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1、交际法英语教学案例交际法英语教学案例交际法英语教学案例第 1 篇教学目标: 学问与技能 1、Can follow the tape and points out the correct English Numbers. 2、Can use the correct English pronunciation and intonation say 1 to 10,saying the chant. 过程与方法 1.According to the teachers‘ instruction to act。 2.Listen to the music, and cultivate wit

2、h the ability of music songs. 情感态度价值观 Through games, action performances and other activities, develop andmaintain students interest in learning English. 教学重点: To be able to understand and speak English number 1 to 10 。 教学难点: To understand and sing English songs 授课类型: The new teaching 教法学法: Listen ,

3、act ,and the game method 教学预备: PPT课件 教学过程: 、Warm-up Lets chant One finger, two finger, three fingers, four One two three four five fingers more Six finger, seven finger, eight fingers, nine Six seven eight nine ten fingers ten. 、Preparation T: Good morning! Boys and girls. Ss: Good morning! T: Show

4、me your pencil/ruler/schoolbag/book. Ss will do action. 、Presentation 1.Teacher will show some pictures and let students describe thepictures. T: Look at the pictures. Whats this? S1: Its a tiger. T: Ok! How many tigers do you see? You can speak Chinese. 2.Teacher will write the new word on the blac

5、kboard. T: Read after me. Ss read the new words together. 3.Teacher will show the other new words by the pictures. 4.Students will read the new words by the cartoon. 、Practice 1.Teacher let students count their fingers. Who can act it? 2.Teacher show some pictures and let students count it one by on

6、e. 3.Listen and do. Teacher will say the numbers and students do action. T: Show me five. Students listen and do action. 4.Students watch the cartoon and chant after it. 5.Students read the new words by the word cards. 6.Students chant after the tape. 板书设计: Unit4 numbers One two three four five 作业布置

7、 1.Students will count the real things. 2. Sing 1-10 English songs to your parents. 交际法英语教学案例第 2 篇 教学目的: 1、能听、说、辨认:hellohiname 2、熟悉与本课有关的几个人物:DaMing(大明)Amy(埃米)Sam(山姆) 教学重点、难点:单词:hellohiname 句型:Whatsyourname?Mynameis. 教学预备:词汇卡片三个头饰 教学过程: 一、开头上课 1、由于本单元是开学第一个单元,有许多同学对英语一无所知,所以在教课过程中,尽量使用简洁的英语口语,必要的地方肯

8、定使用汉语教学,尽量给同学创设一个良好的学习环境,老师可以通过手势、表情、动作等示意同学加深理解。如:说Standup,please和Sitdown,please时,老师可以用手势:双手向前平伸,手心朝上摇摆示意同学起立, 相反表示坐下。.老师用英语说:Nowclassbegins.然后借助手势让同学起立,用英语向同学问好。T:Goodmorning,class! S:Goodmorning,teacher! 然后用英语说:Sitdown,please.并同时做出请同学坐下的手势。 老师向同学解释Goodmorning的意思,并告知同学下午好应说Goodafternoon。用手势介绍teach

9、er和class这两个词,然后要全班用相同的语句来应答。 T:Goodmorning,class!Ss:Goodmorning,teacher!T:Goodafternoon,class!Ss:Goodafternoon,teacher! 反复训练几次,直到同学练熟为止。老师可以反复重复:Standup.及Sitdown,please.等用语,让同学们做出相应的动作,直到确信同学已经能听懂为止。 2、老师用英语向同学做自我介绍。 老师告知全班同学:WeregoingtolearnLessonOnetoday.并用中文(今日我们学习第1课)重说一遍,让同学听懂即可,并板书LessonOne在黑板

10、上。老师拿出事先预备好的写有自己姓名的汉语拼音卡片,指着自己,对同学说:Mynameis×××. 二、新课 1、Hello/Hi,Mynameis. 分两部分教授此用语: 学习HELLO: hello与hi可以互用。都表示喂,你好。但hi比hello用得更多,显得更随和亲近。尤其美国年轻人所使用。打电话时不用hi用而hello。熟人、伴侣见面时,彼此仅仅说声Hi!就可以了。用hello时,不能Hello,hello,hello!这样反复使用。 边做动作边说hello,让同学效仿练习。 2、角色扮演: 要求自告奋勇的同学个别同老师练习对话。当叫起一名同学时,说

11、Stand,please并做出 让该同学起立的手势。要求同学说:Hello.Mynameis 一对一练习 将同学按两人一组分开,进行对话练习。一个同学说:Hello.Mynameis另一个同学回答HiMynameis 2、Whatsyourname? 手偶嬉戏 老师每只手上戴一个手偶,通过模拟对话来演示Whatsyourname?的含义。 老师缓慢地将Whatsyourname?朗读几遍。在说完Sayit,please后,鼓舞全班同学一起朗读几遍。角色扮演 让自告奋勇的同学进行练习。 3、教科书:L1N1、2 将第1课中的3个主要人物介绍给同学。用汉语告知同学这3个人物将贯穿全书始终。Jenn

12、y住在加拿大,LiMing住在中国。老师将AmyDamingSamLinglingIliveinChina写在黑板上。带领全班朗读。一对一练习: 将同学分成两组进行如下练习: 甲:Hello.MynameisWhatsyourname? 乙:Hello.Mynameis 三、结束课堂教学 小结本课内容 作业:画自己的肖像。并写上自己的名字。 Whatsyourname? Mynameis 重点指导同学用拼音书写姓名的方法。 中国人的姓名用汉语拼音拼写,但要留意:拼写时,姓与名分开,姓和名的第一个字母分别大写。老师举例说明。 交际法英语教学案例第 3 篇 教学目标: 1、同学能听说读单词exci

13、ting 2、同学能听说读写单词excited, sports. 3、同学能了解一般过去时的意义和基本用法:it was there just now. they were here a momentago. 4、同学通过本课的学习,知道要照看好自己的物品。 重点难点: 一般过去时态的理解和运用 教学预备: 1、多媒体课件 2、录音机 教学过程: 一、free talk t: hello, boys and girls. its a fine day today, isnt? s: yes. t: what date is it today? s: its t: whens your birt

14、hday? s: my birthdays on the of t: my birthdays on the of so yesterday was my birthday. i got manypresents and i was very excited. understand? s: yes. t: and i watched a sports meeting on tv with my friends. its olympicgames. when was the beijing olympic game?(课件展现奥运会图片和口号) s: it was on the 8th of a

15、ugust. 二、presentation 1、sports t: do you like olympic games? s: yes, i do. t: so i think you like sports. (课件展现运动的单词和图片,以旧带新读出新单词) t:look, the children are having a sports meeting. lets say a chant. the students look at the pictures and say the chant together: swimming, swimming, theyre swimming. sk

16、ating, skating, theyre skating. skiing, skiing, theyre skiing. running, running, theyre running. 2、race t: look, the men are running, they are having a running race. (课件展现图片,同学依据已学单词自己读出新单词race) t: look at the pictures and tell me what race is it? (课件出示游泳角逐、赛马和赛车的图片,让同学说一说) 3、exciting t: which race

17、do you like watching? s: i like watching races. t: why? s: because its t: its very exciting.(课件出示图片和单词) 操练新单词,朗读、组词和造句 4、excited t: when you watch the exciting games, how do you feel? s: i feel very happy. t: me, too. i will feel very excited. (课件出示图片和单词,操练新单词,朗读、组词和造句) 巩固新内容 课件展现一段同学进行跑步角逐的视频和提示,同学

18、以小组争论的形式谈论该视频。 5、was were以及一般过去时的意义。 依据同学对视频的描述,老师将课件上的be动词一个个改为was, were并示范朗读,同时消失一般过去时的意义并让同学归纳be动词的变化规律。 6、just now, a moment ago t; 如何推断一个句子是否为过去时呢?在一般过去时的句子中常会消失表示过去时间的时间状语,如just now, a moment ago. (朗读单词和词组,用其中的新单词moment ago组词造句) 三、巩固操练 1、将下列句子改成一般过去时 2、看一看,比一比,说一说 四、consolidation listen to the

19、 tape carefully and answer the questions. 五、practice in groups use the things in the gift boxes and make dialogues. 交际法英语教学案例第 4 篇 教学目标: 1.能比较流畅地朗读A部分对话,并进一步表演对话。 2.能娴熟运用本单元的重点句型 Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like依据实际状况进行问答。 3.通过完成D部分练习,使同学把握听力填空的

20、答题技巧。 教学重点: 能娴熟运用本单元的重点句型 Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like依据实际状况进行问答。 教学预备: 日历、录音机及磁带、句型小黑板、 板书设计: Unit 3 Bens birthday A: Whens your birthday? B: My birthdays on A: What would you like as a birthday present? B:Id like 教学过程: A. Free talk 1.Greet

21、ings 2.Look and say(看日历说日期) 3.Free talk T: What day is it today? T: What date is it today? T: Whens your birthday? T: What would you like as a birthday present? T: Would you like a ? T: Whens the Teachers Day?/Whens the Childrens Day? S: Its Monday. S: Its the S: Its on the S: Id like a S: Yes, I do

22、./ No, I dont. S: Its on the tenth of September./Its on the first of June. B. Read and act 1. Books opened at P22. Read the text after the tape. 2. Then read in chorus. Try to recite the text. 3. Act the dialogue. C. Ask and answer 1.T:Whens your birthday? T: What would you like as a birthday presen

23、t? Open the books at P25. Ask and answer in pairs. 2. Do a survey 全班进行汇总反馈 A: Xxs birthday is on He would like D. Listen and write 1.Books opened at P26.Look at the picture , please. T: Bens birthdays coming. He is talking to his family about his birthdayparty. What would he like as his birthday pre

24、sent? Lets listen carefully. 2.T: What would he like as his birthday present? T: What else would he like? T: What color? T: What does Ron want? 3.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blankets. 4.Check up the answers. 5.Read the sentences in chorus. S: He would like a big cake with a lots of strawberries. S: He would like some fish. S: A blue one and a yellow one. S: He wants a blue fish, too. E.Assign homework 1. Ask and answer(P25) 2. 通过询问制作全班同同学日表。 3. 预习Part E。

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