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1、旅游英语环球之旅英国(旅游英语)环球之旅英国England and the UK英国是个美丽的国家,文物古迹比比皆是,自然风景秀丽可餐,旅游资源丰富。许多城市,如“万城之花”伦敦,“北方雅典”爱丁堡,大学城牛津、剑桥,古色古香的约克城,莎翁故乡斯特拉特福都是享有世界声誉的旅游名城。英国还辟有湖区等几十座国家公园和风景保护区。目前,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产的名胜古迹和天然景观就有14处,即伦敦塔、威斯敏斯特宫(国会大厦)、布伦海姆宫(牛津附近),坎特伯雷主教堂、巴斯城、索尔兹伯里郊区的巨石阵等遗迹,铁桥峡(伍尔沃汉普顿以西),方廷斯修道院及园林(约克以北)、达勒姆的大教堂和古城堡、哈德良长

2、城(纽卡斯尔一带),圭内斯的城堡群(威尔士卡那封一带),苏格兰的圣基尔达群岛,北爱兰的“巨人之路”和太平洋上的英国属地享德森珊瑚岛。 Well, listeners, today I am going to take you to my country where I was born that so many of you have asked me to do, so here we go. I would like to start with a little potted (adj. 浓缩的) history of my country. I hope you will enjoy m

3、y personally conducted tour to so manywonderful sights, culture and traditions to help you with an understanding of our way of life and what my country has to offer you. So sit back here we go on a journey of a lifetime with 007. First have a look at some pictures of my hometown. The history and her

4、itage of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland would take me a lifetime to explore for you because there is so much. There are thousands of historic sites, royal palaces, abbeys (n.修道院), museums and cathedrals (n.大教堂) in London and other regions: the Tower of London (伦敦塔), wonderful castles

5、in many places, such as Warwickshire, Carmarthen, Leeds and Windsor Castles, so many fine country houses and estates; Hadrian Wall 哈德良长城(古罗马长城) that the Romans built to keep out the Celts (凯尔特人,印欧民族的一支,最初分布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部、York Minster约克大教堂不列颠群岛和加拉提亚东南部,尤指不列颠人或高卢人。); the Georgian crescents (伊斯兰教的象

6、征) and Roman bathing facilities of Bath (巴思,英格兰西南部的一座市镇,在布里斯托尔港的东南面。以其乔治王朝的建筑和温泉而著名。这些温泉是公元1世纪古罗马人开凿的,是一处颇受青睐的疗养胜地。); the original Cutty Sark and earlier 16th century Mary Rose sailing ships (Mary Rose虚拟海事博物馆); Prehistoric Stonehenge (英国 Salisbury 平原上的史前巨石柱), standing stones and other ancient sites;

7、 whisky distilleries (威士忌酿酒厂) in Scotland; tin and lead mines in Cornwall (康沃尔郡,英格兰西南端的一个地区,位于一座被大西洋和英吉利海峡环绕的半岛上。此地的锡和铜在古希腊商人中很有名。), just smatterings (n.略知,少数) of what my country has to offer. People are constantly opening their eyes to the heritage that lies at their own doorsteps. It may be the di

8、scovery of famous writers, poets and inventors who found their inspiration here. Most of the Victorian (adj.维多利亚女王时代的) bridges, railways, banks and municipal buildings are still in use today. The buildings and spaces of the UKs towns and cities reveal generation upon generation of events and changes

9、: war, strife (n.斗争, 冲突), prosperity, invention and cultural influence. A rebuilt High Street in Exeter (埃克塞特大街,埃克塞特是英格兰西南部的一城市,York Museum 约克博物馆位于普利茅斯东北。从罗马时代起就因其战略地位而变得重要), badly bombed in the Second World War, abuts (v. join together; border upon邻接,毗邻) against the ancient Guildhall (市政厅) and runs

10、 close to a fine medieval (adj.中世纪的, 仿中世纪的) cathedral and city walls. A great many parts of the UK are like this, with ancient, old and modern blending seamlessly (adj. 完美无缺的) together.Grassy mounds (小山丘) which are ancient Anglo-Saxon and Viking burial places (古盎格鲁-撒克逊人和北欧海盗的墓冢遗址). There are also so

11、 many ancient castles, standing stones, evidence of medieval strip-farmed fields, and hillsYork Castle 约克城堡surmounted(在.顶上覆盖着, 顶上戴着) by Iron Age (铁器时代,大约从公元前8世纪开始) forts (n. 堡垒). Most of these are well documented (有文字记载) and properly protected. But new discoveries are made every year. There are so m

12、any famous cities steeped (v. 浸,泡) in history and culture, a living proof of themulticultural (多元文化) history still standing showing their magnificent splendor (great fame; glory名声显赫;光荣) of their bygone (过去的;以前的) eras. The UK has been invaded (v.侵略) and conquered (v.征服, 占领) by so many invaders throug

13、hout the history, all leaving behind remnants (n. 遗留下来的痕迹) of their civilization for us all to see today so much in evidence in every town and city throughout the land. As you know I come from one of the most famous cities in Europe-York, once the capital of Britania (the Roman name for England). My

14、 city was named Eboracum(first city). Close by is Manchester (the home of Manchester United football team- my favourite team). 英国首都-伦敦是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心,最大海港和首要工业城市。它位于英格兰东南部,跨泰晤士河下游两岸,距河口88公里。世界十大都市之一。比邻伦敦城的12个市区,称内伦敦,其余的20个市区,称外伦敦。伦敦城加上内外伦敦,合称大伦敦市。伦敦城面积1.6平方公里,大伦敦面积则达1580平方公里。伦敦还是世界上最大的国际港口和航运市场,世界


16、ere are so many more and I will tell you about, but first let me start with the capital-London, one of the most famous capitals in the world, a huge sprawling (不断发展的) cosmopolitan metropolis (国际大都市) with over 15 million people , a multicultural ethnic blend of race, colour and creed, a true melting

17、pot of mixed cultures oozing from every street corner, a city that never sleeps with so much to see and do.Restaurants of every type and in great abundance, from the finest French cuisine to fast food outlets (n.店铺) from every country including the stable diet of the British- fish and chips. Some of

18、 the finest shops to be found in Bond street (庞德街) and Oxford street (牛津街) that are home to the greatest names like Harrods (哈洛德百货,是伦敦最有名也是最好的百货公司), Selfridges, Fortnum and Masons and so many more. The famous street markets such as Petticoat Lane (衬裙巷市集,伦敦最出名的市集,每到周日即吸引了数以千计的观光客及本地人到此,这里最出名的就是皮大衣及各式

19、服饰,因此命名为衬裙巷市集) and Covent Garden (科文特哥登,伦敦一地区,长期以其农产品市场和皇家剧院而闻名。这个市场于1974年移到泰晤士河上游的一个地方) are all busy bustling hives (n. 喧闹繁忙的场所) of shoppers and street traders all speaking in the local dialect-Cockney (伦敦东区的方言).You will find something special and local for everyone in the multitude of backstreet (

20、偏僻的后街小巷) shops and boutiques that crisscrossing (v. 互相交叉) the busy main streets, an experience not to be missed. Take a leisurely cruise (n.巡游, 巡航) on the lifeblood of London-the River Thames (泰晤士河) passing all the famous landmarks, seeing the old and new blending together. Another must is Madame Tu

21、ssauds Waxworks (杜塞夫人蜡像馆) and Planetarium (天文馆), Hyde Park (海德公园,伦敦中西部的一个大公园,以其中众多的自由演说者而闻名) with Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫(英国王宫), St Pauls Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂), the Houses of Parliament(议会大厦), and the Tower of London (home to the crown jewels 伦敦塔), the West End (home of theatre-land西伦敦,英国伦敦中心区的西部,以时髦的街区

22、与商店、剧院而著名。).London has so much to offer to everyone. There is one of the largest China Towns (唐人街) to make you feel at home.The city is so alive, and a feeling on the streets is one of come and explore me. That jumps up at you beckoning (v. 吸引,引诱) you to explore everything. A ride in the famous blac

23、k taxi instantly eases you into London and its history. So here are some of the top tourist attractions for you to sample. 以传统的观光景点来看,游伦敦只要沿着泰晤士河River Thames一路过来,议会大厦(House of Parliament)、大笨钟(Big Ben)、伦敦塔(London Tower)、伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),都是代表伦敦的重要地标。Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫自19世纪以来,白金汉宫成为英国王室的活动场所。尽管整个

24、王宫的多个房间多数是由王室工作人员居住的,这里仍是王室的象征。白金汉宫前的广场上有精美的维多利亚女王纪念碑。 The official residence (n.住宅; 住处) of Queen of England, Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace has been opening its doors to visitors for the last few summers. Originally acquired by King George III for his wife Queen Charlotte since then has seen so ma

25、ny changes. Queen Victoria was the first sovereign (n.君主) to live in Buckingham Palace (from 1837).Visitors are permitted access to the State Rooms which are still used by the Royal family (皇室家族) to receive and entertain guests on state and ceremonial occasions (礼仪场合). Decorated in lavish (奢侈的) fash

26、ion, they include paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto (荷兰三大名画家), Svres porcelain (塞夫勒陶器) and some of the finest English and French furniture in the world.Palace of Westminster 威斯敏斯特宫即议会大厦,依泰晤士河而建的议会大厦是英国的政治中心。它不仅外表雄伟壮观、内部装饰华丽,而且其建筑结构和内部设计也能充分地体现世界上最古老的君主立宪政体。据说英国国会开会时,国王应坐在上议院的国王宝座上,但首相和议员需

27、从下议院进入自己的席位,普通公民也可在旁听席观看议会进程。 Now more commonly known as the Houses of Parliament, the Palace of Westminster began life as a royal residence in 1042 under Edward the Confessor. The major structure to survive various fires, Westminster Hall, was built between 1087-1100 and is one of the largest medie

28、val halls in Europe. During the fourteenth-century the hall housed (v.容纳) shops and stalls(n.售货摊) selling wigs (n假发), pens and other legal equipment to the courts of law who met there. Following a fire in 1512, Henry VIII decided to abandon (v. 抛弃;舍弃) the palace and from this moment onwards it becam

29、e home to the two seats of parliament -the Commons (英国国会下院) and the Lords (英国国会上议院). However, it was to suffer from another disastrous (adj.损失惨重的) fire in 1834 and everything was lost except Westminster Hall and the Jewel Tower. The mock gothic building (仿哥特式建筑) that has become such a familiar landm

30、ark today, including the Clock Tower (钟楼) that houses Big Ben (大笨钟), the bell that chimes (v. 打钟报时) on the hour, and is home to the largest clock face in the country. (大笨钟:作为伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,大笨钟巨大而华丽,重13.5吨,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右。大笨钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,至今将近一个半世纪,尽管这期间大笨钟曾两度裂开而重筹。现在大笨钟的钟声仍然清晰、动听。)Tower of London 伦敦塔

31、伦敦塔的历史已近千年,它的作用却不断地在变化:城堡、王宫、宝库、火药库、铸币厂、监狱、动物园直到现在伦敦观光区。伦敦塔中间的城堡称为白塔,是最早的王室居所。据说塔壁有15英尺厚,坚不可摧。王室的传统在这里依然保持至今,身着传统服装的皇家卫兵每天举行国王钥匙交接仪式。一些最珍贵的王室用品(如维多利亚女王和爱德华国王的王冠)也在此展出,可令游客眼界大开。 For a thousand years the Tower has protected, threatened, imprisoned and occasionally executed (v. put to death处死) the people of London including many Kings and Queens. Originally the fortress (n.堡垒) of the hated Norman conquerors, built with imported white stone from France, it has been through many different incarnations (n. 具体化, 化身) in its life: the bloody tower where Richard III allegedly

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