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本文(酒店管理协议酒店公寓协议苏州和乔丽晶酒店公寓长住协议叶予舜.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、酒店管理协议 酒店公寓协议苏州和乔丽晶酒店公寓长住协议叶予舜和喬麗晶公寓酒店CHATEAU REGENCY中國蘇州工業園區機場路星港街延伸段郵編215021South of the Airport Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, China, 215021單元號1132 Unit長住協議Long staying agreement由Between蘇州和信房地產開發有限公司和喬麗晶SUZHOU KG LANKMARK DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD.和And 本協定由以下雙方於2005年 3月10 日達成: 蘇州和信房地產開發有限公司和喬麗晶酒店公寓(以下簡稱

2、“甲方”),地址為:蘇州市工業園區機場路星港街延伸段; 及(乙方,以下簡稱“乙方”),地址為: 建立長住關係The Agreement is made on this _Mar.- 10th -2005 by and between Suzhou KG Landmark Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Party A” ) located at South of the Airport Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, China, 215021 and (hereinafter referred

3、to as “Party B”) located at 1.GRANT OF TENANCY1.1 房屋按本協議規定的條款,甲方應向乙方提供和喬麗晶公寓 (以下簡稱“房屋”)。房屋應包括附件二(傢俱、電器配置清單)所列明的固定裝置、設備、附件、傢俱和其他財產。1.1 PREMISESParty A shall let to Party B and Party B shall take Unit of CHATEAU REGENCY, in accordance with and subject to the terms of this Agreement (hereinafter referr

4、ed to as the “Premises”). The Premises shall contain the fixtures, equipment, fittings, effects and property as specified in the Annex 2 (Furniture and electrical appliances list).1.2 用途甲方同意乙方僅將房屋作私人住宅自用或供其雇員、代表、官員及直系親屬作私人住宅使用。1.2 PurposePartyA agrees Part B to use the Premises solely for the purpos

5、e of a private residence for its own use or that of its employee, representative or officer and his lineal consanguinity.1.3 長住日數本協議的長住期限(下稱“長住期”)為二個月,自2005年 月 日起至2005年 月日。如果本長住協議在一個月內提前解約,乙方有責任必須付滿實際居住天數的房費。一個月後可以解約,乙方應在一個月滿前一個星期通知其意向。1.3 Term of LeaseThe Term of Lease of the Agreement (hereinafter

6、 referred to as the “Term of Lease”) shall be a term of commencing on , 2005 and expiring on 2005 . If Party B will terminate the agreement within one-month term, Party B shall pay the rental for the actual housing number of days. After one-month term, Party B can terminate the agreement,but Party B

7、 shall give notice of the intention to exercise the said option at least One week prior to the expiration of the one month term of the Agreement. 1.4 房費長住期內的房費(下稱“房費”) 為每月 元人民幣,按 月交付,並且應於每 月 的七個工作日內支付。承租人應不用出租人預先要求,如數將租金付給出租人。租期內第一個日曆月的租金應在本協定簽署時全數付清。1.4 RENTThe rent for the Term (hereinafter called

8、 the “Rent”) will beRMB per month and be paid within the seventh working day of each month. The Party B shall pay the rent to the Party A without prior demand. The Rent for the first calendar month of the Term shall be paid in full to the Party A upon signing of this Agreement.1.5 公共設施費乙方同意在整個租期內,自行

9、支付燃氣費、電費、水費等公共設施使用費用(下稱“公共設施使用費”)。應乙方委託,甲方可代乙方辦理相關的繳費事宜,並在繳費後向乙方提供費用發票。乙方應於收到上述費用的發票後七(7)天之內付款。1.5 UTILITY CHARGESParty B agrees to pay surpassing charges for gas, electricity, hot and cold water and heating (hereinafter called the Utility Charges) throughout the Term. The Party A agrees to pay the

10、Utility Charges on behalf of the Party B and provide relevant invoices or receipts to the Party B The Utility Charges shall be payable within (7) days upon the Party A serving of invoice for the said charges.1.6 早餐費及基礎設施使用如需用早餐按每份RMB38元收取。公寓康樂中心提供免費使用游泳池和健身房。其他公寓基礎設施如桑拿、商務中心、會議室、小商品部等均按正常收費。1.6 BREA

11、KFAST CHARGES AND THE USE OF FACILITIES RMB38 for another breakfast if needed. Free use of the swimming pool and gymnasium for the long-staying guest but with the regular charge to other facilities such as sauna, business centre, conference room and gift shop.第一条 保證金2 SECURITY DEPOSIT2.1 乙方應在支付首次租金時

12、向甲方預付相當於一個月房費的保證金,作為乙方應履行和遵守本協議條款、約定、規定和條件的保證(下稱“保證金”)。甲方收到保證金後,即向乙方開出收據,保證金在整個長住期內由甲方無息保留。2.1 Party B shall deposit with credit card or Party A a sum equivalent to one months rental as security for the performance and observance by Party B of the terms, covenants, provisions and conditions of the A

13、greement (hereinafter called the “Deposit”). The Deposit shall be paid in full upon the payment of first rental. The Deposit shall be retained by Party A throughout the Term free of any interest to Party B.2.2 若乙方違反、不遵守或者不履行本協議的任何條款和條件,甲方可在保證金中扣抵合理數目的保證金,在甲方作出該種扣抵前,需通知乙方將被扣抵的金額和理由,乙方有權拒絕不合理或不公平的抵扣,不

14、足部分乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知後10天內補足,從而使保證金恢復到甲方原來按本協議第2.1條所應持有的數額。2.2 In the event of any breach, non-observance, or non-performance by Party B of any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Party A may either terminate the Agreement while retaining the Deposit, or apply or retain the whole or any part of

15、 the Deposit to the extent required to rectify Party Bs default. In the event of any such application or retention by Party A, Party B shall, as a condition precedent to the continuation of the Agreement, deposit with Party A an amount sufficient to return the Deposit to the amount originally held b

16、y Party A as under Article 2.1 hereof. 2.3 在遵守前述規定的情況下,如果乙方完全而忠實地遵守了本協議的所有條款和條件、並將房屋在無人佔用的情況下以良好、清潔和可繼續使用狀態(正常損耗除外)交還給甲方,則保證金應在協議期滿十(10)天內歸還給乙方;或在乙方因違反、不遵守或不履行本協議所載任何條款和條件而對甲方賠償後十(10)天內交還給乙方,以其中較晚的日期為准,不計利息。2.3 Subject to the preceding, if Party B fully and faithfully complies with all the terms and

17、 conditions of the Agreement, the Deposit, without any interest thereupon, shall be returned to Party B within Ten (10) days of the expiration of the Agreement and after delivery of vacant possession of the Premises to Party A in good, clean and tenantable condition (fair wear and tear excepted) or

18、within Ten (10)days of the settlement of the last outstanding claim by Party A against Party B in respect of breach, non-observance or non-performance of any of the terms and conditions herein contained whichever is the latest. 2.4 乙方不得用保證金抵付本協議項下的房費或其任何部分。2.4 Party B is not permitted to offset the

19、Deposit or any part thereof, in lieu of paying rent under the term of this Agreement.第三條 支付 3 PAYMENT3.1 協議所述房費、公用設施使用費和/或其他費用都不得因承租人或其他住客屆時未使用或未居住該房屋,或因公用設施費涵蓋的設施發生故障或因任何原因無法使用而減付或停付。3.1 The Rent, Utility Charge and/or other costs or charges expressed herein shall not be abated or cease to be payab

20、le on account of any non-residence of the Premises from time to time by Party B or other occupier or on account of malfunction or non-availability of the services to be covered by the Utility Charges howsoever caused.3.2 乙方可以美元或人民幣支付房費、保證金、公用設施使用費和一切其他費用。乙方如以人民幣支付租金,人民幣與美元的匯率,按實際付款之日中國銀行所公佈之人民幣兌美元的中

21、間價計算。如果應付款日是星期六、星期日或中國的公共假日,則該到期日應延期至該星期六、星期日或中國公共假日後的第一個工作日。3.2 Party B may make payment of the Rental, Deposit, Utility Charges and other costs or charges in US Dollars or in Renminbi. In case Party B pays the Rental in Renminbi, the exchanged rate between Renminbi and United States Dollars shall

22、be the middle rate between United States Dollars and Renminbi published by Bank of China on the date of actual payment. If the due date for any payment falls on Saturday, Sunday or any public holiday of PRC, that date shall be extended to the first working day after such Saturday, Sunday or public h

23、oliday in the PRC.第四條 乙方的義務4 OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY B4.1 乙方應遵守、服從政府或其他主管部門有關入住房屋的一切法律、法令、條例及其他規章和慣例,如有違反,則應承擔相應的責任。4.1 Party B shall obey, comply with and fully indemnify Party A against the breach of all laws, edicts, ordinance and other such rules and practices of any governmental or other competent

24、 authority in respect of the occupation of the Premises.4.2 乙方應遵守甲方制定和修訂的規章。4.2 Party B shall comply with the House Manual as set and amended from time to time by Party A. 4.3 因乙方在使用房屋或其任何部分過程中的不當行為或過錯,致因火、煙從房屋或其任何部分向外蔓延或水浸(包括暴風雨或雨水)而直接導致甲方被索賠、受損害、發生費用(包括合理的律師費)、涉訴、被判決和負責時,乙方同意全額賠償甲方,使其不受損失,並為其加以辯護。

25、4.3 Party B agrees to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend Party A from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs (including reasonable attorneys fee), expenses, action, judgments and liabilities whatsoever which Party A may suffer or incur as a direct result of the act or

26、 default of Party B or its occupier in the use of or through or in any way owing to the spread of fire, smoke or overflow of water, including storm or rain water, from the Premises or any part thereof.4.5 因乙方或其住戶直接導致房屋或房屋內一切裝置和財產(因裝置自身質量問題除外,包括但不限於傢俱、電器)的損失或損壞,乙方應承擔責任,並向甲方做出全額賠償。4.4 Party B shall be

27、 responsible for and fully indemnify Party A against any and all loss and damage to the Premises, and to all the installations and property within the Premises including but not limited to the Inventories therein caused directly by Party B or its occupier.第五条 甲方的義務5 OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A5.1 甲方應交出一個

28、清潔、功能齊全的住所給乙方,其中包括可正常使用的燃氣、水、電源插座和傢俱(見附件二)。甲方同意使乙方得以在租期內持有和享用房屋及傢俱,條件是乙方按本協定規定的日期和方式支付房費、公用設施使用費和其他費用,並嚴格遵守和履行本協議規定的一切條款、約定、規定和條件。5.1 Party A shall hand over the Premises to Party B a clean, fully functional living area, including operational gas, water, electrical outlets and furniture (see Annex 2

29、). Party A agrees to allow Party B to hold and enjoy the Premises together with the Inventories during the Term on the condition that Party B pays the Rent, the Utility Charges, and other charges on the days and in the manner provided herein and strictly observes and fully performs all terms, covena

30、nts, and conditions contained herein.5.2 甲方同意將非由乙方負責的房屋屋頂、主結構、牆壁、主要排水管設施、管道和纜線維持在適當的使用狀態。但因乙方或其住戶的作為、疏忽、過失或遺漏而造成損壞的除外。5.2 Party A agrees to keep the roof of the Premises, the main structure and the walls thereof and main drains, pipes and cables of the Premises and the Inventories for which Party B

31、is not responsible in a proper state of repair unless the same are damaged as a result of the act, default, neglect or omission on the part of Party B or its occupier.5.3 甲方同意交付與土地和房屋使用有關的一切稅款。5.3 Party A agrees to pay all taxes due in respect of the use of land and the Premises.第六条 甲方免責事項6 EXCLUSIO

32、N OF PARTY AS LIABILITY在任何情況下,如有非甲方原因而產生任何燃氣、供水、供電、空調之失靈、故障或中斷,從而給乙方、其任何同住人或其他人造成任何財務損失或個人損傷,甲方應立刻負責維修使之恢復正常使用狀態。第七條 房屋的損壞7 DESTRUCTION OF THE PREMISES7.1 如果房屋由於火災、天氣、不可抗力或者甲方無法控制的情況而出現實質性毀損,導致不適宜使用及佔用,但亦不能直接或間接歸咎于乙方的情況時,則在房屋重新可以交付或適於使用之前,房費可以停付。但假若甲方認為修復房屋不經濟和不實際時,甲方無需修復房屋。7.1 If the Premises are substantially destroyed or damaged by fire, weather, force majeure, or any other causes beyond the control of Party A and not attributable directly or indirectly to Party B, and are rende

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