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1、接待外宾常用英语140句接待外宾常用英语1、Good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。2、Glad to meet you, too. 也很高兴见到你。3、 Hi, Im zhao hai. Welcome to my hometown!嗨,我是赵海,欢送来到我的家乡。4、Thank you. Im David.谢谢你,我是大卫。5、How many times have you been to Urumchi? 你来乌鲁木齐多少次啦?6、Actually its my first time here.实际上这是我第一次来这里。7、Id like to have you for din

2、ner. 我想邀您一起进餐。8、Thanks, it would be my pleasure. 谢谢,这是我的荣幸。9、What do you feel like drinking? 你想喝点什么?10、Tea is fine with me. 喝茶好了。11、Do you like spicy food? 你喜欢吃辛辣的食物吗?12、The spicier the better. 越辣越好。13、Would you mind if I order for us? 我来点菜介意吗?14、Sure thing, we have the same taste. 当然不,我们口味相同。15、How

3、 about some barbecue? 来点烤肉好吗?16、No. Thank you. Im stuffed. 不,谢谢,我吃饱了。17、Its wonderful to have friends visiting from afar. Cheers! 有朋自远方来不亦乐乎。 干杯!18、Cheers! 干杯!19、Dont worry about him. Its just the alcohol talking. 别理他。他在说酒话。20、It doesnt matter, I know hes drunk. 没关系,我知道他醉了。21、You use chopsticks so w

4、ell. Where did you learn?你用筷子用的真好,在哪儿学的。22、Just now, from watching you. Its not a big deal.就现在,看着你用学的。不是什么大事。23、Sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉让你久等。24、No problem. 没关系。25、Sorry, I didnt hear what you said. 对不起,我没听见你说什么。26、I said: Do you want me to help you? 我说:你需要我帮你吗?27、Thank you very much. 非常感谢。28、Y

5、oure welcome. Its my pleasure. 不用客气,这是我的荣幸。29、Do you want to join me for a game of tennis? 你想和我玩一场网球吗?30、Only if you let me win. 只要你让我赢的话。31、What a beautiful place! 这地方真美!32、I feel the same way. 我有同感。33、The winters in Xinjiang are good and cold. 新疆冬天好冷。34、 You can say that again! 你说得没错!35、Have you b

6、een to the International Bazaar? 你去过国际大巴扎了吗?36、Yes! The buildings are so beautiful! 去过!建筑物特漂亮!37、Have you been to other parts of Xinjiang? 你去过新疆的其它地方吗?38、I have been toTulufan. HannasLake and Shihezi.我去过吐鲁番、哈纳斯湖和石河子。39、How was your trip to Hannas Lake ? 你去哈纳斯的旅行怎么样?40、It was wonderful. Pretty good.

7、非常好。挺好。41、Whats your dream job? 你梦想的工作是什么?42、Ive always considered owning my own company.我一直在考虑拥有我自己的公司。43、Dont you think that more companies should invest in Xinjiang? 你不认为应该有更多的公司来新疆投资吗?44、Indubitably. 毫无疑问。45、Hows your business? 生意怎样?46、Business is booming. 生意可火了。47、Nice talking to you. 很高兴和你谈话。4

8、8、Same here. 我也一样。49、I really should be going. 我真的要走了。50、OK. Later. 好吧,回见。51、Before you go, lets take a picture together. 在你走之前, 一起合张影吧。52、Sure no problem. 当然没问题。53、I hope to see you again. 我希望再次见到你。54、Me too. 我也是。55、Bon voyage. 一路顺风。56、Is this your first travel to China?你是第一次来中国吗? 57、how do you fee

9、ling about China?你对中国的感觉怎么样? 58、what do you interest in China?你对中国的什么感兴趣? 59、Weve been expecting you. 我们一直在恭侯您。60、We are glad you could come. 很高兴您能来。61、Welcome to China / Nanjing / our bank欢送您到中国南京我行来。62、Is this your first trip to Nanjing? / Is this the first time that you come to Nanjing? 这是您第一次来南京

10、吗?63、I hope you will enjoy your stay here / have a good time here.希望您过得愉快!64、We have some reports to show you for background information. 我们还有一些报告向你介绍背景资料。65、Im not familiar with that part. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable. 那部分我不熟悉,让我找专业人士来说明。66、Is there anything I can explain fully? 有什

11、么事情要我详细说明的吗?67、Thank you very much for giving us your valuable time. 我们占用了你珍贵的时间,非常感谢。68、We have a small gift for you to take with you when you leave the factory. 你离开工厂时,我们有件小礼物要送给你。69、 Youre going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。 70、We really wish youll have a pleasant stay here.我们

12、真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快。问好1. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.3. Its a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you.5. We really wish youll have a pleasant stay here.6. I hope youll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your firs

13、t visit to China?7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?机场接客1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation?2. How do I address you?3. My name is Erik . Im from TS VALVE. Im here to meet you.4. We have a car over there to take you to your hotel. Did you have a nice trip

14、?5. Mr. Zhan Zheng asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.6. Do you need to get back your baggage?7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel?相互介绍1. Let me introduce myself. My name is Erik, an Intl salesman in the Marketing Department.2. Hello, I am Erik, an Intl

15、salesman of TS VALVE. It is a pleasure to meet you.4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Zhan Zheng, general manager of our company.6. If Im not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France.7. Do you remember me? Erik from Marketing Department of TS VALVE. 8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet?

16、9. It is my pleasure to talk with you.10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card?11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card?12. I am sorry. I cant recall your name. / Could you tell me how to pronounce your name again?13. I am sorry. I have forgott

17、en how to pronounce your name.小聊Small talk1. Is this your first time to China?2. Do you travel to China on business often?3. What kind of Chinese food do you like?4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China?5. What is surprising to you about China?6. The weather is really nice.7. Wh

18、at do you like to do in your spare time?8. What line of business are you in? 9. What do you think about? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view?10. No wonder youre so experienced.11. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed talking with you.12. Good. Thats just what we want to hear.确认

19、话意1. Could you say that again, please? 2. Could you repeat that, please?3. Could you write that down? 4. Could you speak a little more slowly, please?5. You meanis that right? 7. Excuse me for interrupting you.社交招待1. Would you like a glass of water? / can I get you a cup of Chinese red tea? / How ab

20、out a Coke?2. Alright, let me make some. Ill be right back.3. A cup of coffee would be great. Thanks.4. There are many places where we can eat. How about Cantonese food?5. I would like to invite you for lunch today.6. Oh, I cant let you pay. It is my treat, you are my guest.7. May I propose that we

21、break for coffee now?8. Excuse me. Ill be right back 9. Excuse me a moment.告别1. Wish you a very pleasant journey home. Have a good journey!2. Thank you very much for everything you have done for us during your stay in China.3. It is a pity you are leaving so soon.4. Im looking forward to seeing you

22、again.5. Ill see you to the airport tomorrow morning.6. Dont forget to look me up if you are ever in Taizhou. Have a nice journey!约见面1. May I make an appointment? Id like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new order. 2. Lets fix the time and the place of our meeting. 3. Can we make it a little late

23、r? 4. Do you think you could make it Monday afternoon? That would suit me better. 5. Would you please tell me when you are free? 6. Im afraid I have to cancel my appointment. 7. It looks as if I wont be able to keep the appointment we made. 8. Will you change our appointment tomorrow at 10:00 to the

24、 day after tomorrow at the same time? 9. Anytime except Monday would be all right. 10. OK, I will be here, then. 11. Well leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.询问访客身份:May I have your name, please? 请问您贵姓?What company are you from?您是哪个公司的? Could you tell me what company you ar

25、e representing? 能告诉我您代表什么公司吗?如果碰到了老朋友可以说:What brings you here? 是什么风把你吹来了? 询问是否预约,来访目的?Do you have an appointment? 约好了吗? Would you give me your business card?请给我您的名片好吗? And can I ask what you wish to see him about?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗? 让客人稍候片刻:Ill see if he is available.请让我看看上司是否方便。 Would you please have a

26、seat and wait for a few moments. 请您坐下稍等片刻。给客人倒茶,礼貌待客: Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee? 你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖) 带客人去见经理: Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes. 请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。 Mr. Chen is expecting you. Ill tell him that youre here.陈先生

27、正在等你。我去告诉他你已到。Would you come this way, please? 请随我这边来。婉言拒绝客人来访: Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your business is urgent. 陈先生正忙着,请问您的事情很紧急吗?He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card? 他想以后再和你联系。请留下你的名片好吗?一定要为自己争取时机:Ill take just a few minutes

28、 of his time. 我只要占用他几分钟的时间。Id prefer to explain that to him directly.我想我最好直接对他本人讲。 在上一次,你已经学会为你接待的客人安排好食宿。下来就该邀请他参加公司的活动了: 安排各种活动: The tea party begins at 7 oclock. 茶话会在7点开始。 Hows the party, Mr. Taylor? 晚会如何,TAYLOR先生? The ceremony will commence as soon as the minister arrives. 庆祝会等部长一来就开始。 Our Gener

29、al Manager cant be here today, so Im speaking on his behalf. 我们的总经理今天不能到会,因此由我代表他讲话。 We are going to show you the town while youre here. 你在此逗留期间我们将陪你在城里游览一番。 Do you have any place in mind you wanted to go in our town? 本城有什么地方你想去看看? What would you like to do this morning? There is nothing scheduled b

30、efore lunch. 上午你想干什么?中饭前日程表上没有活动安排。Is there anything planned for tonight? 今晚有什么安排? Have you anything in mind youd like to do? 你是不是已有打算。Well visit a school in the afternoon as you proposed.按你的提议,下午我们去参观一所学校。 I think itd be better for me to take you there so that you wont get lost. 我想最好还是我领你去,以免你迷路。在各

31、项活动结束后与客人送别,首先告诉他启程的车票已经安排好了: We had reserved you two First class seats on the plane leaving Shanghai for Hong Kong at 10:00 a.m. on Monday March 20. 我们已为你订了二张月日星期一上午点由上海飞往香港的一等舱机欢送下次再来:If you would be kind enough to let me know in advance the date and approximate time of any intended visit,I will make arrangements to be on hand to receive you. 假设蒙提前惠告计划来访日期及大致时间,我将亲自出面接待你。对我们的接待工作您满意吗?If you have any complaints to make about our service, we will be quick to make adju

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