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7A Unit12全部短语.docx

1、7A Unit12全部短语Unit 1教材P61.和某人交朋友 make friends/a friend with sbP72.会见新朋友 meet new friendsP83.欢迎到 welcome to4.在北京阳光中学 at Beijing Sunshine Secondary5.在阅读俱乐部 in the reading club6.出生,出世 be born7.长着长长的黑头发 have long black hair8.擅长于做某事 be good at doing sth9.戴眼镜 wear glassesP910.听音乐 listen to musicP1111.在羽毛球场

2、 on the badminton court12.在足球场 on the football field13.在游泳池 in the swimming poolP1414.吃早饭 have breakfast15.和某人交谈 talk to sb16.在午餐时间 at lunchtime17.遛狗 walk the dog take the dog for a walkP1518.走回家 walk homego home on foot19.乘公交车 take the busby bus20.艾米放学后走回家吗? Does Amy walk home after school?Does Amy

3、 go home on foot after school?21.她乘公交车吗? Does she take the bus?Is she by bus? 22. 跑步半小时 go running for half an hour23.放风筝 fly a kite24.吃晚餐 have dinner25.在我外祖父母家 at my grandparents home26.在一家餐馆 in a restaurant27.在一家餐馆吃 eat in a restaurant28.擅长于足球 be good at football29.我通常跑步半小时。 I usually go running f

4、or half an hour.P1630.体育新闻 news sports31.读关于足球的书 read books about (on) football32.为效力 play for33.最新的成员 the newest member34.在下一届世界杯 in the next World Cup35.他想在下一届世界杯踢球。 He wants to play in the next World Cup.P1736.谈论关于最喜欢的足球运动员 talk about favourite football players37.踢得很好 play very well38.又赢了 win aga

5、in39.为得分 score for40.为我们学校足球队得分 score for our school football teamP1841.某事的答案 the answer to somethingP1942.长着深褐色的眼睛 have dark brown hair43.听光盘 listen to CDs44.在周末 at weekends at the weekend45.在学校 at school46.许多朋友 lots of friends47.我现在和我的家人居住在北京。I live in Beijing with my family. I live with my family

6、 in Beijing. 48.我的所有课 all my lessons49.不是很擅长于运动 be not very good at sport50.我既礼貌又乐于助人 Im polite and helpful.51.都喜欢我 all like meP2152.很了解 know well53.听起来棒极了 sound great学习与探究P11. 一只电子狗 an e-dog2. 这只猫的主人 the master of the cat3. 读这本书 read the book4. 如何照顾你的电子狗 how to look after your e-dog5. 晚安 good night

7、6. 下午好 good afternoon7. 他跟你说什么了? What does he say to you?8. 这是新学期的第一天。 This is the first day of the new term.P29. 在阅读俱乐部 in the Reading Club10. 喜爱跳舞 enjoy dancing11. 三个高而苗条的女孩 three tall and slim girls12. 棕色的长头发 long brown hair13. 努力工作 work hard14. 礼貌而又乐于助人的 be polite and helpful15. 听音乐 listen to mu

8、sic16. 擅长游泳 be good at swimming17. 喜爱玩电脑游戏 enjoy playing computer games18. 戴眼镜 wear glassesP619. 我有一个表姐。 I have a cousin.她有又长又黑的头发。 She has long black hair.20. 他们的英语老师又高又苗条。 Their English teacher is tall and slim.她很爱游泳。 She loves swimming.21. 基蒂擅长于跳舞而且学习很努力。Kitty is good at dancing and she works har

9、d.22. 我的同学丹尼尔戴着眼镜。 My classmate Daniel wears glasses. 他很有礼貌并且乐于助人。 He is polite and helpful.他还喜欢打电脑游戏。 He likes playing computer games , too.23. 米莉今年12岁。 Millie is 12 years old.她喜欢读书。 She loves reading. 参加了读书兴趣小组。 She is in the Reading Club.24. 我出生在上海, I was born in Shanghai but I 但是现在我和家人一起住在北京。liv

10、e in Beijing with my family now.P1225. 我在午餐时间和我的同学们谈话。I talk to my classmates at lunchtime.26. 他每天遛狗。 He takes his dog for a walk every day. He walks his dog every day.27. 是米莉上体育课的时间了。 Its time for Millies PE lessons. Its time for Millie to have a PE lesson.28. 他们在羽毛球场打羽毛球。 They play badminton on th

11、e badminton court.29. 艾米放学后步行回家吗? Does Amy walk home after school?30. 在周末,我通常去跑步半小时。 At the weekend , I often go running for half an hour.31. 有时候我母亲和我一 Sometimes my mother flies the kite 起在公园里放风筝。 with me in the park.32. 晚上我们经常在我祖父母家 In the evening , we often have dinner at my 吃饭。 grandparents home.

12、P1733. 一则体育新闻 a piece of sports news 34. 向她借橡皮 borrow a rubber from her35. 用英语说这个单词 say this word in English 36. 擅长于进球得分 be good at scoring goals37. 努力学习我的数学 work hard at my Maths38. 读书俱乐部的成员 a member of the Reading Club 39. 帮我复习功课 help me with my lessons 40. 开始上课 begin to have a class41. 听起来棒极了 sou

13、nd great42. 观看一场足球赛 watch a football match43. 赢了比赛 win the match44. 下一届世界杯 the next World Cup 45. 在比赛中表现得好 play well in the match46. 为我们校足球队效力 play for our school football teamP1847. Miss Zhang这学期教我们数学。 Miss Zhang teaches us maths this term.48. 星期天他常和家人一起看 He often reads newspapers or watches报纸或看电视。

14、 TV with his family on Sundays.49. 我们班的每个人都有两条 Everyone in our class has two new新的黑色围巾。 black scarves. 50.我们可以在哪里买像这样的运动鞋?Where can we buy trainers like these?在我家附近的鞋店。 In the shoe shop near my home. 51.我喜欢和爸爸在图书馆里学习。 I like studing with my father in the library.Unit 2P221.醒一醒 wake up2.看看时间 look at

15、the time 3.打算做某事 be going to do sth4.不知道怎么做某事 dont know how to do sth5.有一段美好的时光 have a good time/have fun6.在早餐后 after breakfast7.想去睡觉 want to go to sleep8.告诉某人某事 tell sb about sthP239.在校的一天 a day at school10.做早操 do morning exercises11.做眼保健操 do eye exercises12.开着课外活动 do after-school activitiesP2413.我

16、喜欢我的教室是因为它宽敞而洁净 I like my school because its big and clean.14.许多好学生 lots of nice people15.我最好的朋友 my best friend16.互相聊天 chat with each other17.对某人好 be nice to sb18.我所有的朋友 all my friends19.真的好 really great20.我一天大约花2个小时做家庭作业 I spend about two hours a day doing my homework 21.成员 a member of sthP2522.关于学

17、校的所有事 all about school23.展示给某人某事 show sb sth24.用时间做某事 use time to do sth25.相同种类的 the same kindP2626.一周两次 twice a weekP2727.做模型飞机 make model planes28.写信 write letters29.在电视上看足球赛 watch football matches on TV30.我妈妈说我们不能看太多电视 My mum says we shouldnt watch too TV.31.听她的 listen to her32.她总是对的 She always r

18、ight.P2833.一直,总是 all the time P2934.在排球场 on the volleyball court35.遇见 meet up with36.在星期一和星期三 on Mondays and Wednesdays/every Monday and Wednesday37.校足球对的成员 a member of the school football team38.北京阳光中学的学生 the students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School 39.知道许多关于某事的 know a lot about sth40.去上她的舞蹈课

19、go to her dancing lesson41.忙 be busy42.没有时间做某事 do not have much time to do sth43.和他的朋友讨论 talk with his friendsP3044.在电话里 on the phone45.他教我们英语 He teach us English46.与某人打招呼 say hello to sb47.听得清 hear sb wellP3348.你认为某事怎么样? What do you think of sth?49,哦,很好! Oh, its good!50.你们什么时候开始上学? When does your s

20、chool day start?51.你们在学校做早操吗 Do you do morning exercises?52.我不是很擅长英语。 Im not very good at English.53.需要做某事 need to do sth54.多做练习 practice sth moreP3155.去学校组织的旅行 go on a school trip56.给米莉的笔记 note to Millie57.海报 posters58.收集一些信息 get some information59.从到 from to 60.下个星期一 next Monday61.每个学生 each studen

21、t62.中国太空博物馆 China Space Monday63.除了星期一的每一天 every day except MondayP3264.感谢你做某事 thank you for doing sth65.想要做某事 would like to do sth66.相对于每个学生的价格 the price for each student67.动物园开门 the zoo is open68.期待 look forward toP3569,原因 reason70.帮助某人做某事 help sb do sth71.它们是为我们好 Theyre good for us.72.为我们一天坐好准备 h

22、elp us get ready for the day73.对我来说很难。 Its hard for me.74.了解很多关于某事 learn more about sth75.我喜欢各种各样的色彩 I like colours.76.幸福 happiness77.它太难了并且我们有很多! Its too difficult and we have too much!P3778.在某方面有麻烦 have trouble with sth79.告诉某人某事 tell sb sth/tell sth with sb80.第二题的答案 the answer to number two81.让某人做

23、某事 Let sb do sth.82.他每个星期二去电脑兴趣小组 He goes to the Computer Club every Tuesday. Unit 2 学习与探究P271.做眼保健操 do eye exercises2.有很多练习要做 have a lot of exercises to do3.戴眼镜的男孩 the boy with glasses4.进行课外活动 do after-school activities5.在公园里锻炼 take exercise in the park6.发邮件给我 e-mail me7.请不要喊醒他,让他睡吧! Please dont wa

24、ke him up. Let him sleep.8.这个老人很早上床,但很晚才睡。 The old man goes to bed early, but he goes to sleep late. 9.有些狗就是不知道如何享受。 Some dogs just dont know how to have fun.P3210.你经常在课后和朋友一起练习打排球吗? Do you often practice playing volleyball with your friends after school?11.他每天花3个小时上舞蹈课。 He spends three hours having

25、 dancing lessons every day.12.米莉多久写一次信给她的表妹? How often does Millie write to her cousin?13一周一次。 Once a week.14.我的表弟有许多时间做课外活动。 My cousin has much time to do after-school activities.15.我喜欢我的学校因为它干净又美丽。 I like my school because its clean and beautiful.16.你的新同学都对你好吗? Are all your new friends nice to you

26、?P3617.校足球队的成员 a member of the school football team18.一直 all the time 19.带着他的狗散步 walk his dog/take his dog for a walk20.看漫画说 read the comic books21.约见 meet up with22.对电脑了解更多 know more about computers23.没有时间和朋友聊天 have no time to chat with friends24去上电脑课 go to have computer lessons25.教他们英语 teach them

27、English26.向他们问好 say hello to them 27.听收音机 listen to the radio28.只做模型飞机 make model planes29.在电视上看足球赛 watch football matches on TV30.在排球场上 on the volleyball courtP4031.我们盼望春节的来临。 We are looking forward to the Spring Festival.32.每张成人票是10美元。 The ticket for each adult is 10 dollars. 33.这家商店周一到周六营业,周日关门。

28、The shop is open from Monday to Saturday, but on Sunday its closed.P4734.今年我们去哪里秋游? Where shall we go on a trip this autumn?35.这页上有5条信息。 There are five pieces of information on this page.36.谢谢你组织这次班级旅行。 Thank you for organizing this class trip .37.也许你需要多加练习。 Maybe you need to practice it more.38.你认为你们的英语老师怎么样? What do you think of your English teacher?

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