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1、大学英语精读第一册问与答Unit 11. What does it take to learn English well?It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.2. How can you make the task of learning English easier?There are various helpful learning strategies.3. What is the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary?Concentrating on active an

2、d useful words 4. What is the second learning strategy suggested by the author?Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things.5. Why is important to listen to English every day?Because it will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills. 6. According to the author, wh

3、at is the easiest way to practice speaking English? And why?The easiest way to practice speaking is to rehearse aloud.Because this can be done at any time, in any place and without a partner7. Why is it important to read widely?Because in our learning environment, reading is the main and most reliab

4、le source of language input.8. What kind of materials should you include in your wide reading?Things that you find interesting, that you can understand without relying too much on a dictionary.9. Apart from your teachers writing assignment, what other ways of writing does the author suggest?Make a p

5、en pal , Other ways to write regularly include keeping a diary, writing a short story and summarizing the daily news.10. What is the authors conclusion at the end of the article?Language learning is a process of accumulation.Unit 21. What happened to Francis Chichester in 1931?He had tried to fly ro

6、und the world but failed.2. How old was he when he started his voyage round the world?When he started his voyage round the world, he was nearly 65 years old.3. What was the name of his boat? What was the length of the boat?The name of his boat was Gipsy Moth. The length of the boat was 16 meters.4.

7、What route did Chichester follow in sailing round the world?He followed the route of the great nineteenth century clippers ships.5. How many miles did he cover on the first half of his voyage?There were 14,100 miles。6. What did his friends in Sydney try to dissuade him from doing?His friends in Sydn

8、ey tried to dissuade him from continuing the voyage.7. In what way was the second half of his voyage the more dangerous part?During which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.8. What happened to Chichester on the night of January 30?The sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. Food

9、, clothes, and broken glass were all mixed together.9. How did Chichester feel after sailing round Cape Horn?He felt as if he had wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Crap Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again.10. How was he received when he arrived back in England?A

10、 quarter of a million people were waiting to welcome him.11. What title is added to his name when a man becomes a knight?Queen Elizabeth II knighted him “Sir” . 12. How many miles did the second half of the voyage cover?They were 14,400 miles.Unit 3 1. Q: What was the special occasion? How old was t

11、he old lady?A: Today was the old lady birthday. She was 80-year-old.2. Q: Did Myra and her husband often come to see the old lady?A: No they didnt.3. Q: What happened to Enid? A: She died on the operating table.4. Q: Whom did the old lady love more ,Myra or Enid ? Why? A: Enid. Because the old lady

12、was proud of Myra ,but Enid was the daughter she loved.5 Q: Why was the old lady proud of Myra ? A: Because her husband had been made Mayor ,and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged.5. Q: The old lady lived alone. Do you think she was very lonely? Why or why not?A: No, I dont think

13、 she was very lonely .Because she had many kind, friendly and considerate neighbours ,though her daughter and son-in-law seldom came to see her.6. Q: Who was Jim ?Was he still alive?A: He was the old ladys husband .No he wasnt.7. Q:Who was Johnnie ?How old was he ?What do you think of him ? A: He wa

14、s the old ladys neighbour who lived on the ground floor. He was 6-year-old.He was lovely ,friendly and nave. 9. Q: Why did the old lady tear the cheque into pieces? A: Because she was very disappointed and what she wanted was her daughters love and care .10. Q: The story tells us that Myra had won a

15、 medal for her work with the old people .Do you think she deserved the medal ?Do you think she really cared about old people ?Why or why not? A: No ,I dont. No, I dont . Because she didnt care about and pay no attention to her mother who was the closest person of her . Unit 41. How do many people in

16、 the United States spend their free time ?They spend their free time watching TV他们花大量的时间在看电视上。2. How does the author feel about the amount of time his countrymen spend watching TV?He thinks that people should not be spending so much of their time in front of the TV.他认为人们不应该花那么多时间在电视机前。3. What does t

17、he author propose in relation to the television broadcasting in the United States?He proposed that for sixty to ninety minutes evening , right after the early evening news ,all television broadcasting in the US be prohibited by law.他提出,晚上六十到九十分钟,在新闻之后,所有的在美国的电视广播都该被法律所禁止。4. What might the results be

18、 if families used a quiet hour to discuss their problems?They might get to know each other better , and to like each other better他们能够更好的开始认识彼此并且喜欢上对方。5. Accroding to the author , what could help to turn out a more literate new generation ?With free time and no TV ,children and adults might rediscove

19、r reading.在没有电视的一段自由时间内,小孩和大人也许能够重新发现阅读来度过这段时间。6. What dose the author mean by “the story hour”?What effect might it have on the TV networks?”the story hour” means the family gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story during the quiet hour.故事时间意味着一整个家庭会聚集在一起在这段安静的时间里听父亲或母亲说

20、一些很棒的故事。The TV networks might even be forced to come up with better shows in order to get us back from our newly discovered activities.电视工作台也许得被逼着拿出一些更好的演出才能把我们从新发现的活动中抢回来。7.Sum up the advantages of turning off TV for an hour every night .a.Instand of watching TV,we can have a talk with familiy that

21、 will get to know each other better .除了看电视,我们还进行家庭中的谈话来让我们更加了解彼此。b.To take some activities ,you will enjoy ourselves in the nature with you friends or parents ,and you will see the neighborhood with fresh ,new eyes.进行一些室外活动,你会在大自然中享受与你的朋友或家人之间的美好时光,并且你会用新的眼光去认识的邻居。c.You can have a story hour to impr

22、ove our reading.你能够用读故事的时间来提升我们的阅读能力。8. What do you think of the author s proposal?Try to persuade us to short the time of watching TV ,and to take some social activities or some reading .尝试着劝说我们去减少看电视的时间,并且用一些时间去参加社会活动或者阅读。9. Describe the television watching habits of the people around you -when th

23、ey watch TV ,what they watch , how much they watch ,and so on.Let talk about my brother ,when he finishes his home work ,he always watching TV .And he always watches the channel with lots of cartoons with his toys in his hand .It takes him about 2 hours a day .我来说一下我的兄弟,当他完成作业之后,他总是看电视。而且他总是一边玩玩具一边看

24、卡通频道。这大约每天要花掉他两个小时。10. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV.Advantages : a.Watching TV can expand our vision and enlarge our knowledge 看电视可以扩展我们的眼界和知识面。b.We can know news to get the imformation from all over the world.我们可以知道世界各地的新闻信息。c.There are some movies concerts plays and prog

25、rams for you 有很多适合你的电影或者音乐会或者节目。Disadvantages:a.Watching too much TV will hurt you eyesight.看太多电视会影响你的视力。b.Watching too much TV will take over the time of study.看太多电视会占据你学习的时间。c.You might be lost in it that takes you a lot of time .你也许会沉迷于电视机并且花去你大量的宝贵时间。d.and so on。Unit 51 What did Linda tell her E

26、nglish class one day ?How did her teacher and fellow students react when they heard what she said ?Linda announced to her English class that she was going to write and illustrate her own books. Half of the students nearly fell out of their chairs laughing and her teacher said that it is silly.2 What

27、 did Linda write that night ? Did she succeed in getting her writing published?3 Linda wrote short, sad poem about broken dreams that night. To her astonishment, it is published.3 What did her teacher and fellow students think of her success ?Her students and teacher laughed, and her teacher said ju

28、st plain dumb luck4 Did Linda have lots of her work published before she graduated from high school ?Yes, Linda had lots of her work published before she graduated from high school.5 How did her new friend encourage her to write ?Her new friend tell her that its easy to write a book for her and an.y

29、one can write a book if they want to6 Did Linda find it easy to write a book when she lived on a farm in Oklahoma ?No, because she had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four. All she had to do each day was take care of four children, milk goats, and do the cooking, laundry and garde

30、ning7 What did Linda receive from her publisher a month after she sent the manuscript of her first book?She received a contract, an advance on royalties and a request to start working on another book.8 Was her first book well received? How do you know ?Yes, it was. Because her first book became requ

31、ired in Native American schools in Canada9 What is the name of her second book ? Was it a success ?The name of her second book is My Searching Heart. It was a success.10 What did Linda say in reply to questions about her education and qualification to be a writer?Linda says she just write, she is no

32、t a genius ,she is not gifted and dont write right. She is not disciplined, either, and spend more time with her children and friends than she do writing.11 How many books has Linda written so far ? What has happened to them?She has written eight books so far. Four have been published, and three are still out with the publishers. One stinks.12 What is the point Linda makes at the end of the ess

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