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届高三《新题速递英语》第01期 考点03完形填空.docx

1、届高三新题速递英语第01期 考点03完形填空考点03完形填空2020届高三新题速递英语(1)(安徽省江淮十校2020届高三第二次联考)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It is 5 am and its too dark to see the fields of volcanic rock and trees on either side of the highway. But over the lights of my ear, I get a taste of the 41 Im really here for, as a few

2、 stars Pierce (渗透) the inky 42 sky. Today our relationship to the universe is largely connected byes 43 , such as telescopes and NASA assignments. But for thousands of years, humans could 44 look up on a clear night to be 45 at the bright spots that stretched (延伸) directly over them.But over time, w

3、eve 46 ourselves from our sky, building a covering of artificial light between ourselves and the dark depth of space. Our 47 , neon signs (霓虹灯), and other electric lights are increasingly flooding the night sky and 48 the stars. 49 , about one third of the worlds population cannot see the Milky Way

4、from where they live. And some cant even recognize it. The sense of wonder for the night sky 50 , and that means something vital to humanity is lost as well. Thats why Ive dragged myself out of bed hours before 51 . Like 99 percent of Americans, I live with 52 pollution and Ive never seen a truly ni

5、ght sky. So Im here to 53 my first glance.As I 54 out of the ear, I 55 raise my face up towards the sky, worrying whether I can make it. There it is, 56 across the sky as far as I can see. The Milky Way is so vivid that my eyes dont even have to 57 the dark to see it. I expect to feel the 58 of the

6、sky, perhaps as though Im falling into a bottomless hole. Instead, the blanket of stars above me is so thick that it is hard to 59 . In black and white, the whole scene feels surreal. As I get back in the ear, I pass a 60 that says “Never Stop Looking Up.”41. A. view B. issue C. event D. cause42. A.

7、 clear B. black C. blue D. dirty43. A. emotion B. survey C. imagination D. technology44. A. completely B. hardly C. simply D. rarely45. A. depressed B. frightened C. confused D. amazed46. A. excused B. distanced C. freed D. defended47. A. shops B. decorations C. streetlights D. buildings48. A. cover

8、ing B. beating C. unlocking D. reflecting49. A. Moreover B. Instead C. Therefore D. Meanwhile50. A. increases B. disappears C. struggles D. pours51. A. sunrise B. dark C. sunset D. dusk52. A. noise B. air C. waste D. light53. A. turn out B. search for C. apply for D. figure out54. A. step B. look C.

9、 wonder D. think55. A. formally B. confidently C. nervously D. casually56. A. putting B. walking C. cutting D. stretching57. A. adjust to B. turn to C. depend on D. throw away58. A. length B. width C. depth D. strength59. A. test B. weigh C. catch D. measure60. A. note B. sign C. letter D. signal曾经,

10、繁星成就了夜空,但随着城市发展和科技进步,夜空更亮了,繁星都不见了本文作者就是在这样的背景下,到户外来寻找那一片繁星。41. A 作者来这是来寻找繁星的美景的,所以选view。42. B 通过前面的inky(漆黑的)以及整句几颗星星穿透可知应该是“黑色的”天空。43. D 从后面的telescope和NASA assignment可知是通过“科技”将人类和宇宙联系起来,故选technology。44. C 词句存在对比,根据句意,可知几千年以前,我们仅仅(simply)抬个头就能惊讶于(amazed)眼前闪亮的星星布满他们头顶的星空。45. D 参考上句解析。46. B 从整句话的理解可知,我

11、们是使自己远离了星空(distanced),在人类和星空之间建造了一层人造灯光。47. C 从霓虹灯(neon signs),和其他的电光源(other electric lights)可以推断出47空所填的为electric lights中的一种,即streetlights。48. A 从前面这些光越来越多地涌向(flooding)夜空,可以得知后面是遮盖住(covering)了星星,因此,导致世界三分之一的人口现在从他们居住的地方是看不到银河了。49. C 参考48句解析。50. B 从后半句也消失了(is lost as well),可知前面说的是对于夜空的惊奇感消失(disappear

12、)了。51. A 看星星肯定是在黑夜里看,所以这里肯定是在日出之前。52. D 根据前面段落的描述,可知是光污染(light pollution)。53. B 作者来是寻找(search for)繁星的。54. A 从后面作者抬头看向夜空,可以得知作者从车子里出来(step)。55. C 从后面“ worrying”一词可以看出作者还是很紧张地(nervously)抬头,担心看不到星星。56. D 从“as far as I can see”可以得知此处是延伸开来(stretching)。57. A 根据整句,整个银河系是如此的生动以至于我的双眼不需要适应(adjust to)黑暗就能看到。5

13、8. C 从后面的一个无底的深洞(a bottomless hole)可以得知作者是想感受这个星空到底有多深邃。59. D 头顶的星星像一张毯子样,是如此厚重以至于很难测量(measure)星空的深度。60. B根据句意,当我回到车上的时候,我经过了一个标牌(sign),上面写着“永远不要停止向上看”。(2) (山东省2020届决胜新高考名校交流十一月联考卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My name is Matthew. 1 dont have many 41 because Im a terrible liar. But the

14、re is one huge secret that 1 have 42 for yearsI failed my driving test. I had never failed a test before, and had never even come 43 Driving made me anxious, but my parents still 44 up for driving lessons for me. I had gotten a perfect 45 for my written exam, but getting behind the wheel was a diffe

15、rent 46But when October 30th 47 around, my pride set in. I wanted to be like everyone else at my school, 48 the brand new license theyd gotten. Looking back on that special day, I cant 49 if I was nervous. What I do remember is starting the test, pausing at a stop sign after a few 50 , and beingaske

16、d by the instructor to pull over. I had received an auto-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and not a real stop. I wasnt 51 that I was leaving without a license, but I was 52 everyone would know my result. So when I got to class, I told everyone I didnt take the 53 on my birthday.One Friday a mo

17、nth later, I went to the test spot again and 54 Later that night I 55 for the first time by myself, which brought to me an amazing feeling Ive never experiencedbut still, I couldnt 56 ever telling anyone the truth. So I didnt. It wasnt until midway through college that I came clean.And I 57 enough c

18、ourage to speak the 58 out.Now I realize 59 and imperfection are two things everyone has to experience, without which one couldnt make a 60 man.41 .A. thoughtsB. secrets C. suggestions D. feelings42.A. writtenB. heardC. discoveredD. kept43 .A. lateB. naturallyC. closeD. easily44.A. signedB. madeC. s

19、toodD. came45.A. scoreB. positionC. opportunityD. book46.A. clueB. storyC. characterD. face47 .A. wentB. movedC. rolledD. ran48.A. turning inB. hunting forC. giving awayD. showing off49 .A. judgeB. doubtC. rememberD. complain50.A. secondsB. hoursC. daysD. weeks51 .A. happyB. upsetC. eagerD. serious5

20、2.A. surprisedB. cautiousC. familiarD. scared53 .A. testB. taskC. partyD. present54.A. observedB. studiedC. passedD. argued55.A. criedB. droveG. leftD. succeeded56.A. forgetB. adviseC. enjoyD. imagine57 .A. gatheredB. searchedC. acquiredD. needed58.A. faithB. ruleC. faultD. fact59.A. purposeB. failu

21、reC. sadnessD. habit60.A. shyB. silentC. trueD. confident(3) (湖北省鄂州市颚南高中2019-2020学年高三联考英语试题)I am an amateur radio operator. A few weeks ago, I was heading towards the basement with a steaming cup of coffee in my hand. What began as a 32 Saturday morning, 33 one of those lessons that life seems to ha

22、nd you occasionally.When I turned up my radio for a Saturday morning swap net, I 34 an older man with a 35 signal and golden voice. He was telling 36 he was talking with something about “a thousand marbles”“It sounds like you are busy with your job. Surely they pay you well but its a 37 you have to

23、be away from home. You missed your daughters dance recital. You see, the 38 person lives about seven-five years. Now I 39 75 times 52 and I came up with 3,900, which is the number of 40 that the average person has in their entire lifetime. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about t

24、his 41 ”, he went on “and by that time I have 42 2,800 Saturdays. If I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand left to enjoy. So I went to stores to round up 1000 marbles. I put them inside a 43 container. Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away.”“I fo

25、und by watching the marbles 44 , I focused more on the really important things in life. There is nothing like watching your time run out to help get your 45 straight. This morning, I took the very last marble, I think if I 46 it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time by life.

26、 Time is the only thing we can use in life. Bye, and I hope you can spend more time with your 47 ” and then he 48 I guess he gave us all a lot to think about. I had planned to work that morning, and then I was going to 49 a few friends to work on the next club newsletter. 50 , I 51 and woke my wife

27、up and decided to take her and the kids to breakfast.32Avaluable Bterrible Ctypical Dspecial33Aturned out Bturned back Cturned on Dturned into34Acame up Bgot through Ccame across Dgot across35Adistinct Bvague Capparent Dambiguous36Aanything Banyone Csomething Dwhomever37Aguilt Bshame Cchance Ddignit

28、y38Aaverage Bordinary Cspecific Dcommon39Acounted Bdivided Cmultiplied Dadded40Aweekends Bweekdays Cholidays DSaturdays41Ain detail Bin short Cin conclusion Din brief42Alived on Blived through Clived by Dgone by43Aclear Bclean Cempty Dfull44Aincrease Blose Cchange Ddecrease45Apreferences Bpriorities

29、 Cmajorities Dresponsibilities46Amake Bget Chave Dtake47Afriends Bfamily Cjob Dcareer48Aset off Bsaw off Csigned off Dtook off49Around up for Bmeet up with Cget around for Dmake up for50AHowever BTherefore CMoreover DInstead51Awent downstairs Bcame outside Cwent upstairs Dcame inside【答案】32C33D34C35A

30、36D37B38A39C40D41A42B43A44D45B46A47B48C49B50D51C【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲了一个周六,作者准备照常去工作。就在这时,他收听到了一个节目,一个老人正在讲述一千颗弹球的故事。作者从中深受启发,意识到生命中最重要的事情是对家人的陪伴。于是,作者放弃了之前的工作计划,上楼叫醒了自己的妻子,决定带妻子和孩子们去吃早餐。32考查形容词词义辨析。句意:典型的星期六早晨开始了,而这个早晨却让学到了关于生活的宝贵一课。A. valuable有价值的;B. terrible可怕的;C. typical典型的;D. special特别的。作者每周六都有

31、工作安排,所以这是一个典型的周六早晨。故选C。33考查动词短语辨析。句意:典型的星期六早晨开始了,而这个早晨却让学到了关于生活的宝贵一课。A. turned out结果证明;B. turned back往回走;C. turned on打开;D. turned into变成。下文说作者听了老人的话,受到了启发,所以这个早晨变成了关于生活的宝贵的一堂课。故选D。34考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我打开收音机收听周六早间的交换网时,我搜到了一位年纪较大的男子,他有着独特的信号和黄金般的嗓音。A. came up走近;B. got through通过;C. came across偶然遇到;D. got across (使)越过。作者在收听节目时,偶然搜到了一位年纪较大的男子。故选C。35考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我打开收音机收听周六早间的交换网时,我搜到了一位年纪较大的男子,他有着独特的信号和黄金般的嗓音。A. d

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