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1、第3版新视野大学英语4读写教程课本练习答案全第3版新视野大学英语4读写教程课本练习答案(全)第三版的答案找了很久找不到,干脆自己做一个!客观题总结全了,有能力的请下载下来支持我1个下载券,在线阅读的也请在下面评价文档处点个五星,谢谢!Unit 1Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.crumbled 2.discern 3.surpass 4.shrewd 5.conversion 6.distort 7.radiant 8.ingenious 9.stumped 10.propositionText A: Language focus: Words bu

2、ilding: Practice 1delicacybankruptcyaccountancysecrecyvacancyurgencyatmosphericmagnetmetallicgloomguiltmasteryText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.bankruptcies 2.atmospheric 3.delicacies 4.urgency 5.accountancy 6.gloom 7.magnet 8.metallic 9.mastery 10.vacancy 11.guilt 12.secrecyText A

3、 Language focus Banked cloze(1)mentioned(2)determine(3)gained(4)responsible(5)heavily(6)artistic(7)opposite(8)analytical(9)distorted(10)stumpedText A Language focus Expressions in use1.were dripping with exchange for 3.flared up 4.make an analogy between 5.set a date for 6.make . out of 7.made

4、a pact 8.had appealed toText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingCABDB DCAText B Language focus Words in use1.triggering2.obscure3.hypothesis4.formulate5.threshold6.incidence7.refute8.realm9.decay10.testimonyText B Language focus Expressions in the odds2.subject to3.attributes fa

5、ctored for6.By virtue of7.get stuck one into playCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 2Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.deficient 2.prosecution 3.outrage 4.appeased 5.conformity 6.strand plement 8.transient 9.appliances 10.outfitText A: Language focus: Words buildin

6、g: Practice 1dominationorientationconfrontationcomposerbinderscannermanufacturereraseimperialistleftistterroristhumanistText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.domination 2.scanners 3.humanist 4.confrontation 5.leftists 6.orientation 7.erased 8.terrorists 9.manufacturers 10.binder 11.imp

7、erialists posersText A Language focus Banked cloze(1)achieving(2)gorgeous(3)considered(4)context(5)accessories(6)appreciated(7)complexion(8)handsome(9)comment(10)admirationText A Language focus Expressions in hopes of 2.came up with 3.excused herself 4.was obsessed with 5.reaching out to 6.v

8、oice an opinion on up to terms ofText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingBDDAD BCAText B Language focus Words in use1.hampered2.mortal3.corrode4.preface5.embodies6.interwoven7.knit8.collide9.costume10.predominantText B Language focus Expressions in use1.enquired about 2.from a . pers

9、pective 3.on the rise accountable to 5.are worn out exempt from 7.approve of 8.being addicted toCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 3Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.exquisite 2.dispersed 3.decentralized 4.deduce 5.fixture 6.frugality 7.administrate 8.disjointed 9.R

10、eviving 10.elapseText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1punctualitypurityscarcitysenioritysensitivitysolemnityspecialtysuperiorityvalidityvisibilityreassurerestructureText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.seniority 2.purity 3.specialties 4.reassure 5. scarcity 6.punctuality

11、7.sensitivity 8.restructuring 9.superiority 10.validity 11.visibility 12.solemnityText A Language focus Banked cloze(1)frequently(2)immersed(3)disrupted(4)stress(5)sphere(6)challenges(7)quantifythe pleasure with money. It offers more than (8)financial(9)administrate(10)addictionText A Language focus

12、 Expressions in use1.held . in high regard 2.In the interim 3.was onto something turn 5.from time to time 6.pick on 7.take a stab at 8.boil down toText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingADCBB ACDText B Language focus Words in use1.stimulus2.magnitude3.velocity4.quota5.stipulated6.tease7.el

13、igible8.premium9.reminiscence10.decreeText B Language focus Expressions in embedded in 2.a trace of critical to 4.adjacent to 5.beat sb. down 6.remains committed to 7.conceive of 8. be eligible forCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 4Text A: Language focus: Words in u

14、se1.consolidate 2.differentiate 3.dreadful 4.incompatible 5.alleged 6.alleged 7.alleged 8.alleged 9.habitats 10.intelligibleText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1harmoniousdisastrousspacioushazardousvirtuousvictoriousdesirousadventurousevenlyroutinelyconsequentrespectivelyText A: Languag

15、e focus: Words building: Practice 21.victorious 2.hazardous 3.consequent 4.adventurous 5.disastrous 6.disastrous 7.spacious 8.respectively 9. virtuous10.routinely 11.harmonious 12.desirousText A Language focus Banked cloze(1)incompatible(2)preserve biodiversity.(3)available(4)proportion(5)utilized(6

16、)converted(7)dreadful(8)balance(9)sane(10)considerableText A Language focus Expressions in use1.took on 2.called upon 3.runs against the grain 4. be incompatible e through bound up 7.differentiate between 8.have struck a chord withText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingBCCDA ABCText B Lang

17、uage focus Words in use1.converge2impaired3contaminate4.vulgar5.dweller6.alienate7.prefer8.injected9.deplore10.invertedText B Language focus Expressions in obedient to 2.leaned against 3.subscribe to 4.preside over 5.shutting out 6.plunged into 7.plunged into 8.are disconnected fromCollocati

18、on: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 5Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.fabricate 2.nominal 3.temporal 4.reciprocal 5.denotes 6.consecutive 7.spectators 8.muttering posite positeText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1assertivedecisivedigestiveimaginativeconsultativequalitativ

19、eauthoritativeconservequantitativeunbuttonunsettleunveilText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.conserve 2.unbuttoning 3.authoritative 4.consultative 5.imaginative 6.quantitative 7.unveil 8.assertive 9.unsettled 10.decisive 11.digestive 12.qualitativeText A Language focus Banked cloze(1)

20、exterior(2)insights(3)complete(4)course(5)inconsistencies(6)offended(7)gestures(8)ornaments(9)sense(10)distinctiveText A Language focus Expressions in to the point 2.are attached to 3.would have starved to death 4.If anything 5.were suspicious of 6.wandered around 7.on the side 8.was repres

21、entative ofReading skills PracticeADBDCText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDACDA CDBText B Language focus Words in use1.refund2friction3.mute4.detained5.extractpiles7.convertibles8.mediated9.tactful10.cohesionText B Language focus Expressions in use1.lags behind 2.put in charge of 3.take a(n

22、) . approach to 4.singled out 5.headed for 6.incorporated into 7.divert to 8. has had an impact onCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 6Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.stalked 2.stalked 3.symmetrical 4.lubricated 5.twinkled 6.mediator 7.outposts 8.traversing 9.emancipate 10.d

23、eductiveText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1prevalentpersistentcorrespondentrespondentinclusiveindicativeinductiveinteractiveoperativeresponsive / respondentinitiatespeculativeText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.operative 2.indicative 3.prevalent 4.interactive 5.specula

24、tive 6.initiate 7.respondents 8.inclusive 9.persistent 10.inductive 11.responsive 12.correspondentText A Language focus Banked cloze(1)reason(2)levy(3)generating(4)lightweight(5)reduction(6)enhance(7)achieved(8)emancipate(9)relationships(10)approachesText A Language focus Expressions in use1.being e

25、xtracted from 2.emancipate . from 3.cater to 4.have a say on 5.made a racket 6.was destined to errands 8.has scraped byText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDBABC ACDText B Language focus Words in use1.transit2.colonized3.execution4.distill5.segregation6.illiterate7.artifacts8.displace9.

26、vigilant10.overthrowText B Language focus Expressions in use1.was ejected from 2.was ejected from 3.forbid . from 4.were coiled up with 5.ran for 6.against his will 7.a ghost of 8. took upCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 7Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.fringe 2.unify 3.e

27、xtinct 4.indefinite 5.slash 6.intricate 7.inaugurate 8.ventilate 9.collaboration 10.diffusedText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1competence / competitionadolescentdelegationcondemnationrestorationpreservationspecificationreconciliationresignationspeculationrevelationsituateText A: Langu

28、age focus: Words building: Practice 21.delegation 2.restoration 3.situate 4.specifications petence 6.adolescent 7.condemnation 8.reconciliation 9.preservation 10.resignation 11. speculation12.revelationText A Language focus Banked cloze(1)particulates(2)viable(3)disagree(4)cite(5)rotary(6)vary(7)lit

29、tle(8)minimize(9)locating(10)designedText A Language focus Expressions in use1.fill up 2.fill up 3.have factored in 4.pose a risk to 5.clear up derived from 7.hinge on uponText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDCABB CDAText B Language focus Words in use1.intrigued2.neutralize3coherent4.volatile5.disclose6.foretell7.dodge8.intermittent9.wholesale10.dualText B Language focus Expressions in use1.level off 2.keep . at bay 3.account for 4.point to 5.are starved of 6.on a collision course 7.on a collision cours

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