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1、施心远听力教程2第三单元文本和答案Unit 3Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent 1. A: Do you want some grapes? B: No, thanks, I dont like them. 2. A: What do you think of Scotland? B: Ive never been there. 3. A: My sons called David. B: How old is she? 4. A: Can I book a table

2、 for tonight, please? B: Certainly. How many is it for? A: Therell be three of them. 5. A: Can you get some cornflakes? B: Do you want a large or small packet? A: A small one. 1. A: a. want b. grapes B: a. like b. them2. A: a think b. Scotland B: a. been b. there3. A: a. call b. David B: a. old b. h

3、e4. A: a. book b. tonight B: a. certainly b. many A: a. three b. them5. A: a. get b. cornflakes B: a. large or small b. packet A: a. small b. onePart 2 Listening and Note-taking A TerritoryWhen we talk about a territory, we mean a defended space. Animals have their territories, which they mark out w

4、ith their personal scent. The scent is their territorial signal. Human beings have other territorial signals. There are three kinds of human territory, marked by different territorial signals. First, there are the Tribal Territories, which in modem terms are known as countries. Countries have a numb

5、er of territorial signals. The borders are often guarded by soldiers and they usually have customs barriers, flags, and signs. Other signals of the tribal territory are uniforms and national anthems. These signals are important, because they warn the visitor that he is entering a foreign country and

6、, while he is there, he must behave like a visitor.Second, there is the Family Territory, at the center of which is the bedroom. This is usually as far away as possible from the front door. Between the bedroom and the front door are the spaces where visitors are allowed to enter. People behave diffe

7、rently when theyre in someone elses house. As soon as they come up the driveway or walk through the front door - the first signals of family territory - they are in an area which does not belong to them. They do not feel at home, because it is full of other peoples belongings - from the flowers in t

8、he garden to the chairs, tables, carpets, ornaments, and other things in the house. In the same way, when a family goes to the beach or to the park for a picnic, they mark out a small territory with towels, baskets, and other belongings; other families respect this, and try not to sit down right bes

9、ide them. Finally, there is the Personal Territory. In public places, people automatically mark out an area of personal space. If a man enters a waiting room and sits at one end of a row of chairs, it is possible to predict where the next man will sit. It wont be next to him or at the other end of t

10、he room, but halfway between. In a crowded space like a train, we cant have much personal territory, so we stand looking straight in front of us with blank faces. We dont look at or talk to anyone around us.Exercise A: Listen to the passage and write down the missing words.1. When we talk about a te

11、rritory, we mean a defended space.2. These signals are important, because they warn the visitor that he is entering a foreign country.3. People behave differently when theyre in someone elses house.4. In public places, people automatically mark out an area of personal space.5. It wont be next to him

12、 or at the other end of the room, but halfway between.Exercise B:A TerritoryI. Territory, a defended space A. Territory is marked by territorial signals. a. Animals mark out their territories with their personal scent, their territorial signals.b. Human beings have three kinds of human territory, ma

13、rked by different territorial signals. II. Three kinds of human territory A. Tribal Territories or countries a. Countries have a number of territorial signals. 1.The borders, guarded by soldiers, with customs barriers, flags, and signs2. Uniforms and national anthems.B. Family Territorya. Family Ter

14、ritory1. The front door.2. The driveway.b. When a family goes to the beach or to the park for a picnic, they mark out a small territory with towels, baskets, and other belongingsC. Personal Territory a. In public places people automatically mark out an area personal space. b. In a crowded space, we

15、stand looking straight in front of us with blank faces.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 Credit CardI recently touring around America found there was a chap I was with . He . we were booked in by an American organization into a hotel, paid for by them, but they would not

16、let him go through the lobby to his room unless they had a credit card number to prove that he was a human being that was trustworthy. (Right, right.) In other words weve got to the stage now with credit cards, however friendly you look, however wealthy you look, or however nice you look . (Thats ri

17、ght, it doesnt matter, they just want to see that number.) Excuse me, where is your credit card?Because you know you cant rent a major automobile in the States, you know, you cant rent without, without using a credit card, you cant, you know like you were saying, go into a hotel .I think that whats

18、underneath that is the society in which youre only good if you have numbers attached to you, (Mm.) that are computerized, (Yeah.) and can trace you, and everybodys insured against everybody else (Yeah.) and . that side of credit I find rather upsetting. Its kind of ugly, isnt it? Like a lot of peopl

19、e, its a great facility, if youre disciplined with it.Key: 1. D 2. D 3. CDialogue 2 Card Insurances Ill tell you about one awful experience that happened to me, erm, I took out, erm . one of these card insurances that cover all your cards (Mm.) should your cards be stolen and I had my handbag snatch

20、ed* in a store and immediately got the store security, who were very quick, got me into their office and we phoned all of the credit cards that I had on me, within ten minutes. Which is what they tell you to do?Yeah. When, I suppose by the time wed got to all of them it about half an after the bag h

21、ad been snatched. Got up to the top floor of the office, started ringing round, and the whole thing was done within half an hour. Erm, when the bag was snatched it went through apparently a chain of people, out of the store, and it went two miles away and they managed to . three different people had

22、 spent over 2,000 on four of my cards .But youre only liable* for the first 50.I wasnt liable for any of it. Because thank goodness I had this insurance.None of it. Yeah.But .Touch wood* quick. That was . .Theyd spent it within twenty minutes of stealing.Thats incredible, isnt it?And the thing that

23、absolutely horrified me was I was close to limits on two of the cards, the ones that I do clear every month (Mm mm.) I was close to the limit Im allowed on those, and they, both of those cards they went into banks, said they were me, and got (No!) well over what the top limit would have been.Really!

24、 Well it just goes to show, you could walk into a bank and get more than you could possibly ever pay off*!I couldnt probably, because I go in, and they say, “No, youve spent it all already!”Right, right.Key: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8.TPart 2 Passage Credit CardsThe system of bank credit c

25、ards operates in much the same way as a store credit account except that the holder is not restricted to making purchases in one place. Cards can be presented at any place where the bank card sign is displayed, and that could be at a shop, a service station, a hotel, a restaurant or in fact at all k

26、inds of businesses. The sales assistant imprints the card details onto a sales voucher* which the customer signs, and the card is then returned to the customer. Each month the bank sends the holder a credit card statement setting out where purchases were made and totalling what is owing. A payment h

27、as to be made within 25 days of the date of the statement, but not necessarily the full amount. If the customer pays in full within this time the use of the card does not cost anything. But if he decides to pay only the minimum repayment shown on the statement -5 or 5% of the outstanding* balance*,

28、which- ever is the greater - he automatically chooses to use the systems extended repayment facility. The remaining balance is then carried forward and attracts interest at the rate of 2.25% per month. Bank credit cards are more versatile than store credit accounts in that they also enable people to

29、 obtain cash. Any bank displaying the bank card sign will arrange a cash advance* for a card holder, whether or not be is one of their own customers. For money drawn in this way the bank makes a charge at the rate of 2.25% a month calculated daily from the day the advance is obtained. Details of cas

30、h advances appear on the monthly bank card statement. The bank credit card system operates entirely separately from cheque accounts but nevertheless it is a customers previous relationship with his bank that is used as a guide to the amount of credit he will be extended. When a card is issued a pers

31、onal credit limit is imposed indicating the maximum that can be owing at any one time. This is confidential* between customer and bank and does not appear on the card.Exercise A: The system of bank credit cards operates in much the same way as a store credit account except that the holder is not res

32、tricted to making purchases in one place. Bank credit cards can be presented at any place where the bank card sign is displayed and in fact at all kinds of businesses. Bank credit cards also enable people to obtain cash.Exercise B:1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. BExercise C:1. Where can bank credit cards be presented?Bank credit cards can be presented at any place where the bank card sig

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