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广州牛津英语七年级第二学期 Unit 6 Water 教案设计.docx

1、广州牛津英语七年级第二学期 Unit 6 Water 教案设计7B教案设计 科目:七年级英语 授课教师: 课 题Unit 6. Water -Reading A课 时第1课时教学目标1. 通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,帮助学生理解课文。让学生了解什么是水,从而激发他们获取知识的激情。2. 让学生阅读一篇关于水的短文,了解水的循环过程。3. 学习由一系列动作或活动构成的流程的表述方法。教材分析重点指导学生进行有目的的阅读,以及对课文中有关知识进行有目的的猜测。难点学习由一系列动作或活动构成的流程的表述方法。教学方法以阅读理解为主。教具准备录音机,投影仪,小黑板等教学过程教学过程Step 1. P

2、re-reading1).Look at the two pictures in the page 82. Then do the exercise A1.2).Ask students to do a brainstoring. Ask them where we can find water.3)We can find water in the lake/ in the rivers/ in the see/ in the stream/ in the ponds/ in the airStep 2.While-reading1) Tell the students that they a

3、re going to read a dialogue between Daisy and a drop of water. Tell to stukedents not to read the passage. They should guess the answers and then confirm the correctness of their guess during their later readings of passage. The answer should be checked with students after they complete.2) Ask the s

4、tudents to read the whole dialogue carefully. Pay attention to the coloured words in the passage and guess their meanings. Tell the students that they can read the words around each coloured word to find our its meaning. Its not necessary to use a dictionary at first.3) Tell students to look at the

5、picture and reread the passage to complete the diagram A3 and Exercise A4. Students can find the answers from the passage. 4) Ask the students to complete the following sentences.a) At first, the drop of water was comfortably in a in Yunnan.b) Next the cloud it into a and it down the mountain into t

6、he Zhujian River.c) Then the river it to a . It there for a few says.d) After that, it got a cleaning in a water words. And people a few to it.e) Finally, it travelled in the under the streets.The aswer is a) floating, cloudb) dropped, stream, spedc) thorough, treatment, added, chemicalsd) pipesStep

7、 3.Post-readingAsk students to write a summary about water cycle.Step 4.Homework(Optional) Copy the new words.反思7B教案设计 科目: 七年级英语 授课教师:课 题Unit 6. Water -Reading B课 时第2课时教学目标1、让学生读一篇关于水资源和生活用水的数据的短文。2、学习使用诸如50 liters of、 a glass of 等量词来量化诸如water这样的不可数名词。教材分析重点学习使用量词来量化不可数名词。难点如何快速的理解有关文章的大概意思。教学方法阅读理解

8、为主。教具准备录音机,投影仪,小黑板等教学过程教学过程Step 1.RevisionAsk the students to read A2 and then answer the following question. Then check the answers orally.a) Why was the voice imptortant?b) Why did Daisy nod her head?c) Why did the water go to a treatment works?d) Why did the watersay,“I will go back into the sea

9、again.”e) Why did Daisys brother say, “sometimes youre really strange, Daisy.”Step 2.Pre-reading 1) Ask students to do Exercise B1 and check the answe orally. 2) Ask the students how to save water in our daily life.Step 3.While-reading 1) Ask the students to read the passage, try to match the words

10、and their meaning. I IIA drinkable 1) can be drunkB leaky 2) taste like satyC broken 3) damagedD litre 4) drippingE over 5) 1,000 millilitresF salty 6) more than 2) Ask the students to read the passage again. Then complete the sentences after passage. 3) Ask students to read the passage for the thir

11、d time and answer the following quwtions. a)How does ocean water taste? b)How much water will be wasted each time if you brush your teeth under a running tap? c)How long does a shower usually take? d) Why should you fix a dripping tap? e)Is there enough drinkable water on the Earth? f)Is water preci

12、ous or not? 4) Play the recording. Students listen and repeat aloud.Step 4.Post-reading 1) Ask the students what they can do to save sater? 2) Ask students to discuss with their classmates and draw a poster “Save water”.Step 5.Homework(Optional)1) Copy the new words.2) Write a composition about “How

13、 to save water” 反思7B教案设计 科目: 七年级英语 授课教师: 课 题Unit 6. Water-Listening A & B课 时第3课时教学目标1、 让学生听一枚硬币的自述为图片排序,学习通过关键动词和时间副词来识别有先后顺序的一系列动作。2、 让学生听一段关于海水试验的录音,提高判断信息正误的能力,了解简单科学试验的步骤。教材分析重点培养学生通过关键动词和时间副词来识别有先后顺序的一系列动作的能力。难点培养学生通过关键动词和时间副词来识别有先后顺序的一系列动作的能力。教学方法以听力理解为主。教具准备录音机,投影仪,小黑板等教学过程教学过程Step 1. Orderin

14、g the pictures1、 Explain the fantasy situation, and tell students that the coin is speaking directly to the girl. If necessary, play the first item, stop the recording, and help students find the right picture. Students must use clues and references in the text to select the pictures in the right or

15、der.2、 After you have finished and checked students work, you can use pictures as the basis for an oral task. Ask students to work in pairs and tell the story to each other, in English, in their own words.3、 Ask students to do Exercise A2. Answers: A1: a-4, b-7, c-1, d-5, e-8, f-2, g-6, h-3A2: 1 one

16、-yuan, lovely, other coins2 bank a few days3 gave customer his shop4 cake cake shop her change5 pure6 road happy7 food pocket money8 washed cleanStep 2.Ocean waterSuzy is reading a passage to her friend about ocean water. Listen to her and write T or F, or DK if the information is not in the passage

17、. Answers:1- F 2- F 3-F 4-T 5-DKStep 3.Language points:1. 把.加到She added sugar to her tea.2. break up 分散The meeting broke up at eleven oclock.3. be made of 由.组成 The group is made up of seven members.2. Homework(Optional) Do the related exercises of Book B.反思7B教案设计 科目: 七年级英语 授课教师: 课 题Unit6. Wat

18、er -Language课 时第4课时教学目标让学生学习如何询问数量,了解经常用来表示可数和不可数名词数量的词汇、短语(包括精确的数量liter, gram和大概的数量a lot of , too much)。教材分析重点可数和不可数名词数量词汇、短语及其区别。难点可数和不可数名词数量词汇、短语及其区别。教学方法启发学生,归纳语言知识。多种技能结合训练,以练习为主。教具准备录音机,投影仪,小黑板等教学过程教学过程Step 1.Leading-in1) Tell students that we use a lot of, a little, much, no, a few and many t

19、o talk about amounts.Step 2.Explaining the language1) Explain to students that a substance can be uncountable (e.g., slices of bread, cups of tea, pieces of chalk ). Ideas and feelings can be either countable or uncountable (e.g., She has much love in her heart means she is a loveing person, but she

20、 has many loves means she loves many things / people. ).2) Tell students that a lot and no can be used with both countable and uncountalbe nouns. When the noun is uncountable, there is is uses with no (e.g., There is no water.). However, when the noun is countable, there are is used with no and the

21、noun must be changed into its plural form (e.g., there are no swimmers.).Step 3.Exercise1) Ask students to do Exercise AAnswers: 1 There is no water in the pool. 2 There is a lot of water/ much water in the pool. 3 There are a lot of/ many swimmers in the pool. 4 There are a few/ not many swimmers i

22、n the pool.2) Explain to students that we use the word too when we are not satisfied with the quantity of something. Then ask students to so Exercise B1 and B2.Answers:B1: 2 She has enough 3 She has too many 4 She has too few 5 She has too much 6 She has too much 7 She has too little 8 She has enoug

23、hB2 : Step 4.Language points: 1) Countable: a few, few, many, a number of 2) Uncountable: a little, little much, an amout of 3) Countable or uncountable: some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, no 4) How many for countable nouns, and How much for uncountable nounsStep 5.Homework(Optional) Do the ex

24、ercises in Book B.反思 7B教案设计科目: 七年级英语 授课教师: 课 题Unit 6. Water -Speaking课 时第5课时教学目标1、让学生学习含有辅音/ l /和/ r /的辅音群的发音方法。2、让学生进行角色扮演,根据提供的句型和关键词阐述各个行业对水的需求,尝试对有限的水资源进行统筹分配。教材分析重点掌握辅音辅音/ l /和/ r /的发音方法。难点掌握辅音/ l /和/ r /的辅音群的发音方法。教学方法引导学生进行口头描述,穿插结合写的练习,突出说为主。教具准备录音机,投影仪,小黑板等教学过程教学过程Step 1. A Tall time/bl/ /kl

25、/ /gl/ /fl/ /br/ /kr/ /gr/ /fr/1 Exaggerate your mouth movement and ask students to look at your mouth when you read the words with these phonetic symbols. Then have students read them aloud with the recording.2 Read the sentences in Exercise A1 and ask the class torepeat them chorally. Then call on

26、 a few students to read them individually to the class.3 Have students listen to the dialogue in Exercise A2 and circle the sounds that they have learnt above. Choose a few students to read the dialogue.Step 2. Speak up1 Start by askng students to think of the various uses of water in these four pla

27、ces, and write some of the uses on the board. Home; drinking, washing, clothes, cooking food, bathing, washing hands and faces, cleaning dishes and the floor, watering plants, toilets Restaurant: cooking, cleaning dishes/kitchen/floor, sercing to customers, toilet Hospital: cleaning equipment/floors

28、/bedding, cooking food for the patients, bathing patients, toilet Factories: manufacturing and industry (e.g., dyeing industry ), cleaning machinery and floors, toilets2 Now arrange students into groups of five, and tell them whichset of people they must represent. Do Exercise B2.3 Continue with Exe

29、rcise B3. S1, after listening to the explanations from the other four in the group, must decide how many minutes or hours of water each type of people can have. (This can still be done within the froups, and other group members can give their comments on S1s decision.) There is no right answer, and

30、the froups will vary in their decisions.4 Finally, if time permits, fo Exercise B4. Ask some of the students who were in the role of S1 to report their decisions to the whole class, and compare the results of different froups. Step 3.Homework(Optional) Do the related exercises of Book B.反思7B教案设计 科目: 七年级英语 授课教师: 课 题Unit6. Water - Writing 课 时第6课时教学目标让学生填写流程图反映水的循环和人生某一阶段的重大事件。提醒学生流程图中一般不需要使用完整的句子,但选择合适动词很重要。教材分析重点拓展学生的知识面与文化视野;引导学生小结归纳本单元所

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