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Section A 2 Grammar Focus3c新课标七年级下 unit4.docx

1、Section A 2 Grammar Focus3c新课标七年级下 unit4Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Section A 2 (Grammar Focus-3c)【学习目标】1. 学习并熟练掌握下列短语。 wear a hat, wear a uniform, dream school 2. 学习并熟练掌握下列句型,谈论校规。 (1) Can we wear a hat in class? Yes, we can. / No, we cant. (2) Does he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does. /

2、 No, he doesnt. (3) What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library. (4) We dont have to come to school every day. 【重点和难点】重点:1. 巩固祈使句的应用。2. 学习have to 的用法。难点:1. 总结用祈使句、情态动词can、must及have to来表达各种规章制度;2. 能用所学的知识来制定一些简单的规章制度。【课前预习】. 短语互译。1. in the hallways _2. wear a uniform _3. 在课堂上_4. 在餐厅里_.

3、 句子翻译。1. -我们可以在课堂上戴帽子吗?-是的,我们可以。/不,我们不可以。 -_ we wear a hat _ _? -Yes, we _. / No, we _.2. 他必须在学校里穿校服吗? -是的,他是。/不,他不是。-_ he _ _ wear a uniform at school?-Yes, he _. / No, he _.3. -What do you have to do? -We have to be quiet in the library. -_ -_【合作探究】探究一: 知识链接Task 1 自学新单词(P21单词),看谁记得又快又准。(2分钟)1._图书馆

4、2._在课堂上3._准时4._不得不;必须5._穿校服6._安静点Task 2 用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空。in class, on time, have to, wear a uniform, be quiet1. You should _. The baby is sleeping.2. She likes _on school days.3. We cant listen to music _.4. Can I finish my homework tomorrow?I am afraid not. You _hand it in today.5. You cant arrive l

5、ate for class. You must be_.探究二:基础感知Task 1 观察下列句子,总结祈使句的规律 。 概念:用于表示命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。 祈使句的主语通常是you,但一般并不说出来;句末用感叹号或句号,朗诵时用降调。肯定结构Listen to me! 听我说!Let me have a look! 让我看一看!Be a good girl! 要做一个好女孩!总结:祈使句的肯定句通常以1._ 开头。Dont be late! 不要迟到!Dont let him sit there! 别让他坐在那!Dont run in the hallways!不

6、要在走廊里跑!总结:祈使句的否定句,在2._前加3._,表示“不要做什么事”。No food! 禁止吃东西!No photos! 禁止拍照!No talking! 禁止说话!No smoking!禁止吸烟!总结:No +4._/ 5._, 这种否定形式用于公共提示语,表示“禁止”或“规劝”。祈使句的回答-Remember me to your parents.-I will.-代我向你父母问好。-我会的。-Dont forget to turn off the lights.-I wont.-别忘了关灯。 -我不会的。总结:对祈使句做出回答时,常用6._ 和7._.小试牛刀:1. 不要在教室听

7、音乐。_ _ _ _ in class.2. 我们经常在公交车上看到“禁止吸烟”的标志。We often see the sign “_ _” on the bus.3. 让我们打篮球吧! _ _ basketball.Task 2 观察下列句子中的情态动词have to与must并总结规律。have tomust肯定句We have to be quiet in the library.我们在图书管理必须保持安静。The girl has to help her mom cook dinner.这个女孩得帮助妈妈做晚饭。I must start at six tonight.我必须今晚六点动

8、身。We must be on time for class.我们必须按时上课。否定句We dont have to finish our homework at school.我们不必在学校完成家庭作业。Lily doesnt have to get up early on weekends.We mustnt copy others homework.我们禁止抄袭他人作业。疑问句-Does she have to go to hospital at once?他不得不马上去医院吗?-Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.是的,她必须去。/ 不,她没必要去。-Mus

9、t I finish it today?我必须今天完成吗?-Yes, you must. / No, you neednt./ dont have to. 是的,你必须。/不,你不需要。发现:1) have to 与must 后面都接_. 2) have to 表示客观需要,意为“_”._(有/无)人称、数和时态的变化,其第三人称单数形式为_. 3) have to 句型的否定句和疑问句需加助动词_ /_. 4) must 表示主观需要,意为“_”. _(有/无)人称和时态的变化,其否定形式为_,表示“_”. 5) 含must 的一般疑问句否定回答需用_/_.提醒:dont have to /

10、doesnt have to没有必要=needntTask 3 Finish 2b on p21.小试牛刀:1. He has to _ (walk) to school today. 2. You must _ (be) tired.3. She _ (have) to do her homework now.4. She has to stay at home. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ _ stay at home?5. Must I finish my homework before seven oclock? (否定回答) No, _ _. 或:No, _ _ _ _.探究

11、三:探究未知Step 2 Explore the unknownTask1 DiscussionHave a discussion about the tasks in preview. (讨论预习任务并核定答案。)Task 2 Presentation Look at the pictures and speak out the rules in different ways. Present the answers of 2b. Make up three cool rules for your dream school, share your rules with the class.

12、(向同学分享你梦想学校的三条规则) . _ . _ ._Task 3 阅读课本Grammar Focus 的对话,根据上下文完成对话。Dont run in the hallways.Dont _(打架).What are the rules?We must _ (be)on time for class.Can we eat in the classroom?No, we cant, but we can eat in the dining h_.Can we wear a hat in class?Yes, we _. /No, we cant.Does he _ ( have) to w

13、ear a uniform at school?Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt.What do you have to do?We have to be q_ in the library.探究四:课堂要点精讲点拨. 要点点拨。1. Can we wear a hat in class? 我们可以在课堂上戴帽子吗?wear vt. 穿;戴,表示状态。例如:He wears a black T-shirt.他穿着一件黑色的T恤衫。【拓展】辨析:wear,put on, dress与(be) inwear意为“穿着”,表示穿的状态。He always wears watc

14、h. 他总是戴着手表。put on意为“穿上”,强调穿的动作。Put on your clothes quickly.赶快穿上衣服。dress意为“给穿衣”,后跟人作宾语。既可指动作也可指状态。She can dress herself.她会自己穿衣服。(be) in意为“穿着颜色的衣服”,后跟颜色或衣服,表示状态。She is in red. 她穿着红色的衣服。2. We have to be quiet in the library. 我们不得不在图书馆里保持安静。(1)have to 不得不,必须,可用于各种时态,其后接动词原形,含有迫不得已的成分。例如:We have to wear

15、sports shoes for gym class.上体育课,我们必须穿运动鞋。【拓展】辨析have to 与musthave to表示客观需要,即周围环境、习惯要求某人不得不或必须去做某某事,可用于各种时态。It is raining all day, so I have to stay at home.整天都在下雨,所以我不得不呆在家里。must强调个人主观的命令或强制劝告,有“必要,必须”的意思,must只用于一般现在时,在否定句中或作否定回答时,用neednt ,而mustnt 表示“决不可”。must 没有过去时。I must do my homework now.我现在必须做作业

16、。(2) quiet adj.安静的”,其副词形式为quietly。be quiet相当于keep quiet.例如:Dont be noisy. You must be quiet.不要吵,你一定要保持安静。. 趁热打铁。 1. We have to _ uniforms at school.A. wear B. put on C. in D. have2. Its raining all day, so I _ stay at home. A. must B. have to C. must to D. can3. You have a cold, so you must _ at hom

17、e.A. be quietly B. keep quietly C. keep quiet D. keep noisy【课时小结】重点单词 library n.图书馆重点词组 in class 在课堂上on time 准时have to 不得不wear a uniform 穿校服be quiet 安静点重点句式 1.Can we wear a hat in class? 我们能戴帽子上课吗?Yes, we can./ No, we cant. 是的,我们可以。/不,我们不可以。2.Does he have to wear a uniform at school? 他必须穿校服去上学吗?Yes,

18、 he does./ No, he doesnt. 是的,他必须。/不,他不必。【达标检测】.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Jane is _(在外面) now.2Jack has to _(穿) his school uniform at school.3Its _(重要的) to learn English well.4What do I need to _(带来) to the party?5The library is very _(安静的).用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6_(not be) late for class.7He _(have) to read English ev

19、ery morning.8Do you have to _(wear) school uniforms every day?9Tony _(not have) to school every day.10Please _(be) quiet in the library.单项选择。()11._watch TV. You have to take the piano lesson now.ADo BDont CDont do DCant do()12.(乐山中考)The manager says that theres no hot water after 8:00 tonight.You me

20、an we _ go to bed without a shower. How terrible!AcanBhave toCmay()13.(宁波中考)_ you leave now? You only arrived here an hour ago.Sorry,but so much homework is waiting for me.AMay BMust CCan DMight()14.(黄冈中考)What are the rules at your school?Dont run in the hallways and _ arrive late for class.Anot to

21、Bwont Cdont Dno ()15.(江西中考)We _pay to get into the concert. Its free.Acant Bmustnt Cmight not Ddont have to.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。16Can you ride your bike at school? (作否定回答)_,I _.17We cant be late for school.(改为同义句)We cant _ _ for school.18Mary has to help her mother with cooking.(改为一般疑问句)_Mary _to help he

22、r mother with cooking?19They have to do some cleaning on Friday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ they have to _ on Friday?20You cant wear a skirt at school.(改为祈使句)_ _ a skirt at school.【自我评价】1. 本课我学会了什么? _2. 通过本课的学习,我还有哪些疑问? _参考答案:【课前预习】I. 短语互译。1. 在走廊里 2.穿校服 class 4. in the dining hallII. 句子翻译。1. Can; in class; ca

23、n; cant 2. Does; have to; does; doesnt 3.-你们必须做什么? -我们必须在图书馆里保持安静。【合作探究】探究一: 知识链接Task 11. library 2. in class 3. on time 4. have to 5. wear a uniform 6. be quietTask 21. be quiet 2. wearing a uniform 3. in class. 4. have to 5. on time.探究二Task 11. 动词原形 2. 动词 3. Dont 4. 名词 5. 动词ing形式 6. will7. wont小试牛

24、刀:1. Dont listen to music 2. No smoking 3. Lets playTask 2发现:1. 动词原形 2. 必须,不得不 ; 有;has 3. do、does4. 必须;无;mustnt;禁止,一定不要 5. neednt;dont have toTask 3小试牛刀:1. walk 2. be 3. have 4. Does;have to 5. you neednt; you dont have to.探究三Task 2 1. We can eat in class. 2. We dont have to come to school every day.3. We can listen to music in the classroom.Task 3 1. fight 2. be 3. hall 4. can 5. have 6. quiet 探究四13 ABC 【达标检测】1. outside2. wear3. important4. bring5. quiet6. Dont be7. has8. wear9. doesnt have10. be1115BBBCD16. No;cant17. arrive late18. Does;have19. What do;do20. Dont wear

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