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1、度湘西州中考英语试题卷201年湘西土家族苗族自治州初中毕业学业水平英语试题姓名: 准考证号: 注意事项:i.本卷为试题卷,考生应在答题卡上作答,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。2.答题前,考生须先将自己的姓名、准考证号分别在试题卷和答题卡上填写清楚。3.答题完成后,请将试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸放在桌上,由监考老师统一收回。4.本卷共四道大题,时量 100分钟,满分为150分。I、听力技能(共二节,满分 20分)第一节 对话理解 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案或图片回答问题(共15小题,计15 分)听下面一段对话,做第 1小题1 . Can Mary sing an English song?A

2、. Sorry,I don t know . B. Yes,she can .t .C . No,she can听下面一段对话,做第 2小题2. How does Dave usually get to school?A . He tan kes the subway . B . He takes the bus听下面一段对话,做第 3小题3. Where are the talki ng?A . In the library . B . In the hospital .office .C . He walksC . In the post听下面一段对话,做第 4小题4 . What s M

3、ary s favorite animal?5 .diJfLAWhat did Carol do on a farm last weekend?听下面一段对话,做第 6小题6. How much is that blue T-shirt?7. When is Bill s birthady?C . Yes,he is .C . Twice a week听下面一段对话,做第 13小题13. What does Anna often do on weekends?A . She ofte n goes shopp ingB . She ofte n plays basketball .C . Sh

4、e ofte n plays soccer .听下面一段对话,做第 14小题14. Does Jack go shopping?A . Yes,he does . B . No,never .听下面一段对话,做第 15小题15. How often does Jack play basketball?A . Never . B . Once a week第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的短文,将下面表格中第16至第20小题的信息补充完整,每小题不超过三个单词(共 5小题,计5分)A car aceuientTimeAt (en oclock last 16 bouRWhM the writer

5、doingHe was 17 tn hiy office with hi% friend.he cmIt IS 皿smeT The policeLhry Arrived 20 minutes later. A pulkzenun lumped ihq driver19 tht car and took her to the hospital. The other onewent uD Id me and asked me 20 *笔试部分(共三道大题,满分 130分)知识运用(共二节,满分 40分)II、第2122232425262728293031323325小题,计25分)节单项选择从每题

6、所给的三个选项中选择最佳答案填空(共. Hi,Mom . Where is my ?Oh,it is in your room .A . schoolbags B. a schoolbag. is your T-shirt,Kate?It s seven dollars .A . How much B . How many.When is your birthday,Mike?My birthday is June 3th .A . on B . inC . schoolbagC . How oldC . atShe was hurt, not too bad. What happe ned

7、just now?A car hit an old lady at the cross ingA . andB . butC . or.Hi,Bob . What club do you want to join?I want to join a sports club . I can very well .A . play the football B . play a football C . play football. What time Jim usually take a shower,Rick?He usually takes a shower at six forty .A .

8、 do B . does C . did. How far is it from home to school?I m not sure about 10 kilometers .A . your B . you C . yours. Excuxe me,May . Can you read “ 198 ” in English?Yes,of course . .A . One hun dred nin ety-eight .B . One hun dred nine eight .C . One hun dred and nin ety-eight . Lin da,why do you o

9、fte n go to see the pan das?I go to see because they are very in teresti ngA . they B . them C . their. Excuse me . Is there a bank near here? . It s just between my house and a post office .A . Yes,it is B . No, there isn t C . Yes,there is.What is Bill doi ng right now?He soccer . He soccer every

10、Saturday .A . plays ; plays B . plays;is playi ng C . Is play in g;plays. Can you come to my birthday party toni ght?Yes,I d love to . But Ihave to finish my English homework firstA . doing B . to do C . does. Mr,Wa ng,must I come back to clea n the classroom aga in?No,you . I have asked Kate to do

11、it .A . mustn t B . needn t C . shouldn t34 In our English studythink speaking is as important as readingI don t agree with you . Reading istha n speak in g,I thinkA . important B. more important35. Your ring looks nice.Yes,a nd it in Thaila ndA . makes B . made36. What kind of teachers do you like,

12、John?I like the teachers are frien dly to usA . which B . whose37. I think Karen should go swinmming with KateIf she ,she will have great funA. does B. doC . The most importa ntC . was madeC . whoC . will do38 . Alice does her homework asas Peter .A . carefullyB . more carefulC . careful39 Li Wen is

13、 a normal does will in school .boy from the countryside . He works hard andA . 15 year oldB . 15-years-oldC . 15-year-old40 .Look!What s on the ground?Oh . it s my sweater.Please .A . pick it upB . pick up itC . Pick my sweater up41 .Where do you live,L in Tao?I live in beij ing now . 11 here for te

14、n yearsA . movedB . have movedC . have bee n42. useful advice you give me!I will follow it and try to do everything bestA.HowB . What C . What a43. Can you tell me ?Sure . He lives on Center Street .A . where does he live B . Where he live C . Where he lives44. Molly has changed so much!She be shy a

15、nd puiet .Yeah . But now she speaking in front of class .A . used to;is used to B . Is used to;used to C . used to;used to45. Hi,good morning . My name is Tim . This is my first time to be here .A . It s all right B . Nice to meet you C . That would be verynice第二节 完形填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择适当的选项填空(共 15小题,计1

16、5分)The Himalayas run along the soutwester n part of China . Ofthe 46 ,qomolangma is the highest and te most famous . It443.43 meters high . So it is very 47 to climb .On June 8,1924,george Mallory disappeared( 消失)into the cloHigh on qomola ngma . Some people thi nk he is the first pers on to readthe

17、 top . 48 most people think the first people to reach the top wereTenzing Norgay and Edm und Hillary on May 29,1953 . The first Chin ese team did so in1960 . Why do 49 climbers risk their lives?One of the mai reasons 50 thatpeople want to 51 themselves in the face of difficulties . The spirit if the

18、se climbers shows us that we should 52 give up trying to achieve our dreams . It also showstheat huma ns can sometimes be 53 tha n the forces of n ature .46 .A .buildi ngsB . mountainsC . fields47 .A .safeB . dan gerousC . quick48 .A .ButB . AndC . So49 .A .so manyB . so muchC . so little50 .A .amB

19、. isC . are51 .A .remi ndB . protectC . challe nge52 .A .alwaysB . sometimesC . never53 .A .weakerB . stron gerC . biggerBStude nts lear n their less ons in class . They sit in the classroom liste ning to their teachers . This is a way of 54 . Is this the only way for students to learn?Of coursenot

20、. There is another 55 to learnStudents can teach themselver . For example# you can t remember 56 when youare doing yourhomework, what will you do? You can look up your book to find the an swer. Then,how to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is 57 ? Read something youare interested in, 58 yo

21、u have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questi ons. A clever stude nt is usually 59 ask ing questi ons. The third is to an swer thequestions yourself. These are the ways of teaching yourself. If you 60 doing like thesefor a long time, you are sure to have greatprogress inyour study.

22、54. A. thinkingB.lear ningC.worki ng way noth ing writi ng55.A.pla nB.skillC.56.A.any thi ngB.someth ingC.but57.A.liste ningB.readi ngC.good at58.A.orB.andC.love59.A.afraid ofB.sure ofC.60.A.rememberB.practiceC.5小题,计10分)III?阅读技能(共四节,满分40分) 第一节阅读判断根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)、误(F)(共Mrs. Smith is a 32-year-old

23、woma n. She comes from En gla nd. She has blonde hair, a straight nose and blue eyes. She is thin and of medium height. Mrs. Smith looks much youn ger tha n other wome n who are of the same age. Some think she is only 25 years old.Mrs. Smith is our En glish teacher. Though she only teaches us twice

24、a week, she is a very responsible( 负 责的)teacher. She is verystrict with us in class. But after class, she is friendly to us all. IAllremember one win ter morning she was ill, but she went on givi ng us a less on. We were moved and all of us liste ned to her much more carefully tha n usual.Mrs. Smith

25、 teaches us very well. Her classes are always funny and in teresti ng. of us love her and her classes.61.Mrs. Smith comes from China.62.Mrs. Smith is 25 years old now.63.Mrs. Smith is thin and of medium height.64.Mrs. Smith teaches us Chinese.65.All of Mrs. Smith s students love her and her classes.

26、 第二节阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确的答案(共5 /题On April 26, 2017, a big Chinese ship caught the eyes of the whole world. China s first homemade aircraft carrier (航空母 舰)hit the water in Dalian, Liaoning.The new big ship is China s second aircraft carrier. It was desig ned in China and built in China, too. It is about 3

27、15 meters long and 75 meters wide. That is a bit larger than three soccer fields.An aircraft carrier is like an airport on the sea. It can carry planes and troops to war. Pla nes fly from and land back on it, and soldiers work and live on it, too. But building an aircraft carrier is very hard and ex

28、pensive. It costs a lot of money and needs a large amount of steel and other special materials. For example, a basic aircraft carrier is made of 60, 000 tons of steel. It also uses complex (综合的)tech no logies, in cludi ng radar, electrics, mecha nics and weap ons. Fin ally, it takes years to build.T

29、oday, not many countries own an aircraft carrier or have the ability to build one.China has become the seventh country in the world that can build an aircraft carrierby itself, after the USA, Russia, En gla nd, Fran ce, Italy and Spain.66 . When did China s first homemade aircraft carrier hit the wa

30、ter?A.On April 26, 2017. B. On May 26, 2017. C. On April 26, 2016.66.What s the size of the new Chinese aircraft carrier?A.About 75 meters long and 315 meters wide.B.About 315 meters long and 75 meters wide.C.About 315 meters long and 315 meters wide.67.How many aircraft carriers does China have accord ing to the passage?A.On e. B. Two. C. Three.68.What is an aircraft carrier used for accord ing to the passage?A.Playi ng basketball and football.B.Carrying pla nes and

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