose cabinet should complete with following partsa 室内消火栓一个,口径为DN65a one hydrant which caliber is DN65;b 直流水枪一支 DN65X19b one water gun DN65X

27、19注:在消防电梯前室的消火栓要用开花水枪note: c 消防龙带: 口径为DN65c hose which caliber is 65 材质: 衬胶material: rubber-lining canvas 工作压力:1.0MPaworking pressure: 1.0MPa 长度及条数: 25m 1条one 25m long of hosed 消防软管卷盘(配在消防箱内)一套 口径DN19mm, 长度20md one coiling plate for hose, which caliber is 19 and 20m longe 破玻璃手动报警器,电铃,指示灯各一个.e one gl

28、ass manual annunciator, one electrical bell, one indicator light2.3 生活排水2.3 Domestic sewage 2.3.1 室内管道采用硬质聚氯乙烯管,但有排水温度45C的工序排水管采用PPR管。2.3.1 Domestic sewage pipe should adopt hard PVC, but if its drain sewage temperature is higher than 45C the pipe should adopt PPR pipe.2.3.2 管道接口形式:2.3.2 Type of the

29、 pipe joint承插排水塑料管的接口,应用粘接剂粘牢.粘接剂的理化性能必须符合产品说明和设计要求For the socket drain plastic pipe their connection should adopt spec bond.2.3.3 硬塑料排水管道的伸缩节的设置应符合下列要求:2.3.3 The distribution of the extension joints of the hard plastic drain pipe should comply with following:i 层高H4m, 立管每层设一伸缩节; 层高H4m应根据设计伸缩量决定.i on

30、e extension joint should be set for vertical pipe in each layer if the layer H4m, the quantity of the extension joint should be decided by the design extension length. If the layer H 4m.ii 当横支管至立管距离L2m时,应设伸缩节,但伸缩节之间的最大间距L4m.ii When horizontal pipe from the vertical pipe length L2m, extension joints

31、should be set, but the distance between the extension joints L should less than 4m;iii 伸缩节承口应逆水流方向.iii socket channel should be refluent to the drain direction;iv 当立管穿越楼层处固定支承时,伸缩节不得固定, 若伸缩节固定支承时,立管穿越楼层处不得固定iv When the vertical pipe perforates the floor slab only one of the vertical and extension joint can

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