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本文(人教版高中英语必修五高二英语同步检测Unit4MakingthenewsReadingComprehendingdocx.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、人教版高中英语必修五高二英语同步检测Unit4MakingthenewsReadingComprehendingdocx高中英语学习材料*鼎尚图文理制作*4-2 Reading & Comprehending .根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1Youll have a professional p_ with you.2We are e_ to meet you again.3I took a c_ at university.4This is a trick of the t_.5M_you have to prepare the next question.答案:1.photographer

2、2.eager3.course4.trade5.Meanwhile.根据汉语提示完成句子1You will find your colleagues very _(渴望)assist you.2It may be possible for you to _(集中) that later on.3You should _(确保)that you get all the facts straight.4Dont talk_(过多)yourself.5John Smith is a _(新闻记者) from China Daily.答案:1.eager to 2.concentrate

3、ke sure4.too much of5.journalist.单项填空1My English teachers humor was _ make every student burst into laughter.Aso as to Bsuch as toCsuch that Dso that答案:Bso as to“为了”,后接动词原形,表示目的;such as to“达到程度以致于”;C、D两项后面只能接从句。2So much of interest _that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.Aoff

4、ers Beijing BBeijing offersCdoes Beijing offer DBeijing does offer答案:Cso.that 结构中,如果so位于句首,so后的部分要倒装。3Would you like to join us in the game?_, for I have something important to attend to.AI will BId love toCI wont DIm afraid not答案:DIm afraid not.“恐怕不行”,有否定意义。4Later in this chapter cases will be intr

5、oduced to readers _consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.Awhere BwhenCwho Dwhich答案:A句意为“在这一章的后面,那些由于消费者抱怨而致使法律被修改的案例将会被介绍给读者”。这是一个分隔性定语从句,先行词是cases, 从句中少状语,where 相当于in the cases。5At _ time does the salesgirl get up late in the morning, for she is always too busy_ a good rest.Ano;to

6、 take Bto;takingCany;to take Done;taking答案:Aat no time“在任何时候都不”,放在句首用倒装形式。“太以致不能”。6Only after Tom told me the truth _.Athat did I know the matterBwas I to know the matterCI know the matterDcould I know the matter答案:D“only副词/介词短语/状语从句”放句首,引起部分倒装。7If you dont _more _your work,youll lose the job

7、.Aconcentrate;on Bconcentrate;atCpay;to Dfix;on答案:Aconcentrate on“集中(思想、精力、注意力等)于”。8If you are _about Australia, just read the book.Ainterested BanxiousCupset Dcurious答案:Dbe curious about“对感到好奇”。9Coffee is an _ taste and is not liked at first.Ainquired BacquiredCinquiring Dacquiring答案:Ban acquired t

8、aste“养成的爱好”。10Turn left at the corner, then just _your nose and youre sure to find it.Afollow BleadCobtain Dtake答案:Afollow ones nose“一直往前走,凭感觉行事”。11(2011昆明高二检测)Seldom_to the countryside, and_.Ashe goes; nor do I Bgoes she; neither do ICdoes she go; nor I do Ddoes she go; neither do I答案:D考查倒装。否定词seld

9、om置于句首,句子用部分倒装,故排除A、B两项;再根据“neither/nor助动词主语”,表示“也不”,故选D。12(2009山东,26)Do you have enough to_all your daily expenses?Oh yes, enough and to spare.Acover BspendCfill Doffer 答案:A考查动词词义辨析。cover在此处意为“支付;够之用”。问句句意:你有足够的钱来支付日常开销吗?故选A。注意:cover还可表示“覆盖,遮盖;走完(一段路程);看完(多少页书)占(多少面积);涉及,包括;掩护,掩盖;采访,报道”的含义。Mother c

10、overed the baby with a blanket.母亲用毛毯将婴儿包起来。By sunset they had covered fifty miles.到日落时,他们已走了五十英里。Her lectures covered the subject thoroughly.她的演讲对这个问题阐述得很透彻。The best reporters were sent to cover Guangzhou Asian Games.最好的记者被派去报道广州亚运会了。13He_his parents decision at last.Asubmitted Bsubmitted withCsubmi

11、tted to Dsubmitted on答案:C考查动词的用法。句意:他最后服从了父母的决定。submit to“提交;服从”。故选C。14The fans were_to have a look at Jay Chou, waiting outside the hotel in the cold.Aeager BworriedCsatisfied Danxious答案:Abe eager to do“渴望”。15It took her a long time to_the skills she needed to become a famous player.Aacquire Binqui

12、reCrequire Drequest答案:A句意:为成为一位有名的球员而去获得所需的技术花了她很长时间。acquire指“慢慢获取(技术知识、技能、口味、名声等)”。16Examinations are not the only means of_someones ability.Aguessing BpraisingCvaluing Dassessing答案:D考查动词词义辨析。句意:考试不是唯一的评价一个人能力的方法。guess“猜测”;praise“表扬”;value“重视”;assess“评估,评定”,故选D。17You must keep us_of how things are

13、going here.Ainforming BinformedCinform Dto inform答案:B考查非谓语动词。句意:你必须随时告诉我们这里事情进展的情况。kee sb. informed“随时告知某人”,故选B。18(2011漳州高二检测)We will see you again next Saturday. _, you must rest as much as possible and take good care of yourself.AHowever BMeanwhileCOtherwise DTherefore答案:B考查副词辨析。句意:我们将在下周六再次和你见面。在

14、此期间,你必须多休息,并且照顾好你自己。however“然而”;meanwhile“在此期间”;otherwise“否则”;therefore“因此”。故选B。19Im planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can make no guarantees because it_the weather.Alinks with Bdepends onCconnects to Ddecides on答案:Blink with“联系着”;depend on“取决于”;connect to“连接”;decide on“对做决定”。20(2011天水

15、高二检测)The boy often gets up very early in the morning_being late for class.Ain aid of Bin case ofCin search of Din place of答案:B考查介词短语。句意:男孩经常早晨起得很早,惟恐上课迟到了。in aid of“为了帮助”;in case of“万一,惟恐”;in search of“搜寻”;in place of“代替”。故选B。.完形填空The trouble with the TV weather report is that it brings out the wors

16、t news to all of us. The other evening I was watching my weatherman on the late night news, and he said, “A cold wind is coming down from Canada and will _1_across the Great Plains, carrying _2_ temperatures, snow and ice.”“What are you smiling at?”my wife wanted to know. “We are _3_,” I said, “but

17、the people in the Great Plains are Americans, too.”“Theyre _4_ to it,”I replied. “This kind of weather is soft to them,”The weatherman was waving his hands all over the _5_.“A storm now over the Pacific will _6_ six inches of rain in Southern California and Arizona.”“_7_them right!” I said. “Theyre

18、always saying how _8_ their weather is and its time they got a(n)_9_ of the nature. ”The weatherman continued, “_10_low temperatures will be brought to Texas.”“Dont cry for Texas,”I said, “Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia can _11_ freezing rain _12_ this high pressure system coming out from Mexico,”

19、the weatherman went on. I said, “So the _13_ of their rose garden!”My wife was angry, “Youre being very _14_.”“Look,”I said, “the only reason they tell you _15_ the weather is like in other parts of the country is that people who arent affected by it can _16_ it. Bad news is good news if it doesnt _

20、17_you.”The weatherman went on saying, “And we can expect two inches of _18_ in the Washington area by tomorrows rush hour.”I couldnt believe what I has just _19_, and looked up to heaven,“Why _20_?” BbringCjump Dsweep答案:Dsweep 这里是“掠过;横扫”的意思。2A.high BcoldChot Dfreezing答案:D由句子末尾的snow ice可以看出,

21、这里应选freezing。3A.tired BstrongClucky Dsorry答案:C据天气预报,这次降温是在美国大平原,所以作者说“We are lucky”。4A.stuck BusedCreduced Downed答案:Bbe used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做”。 BscreenCcity Dcountry答案:A天气预报时,预报员是站在地图前,用手指着地图。6A.experience BpushCproduce Dhave答案:C这时produce的意思是“引起”,等于cause, bring about。7A.Teach BPutCSend DSe

22、rve答案:Dserve sb. right 是个习惯用语,意思是“活该!”8A.great BhadCexact Dlittle答案:Agreat 的意思是“好”,平时他们总说他们的天气多么好。9A.experiment BsmellCaccident Dtaste答案:Dget a taste of 的意思是“尝尝的滋味”。10A.Record BReportCService DNature答案:Arecord用作形容词,意思是“创记录的”,在这里的意思是“有史以来,罕见的”。11A.expect BhopeCguess Dbelieve答案:Aexpect 在这里不是表示主观愿望,而是表

23、示根据实际而做出的某种判断,译作“有望”或“预计”。12A.because of BbecauseCif Dsince答案:Abecause of是介词短语,后接动词的ing形式;because是连词,应接从句。13A.beginning BendCreturn Dleave答案:Bend 的意思是“末日来到了”,rose是玫瑰花。14A.cruel BkindChealthy Dbusy答案:Acruel的意思是“残忍”,“狠毒”。15A.what BhowCwhen Dwhich答案:AWhat is the weather like?的意思是“天气如何?”16A.catch BseeCm

24、easure Denjoy答案:Denjoy是“欣赏”的意思,整个句子的意思是“预报员预报另一个地方天气的唯一原因是,不受坏天气影响的人们可以幸灾乐祸。”17A.add up Bhappen toCput off Dtry on答案:B这句意思是说,“坏消息不在我们身上发生就是好消息”,happen to sb.是个习惯用法,意思是说“发生在某人身上”。18A.river BwindCsnow Dbad weather答案:Ctwo inches of 后能接snow,表明雪的深度。19A.heard BlistenedCseen Dwatched答案:A天气预报主要是“听”,而不是“看”。 BthemCyou Dhim答案:AWhy us?是个省略句,全句意思是“Why the bad weather happen to us?”

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