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1、英语必修四unit5导学案高一年级英语早记忆 book4 unit 5记忆时间:6:206:40 抽查时间:6;406:50基本要求:端正坐姿,大声朗诵,惜时高效!背诵下列重点单词1.theme n.题目,主题 2.central adj.中心的,中央的3.various adj. 各种各样的 4. cartoon n. 漫画,动画片5.whichever pron.无论哪一个 6.fantasy n.幻想,怪念头7.amusementn.消遣,娱乐 8.swing n. 秋千,摇摆vt. vi.摇摆,摆动9.fairy n.神化故事 10.attractionn.有吸引力的事物11.tour

2、ism n. 旅游业 12.wherever adv. conj.无论在什么地方13.carpenter n. 木匠 14.engine n.引擎,发动机15.preserve vt.保存,保留n. 保护区 16.length n.长度,长17.deed n.行动,事迹 18.sword n.剑 famous for 以而闻名20. no wonder 难怪21. be modelled after 根据模仿 familiar with对熟悉e true实现高一年级英语早记忆 book4 unit 5记忆时间:6:206:40 抽查时间:6;406:50基本要求:端正坐姿,

3、大声朗诵,惜时高效!背诵下列重点单词1._n.题目,主题 2._adj.中心的,中央的3._adj. 各种各样的 4._n. 漫画,动画片5._ pron.无论哪一个 6._n.幻想,怪念头7._n.消遣,娱乐 8._ n. 秋千,摇摆vt. vi.摇摆,摆动9._n.神化故事 10._n.有吸引力的事物11._ n. 旅游业 12._ adv. conj.无论在什么地方13._ n. 木匠 14._ n.引擎,发动机15._vt.保存,保留n. 保护区 16._ n.长度,长17._ n.行动,事迹 18._ n.剑19._以而闻名 20. _ 难怪21. _ 根据模仿22._对熟悉23._

4、实现高一年级英语早记忆 book4 unit 5记忆时间:6:206:40 抽查时间:6;406:50基本要求:端正坐姿,大声朗诵,惜时高效!背诵下列重点单词1.tournament n. 锦标赛 2.settler n.移民,殖民者3.athletic n.运动员 4. translatorn.译员,翻译5.cloth n.布 6.jungle n.丛林7.diver n. 潜水员 8.creature n.生物,动物9.sunlight n. 旭光 10.advance 前进,促进 n.前进,进步11.advanced adj. 高级的,先进的 12.brand,牌

5、子13.outing n.外出,短途旅行 14.admission n.允许进入,入场15.shuttle n. 往返汽车,航天飞机16.freeway n.高速公路17.souvenir n. 纪念品 18.sneaker n.运动鞋19.brochure n. 小册子,指南 20. be famous for 以而闻名21. no wonder 难怪22. be modelled after 根据模仿 advance提前24.get close to 接近 e to life活跃起来高一年级英语早记忆 book4 unit 5记忆时间:6:206:40 抽查时间:6;406:50

6、基本要求:端正坐姿,大声朗诵,惜时高效!背诵下列重点单词1._n.题目,主题 2._adj.中心的,中央的3._adj. 各种各样的 4._n. 漫画,动画片5._ pron.无论哪一个 6._n.幻想,怪念头7._n.消遣,娱乐 8._ n. 秋千,摇摆vt. vi.摇摆,摆动9._n.神化故事 10._n.有吸引力的事物11._ n. 旅游业 12._ adv. conj.无论在什么地方13._ n. 木匠 14._ n.引擎,发动机15._vt.保存,保留n. 保护区 16._ n.长度,长17._ n.行动,事迹 18._ n.剑19._以自娱 20. _ 以为乐 21._做某事以消遣

7、 22._让人感到 有趣 的是必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks 导学案Part I: Reading知识目标:1. To know about theme parks.能力目标:2. To learn different reading skills. 情感目标:3. To learn more about theme parks Step I self-learningWords:(1) 不同的;各种各样的:_ (2) 无论哪个:_(2) 消遣;娱乐:_ (4) 秋千;摇摆:_(5) 仅有的:_(6)保留;保存:_Phrases:(1) 以闻名:_ (2) 难怪;不足为奇:_(3

8、) 根据模仿:_Step II Cooperative learningWarming up 1. In different kinds of theme parks, what things can you learn?2. If you were given a chance to make a journey, what kinds of theme parks would you like to go?_3. Why is tourism increasing nowadays?_Reading I Skimming1. How many theme parks are mention

9、ed in the passage? What are they?2. Find out the main idea of each paragraph:Para. 1: A: Disneyland.Para. 2: B: Englands Camelot ParkPara. 3: C: DollywoodPara. 4: D: Different kinds of theme parks.II Careful reading 1. True or False(1). Disneyland can be found everywhere. ( )(2). You can meet any ca

10、rtoon character you like at Disneyland. ( )(3). Tourism develops where a Disneyland is built. ( )(4). Dollywood is in the mountain in the southeastern USA. ( )2. Find out some characters and activities in every theme park(1). Snow White and seven Dwarfs are Disneyland_ characters.(2). You can see be

11、autiful bald eagles in the worlds largest_.(3). Take a ride on the only steam-engine Train still working_.(4). _has one of the best old wooden roller coasters, Thunderhead.(5). In _, you can watch magic shows with Merlin the Wizard.必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks 导学案Part II: Language points 知识目标:1. To know a

12、bout theme parks.能力目标:2. To learn different reading skills. 情感目标:3. To learn more about theme parksStep I Self-learning1_n.吸引_vt. 吸引_adj. 迷人的;有吸引力的2. 对.熟悉_ 3. 一个梦幻的世界_4. 实现_ 5. 从.到._6. 自由落体_ 7. 难怪 _8. 不仅仅_ 9. 室内与室外_10. 乘坐_ 11. 根据.模仿_12. 照顾;照料_13. 以.著名_Step II Language points various 【课文如是】There are

13、various kinds of theme parks,with a different park for almost everything.【翻译】_【例句展示】1. Shes always going on about her various illnesses._ 2. There are various ways of solving the problem. _【家谱追踪】译为adj. _ vt.& vi._ n_【自我归纳】a variety of 也可以用varieties of 表示,a variety of 和varieties of 都可以接_,它们作主语时,句子的谓语

14、动词常根据_确定单复数形式。【常用结构】各种各样的a variety of/varieties of/all sorts of/all types of. 的种类the variety of 【知识应用】_(用 a variety of 造句)amusement 【课文如是】As you wander around the fantasy amusement park,you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.【翻译】_【例句展示】1. I find amusement in collecting s

15、tamps._2. His chief amusement is reading novels. _【家谱追踪】可译为 n._; _ vt. 使发笑,使愉快_ adj.感到有趣的_ adj.有趣的,引人发笑的【自我归纳】意为“乐趣;娱乐;消遣”时,作_名词;意为“娱乐活动;快乐的事”时,作_名词。【常用结构】amuse oneself with以自娱 be amused at /with/by 以为乐 do sth for amusement做某事以消遣 to ones amusement 让人感到 有趣 的是【典例填充】1孩子们玩捉迷藏以自娱自乐The kids_playing hide a

16、nd seek.。2使我们感到有趣的是,他的上衣穿反了。_,he wore his coat with the wrong side out. preserve 【课文如是】You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the worlds largest bald eagle preserve.【翻译】_【例句展示】1. It is highly important to preserve the environment. _2. We must preserve our natural resources._【自我归纳】译为vt. _n. _【常用结构

17、】 preserve sb./sth. 保护某人;保存某物 preserve sth. (for sth.) 保存,保留某物以 preserve sb. sth. (from sth.) 使继续存活;保护;保全【典例填充】1我认为应该保留这些传统习俗。I think these traditional customs _. 2保护区内禁止打猎。No hunting is allowed _. 3At minus 130,a living cell can be_for a thousand years.Aspared BprotectedCpreserved Ddevelopedbe mode

18、lled after【课文如是】Every area of the park is modelled after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. 【翻译】_【例句展示】1. The new church is modelled after St. Peters in Rome_2. she modelled herself after her mother._【自我归纳】译为_【典例填充】1. 我们按照不同市场的流行款式来制作鞋子We can produce shoes_the fashio

19、ns of different markets.【知识应用】_(用be modelled after造句)Step III重点句型:考点1 With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland翻译:_解析:wonder vt. _,后面常接when,where,why,how,if,whether 等引导的_从句。扩展: Its no/little wonder that. 难怪Its a wonder that. 令人惊奇的是/奇怪的是【典例填充】1I wonder

20、 _you came to lose your way.。2I _youll help me with the luggage.3We _at the speed at which it arrived.4He hasnt slept at all for three days. _he is tired out.AThere is no point BThere is no needCIt is no wonder that DIt is no way考点2Whichever and whatever you like,there is a theme park for you!翻译:_解析

21、:whereverno matter where wheneverno matter whenhoweverno matter how引导_状语从句注意:whatever,whichever,who(m) ever 既可引导_状语从句,又可引导名_从句。no matter what,no matter which,no matter who(m) 只引导_状语从句。【典例填充】1无论问题可能有多难,我将自己解决。_,Ill work it out by myself.(No matter how)2不论发生什么,我总是你真正的朋友。Ill be your true friend,_.3. _m

22、uch work you have to do every day,do get enough sleep.AHowever BWhicheverCWhatever DWhenever4The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit_the season.Awhatever BwhereverCwhenever DhoweverStep IVHomework:1. 单词拼写1We hope that this investment will lead to increased _(旅游业)in the area.2The preview o

23、ffers a _(仅有的)opportunity to see the show without the crowds.3The society was set up to _(保留)endangered species from extinction.4She failed to gain _(允许)to the university of her choice.5Only a small _(少数) of students are interested in politics these days.6North American literature is the main _(主题) of this years festival.7She took the job for _

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